Mr. Camel

For example, the HTML heading elements ( through ) are block-level elements that automatically place their content onto a new line and push any content that follows onto a new line. Each of these six heading elements represent a different heading size.

Let’s study how this works in practice. At the bottom of your index.html file, try pasting in the highlighted code snippet:

strong>My strong textstrong> br> em>My emphasized textem> h1>Heading 1h1> h2>Heading 2h2> h3>Heading 3h3> h4>Heading 4h4> h5>Heading 5h5> h6>Heading 6h6> 

Save your file and reload it in the browser. You should receive something like this:

HTML Headings

Let’s now inspect the block-level heading elements to study how they differ from the inline-level text elements above. Open up the Firefox Web Developer Inspector and hover over each of the elements to inspect their occupied space as indicated by the blue highlighting. You should be able to confirm that the occupied horizontal space of each of the inline-level elements is determined by its text content, while the occupied horizontal space of each of the block-level elements stretches across the entire web page:

Block-level elements will always push inline-level elements down to the next line, even if you write those HTML elements on the same line of the HTML document. To confirm this for yourself, try writing a block-level element and an inline-level element on the same line of your index.html file. Erase the existing content from your file and add the following code snippet:

strong>My strong textstrong>h1>My headingh1>em>My emphasized texta> 

Can you guess how this HTML code will render in the browser? Save your file and reload it in the browser. You should receive something like this:

Inline and block level elements

Notice that the heading element has started on a new line and pushed the subsequent text element to a new line even though the elements were written on the same line in the HTML document.

You should now have an understanding of how inline-level and block-level elements are positioned and how they affect the position of nearby elements. Remembering their distinct behaviors can be useful when arranging HTML elements in the future.

We’ll continue learning about new inline and block elements in the tutorials ahead.

// Tutorial //

How To Nest HTML Elements

This tutorial will teach you how to nest HTML elements in order to apply multiple HTML tags to a single piece of content.

HTML elements can be nested, meaning that one element can be placed inside another element. Nesting allows you to apply multiple HTML tags to a single piece of content. For example, try pasting the following code snippet inside your index.html file:

strong>My bold text and em>my bold and emphasized textem>strong> 

Save your file and reload it in the browser. (For instructions on creating an index.html file, please see our tutorial here or for loading the file in your browser, see our tutorial here.) You should receive something like this:

My bold text and my bold and emphasized text

Nesting Best Practices

Note that it is recommended to always close nested tags in the reverse order that they were opened.
For example, in the example below, the tag closes first as it was the last tag to open. The tag closes last as it was the first to open.

This sentence contains HTML elements that are strong>em>nested according to best practicesem>strong>. 

As a counter example, the following HTML code contains tags that are not nested according to best practices, as the tag closes before the tag:

This sentence contains HTML elements that are strong>em>not nested according to best practicesstrong>em>. 

While not technically necessary for rendering your HTML in the browser, nesting your tags in the proper order can help improve the readability of your HTML code for you or other developers.

// Tutorial //

How To Use HTML Attributes

HTML attributes can be used to change the color, size, and other features of HTML elements. For example, you can use an attribute to change the color or size of a font for a text element or the width and height for an image element. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use HTML attributes to set values for the size and color properties of HTML text elements.

An HTML attribute is placed in the opening tag like this:

element attribute="property:value;"> 

One common attribute is style , which allows you to add style properties to an HTML element. While it’s more common to use a separate stylesheet to determine the style of an HTML document, we will use the style attribute in our HTML document for this tutorial.

Using the Style Attribute

We can change multiple properties of an element with the style attribute. Clear your “index.html” file and paste the code below into your browser. (If you have not been following the tutorial series, you can review instructions for setting up an index.html file in our tutorial Setting Up Your HTML Project.

h1 style="font-size:40px;color:green;">This text is 40 pixels and green.h1> 

Before we load the file in our browser, let’s review each of the parts of this HTML element:

  • h1 is the name of the tag. It refers to the largest-sized Heading element.
  • style is the attribute. This attribute can take a variety of different properties.
  • font-size is the first property we’re setting for the style attribute.
  • 40px; is the value for the property font-size , which sets the text content of the element to 40 pixels.
  • color is the second property we’re setting for the style attribute.
  • green is the value for the property color , which sets the text content color to green

Note that the properties and values are contained by quotation marks, and that each property:value pair ends with a semicolon ; .

Save the file and reload it in your browser. (For instructions on loading the file in your browser, see our tutorial here.) You should receive something like this:

This text is 40 pixels and green.


