New line escape python

How to escape from \n newline character in Python

This Python tutorial is all about how you can escape newline character from a string in Python.

If you are willing to print \n in Python it will create a new line instead of printing that as a string. Because of \n is known as a special character, a newline character.

So in this tutorial, our objective is to print \n as it is instead of creating a new line in Python programming. We will learn how to stop creating a new line while printing \n.

Escape a newline character from a string

Let’s understand this with an easy example:

Assume that you have to print a path or directory location of your local drive.

Now if you use the below code to print it out as a string:


You can see that a new line has appeared due to D:\Saruque\Pictures \n ew_pics

The \n appears in that string and \n creates a new line. So how to get rid of this \n?

D:\Saruque\Pictures\new_pics Process finished with exit code 0

Escape Any Special Character in a string in Python

There are many other special characters available in Python and you may also prevent them and print them as it is.

As you have seen \n creates a new line.

Here are a few special characters listed below:

So whenever this type of special character appears in the string that you are trying to print, errors may occur. You will not get your desired result unless you use something like this below:


The r before the first double quote will ignore the functionality of special characters and let you print whatever you want.


Shittu Olumide

Shittu Olumide

Print Newline in Python – Printing a New Line

Working with strings or text data in programming frequently involves printing a newline. The end of a line is indicated by a newline character, which also advances the cursor to the start of the following line. Using the escape character \n , we can print a newline in Python.

Other programming languages may have different rules for printing newline characters. While some languages may have a built-in function or method to print a newline, others might use a different escape sequence.

In this article, we will explore the different ways to print a newline in Python. We will also discuss some interesting research findings about the usage of newline characters in code and its impact on readability and maintainability.

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By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to print a newline character in Python and how to write code that is easy to read and maintain.

How to Print a Newline Using the \n Escape Sequence

The simplest and most common way to print a newline character in Python is by using the \n escape sequence. For example, the following code will print two lines of text, with a newline character between them:

While using the \n escape sequence is straightforward and widely understood, it may not always be the best choice for improving code readability and maintainability. In particular, using multiple \n characters can make code harder to read and maintain, especially when dealing with long blocks of text.

How to Print a Newline Using the print() Function with the End Parameter

Another way to print a newline character in Python is by using the print() function with the end parameter.

By default, the print() function adds a newline character at the end of the output. But we can change this behavior by specifying a different string to be used as the end parameter.

For example, the following code will print two lines of text with a newline character between them, using the print() function:

print("Hello", end='\n') print("World") 

Code readability can be enhanced by using the print() function with the end parameter, which makes it clearer where the newline character is being added.

On the other hand, it might also make the code verbose and more challenging to read, particularly when working with lengthy blocks of text.

How to Print a Newline Using the join() Method with the split() Method

A more advanced way to print a newline character in Python is by using the join() method with the split() method.

The split() method is used to split a string into a list of substrings, based on a specified separator. The join() method is used to join the elements of a list into a single string, using a specified separator.

By splitting a string on the newline character and then joining it back together with a newline character separator, we can print multiple lines of text.

For example, the following code will print two lines of text with a newline character between them, using the join() method with the split() method:

text = "Hello\nWorld" lines = text.split('\n') print('\n'.join(lines)) 

By making the code clearer and more concise by combining the join() and split() methods, this improves code readability. But when printing multiple lines of text, especially when dealing with lengthy blocks of text, this may not always be the most effective or performant method.

How Does Using Newline Characters Affect Code?

Several studies have investigated the impact of newline characters on code readability and maintainability.

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One study found that code with consistent and predictable newline characters was easier to read and understand, especially for novice programmers. Another study found that excessive use of newline characters, or inconsistent use of indentation and whitespace, could make code harder to read and understand.

It is important to use newline characters in a consistent and predictable way, based on the conventions and guidelines of the programming language.


In this article, we checked out three different ways we can print newline in Python, and also mentioned the importance of having well-formatted code using the newline character.

