Move text left css

CSS move the text to the left inside a div

The following tutorial shows you how to use CSS to do «CSS move the text to the left inside a div».

CSS Style

The CSS style to do «CSS move the text to the left inside a div» is

#content < float:left; width:605px; margin:0; padding-left:0px; border-left:1px solid #ddd; > .sidebar < width:150px; padding-left:1px; float:left; >


body> div >"sidebar"> ul> li> h4>span>Navigate  ul >"blocklist"> li>a href="index.html">Home  li>a href="examples.html">Examples  li>a href="#">Products  li>a href="#">Solutions  li>a href="#">Contact     !-- w ww . d e m o 2 s .c o m -->  div id="content"> h2>Introduction p>Welcome to exalted, a free valid CSS & XHTML strict web template from a href="" title="spyka webmaster">spyka Webmaster . This template is strong>free to use permitting a link remains back to a href="" title="spyka webmaster"> Should you wish to use this template unbranded you can buy a template license from our website for 5.00 GBP, this will allow you remove all branding related to our site, for more information about this see below.

p>This template has been tested in: ul> li>Firefox 3.5 li>Opera 10.00 li>IE 7 and 8 li>Chrome h3>Buy unbranded p>Purchasing a template license for 5.00 GBP (at time of writing around 7.40 USD) gives you the right to remove any branding including links, logos and source tags relating to spyka webmaster. Payments are processed using paypal, with which we are a verified member, via the licensing page on our website which can be accessed at a href="" title="template license"> h3>More free web templates p>Looking for more free web templates for other projects? Check out our a href="">free web template portfolio . We also offer a href="">WordPress themes and a href="">phpBB3 styles , all of which are released under Open Source or Creative Commons licenses! h3>Webmaster forums p>You can get help with editing and using this template, as well as design tips, tricks and advice in our a href="" title="webmaster forums">webmaster forums

The following iframe shows the result. You can view the full source code and open it in another tab.

html> head> title>flexboxStretch meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> style id="compiled-css" type="text/css"> #content !-- ww w .d e m o 2s . c o m --> float: left; width: 605px; margin: 0; padding-left: 0px; border-left: 1px solid #ddd; > .sidebar < width: 150px; padding-left: 1px; float: left; >  body> div >"sidebar"> ul> li> h4>span>Navigate  ul >"blocklist"> li>a href="index.html">Home  li>a href="examples.html">Examples  li>a href="#">Products  li>a href="#">Solutions  li>a href="#">Contact      div id="content"> h2>Introduction p>Welcome to exalted, a free valid CSS & XHTML strict web template from a href="" title="spyka webmaster">spyka Webmaster . This template is strong>free to use permitting a link remains back to a href="" title="spyka webmaster"> Should you wish to use this template unbranded you can buy a template license from our website for 5.00 GBP, this will allow you remove all branding related to our site, for more information about this see below. p>This template has been tested in: ul> li>Firefox 3.5 li>Opera 10.00 li>IE 7 and 8 li>Chrome  h3>Buy unbranded p>Purchasing a template license for 5.00 GBP (at time of writing around 7.40 USD) gives you the right to remove any branding including links, logos and source tags relating to spyka webmaster. Payments are processed using paypal, with which we are a verified member, via the licensing page on our website which can be accessed at a href="" title="template license">

h3>More free web templates p>Looking for more free web templates for other projects? Check out our a href="">free web template portfolio . We also offer a href="">WordPress themes and a href="">phpBB3 styles , all of which are released under Open Source or Creative Commons licenses! h3>Webmaster forums p>You can get help with editing and using this template, as well as design tips, tricks and advice in our a href="" title="webmaster forums">webmaster forums

  • CSS make the long text to fit inside a small div
  • CSS make the long text to fit inside a small div (Demo 2)
  • CSS make the text inside div stick to the left
  • CSS move the text to the left inside a div
  • CSS not allow anything above a div (text, other elements, etc.)
  • CSS overlap 2 div without moving the text of the first div
  • CSS overlay/overlap two div’s designed with css to look like text bubbles | Email: | Demo Source and Support. All rights reserved.


How can I move text to the left with CSS?

Example Align the last line of text in three

elements: p.a < text-align-last: right; >p.b < text-align-last: center; >p.c < text-align-last: justify; >Try it Yourself » Text Direction The and properties can be used to change the text direction of an element: Example p < direction: rtl; unicode-bidi: bidi-override; >Try it Yourself » Vertical Alignment The property sets the Vertical Alignment of an element. Example div < text-align: justify; >Try it Yourself » Text Align Last The property specifies how to align the last line of a text.

How can I move text to the left with CSS?

I have some text that is inside a span element and I’d like to left-align it instead of the way it is now which is centered. I tried making a margin to the right and text center with CSS but that didn’t work. Can you tell me how to do it? The text that I want to the left is «(Jag arbetade: 4-6 timmar/vecka)» and now it is rendered centered if you look at my fiddle

The code that I’d like to change is

Vad var det bästa med kursen?
(Jag arbetade: 4-6 timmar/vecka)

So that the text «(Jag arbetade. » is aligned to the left alongside the heading. How can I do that?

Where it comes from.

You have put your text inside a table heading element. It’s standard browser behaviour to apply font-weight: bold; text-align: center; on in the so-called user-agent style sheet .

. and how to solve it.

