Moving lines in java

Code to Animate an Image Body through a Straight Line in Java

The equation of a straight line has the general form y = mx + c ;
where m is the slope and c is the intercept on the y-axis.

For a vertical line, x is constant and for a horizontal line, y is constant.

Generating Straight Lines for Java

Given any 2 points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2); we’ll have:

Comparing this to the general equation of a straight line, i.e. y = mx + c

m = y2 — y1
x2 — x1
c = x2y1 — x1y2
x2 — x1

Say we are to find the equation for the line represented by the arbitrary points (50, 50) and (200, 100):

m = 100 — 50 = 50 = 1
200 — 50 150 3
c = 200(50) — 50(100) = 10000 — 5000
200 — 50 150
= 5000 = 100
150 3

Code to Animate a Graphic Object by a Line Equation in Java

To make a graphic (dot) travel by the equation of a line, continuously increment x, and use the equation to get the corresponding y value.
Let’s do so with the above equation representing points (x1, y1) = (50, 50) and (x2, y2) = (100, 200).

Create 2 new classes; File, New.
Call them PanelsStraightLine and StraightLine.
Type out the adjoining Java code for animating an image body through the path of a straight line.

Canvas/Button class

import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class ButtonandCanvasPanels implements ActionListener public JPanel button_panel , canvas_panel ;
public JButton motion_bttn ;
public StraightLine motion ;

public ButtonandCanvasPanels() button_panel = new JPanel();
// pick a background colour
button_panel .setBackground(Color. PINK );
button_panel .setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 0, 0));
// O my; but for convenience sake let’s add our control button here
motion_bttn = new JButton( «Move» );
motion_bttn .setBackground(new Color(255, 0, 255));
motion_bttn .addActionListener( this );
// using the default layout manager
button_panel .add( motion_bttn );

canvas_panel = new JPanel();
canvas_panel .setLayout(new BorderLayout());
motion = new StraightLine();
// attach appropriate drawing component
canvas_panel .add( motion , BorderLayout.CENTER);

* Respond to the button click event
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) motion .moveInLine();

Java code for StraightLine class

public class StraightLine extends Canvas

protected Color ball_colour ;
protected int x1 = 50;
protected int x2 = 800;
protected int y1 = 50;
protected int y2 = 300;
protected int x = x1 ;
protected int y = y1 ;
protected double m , c ; // slope and y -intercept of a straight line
protected final int aWIDTH , aHEIGHT ;

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public StraightLine() setBackground(Color. LIGHT_GRAY ); // canvas color
ball_colour = Color. RED ;
aWIDTH = aHEIGHT = 10;

m = ( double ) ( y2 — y1 ) / ( x2 — x1 ); // slope
c = ( double ) ( x2 * y1 — x1 * y2 ) / ( x2 — x1 ); // y -intercept

// Feel free to double buffer if flickering occurs
public void paint(Graphics g) g.setColor( ball_colour );
// draw a dot
g.fillOval( x , y , aWIDTH , aHEIGHT );

public void moveInLine() // condition for continuing motion
while ( x <= 700) y = ( int ) Math.ceil( m * x + c );
paint( this .getGraphics());

x += 10;
// introduce a delay between renderings
try Thread.sleep(50);
> catch (InterruptedException e) >

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[Solved]-How to move an existing Line shape in java using a mouse?-Java

LearningJava 25

moving by binding start x y and end x y

In this aproach we are dragging circle shapes and the start and the end of line object will follow those shapes ’cause they are binded This is a functional single javafx app you can try . red circle is for start line position and blue is for end

public class App extends Application < @Override public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception < Line line = new Line(0, 0, 0, 200); Shape endHandler = new Circle(15, Color.BLUE); endHandler.setStroke(Color.BLACK); Shape startHandler = new Circle(15, Color.RED); startHandler.setStroke(Color.BLACK); endHandler.translateXProperty().bindBidirectional(line.endXProperty()); endHandler.translateYProperty().bindBidirectional(line.endYProperty()); startHandler.translateXProperty().bindBidirectional(line.startXProperty()); startHandler.translateYProperty().bindBidirectional(line.startYProperty()); endHandler.setOnMouseDragged(e ->< endHandler.setTranslateX(endHandler.getTranslateX() + e.getX()); endHandler.setTranslateY(endHandler.getTranslateY() + e.getY()); >); startHandler.setOnMouseDragged(e -> < startHandler.setTranslateX(startHandler.getTranslateX() + e.getX()); startHandler.setTranslateY(startHandler.getTranslateY() + e.getY()); >); Group group = new Group(line, endHandler, startHandler); group.setTranslateX(250); group.setTranslateY(250); Scene scene = new Scene(new AnchorPane(group), 500, 500); stage.setTitle("moving line"); stage.setScene(scene);; > > 

moving line with mouse

moving a line using mouse event

 public class App extends Application < private double startX; private double startY; @Override public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception < Line line = new Line(0, 0, 0, 200); line.setStrokeWidth(8); Shape endHandler = new Circle(15, Color.BLUE); endHandler.setStroke(Color.BLACK); line.setOnMousePressed(e ->< startX = line.getLayoutX() - e.getX(); startY = line.getLayoutY() - e.getY(); >); line.setOnMouseDragged(e -> < line.setTranslateX(line.getTranslateX() + e.getX()+startX); line.setTranslateY(line.getTranslateY() + e.getY()+startY); >); Group group = new Group(line); group.setTranslateX(250); group.setTranslateY(250); Scene scene = new Scene(new AnchorPane(group), 500, 500); stage.setTitle("moving line"); stage.setScene(scene);; > > 
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Move Line in Java using Swing Components, JPanel, JFrame and Graphics

Move Line in java using swing components, JPanel,JFrame and Graphics. This is a Java small program that I created on jGRASP but it is possible to open it on Notepad++, notepad, jCreator and other softwares for java. Move Line either left or right by clicking on the respective button or direction key on keyboard. The display consists of two JPanels in a JFrame, arranged using BorderLayout. The top panel is used for custom painting; the bottom panel holds two JButtons arranged using FlowLayout. Buttons 1. Left Button 2. Right Button. All these buttons are working correct what you must do just download the file and debug it on your computer. It a simple program. If you have any problem contact me on my email address:[email protected] /[email protected] or Facebook:

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe’s, .ocx’s, .dll’s etc.)—only run source code.



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