Message box css code

  1. How TO — Alerts
  2. Create An Alert Message
  3. Example
  4. Example
  5. Many Alerts
  6. Example
  7. 28 Best CSS Alerts For Your Website [Code Examples]
  8. What Are CSS Alerts?
  9. Best 28 CSS Alerts
  10. 1. Closable Pure CSS Alerts
  11. 2. Beautiful & Basic CSS Only Alert
  12. 3. Modal Alert Overlay In Pure CSS
  13. 4. Material Design Multi-color CSS Alerts
  14. 5. Basic Pure CSS Alerts
  15. 6. Light Alerts In Pure CSS
  16. 7. Tailwind CSS Alerts
  17. 8. Modal Dialog Alert Message With CSS
  18. 9. Timed Vanilla JS and CSS Alert
  19. 10. Multiple Simple CSS Only Modals
  20. 11. Large CSS Alert Notification
  21. 12. Timed jQuery Text Alerts
  22. 13. Colored CSS Only Alerts with TailwindCSS
  23. 14. Gaming CSS Closable Alert
  24. 15. Bottom Right Tailwind + Alpine Alerts
  25. 16. Bootstrap 5 Alert Message
  26. 17. Bootstrap 4 Alerts (CSS Only)
  27. 18. Alerts With Icons & Text Messages
  28. 19. Foundation Framework Alert Message
  29. 20. Bootstrap 3.3 Alerts
  30. 21. Colored Gradient Tailwind CSS Alert
  31. 22. Basic Alert on Vanilla JS & CSS
  32. 23. Status Alerts
  33. 24. Scale Effect Alert
  34. 25. Large Modern CSS Alert Components
  35. 26. Information CSS Only Alert
  36. 27. Warning CSS Alert Message
  37. 28. Model Alert Via :target In CSS
  38. How do I show an alert in HTML?
  39. Related articles
  40. 20+ CSS Alert Box Examples with Code Snippet
  41. 1. Pure HTML + CSS Alerts with Dismiss
  42. Author
  43. Made with
  44. 2. Modern Alerts
  45. Author
  46. Made with
  47. 3. UI Alert CSS
  48. Author
  49. Made with
  50. 4. Alerts Component
  51. Author
  52. Made with
  53. 5. Re-styled Bootstrap alerts (CSS)
  54. Author
  55. Made with
  56. 6. message display
  57. Author
  58. Made with
  59. 7. Toast with VueJS
  60. Author
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  62. 8. Error message banner
  63. Author
  64. Made with
  65. 9. UI daily challenge – flash message
  66. Author
  67. Made with
  68. 10. Message Types
  69. Author
  70. Made with
  71. 11. Warning, Info and Error css
  72. Author
  73. Made with
  74. 12. Alert Boxes With CSS3
  75. Author
  76. Made with
  77. 13. Error, Success, Warning and Info Messages
  78. Author
  79. Made with
  80. 14. Notifications
  81. Author
  82. Made with
  83. 15. Simple css alerts
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How TO — Alerts

Alert messages can be used to notify the user about something special: danger, success, information or warning.

Create An Alert Message

Step 1) Add HTML:


If you want the ability to close the alert message, add a element with an onclick attribute that says «when you click on me, hide my parent element» — which is the container (class=»alert»).

Tip: Use the HTML entity » × » to create the letter «x».

Step 2) Add CSS:

Style the alert box and the close button:


/* The alert message box */
.alert padding: 20px;
background-color: #f44336; /* Red */
color: white;
margin-bottom: 15px;

/* The close button */
.closebtn margin-left: 15px;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
float: right;
font-size: 22px;
line-height: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
transition: 0.3s;

/* When moving the mouse over the close button */
.closebtn:hover color: black;

Many Alerts

If you have many alert messages on a page, you can add the following script to close different alerts without using the onclick attribute on each element.

And, if you want the alerts to slowly fade out when you click on them, add opacity and transition to the alert class:


// Get all elements with >var close = document.getElementsByClassName(«closebtn»);
var i;

// Loop through all close buttons
for (i = 0; i < close.length; i++) // When someone clicks on a close button
close[i].onclick = function()

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// Get the parent of var div = this.parentElement;

// Set the opacity of div to 0 (transparent) = «0»;

// Hide the div after 600ms (the same amount of milliseconds it takes to fade out)
setTimeout(function()< = "none"; >, 600);

Tip: Also check out Notes.