HTML Web Page Examples with Source Code

In this article, we are going to see some HTML web page examples with source code. We will also see some of the key points to learn how to create these web pages.

HTML Web Page Example 1

This is an example of a simple HTML web page that shows the profile of a professional camel.

Here is how the camel profile is designed in HTML:

  1. Container — The complete HTML web page is wrapped in a container. The container is a div element with the class container .
  2. Header — Inside the container, we have a header element that contains the logo and the navigation menu.
  3. Aside — Aside contains the profile picture and other navigational links.
  4. Main — The main element contains the profile information. Like the name, the career, the skills, the contact form, etc.
  5. Footer — The footer contains copyright information.

Here is the complete code of the camel profile:

@import url(''); body < margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; >.container < line-height: 150%; >.header < display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; padding: 15px; background-color: #e9e9e9; >.header h1 < color: #222222; font-size: 30px; font-family: 'Pacifico', cursive; >.header .social a < padding: 0 5px; color: #222222; >.left < float: left; width: 180px; margin: 0; padding: 1em; >.content < margin-left: 190px; border-left: 1px solid #d4d4d4; padding: 1em; overflow: hidden; >ul < list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: sans-serif; >li a < display: block; color: #000; padding: 8px 16px; text-decoration: none; >li < background-color: #84e4e2; color: white; >li a:hover:not(.active) < background-color: #29292a; color: white; >table < font-family: arial, sans-serif; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; margin: 30px 0; >td, th < border: 1px solid #dddddd; padding: 8px; >tr:nth-child(1) < background-color: #84e4e2; color: white; >tr td i.fas < display: block; font-size: 35px; text-align: center; >.footer
Mr. Camel
About Me

I don't look like some handsome horse, but I am a real desert king. I can survive days without water.

My Career

I work as a web developer for a company that makes websites for camel businesses.

How Can I Help You?

SKILL 1SKILL 2SKILL 3Cleaning kaktus in your backyardStoring some fat for youTaking you through the desertEmail:

Here is the result of the code above:

HTML web page example 1

HTML WebPage Example 2

This is the second example of an HTML web page. This is a simple error 404 page which is shown when the user tries to access a page that does not exist.

This is a very simple webpage that shows the error 404 page on the screen and gives a link to return to the homepage.

To design an error 404 page you need to use the following steps:

  1. Create a div element that covers the whole page set height: 100vh .
  2. Give it a background image that suits the 404 error.
  3. Style your basic text and link elements with CSS.
       body < margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; >.container < height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, .1)), url(''); background-size: cover; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; >h1 < font-size: 10rem; color: #fff; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700; margin-bottom: 1rem; >h2 < font-size: 2rem; color: #fff; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700; margin-bottom: 1rem; >p < font-size: 1.5rem; color: #fff; font-weight: 700; margin-bottom: 1rem; >a 

Page not found

The page you are looking for does not exist.

Visit Homepage

Here is the result of the code in example 2.

HTML web page example 2

HTML Code Example 3 (Offer Page)

In this HTML code example we will create offer page. This is a simple newsletter signup page.

Here is the list of steps to create a newsletter signup page:

  1. First, we need to create the HTML structure of the page. We will use the tag to wrap the content of the page. Then, we will create two sections: one for the intro and one for the sign-up form.
  2. Next, we will style the page using CSS. We will use the display: flex property to align the content of the page. We will also use the min-height property to make sure that the page is always fully visible.
  3. Then, we will style the intro section.
  4. Next, we will style the sign-up section.
  5. Finally, we will style the form. Look at the complete code below to see how we did it.

Get up to 50% off on all our products and services. Hurry up, the offer ends in 24 hours.





Terms and Services

Here is the result of the code in example 3.

HTML web page example 3

HTML Code Example 4

In the fourth example, we are going to create a testimonial page that shows the reviews of the customers along with their profile pictures, name and designation.

The basic idea will be to create HTML section first and then styling it with CSS.

The reviews and all its details will be stored in an array and then we will loop through the array to display the reviews.

Here is the complete code for the testimonial page.

Complete HTML code for the testimonial page

Our Reviews

Here is the output of the above HTML code for testimonials:


This brief guide includes HTML web page examples with source code. We have learned how to create a basic HTML web page with 2 different examples. We have also learned how to create a basic CSS style sheet and how to use it on our HTML web page.

If you want a detailed explanation of a portfolio site then visit the HTML code for homepage.


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