Moving div in javascript

How can I move a div with direction in JavaScript?

There is a element in HMTL that I would like to move. It is simple. The problem is the element should move in specified degrees, for example 30° deg. How can I do that in JavaScript (and with CSS rotate)? Thanks for all the answers.

vinayakj, I checked it and yes, I mean something like that, but I would like to move the element in direction.

3 Answers 3

If I understand it well, you can use Math.cos and Math.sin to get the horizontal and vertical components of the desired vector, and then increase the top and left properties:

Click somewhere.
Or Run snippet below.

Rotate only do rotation «in a place».

You can move only by changing position (left and top).
(each element in HTML is just a block at point x,y)

Don’t forget to set position: absolute in css to make div floatable.

var d = 30; document.getElementById("div1").style.transform = "rotate("+0+"deg)"; var mx,my; $( "body" ).bind( "mousemove", function(event) < mx = event.clientX; my = event.clientY; >); var div = document.getElementById("div1"); $( "BODY" ).bind( "click", function(event) < $('#div1').animate(< left: mx-32, top: my-32, >,300 + Math.random()*600) >); setInterval(function()< var dx = mx - div.offsetLeft-32; var dy = my - div.offsetTop-32; var v1 = , v2 = ; var angleDeg = Math.atan2(v2.y - v1.y, v2.x - v1.x) * 180 / Math.PI ; = "rotate("+angleDeg+"deg)"; div.innerHTML = Number(angleDeg).toFixed(2); >,30);
 Click the mouse somewhere.


JavaScript How to Dynamically Move Div by Clicking and Dragging

Okay it would seem like it should be simple. I need to take an already existing div and move it according to mouse position within the window. I have searched everywhere and it has led me to over-complicated ways of doing the same thing and involves the use of j-query. I need to strictly use javascript for what I am trying to do. Method :

var mousePosition; var div; (function createDiv()< div = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "100px"; = "100px"; = "red"; = "blue"; div.addEventListener('mousedown', handleKeyPressed, true); document.body.appendChild(div); >)(); function handleKeyPressed(event) < event.preventDefault(); mousePosition = < x : event.clientX, y : event.clientY >; = mousePosition.x; = mousePosition.y; //alert("whoa!"); > 

@adeneo jQuery is a javascript library want to learn about javascript not jquery although I know it is conventional to use it, not interested in learning it as of now. Just looking into pure javascript.

9 Answers 9

I think you’re looking for something more like this

var mousePosition; var offset = [0,0]; var div; var isDown = false; div = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "100px"; = "100px"; = "red"; = "blue"; document.body.appendChild(div); div.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) < isDown = true; offset = [ div.offsetLeft - e.clientX, div.offsetTop - e.clientY ]; >, true); document.addEventListener('mouseup', function() < isDown = false; >, true); document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) < event.preventDefault(); if (isDown) < mousePosition = < x : event.clientX, y : event.clientY >; = (mousePosition.x + offset[0]) + 'px'; = (mousePosition.y + offset[1]) + 'px'; > >, true); 

It’s because it’s always at the top left corner of the mouse pointer, you have to calculate the offset of the element in relation to where you clicked, but that’s almost a question in itself.

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@adeneo thanks. 🙂 although you could have simply called me an idiot for forgetting to add px to the end of = e.clientX;. But this helped me even more much appreciated.

This is by far the best solution I have ever seen. The script is small and easy to understand and the results work better than anything else I’ve seen on various browsers. I am compelled to comment and vote, if only to find this again in the future.

Support for touch inputs

All other answers (including the accepted one) do not work with touch inputs. Touch inputs have events different than that of mouse inputs. See Using Touch Events on MDN.

The following code snippet works even with touch inputs. I have highlighted all lines of code that need to be added to support touch devices.
The basic idea here is that every element containing draggable in the class list should be draggable. This concept is easier to follow when you have a big number of elements that need to be dragged.