28 Best CSS Alerts For Your Website [Code Examples]

Believe it or not, it’s possible to create pure CSS alerts. So, if you want a simple and elegant solution, there are a few alert modals that you can use.

In this article, we’ll be providing some beautiful CSS alerts and some CSS styles that you can copy to create a beautiful alert, and perhaps animate it with JavaScript or just render it on the server after form submission or similar.

What Are CSS Alerts?

CSS alerts are a kind of text message that provides the visitor with certain information. They can appear as overlay notifications, dialog modals, inline, etc. CSS alerts are classified into 4 main categories:

  • Danger/Error (Red)
  • Warning (Yellow/orange)
  • Information (Blue)
  • Success (Green)

What Are CSS Alerts?

Best 28 CSS Alerts

Whether you are looking for CSS-only alerts, JavaScript-animated ones, or just some beautiful styles, check our list below:

1. Closable Pure CSS Alerts

These light-themed alerts are using only CSS.

If you pay attention, you’ll notice how they can be closed when clicking over them or on the «x» icon.

This kind of alert can come in handy when rendered server-side. For example, when submitting a form via PHP or node.

2. Beautiful & Basic CSS Only Alert

Here’s a gorgeous alert built with CSS and no javascript at all.

The examples display a basic modal once the «button» is focused.

It uses the :target pseudoelement to toggle the visibility of the popup with the alert.

3. Modal Alert Overlay In Pure CSS

This alert makes use of CSS to conditionally display a modal dialog message.

It makes use of a checkbox input and the :checked CSS property to determine when to show/hide the alert.

It’s a technique used for many CSS elements with 2 states, such as hamburger menus or CSS toggles switches.

4. Material Design Multi-color CSS Alerts

This is a great example of some beautiful and modern alert notifications.

They make use of strong and vivid colors in combination with Material Design Icons to create such a beautiful design.

5. Basic Pure CSS Alerts

If you are looking for simplicity, then these alerts are for you.

They don’t make use of any external vendor. No framework, no JS, and no icons.

Just some plain CSS to give some basic style to your alert messages.

6. Light Alerts In Pure CSS

If you are looking for some pretty alerts for your light-themed page, these are definitely for you!

I especially like the error and the success alert.

They use a minimal approach to create some beautiful styles for your alert components.

They won’t even use icons but it won’t prevent them from serving their purpose perfectly.

7. Tailwind CSS Alerts

If you use TailwindCSS as your CSS framework, then you want to make use of it to also display alerts.

This example shows how to display multiple alerts at the bottom of the page.

These alerts come with multiple colors and icons depending on the kind of alert it is: Error, success, info, or warning alert.

8. Modal Dialog Alert Message With CSS

Another CSS only solution to create a stylish alert modal.

The modals show a box with some content and a closing button.

To close the modal you can click on the dark overlay or the closing button.

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This example uses the same technique as other two-state components. It uses a checkbox to track the state with CSS.

9. Timed Vanilla JS and CSS Alert

A truly modern alert that displays a notification on the top right corner of the page.

The alert times out and displays an animated progress bar to show the remaining time.

The design looks super modern and, best of all, it doesn’t use any external components! Pure CSS and Vanilla JS make the magic.

10. Multiple Simple CSS Only Modals

These alert modal dialogs make intelligent use of the :target pseudoelement to control the status of the modal.

The alerts get displayed when clicking (and focusing) the texts.

11. Large CSS Alert Notification

These alerts are a bit more original than others.

If you are looking for a big notification with some personality, these might be for you.

They don’t use any external vendor library and make use of SVG icons.

jQuery is fully optional. It only adds the closing feature, but that can be replaced if necessary for plain JS or even pure CSS.

12. Timed jQuery Text Alerts

If you are ok with using a bit of JS (or jQuery), these are some beautiful alerts.

Unlike others, these alerts get stacked underneath each other at the very top of the page.

I personally think it looks great and I like it more than the side notifications, especially for important messages or errors.

