My PHP Page

Как вставить HTML, CSS и JS в PHP-код?

Когда вы разрабатываете свой модуль, то иногда прибегаете к помощи верстки (HTML и CSS) и дополнительным скриптам.

Все это можно подключать отдельно – что-то в теле страницы, что-то в отдельных файлах. Но некоторые дополнения лучше вставлять непосредственно в сам PHP-файл.

Сегодня я покажу два варианта, как можно вставить HTML, CSS или JavaScript в код PHP.

Первый вариант вставки элементов в PHP-код

Я думаю, что если вы хоть немного знакомы с PHP, то знаете, что такое «echo» (тег, с помощью которого вы можете вывести сообщение на экран).

Вот с помощью него и можно вывести один из перечисленных ранее кодов. Пример:

   "; echo $content; ?>

На что здесь стоит обратить внимание? Кавычки. Если вы используете внешние кавычки в виде » «, то внутренние кавычки элементов должны быть ‘ ‘ и наоборот, иначе вы получите ошибку. Если вы принципиально хотите использовать одинаковые и внешние, и внутренние кавычки, то во внутренних ставьте знак экранизации:

   "; echo $content; ?>

В этом случае все будет работать корректно.

Второй вариант вставки элементов в PHP-код

Этот вариант мне нравится куда больше, чем первый. Здесь мы будем также использовать «echo», как и в предыдущем варианте, но добавим еще элемент «HTML»:

Сюда вы можете вставлять любой элемент, будь то HTML-код или же JavaScript. Кавычки здесь не играют роли (можете вставить любые), а по желанию можно внедрить переменные для вывода:

 "; echo    HTML; ?>

Весьма удобный способ для реализации ваших идей.


How to Call an HTML File in PHP: 8 Different Methods Explained

Learn how to call an HTML file in PHP using 8 different methods. From changing the file extension to using PHP include statements, this guide covers it all.

  • Changing the file extension to .php
  • Using the tag referencing the PHP file
  • How to execute PHP code in HTML file
  • Using PHP include and require statements
  • Embedding PHP code in an HTML file
  • Linking an external PHP file to HTML
  • Executing PHP code in HTML files
  • Including HTML in multiple documents
  • Displaying HTML content in PHP
  • Other helpful code examples for how to call an HTML file in PHP
  • Conclusion
  • How to call a HTML page using PHP?
  • How to read HTML file in PHP?
  • Can I link HTML file to PHP file?
  • How to display HTML content in PHP?

If you’re new to web development or just starting to learn PHP, you might be wondering how to call an HTML file in PHP. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to do this, and we’ll cover eight of them in this post. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to embed HTML files in PHP code, link external PHP files to HTML, and execute PHP code in HTML files.

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Changing the file extension to .php

One simple way to call an HTML file in PHP is to change the file extension to .php. This method is straightforward, and it allows you to use PHP code within the HTML file. However, it can be confusing for developers who are not familiar with PHP, and it may not be the best option for larger projects.

To change the file extension to .php, simply rename the file and replace .html with .php. For example, if you have an HTML file called index.html, you should rename it to index.php. Once you’ve done this, you can add PHP code to the file and it will be executed when the file is loaded in the browser.



  • Can be confusing for developers who are not familiar with PHP
  • May not be the best option for larger projects

Here’s an example of code that demonstrates this method:

       echo "Hello World!"; ?>   

Using the tag referencing the PHP file

Another way to call an HTML file in PHP is to use the tag to reference the PHP file. With this method, you can include an HTML file within a PHP file without changing the file extension. However, it requires you to add PHP code to the file, which can be a downside for developers who are not familiar with PHP.

To use this method, simply add the tag to the PHP file. Replace file.html with the name of the HTML file you want to include.



  • Requires you to add PHP code to the file, which can be a downside for developers who are not familiar with PHP

Here’s an example of code that demonstrates this method:

       include("file.html"); ?>   

How to execute PHP code in HTML file in this video i will show you how to run php code in html file.You can Duration: 4:35

Using PHP include and require statements

Another way to include HTML files in PHP code is to use the PHP include and require statements. These statements allow you to include PHP, HTML, or text on multiple pages of a website. The difference between the two is that require will stop the script if the file is not found, whereas include will only give a warning.

To use the PHP include statement, simply add the following code to your PHP file:

To use the PHP require statement, simply add the following code to your PHP file:

Replace file.html with the name of the HTML file you want to include.



Here’s an example of code that demonstrates this method:

       include 'file.html'; ?>   

Embedding PHP code in an HTML file

You can also embed PHP code in an HTML file. This method allows you to use PHP code within an HTML file without changing the file extension. It’s a simple way to add dynamic content to your HTML pages.

