Mime message java api


Mime message java api

This class represents a MIME style email message. It implements the Message abstract class and the MimePart interface.

Clients wanting to create new MIME style messages will instantiate an empty MimeMessage object and then fill it with appropriate attributes and content.

Service providers that implement MIME compliant backend stores may want to subclass MimeMessage and override certain methods to provide specific implementations. The simplest case is probably a provider that generates a MIME style input stream and leaves the parsing of the stream to this class.

MimeMessage uses the InternetHeaders class to parse and store the top level RFC 822 headers of a message.

The mail.mime.address.strict session property controls the parsing of address headers. By default, strict parsing of address headers is done. If this property is set to «false» , strict parsing is not done and many illegal addresses that sometimes occur in real messages are allowed. See the InternetAddress class for details.

A note on RFC 822 and MIME headers

RFC 822 header fields must contain only US-ASCII characters. MIME allows non ASCII characters to be present in certain portions of certain headers, by encoding those characters. RFC 2047 specifies the rules for doing this. The MimeUtility class provided in this package can be used to to achieve this. Callers of the setHeader , addHeader , and addHeaderLine methods are responsible for enforcing the MIME requirements for the specified headers. In addition, these header fields must be folded (wrapped) before being sent if they exceed the line length limitation for the transport (1000 bytes for SMTP). Received headers may have been folded. The application is responsible for folding and unfolding headers as appropriate.

Author: John Mani, Bill Shannon, Max Spivak, Kanwar Oberoi See Also: MimeUtility , Part , Message , MimePart , InternetAddress