There’s a bit of jQuery involved, but you can easily turn it into Vanilla JS.

13. Colored CSS Only Alerts with TailwindCSS

For those who are into flat design and make use of TailwindCSS, these alerts can be for you.

I personally like the selection of colors, the modern feel, and the simplicity of their design.

14. Gaming CSS Closable Alert

For a less serious look and feel this alert is a great candidate.

It’s big, it’s very original and it’s done entirely with CSS.

15. Bottom Right Tailwind + Alpine Alerts

For those who like using the latest trends and make use of TailwindCSS and Alpine.js.

Simple use of alert notifications that get displayed on the bottom right.

Each type of alert has its icon and they replace each other when clicked continuously.

16. Bootstrap 5 Alert Message

Example of a simple alert using Bootstrap 5.

The alert message accepts a title and a body, so it comes in handy for that kind of alert that requires a bit more context.

17. Bootstrap 4 Alerts (CSS Only)

A great solution for developers using Bootstrap 4.

In this case, there’s no JavaScript involved and the alerts only get animated on page load.

This can come in handy when displaying them server-side after form submission, for example.

18. Alerts With Icons & Text Messages

A very simple implementation of an alert component.

They are made with CSS and the only external component they use is FontAwesome for the icons.

They use a white background for the alert message and add a touch of color on the icon background to define the type of alert it is.

19. Foundation Framework Alert Message

If you are working with the Foundation framework, then you might want to consider these alerts.

They time out after some time and can get stacked on top of each other when triggered continuously.

They enter from the bottom right with fast slide animation.

20. Bootstrap 3.3 Alerts

For those who are still using Bootstrap 3.

These alerts will stack on top of each other with a small and cute animation.

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21. Colored Gradient Tailwind CSS Alert

A lovely collection of CSS alert examples.

They use Tailwind CSS framework and some beautiful and subtle gradients and shadows.

Whether you use Tailwind CSS or not, you can take the alert styles and apply them to any other alert to step up their design.

22. Basic Alert on Vanilla JS & CSS

Simple alert with no frameworks and vanilla JS.

Nothing too fancy about it, but gets the job done with practically just CSS.

23. Status Alerts

Example of some status alerts that you can use on your website.

They use a bit of JavaScript and FontAwesome for the icons.

24. Scale Effect Alert

This alert component makes use of an elastic zoom effect to display the notification.

The notification alert will timeout after some time.

It also uses a progress indicator to show when the alert will disappear.

25. Large Modern CSS Alert Components

Use this CSS code to create some modern alert messages.

It uses FontAwesome to display icons for each kind of alert message.

26. Information CSS Only Alert

Information kind of alert.

It gets closed when clicking on the X and uses an SVG image for the information icon.

27. Warning CSS Alert Message

It gets closed when clicking on the X and uses an SVG image for the warning icon.

28. Model Alert Via :target In CSS

A very basic modal alert built entirely on CSS.

The dialog uses the bare minimum style but it still looks modern and totally usable.

The modal comes with a heading and text content and its wrapper uses some box shadow.

It uses a dark overlay when opened that closes the modal when it gets clicked.

How do I show an alert in HTML?

HTML doesn’t provide a way to show alerts. But you can make use of the alert function in JavaScript to do so.

For more information on alerts, check how to use JavaScript alerts.

button onclick="alert('Test');">Click here/button>


20+ CSS Alert Box Examples with Code Snippet

Latest Collection of hand-picked free Html CSS Alert Box Examples with Code Snippet.

1. Pure HTML + CSS Alerts with Dismiss

CSS Alerts with Dismiss


Made with

2. Modern Alerts

Modern Alerts


Made with

3. UI Alert CSS

UI Alert CSS


Made with

4. Alerts Component

css error message component


Made with

5. Re-styled Bootstrap alerts (CSS)


Made with

6. message display


Made with

7. Toast with VueJS


Made with

8. Error message banner


Made with

9. UI daily challenge – flash message


Made with

10. Message Types


Made with

11. Warning, Info and Error css


Made with

12. Alert Boxes With CSS3


Made with

13. Error, Success, Warning and Info Messages


Made with

14. Notifications


Made with

15. Simple css alerts


Made with

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