You need to specify what you want to override this behaviour, for example like this:

the thing is the span elements has display: inline so its width is exactly the same as the text and like some of its parent has text-align: center , that makes is positioned in the center, so by doing only text-align: left doesn’t works so you have to change its to display: block and then text-align: left

Add this css for srtbl-qt class (try put it at the end of CSS file)

Also I don’t know why you need div and break and span elements around that text, but it can be removed ( hint : th )

Add text-align: left; to this class

.reportPage .srtbl .srtbl-h1 th, .reportPage .srtbl .srtbl-h1 td

CSS margin-left property, Specifies a fixed left margin in px, pt, cm, etc. Default value is 0px. Negative values are allowed. Read about length units: Demo % Specifies a left margin in percent of the width of the containing element: Demo auto: The browser calculates a left margin: Demo initial: Sets this property to its default value. Read about initial: …

CSS Text Alignment

CSS Text Alignment and Text Direction

In this chapter you will learn about the following properties:

  • text-align
  • text-align-last
  • direction
  • unicode-bidi
  • vertical-align

Text Alignment

The text-align property is used to set the horizontal alignment of a text.

A text can be left or right aligned, centered, or justified.

The following example shows center aligned, and left and right aligned text (left alignment is default if text direction is left-to-right, and right alignment is default if text direction is right-to-left):


When the text-align property is set to «justify», each line is stretched so that every line has equal width, and the left and right margins are straight (like in magazines and newspapers):


Text Align Last

The text-align-last property specifies how to align the last line of a text.


Align the last line of text in three


Text Direction

The direction and unicode-bidi properties can be used to change the text direction of an element:


Vertical Alignment

The vertical-align property sets the Vertical Alignment of an element.


Set the vertical alignment of an image in a text:

img.b <
vertical-align: text-top;

img.c <
vertical-align: text-bottom;

The CSS Text Alignment/Direction Properties

Property Description
direction Specifies the text direction/writing direction
text-align Specifies the horizontal alignment of text
text-align-last Specifies how to align the last line of a text
unicode-bidi Used together with the direction property to set or return whether the text should be overridden to support multiple languages in the same document
vertical-align Sets the vertical alignment of an element

Reveal Text from left with CSS or JS animation

I want to do a text reveal animation like this: video

I used javascript to create solution for that. You simply need to make a loop through all the words you want to append and wrap appending inside setTimeout like that:

const element = document.getElementsByClassName('text')[0]; const words = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A cupiditate ea eius obcaecati quasi recusandae vitae. Iure perferendis, unde! Aperiam consequatur ipsum iure nisi tenetur? Cupiditate error fugiat libero repellat."; words.split(" ").forEach((word, index) => < setTimeout(() =>< element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(word + ' ')); >, index * 300); >); 

Also you need to clear your HTML to prevent appending this two times.

With the following custom script, you just need to add the class typewriter-word to your element, and the script will do the rest itself.

You can customize the delay between words and the initial delay with the attributes data-delay and data-initial-delay . Valid values must be at least 0. Any wrong value will be corrected in the script.

The styling of the text in the video you linked can be achieved with some simple CSS.

  1. Getting both data-delay and data-initial-delay , and -if necessary- correcting it
  2. Saving the content of the element in an array, and removing said content from the HTML
  3. Starting to add content word by word after the initialDelay
  4. Repeatedly adding the rest of the words after the delay
  5. After all words are reinserted into the HTML, removing its repeated calls from being unnecessarily called again ( clearInterval(intervalId) )
  6. Repeating steps 1 to 5 for all .typewriter-word -elements

The problem with my code is, that you cannot place other elements inside your .typewriter-word -element, as you would risk invalidating your HTML, or breaking it completely. This means, you should use this class only on elements not containing other elements, but only (text-)content.

What’s more to add?
Now, the code is by far not perfect. Other things that could be added are.

  • Making use of the Intersection Observer API to only start the effect when the element is inside the viewport
  • Adding new attributes to make the effect repeat itself for a set amount of times or after a set period of time
  • Only start the effect when the element can actually be seen (is inside the DOM)
  • Treating nested elements as one word, (and together with previous bullet-point) enabling nested .typewriter-word -elements to start their effect once they are inserted, without fiddling around with their data-initial-delay -attribute

MDN also has an example for a typewriter-effect. However, their approach is a per character Typewriter. You could try to customize its code to fit your needs.

window.addEventListener("load", () => < for (let el of document.querySelectorAll(".typewriter-word")) < // Get both delay and initial delay, both greater than or equal to zero let delay = parseInt(el.getAttribute("data-delay")); if (isNaN(delay) || delay < 0) delay = 500; // Default value == 500 let initDelay = parseInt(el.getAttribute("data-initial-delay")); if (isNaN(initDelay) || initDelay < 0) initDelay = delay; // Default value == 'delay' // Save words in array, where words are Strings seperated by " " let words = []; for (let word of el.innerHTML.split(" ")) words.push(word); // Remove content of element el.innerHTML = ""; let intervalId; // Variable to save the interval's ID, // to remove interval when finished adding all words setTimeout(() => < function nextWord() < if (words.length el.innerHTML += " " + words.shift(); // FIFO via 'Array.shift()' -> No index-usage required! > nextWord(); // Call once -before setInterval()- since setInterval starts firing only after its delay intervalId = setInterval(nextWord, delay); // Save interval's ID in variable for removing it when finished >, initDelay); // setTimeout(func, initDelay) --> Starting after initial delay > >);


I will appear faster, but later. Hooray for custom data-attributes!

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