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Python New Line and How to Print Without Newline

Python New Lines and How to Print Without Newline Cover image

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Python new line character and how to print without newlines. Being able to control how your program prints strings is an important skill, especially when working with text files or command-line interfaces (CLIs). In this tutorial, you’ll learn different ways to include a newline character in your Python program, including the \n character and multi-line strings.

Being able to print across new lines increases the readability of your program’s output. Similarly, newline characters are often found in text files. Being able to understand how these characters work in Python will allow you to create programs that respond how you expect them to.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have learned:

  • What the Python new line character is
  • How to print without newlines in Python
  • How to use multiline strings to print across multiple lines

Python Newline Character

In Python, the character to create a new line is the \n character. Wherever this character is inserted into a string, a new line will be created when the string is printed out. In essence, this character indicates where a line ends – any further characters will be printed on a new line.

Let’s take a look at an example of how you can use the Python newline character, \n , to print on multiple lines in Python:

# Printing on Multiple Lines in Python string = "Welcome to datagy!\nLearn Python and Data Science!" print(string) # Returns: # Welcome to datagy! # Learn Python and Data Science!

We can see that by including the \n newline character, that when the string was printed the text was split across multiple lines.

As a fun aside, you may be thinking, “what if I actually want to print ‘\n’ ?” Thankfully, this is very simple to do! The \ character acts as the escape character. By prefixing this to the newline character, the newline character will be escaped. Let’s see what this looks like:

# Escaping the Newline Character in Python string = "Welcome to datagy!\\nLearn Python and Data Science!" print(string) # Returns: # Welcome to datagy!\nLearn Python and Data Science!

We can see that the escape character isn’t printed, but that the newline character is printed in full.

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Printing in Python Without Newlines

When you print multiple statements in Python, by default they print across multiple lines. Take a look at the code below as an example:

# Printing Multiple Statements in Python print("Hello!") print("Welcome to datagy!") # Returns: # Hello! # Welcome to datagy!

The reason that these statements print across different lines is because the print() function has a parameter end= which defaults to the newline character, ‘\n’ .

We can actually change the ending of these print statements by passing in a different string. For example, if we wanted to keep printing multiple statements on the same output line, we could simply write:

# Printing in Python Without Newlines print("Hello!", end=' ') print("Welcome to datagy!") # Returns: # Hello! Welcome to datagy!

In the example above, we modified the end= parameter to simply be a space character. Because of this, the two statements were printed on the same line, separated only by a single space.

Newlines in Python Multiline Strings

Another way in which you can easily print across multiple lines in Python is to use multi-line strings. Multi-line strings in Python are declared by triple single quotes or triple double quotes. This allows you to use line breaks within the string without explicitly declaring them.

Let’s take a look at how we can replicate our earlier example using multi-line strings:

# Printing on Multiple Lines in Python string = """Hello! Welcome to datagy!""" print(string) # Returns: # Hello! # Welcome to datagy!

Because we declared the string as a multi-line string, we were able to handle the linebreaks implicitly!

How to Remove New Lines in Python

We can use various string methods to remove leading and trailing newline characters. The .rstrip() and .lstrip() methods to remove leading and trailing whitespace (including newline characters) respectively. Let’s see how we can use the .lstrip() method to remove a leading newline character:

# Removing a Trailing Newline Character in Python string = "\nHello! Welcome to datagy!" print(string) print(string.lstrip()) # Returns: # # Hello! Welcome to datagy! # Hello! Welcome to datagy!

In the example, we first printed the string with the leading newline character. Then, we printed the line by left stripping out any whitespace.


In this tutorial, you learned how to work with the newline character in Python. You learned how the new line character works, how to escape the new line character and how to print without the default new line argument. Then, you learned how to use multi-line strings to emulate printing on new lines. Finally, you learned how to remove new lines from strings in Python.

Additional Resources

To learn about related topics, check out the tutorials below:


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