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How to get all of the element ids on the same time in javascript?

To get values of multiple elements use class instead of id. You can use function to read values of all elements with same class name Alternative to using jQuery Solution 3: You can’t create an element with the same Id, If you want to get all different values from another element using javascript you can use ClassName Question: I just despair of the following Javascript function. If you want an Array of IDs, then use : Solution 3: The jQuery selector will get all the elements with an attribute:

How to get all of the element ids on the same time in javascript?

I want to get all the ids names on a particular page and change it base on a particular name

console.log( getIds_1() ); console.log( getIds_2() );function getIds_1()< let return []< return; >).join(", "); >function getIds_2() < return [. document.querySelectorAll('[id]')].map(e =>", "); >

If you want to display the list of ids on the page, you can grab all the elements on the page using:

let allElementsWithIds = [. document.querySelectorAll('[id]')]; 

    and populate it with the ids from each of those elements, before appending it to the document body .

N.B. Note that paragraph2 and link1 in the example below do not have ids , so they do not appear in the list of ids.

Working Example:

// Get all Elements with Ids let allElementsWithIds = [. document.querySelectorAll('[id]')];// Initialise List of Ids let listOfIds = document.createElement('ul'); listOfIds.classList.add('top-right');// Populate List of Ids allElementsWithIds.forEach((element) => < let newListItem = document.createElement('li'); newListItem.textContent =; listOfIds.appendChild(newListItem); >);// Append List Of Ids to Document Body document.body.appendChild(listOfIds);

This is Paragraph 2

fpm_start( "true" );

Get all elements with similar id array in javascript, Get all elements with similar id array in javascript. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. Modified 7 years, Get all unique values in a JavaScript array (remove duplicates) 3760. Loop through an array in JavaScript. 1195. Remove all child elements of a DOM node in JavaScript.

How do I enumerate all of the html id’s in a document with javascript?

I would like to be able to use javascript to find every id (or name) for every object in an html document so that they can be printed at the bottom of the page.

To understand more fully what I’m trying to accomplish, let me explain. I build large forms from time to time for things such as property applications, rental listings, detailed medical website user registration forms and such. As I do it now, I build the form, assign the id’s and names and decide which values are required and such. Then when I build the PHP Form Validation and database insert portion for the form, I’ve been manually going through the html and pulling out all of the id’s to reference from the $_post array for the input validation and database insert. This has been very time consuming and a real pain, often laced with typing errors.

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The form I’m working on currently is just too big, and I’d much rather write a javascript function that I can run on my local copy of the page to list all of the id’s so that I don’t have to copy and paste them one by one, or write them down. I could then also use the javascript loop to event print out the php code around the id names so that I’d only have to copy the list and lightly edit out the id’s I dodn’t need. I hope you guys get the idea.

Any suggestions on how I can drop all of the id’s into an array, or if there is already an array I can access and loop through (I couldn’t find anything on google). Also, any suggestions for how to speed up the process of producing large forms with a work flow that generates the php or makes it quicker than my current method would be greatly appreciated!

On modern browsers you can do this via


If you need all descendants of myElement with IDs, then do


If you want to be really careful to exclude , then maybe


If compatibility with older browsers is required

var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); var allIds = []; for (var i = 0, n = allElements.length; i < n; ++i) < var el = allElements[i]; if ( < allIds.push(; >> 

should leave you with all the IDs in allIds .

If you find you need to just enumerate the IDs under a particular form node, then you can replace document.getElementsByTagName with myFormNode.getElementsByTagName .

If you want to include both IDs and NAMEs, then put

If you’re doing your development using a fairly modern browser, you can use querySelectorAll() , then use Array.prototype.forEach to iterate the collection.

var ids = document.querySelectorAll('[id]'); ids, function( el, i ) < // "el" is your element console.log( ); // log the ID >); 

If you want an Array of IDs, then use :

var arr = ids, function( el, i ) < return; >); 

The jQuery selector $(‘[id]’) will get all the elements with an id attribute:

Working example here:

Get all tags with the wildcard:

var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); for(var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++) < // ensure the element has an Id that is not empty and does exist // and string other than empty, '', will return true allElements[i].id && console.log(allElements[i].id); >

Javascript — How to get all of the IDs with jQuery?, It’s a late answer but now there is an easy way. Current version of jquery lets you search if attribute exists. For example. $ (‘ [id]’) will give you all the elements if they have id. If you want all spans with id starting with span you can use. $ (‘span [id^=»span»]’) Share. Improve this answer.

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Get all input values to javascript with the same id

I just want to get all different values using javascript with the same id.

Here is my input.

When I alert the id of the inputs it show’s the 2018-12-06 only. I want to disable the jquery datepicker but the 2018-12-06 is the only one read.

var x = (document.getElementById('full').value); var array = ["2018-12-25", "2019-01-01", x] 

I want to disable all value with same id like the mention above,

IDs must be unique . You should add a class to each element and then use getElementsByClassName .