Nested Class Summary
static class MimeMessage.RecipientType
This inner class extends the javax.mail.Message.RecipientType class to add additional RecipientTypes.
Field Summary
protected byte[] content
Byte array that holds the bytes of this Message’s content.
protected InputStream contentStream
If the data for this message was supplied by an InputStream that implements the SharedInputStream interface, contentStream is another such stream representing the content of this message.
protected DataHandler dh
The DataHandler object representing this Message’s content.
protected Flags flags
The Flags for this message.
protected InternetHeaders headers
The InternetHeaders object that stores the header of this message.
protected boolean modified
A flag indicating whether the message has been modified.
protected boolean saved
Does the saveChanges method need to be called on this message?
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Fields inherited from class javax.mail.Message
expunged, folder, msgnum, session
Fields inherited from interface javax.mail.Part
Constructor Summary
protected MimeMessage (Folder folder, InputStream is, int msgnum)
Constructs a MimeMessage by reading and parsing the data from the specified MIME InputStream.
protected MimeMessage (Folder folder, int msgnum)
Constructs an empty MimeMessage object with the given Folder and message number.
protected MimeMessage (Folder folder, InternetHeaders headers, byte[] content, int msgnum)
Constructs a MimeMessage from the given InternetHeaders object and content.
MimeMessage (MimeMessage source)
Constructs a new MimeMessage with content initialized from the source MimeMessage.
MimeMessage (Session session)
Default constructor.
MimeMessage (Session session, InputStream is)
Constructs a MimeMessage by reading and parsing the data from the specified MIME InputStream.
Method Summary
void addFrom (Address[] addresses)
Add the specified addresses to the existing «From» field.
void addHeader (String name, String value)
Add this value to the existing values for this header_name.
void addHeaderLine (String line)
Add a raw RFC 822 header-line.
void addRecipients (Message.RecipientType type, Address[] addresses)
Add the given addresses to the specified recipient type.
void addRecipients (Message.RecipientType type, String addresses)
Add the given addresses to the specified recipient type.
protected InternetHeaders createInternetHeaders (InputStream is)
Create and return an InternetHeaders object that loads the headers from the given InputStream.
protected MimeMessage createMimeMessage (Session session)
Create and return a MimeMessage object.
Enumeration getAllHeaderLines ()
Get all header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
Enumeration getAllHeaders ()
Return all the headers from this Message as an enumeration of Header objects.
Address[] getAllRecipients ()
Get all the recipient addresses for the message.
Object getContent ()
Return the content as a Java object.
String getContentID ()
Returns the value of the «Content-ID» header field.
String[] getContentLanguage ()
Get the languages specified in the «Content-Language» header field of this message.
String getContentMD5 ()
Return the value of the «Content-MD5» header field.
protected InputStream getContentStream ()
Produce the raw bytes of the content.
String getContentType ()
Returns the value of the RFC 822 «Content-Type» header field.
DataHandler getDataHandler ()
Return a DataHandler for this Message’s content.
String getDescription ()
Returns the «Content-Description» header field of this Message.
String getDisposition ()
Returns the value of the «Content-Disposition» header field.
String getEncoding ()
Returns the content transfer encoding from the «Content-Transfer-Encoding» header field.
String getFileName ()
Get the filename associated with this Message.
Flags getFlags ()
Return a Flags object containing the flags for this message.
Address[] getFrom ()
Returns the value of the RFC 822 «From» header fields.
String[] getHeader (String name)
Get all the headers for this header_name.
String getHeader (String name, String delimiter)
Get all the headers for this header name, returned as a single String, with headers separated by the delimiter.
InputStream getInputStream ()
Return a decoded input stream for this Message’s «content».
int getLineCount ()
Return the number of lines for the content of this message.
Enumeration getMatchingHeaderLines (String[] names)
Get matching header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
Enumeration getMatchingHeaders (String[] names)
Return matching headers from this Message as an Enumeration of Header objects.
String getMessageID ()
Returns the value of the «Message-ID» header field.
Enumeration getNonMatchingHeaderLines (String[] names)
Get non-matching header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
Enumeration getNonMatchingHeaders (String[] names)
Return non-matching headers from this Message as an Enumeration of Header objects.
InputStream getRawInputStream ()
Return an InputStream to the raw data with any Content-Transfer-Encoding intact.
Date getReceivedDate ()
Returns the Date on this message was received.
Address[] getRecipients (Message.RecipientType type)
Returns the recepients specified by the type.
Address[] getReplyTo ()
Return the value of the RFC 822 «Reply-To» header field.
Address getSender ()
Returns the value of the RFC 822 «Sender» header field.
Date getSentDate ()
Returns the value of the RFC 822 «Date» field.
int getSize ()
Return the size of the content of this message in bytes.
String getSubject ()
Returns the value of the «Subject» header field.
boolean isMimeType (String mimeType)
Is this Part of the specified MIME type?
boolean isSet (Flags.Flag flag)
Check whether the flag specified in the flag argument is set in this message.
protected void parse (InputStream is)
Parse the InputStream setting the headers and content fields appropriately.
void removeHeader (String name)
Remove all headers with this name.
Message reply (boolean replyToAll)
Get a new Message suitable for a reply to this message.
void saveChanges ()
Updates the appropriate header fields of this message to be consistent with the message’s contents.
void setContent (Multipart mp)
This method sets the Message’s content to a Multipart object.
void setContent (Object o, String type)
A convenience method for setting this Message’s content.
void setContentID (String cid)
Set the «Content-ID» header field of this Message.
void setContentLanguage (String[] languages)
Set the «Content-Language» header of this MimePart.
void setContentMD5 (String md5)
Set the «Content-MD5» header field of this Message.
void setDataHandler (DataHandler dh)
This method provides the mechanism to set this part’s content.
void setDescription (String description)
Set the «Content-Description» header field for this Message.
void setDescription (String description, String charset)
Set the «Content-Description» header field for this Message.
void setDisposition (String disposition)
Set the «Content-Disposition» header field of this Message.
void setFileName (String filename)
Set the filename associated with this part, if possible.
void setFlags (Flags flag, boolean set)
Set the flags for this message.
void setFrom ()
Set the RFC 822 «From» header field using the value of the InternetAddress.getLocalAddress method.
void setFrom (Address address)
Set the RFC 822 «From» header field.
void setHeader (String name, String value)
Set the value for this header_name.
void setRecipients (Message.RecipientType type, Address[] addresses)
Set the specified recipient type to the given addresses.
void setRecipients (Message.RecipientType type, String addresses)
Set the specified recipient type to the given addresses.
void setReplyTo (Address[] addresses)
Set the RFC 822 «Reply-To» header field.
void setSender (Address address)
Set the RFC 822 «Sender» header field.
void setSentDate (Date d)
Set the RFC 822 «Date» header field.
void setSubject (String subject)
Set the «Subject» header field.
void setSubject (String subject, String charset)
Set the «Subject» header field.
void setText (String text)
Convenience method that sets the given String as this part’s content, with a MIME type of «text/plain».
void setText (String text, String charset)
Convenience method that sets the given String as this part’s content, with a MIME type of «text/plain» and the specified charset.
void setText (String text, String charset, String subtype)
Convenience method that sets the given String as this part’s content, with a primary MIME type of «text» and the specified MIME subtype.
protected void updateHeaders ()
Called by the saveChanges method to actually update the MIME headers.
protected void updateMessageID ()
Update the Message-ID header.
void writeTo (OutputStream os)
Output the message as an RFC 822 format stream.
void writeTo (OutputStream os, String[] ignoreList)
Output the message as an RFC 822 format stream, without specified headers.
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Methods inherited from class javax.mail.Message
addRecipient, getFolder, getMessageNumber, isExpunged, match, setExpunged, setFlag, setMessageNumber, setRecipient
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait




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