See this Glitch page and following for a demo.

const d = document.getElementsByClassName("draggable"); for (let i = 0; i < d.length; i++) < d[i].style.position = "relative"; >function filter(e) < let target =; if (!target.classList.contains("draggable")) < return; >target.moving = true; //NOTICE THIS 👇 Check if Mouse events exist on users' device if (e.clientX) < target.oldX = e.clientX; // If they exist then use Mouse input target.oldY = e.clientY; >else < target.oldX = e.touches[0].clientX; // Otherwise use touch input target.oldY = e.touches[0].clientY; >//NOTICE THIS 👆 Since there can be multiple touches, you need to mention which touch to look for, we are using the first touch only in this case target.oldLeft = window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue('left').split('px')[0] * 1; target.oldTop = window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue('top').split('px')[0] * 1; document.onmousemove = dr; //NOTICE THIS 👇 document.ontouchmove = dr; //NOTICE THIS 👆 function dr(event) < event.preventDefault(); if (!target.moving) < return; >//NOTICE THIS 👇 if (event.clientX) < target.distX = event.clientX - target.oldX; target.distY = event.clientY - target.oldY; >else < target.distX = event.touches[0].clientX - target.oldX; target.distY = event.touches[0].clientY - target.oldY; >//NOTICE THIS 👆 = target.oldLeft + target.distX + "px"; = target.oldTop + target.distY + "px"; > function endDrag() < target.moving = false; >target.onmouseup = endDrag; //NOTICE THIS 👇 target.ontouchend = endDrag; //NOTICE THIS 👆 > document.onmousedown = filter; //NOTICE THIS 👇 document.ontouchstart = filter; //NOTICE THIS 👆


Moving div in javascript

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Moving Div Box using javascript

I am trying to create a 300px by 300 px div box that moves a few pixels when the user has their mouse on the box. The only thing is when the div hits the end of the browser size I want it to to start moving the other way and not make the window scroll. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

5 Answers 5

Start by creating a couple of variable that keep track of speed and direction:

var speed = 10, // the box will move by 10 pixels on every step direction = 1; // 1 moves in the positive direction; -1 vice versa 

Then grab a reference to your box and attach an event handler to its «mouseover» event:

var boxElement = document.getElementById('theIdOfTheBox'); if (boxElement) < boxElement.addEventListener('mouseover', function () < // Calculate and store some of the box coordinates: var boxLeftPos = boxElement.offsetLeft, boxRightPos = boxLeftPos + boxElement.offsetWidth; // When right side of the box goes too far - change direction: if (boxRightPos >document.body.offsetWidth) < direction = -1; >// When left side of the box goes too far - change direction: if (boxLeftPos < 0) < direction = 1; >// Recalculate position: = (boxLeftPos + speed * direction) + 'px'; >); > 

All done, here’s a jsfiddle for you to play around with.

Mind, however, the position: absolute; in the CSS and the fact that you need to wait for the DOM to load to be able to safely perform the getElementById operation.

If you want to avoid usage of offsets, you may want to parse and manipulate margins or padding of the box instead.

If you want to animate the movement of your box, you can try CSS animations. Just add the following to the style declaration of your box in the CSS:

-webkit-transition: left 0.3s 0.1s ease-out; 

The above code will animate any changes in left property in webkit browsers. You can add other vendor prefixes (and none for compatibility with future releases) to enable animation in other browsers that support it.

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Regarding your comment with running the script on browser launch:

First of all make sure to wrap the JavaScript code in tags if you are embedding it in an HTML page. You can run a validator (e.g. to ensure you have a correct document structure.

Secondly, place the code inside those tags as close as possible to the end of the body of your document, i.e. .

You can also wrap the entire JavaScript code in a function that will be executed once the document is fully loaded. This way the code can be placed (or remotely required) from the document head (but why would you want that?). Here’s how it’s done:

window.addEventListener('load', function () < // . the code goes here >); 

A (non-recommended) alternative is:

Or (please avoid this, it’s just an example) in HTML:

So, the resulting code might look like:

I'm a box.

Special note regarding Internet Explorer

There’s no support for addEventListener in Internet Explorer below version 9. You should use attachEvent instead.


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