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Turn html tags into arrays in php

I have these html tags and I want to turn it into arrays by tags( by title, link, description etc) Is it possible because I want it to be an array so i can insert it into my database’s table.

2 Answers 2

you can do it by using the following example. then convert string to array


Hello World!

Another Hello World!

loadHTML($myhtml); $tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('a'); foreach ($tags as $tag) < echo $tag->getAttribute('href').' | '.$tag->nodeValue."\n"; > ?>

Your content looks like XML? You could use simplexml_load_string() to interpret the XML string into an object: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 17:14:19 +0900 yahoo/news/topics/6170385 Wed, 12 Aug 2015 17:57:37 +0900  yahoo/news/topics/6170398  '; $xml = simplexml_load_string($mytext); print_r($xml); ?> 
SimpleXMLElement Object ( [item] => Array ( [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [title] => aa [link] => [pubDate] => Wed, 12 Aug 2015 17:14:19 +0900 [guid] => yahoo/news/topics/6170385 ) [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [title] => bb [link] => [pubDate] => Wed, 12 Aug 2015 17:57:37 +0900 [enclosure] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [@attributes] => Array ( [length] => 133 [url] => [type] => image/gif ) ) [guid] => yahoo/news/topics/6170398 ) ) ) 

Loop through the object and insert the values to the database

foreach($xml as $item) < //Insert into database echo $item->title; echo $item->link; > 


Html в массив php

При этом изначально не известно, какие теги есть в html документе.
Заранее спасибо.

Html и PHP. Не пойму как считать данные с html форм в PHP.
Прошу не ругаться. Но что то я не пойму. Ну например в PHP указывают файл: <?php $file =.

Как к нескольким файлам html подключить текст из другого html через php?
Ребят, расскажите пожалуйста как к нескольким файлам html через php подключить текст из другого.

Сохранение HTML кода в html файл c использыванием php
Я создавал регистрацию на php+html+css . Сделал форму (она под спойлером ) <div.

Передача данных между страницами html (запрос к базе)-> php (обработка) -> html (вывод результата обработки)
Есть два файла: 1) index.php HTML c кнопкой, которая запускает PHP обработчик запроса к базе.

Эксперт PHP

$dom = new DOMDocument; $dom->loadHTML($html); foreach ($dom->childNodes as $node) { // }


How to add html to an array in php?

Dupal’s l() function has an option «html» you can set it to TRUE and use IMG + TITLE as a title.

$img = ''; $text = $img . $term->name; $path = 'taxonomy/term/' . $term->tid; $term_links[] = l($text, $path, array( 'html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array( 'title' => $term->description ) )); 
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How to add html to an array in php?

Dupal’s l() function has an option «html» you can set it to TRUE and use IMG + TITLE as a title.

$img = ''; $text = $img . $term->name; $path = 'taxonomy/term/' . $term->tid; $term_links[] = l($text, $path, array( 'html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array( 'title' => $term->description ) )); 

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turn HTML into a PHP array

Here is the code that should get you where you want to be. I have added comments where I felt they would be helpful:

text which I do not need to extract but then there are 
example alt
example caption
And another one (and many more)
example2 alt
'; //Create a new DOM document $dom = new DOMDocument; //Parse the HTML. @$dom->loadHTML($htmlString); //Create new XP $xp = new DOMXpath($dom); //Create empty figures array that will hold all of our parsed HTML data $figures = array(); //Get all
elements $figureElements = $xp->query('//figure'); //Create number variable to keep track of our $figures array index $figureCount = 0; //Loop through each
element foreach ($figureElements as $figureElement) < $figures[$figureCount]["class"] = trim($figureElement->getAttribute('class')); $figures[$figureCount]["img"]["src"] = $xp->query('//img', $figureElement)->item($figureCount)->getAttribute('src'); $figures[$figureCount]["img"]["alt"] = $xp->query('//img', $figureElement)->item($figureCount)->getAttribute('alt'); //Check that an img class exists, otherwise set the value to null. If we don't do this PHP will throw a NOTICE. if (boolval($xp->evaluate('//img', $figureElement)->item($figureCount))) < $figures[$figureCount]["img"]["class"] = $xp->query('//img', $figureElement)->item($figureCount)->getAttribute('class'); > else < $figures[$figureCount]["img"]["class"] = null; >//Check that a
element exists, otherwise set the value to null if (boolval($xp->evaluate('//figcaption', $figureElement)->item($figureCount))) < $figures[$figureCount]["figcaption"] = $xp->query('//figcaption', $figureElement)->item($figureCount)->nodeValue; > else < $figures[$figureCount]["figcaption"] = null; >//Increment our $figureCount so that we know we can create a new array index. $figureCount++; > print_r($figures); ?>


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