Because the method returns a nodelist to get each input value you need to iterate over it. For both these examples I’ve used map , but you might find a for/loop or forEach easier to use.

const full = document.getElementsByClassName('full'); const arr = [. full].map(input => input.value); console.log(arr);

An alternative might be to use querySelectorAll . This uses CSS selectors so you can pinpoint elements by their attributes instead:

const full = document.querySelectorAll('[name="full"]'); const arr = [. full].map(input => input.value); console.log(arr);

ID is used as an individual identifier. So it is illegal to use same Id for multiple elements . To get values of multiple elements use class instead of id. You can use getElementsByClassName() function to read values of all elements with same class name

Alternative to getElementsByClassName() using jQuery

var l = $('.full').length; //Initialize default array var result = []; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) < //Push each element to the array result.push($('.full').eq(i).val()); >//print the array or use it for your further logic console.log(result);

You can’t create an element with the same Id, If you want to get all different values from another element using javascript you can use ClassName

   var x = document.getElementsByClassName('full'); 

How to get all of the element ids on the same time in, An id should always be unique, so if you have multiple elements with the same id, you already have a different problem. Having said that, your code isn’t checking the id in any way. You have to iterate over the list of returned elements and actually compare the id (which is a string) to something else.

Javascript: Get ID of all Elements starting with same characters

I just despair of the following Javascript function.

There are several elements on the page that start with the same ID. The number of IDs is different depending on the user input. Also the ID is not continuous. But the number is always four digits long:

 I need a function that gives me all complete IDs of the elements. So for the example above, I need the following output:
mirror_element_0001 mirror_element_0002 mirror_element_0401 mirror_element_1039 . 

With myStringArray = $(‘[id^=»mirror_element_»]’); i get the whole Element. And myStringArray().substr(0, 4) will fail with an error.

Can you guys help me out? Thank you all!

Once you have a collection of all the elements, map them to their IDs. No need for a big library like jQuery for something this trivial:

console.log( [. document.querySelectorAll('[id^="mirror_element_"]')] .map(elm => );

const result = [. myStringArray].map(section => $(section).attr(‘id’))

const myStringArray = $('[id^="mirror_element_"]');const result = [. myStringArray].map(section => $(section).attr('id'))console.log(result)

Get all the elements of a particular form, var user_name = document.forms[0].elements[0]; var user_email = document.forms[0].elements[1]; var user_message = document.forms[0].elements[2]; All the elements of forms are stored in an array by Javascript. This takes the elements from the first form and stores each value …

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JavaScript | Как получить все ID на HTML-странице?

Специально сделаю элементы с одинаковыми идентификаторами:











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Тестовый пример для получения всех id - JavaScript

Пошаговая инструкция — Логика работы

Для начала нужно получить все элементы документа.

document.all - JavaScript

Потом нужно преобразовать HTML-коллекцию элементов в массив. Используем метод from() конструктора Array .

Array.from(document.all) - JavaScript

Теперь проходим по массиву методом map() и возвращаем новый массив с извлечёнными идентификаторами ID.

Array.from(document.all).map(i =>

Array.from() для получения массива - JavaScript Первый элемент с id - JavaScript

Идентификаторы не классы, поэтому значения будут иметь одно слово. Это удобно — можно сразу разложить на элементы массива.

Теперь нам нужно отфильтровать результаты в которых нет идентификаторов. Используем метод filter() .

Array.from(document.all).map(i => => i != "")

Вернулся массив из 14 id - JavaScript

Среди идентификаторов могут быть дубли, поэтому нам нужно создать массив с уникальными значениями. Для этого используем конструктор Set .

new Set(Array.from(document.all).map(i => => i != ""))

Получение набора Set - JavaScript

В этом случае нам вернётся объект, поэтому мы должны передать его в метод from() конструктора Array .

Array.from(new Set(Array.from(document.all).map(i => => i != "")))

Массив с уникальными id - JavaScript

Мы получим массив с уникальными идентификаторами на HTML-странице.

Теперь можно отсортировать элементы массива, чтобы удобнее было работать с идентификаторами. Используем метод sort()

Array.from(new Set(Array.from(document.all).map(i => => i != ""))).sort()

Элементы массива отсортированы - JavaScript

На выходе мы получаем отсортированный массив по возрастанию элементов в порядке алфавита.

Как вывести список этих идентификаторов на страницу?

Склеиваем все элементы массива в одну строку с разделителем
при помощи метода join()

Array.from(new Set(Array.from(document.all).map(i => => i != ""))).sort().join("

Элементы массива в одну строку - JavaScript

Выводим строку на текущую страницу. Используем метод write()

document.write(Array.from(new Set(Array.from(document.all).map(i => => i != ""))).sort().join("


How to loop through ID elements in html

I’m trying to loop through all ID fields in my html and print them to a text field using JavaScript. This is what I have: Thanks for you help 🙂
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1 Answer 1

You can select all the elements as document.querySelectorAll(‘[id^=textbox]’)

Iterate it over the NodeList that the above query returns.

var textBoxes = document.querySelectorAll('[id^=textbox]'); var textToWrite; for(var i in textBoxes) < textToWrite = textBoxes[i].value; /* do your thing */ >


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