To embed PHP code in an HTML file, simply add the PHP code between tags. The PHP code will be executed when the HTML file is loaded in the browser.



  • Can be confusing for developers who are not familiar with PHP
  • May not be the best option for larger projects

Here’s an example of code that demonstrates this method:

 html> head> title>My PHP Pagetitle> head> body> h1> h1> body> html> 

Linking an external PHP file to HTML

If you want to link an external PHP file to an HTML file, you can force the Apache server to parse HTML or HTM files as PHP scripts. This method allows you to use PHP code in an HTML file without changing the file extension.

To use this method, you need to create an .htaccess file in the directory where your HTML file is located. Add the following code to the .htaccess file:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm 

This code tells the Apache server to parse HTML and HTM files as PHP scripts.



Here’s an example of code that demonstrates this method:

 html> head> title>My PHP Pagetitle> head> body> body> html> 

Executing PHP code in HTML files

You can also execute PHP code in HTML files by using the one-line code in .htaccess. This method allows you to use PHP code in an HTML file without changing the file extension.

To use this method, you need to create an .htaccess file in the directory where your HTML file is located. Add the following code to the .htaccess file:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .html 

This code tells the Apache server to execute PHP code in HTML files.



Here’s an example of code that demonstrates this method:

 html> head> title>My PHP Pagetitle> head> body> body> html> 

Including HTML in multiple documents

You can write the HTML in a separate file and use the PHP include statement to include it in other files. This method allows you to reuse code and avoid duplication. It’s especially useful when you have multiple pages with the same content.

To use this method, simply create an HTML file with the code you want to include, and save it with a .html extension. Then, in the PHP file where you want to include the HTML, add the following code:

Replace file.html with the name of the HTML file you want to include.



Here’s an example of code that demonstrates this method:

       include 'header.html'; ?> 

Welcome to my website!

include 'footer.html'; ?>

Displaying HTML content in PHP

Finally, you can also display HTML content in PHP by using the echo or print statements, or echo shorthand. This method allows you to insert HTML code in PHP code.

To use the echo statement, simply add the following code to your PHP file:

To use the print statement, simply add the following code to your PHP file:

To use echo shorthand, simply add the following code to your PHP file:



Here’s an example of code that demonstrates this method:

       $message = "Hello World!"; echo " $message "; ?>   

Other helpful code examples for how to call an HTML file in PHP

In php, load php in html code example

//Safe as: index.html number.php//HTML:    

Phone Number


In php, call php from html code example

In php, how to connect html and php code example

$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","your_localhost_database_user","your_localhost_database_password","your_localhost_database_db");


In this post, we’ve covered eight different methods to call an HTML file in PHP. We’ve explained how to change the file extension to .php, use the tag to reference the PHP file, use the php include and require statements, embed PHP code in an HTML file, link an external PHP file to HTML, execute PHP code in HTML files, include HTML in multiple documents, and display HTML content in PHP.

We hope you found this post helpful! If you have any thoughts or experiences to share, feel free to leave a comment below.


How to run PHP with HTML extension?

There are a couple of reasons why you may want to run php with html extension. You may have a static website with highly ranked web pages, and would like to retain search engine indexing and ranking while converting the site to use server-side technology. Or, you may not want to reveal server-side technology to your website visitors for security reasons. While others may just prefer plain old html extensions over php extensions on their URLs. Regardless of your reasoning, using a server-side technology such as PHP with html extension is easy to setup.

On the LAMP platform where PHP technology is often used, using php with html extension can be setup with .htaccess file. The .htaccess file is a configuration file used with Apache web server to customize the functionality and features of the web server. You may create a .htaccess file in any directory within the document root, and when present the containing folder and sub-folders will inherit the configuration defined in the .htaccess file. You may create another .htaccess file in a sub-folder, and it will override the configuration defined by it’s parent configuration.

To configure Apache web server to treat files with html extensions as if they are php files, you’ll create (or edit) the .htaccess file. This setup can also be added to the Apache configuration file, httpd.conf.

AddType application/x-httpd-php .html

You may further customize the .htaccess file to only make the configuration effective to one php file. To setup only a limited number of html files, you may use the following format:

You may also use , , and directives.

** One downside of setting up a web server to use html extensions for php scripts is performance. Every html file will run through the php parser, and it will have a minor performance impact which will not likely be noticeable.

To upgrade PHP 5.1.x to PHP 5.3.x on Linux, please read PHP Upgrade article.


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