Manage Users

I’d like to make the delete and update users pages to be pop up windows with a close window option. Solution 3: PHP runs on the server-side thus you have to use a client-side technology which is capable of showing popup windows: JavaScript.

How do you make a window pop up for your Error handling in PHP? Is javascript the only way to do this or is there a way to do this in PHP?

i have a PHP-file, and one of the lines of code is the following:

This line of code catches all the errors coming from my form, as following:

when somebody presses submit on my form, the errors will show themselves on a separate page, i want this in a pop-up window. Thank you in advance

For a popup javascript is required. Put this in your header:

When the button is pressed a box pops up with the message set in the header.

This can be put in any html or php file without the php tags.

To display it using php try this:

It may not be 100% correct but the principle is the same.

To display different messages you can either create lots of functions or you can pass a variable in to the function when you call it.

You’ll have to use JS to open the popup, though you can put it on the page conditionally with PHP, you’re right that you’ll have to use a JavaScript function.

PHP runs on the server-side thus you have to use a client-side technology which is capable of showing popup windows: JavaScript.

So you should output a specific JS block via PHP if your form contains errors and you want to show that popup.

if (isset($_POST[‘Register’])) < $ErrorArrays = array (); //Empty array for input errors $Input_Username = $_POST['Username']; $Input_Password = $_POST['Password']; $Input_Confirm = $_POST['ConfirmPass']; $Input_Email = $_POST['Email']; if (empty($Input_Username)) < $ErrorArrays[] = "Username Is Empty"; >if (empty($Input_Password)) < $ErrorArrays[] = "Password Is Empty"; >if ($Input_Password !== $Input_Confirm) < $ErrorArrays[] = "Passwords Do Not Match!"; >if (!filter_var($Input_Email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) < $ErrorArrays[] = "Incorrect Email Formatting"; >if (count($ErrorArrays) == 0) < // No Errors >else < foreach ($ErrorArrays AS $Errors) < echo "«.$Errors.»
«; > > > ?> Username:
Confirm Password:

This is a very basic PHP Form validation. This could be put in a try block, but for basic reference, I see this fit following our conversation in the comment box.

What this script will do, is process each of the post elements, and act accordingly, for example:

 if (!filter_var($Input_Email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))

if $Input_Email is not a valid email. If this is not a valid E-mail, then a message will get added to a empty array.

Further down the script, you will see:

 if (count($ErrorArrays) == 0) < // No Errors >else < foreach ($ErrorArrays AS $Errors) < echo "".$Errors."
"; > >

Basically. if the array count is not 0, errors have been found. Then the script will print out the errors.

Remember, this is a reference based on our conversation in the comment box, and should be used as such.

Php — open a new pop-up window from a link when you, open a new pop-up window from a link when you click. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 9 months ago. return false»>Open a popup …

I have a manage users page which lets users to delete and update users. I’d like to make the delete and update users pages to be pop up windows with a close window option. but I don’t know how, here is my mange users code

User email User name User role     fetch_assoc()) < ?> ">EDIT ">DELETE ?>

And this is the update_user.php page

stmt_init(); if (isset($_GET['person_id']) && !$_POST) < // prepare SQL query $sql = 'SELECT person_id, user_email, user_name, user_role FROM users WHERE person_id = ?'; if ($stmt->prepare($sql)) < $stmt->bind_param('i', $_GET['person_id']); $stmt->bind_result($person_id, $user_email, $user_name, $user_role); $OK = $stmt->execute(); $stmt->fetch(); $_SESSION['uemail_update'] = $user_email; //new > > if (isset($_POST ['update'])) < // prepare update query $sql = 'UPDATE users SET user_name = ?, user_role = ? WHERE person_id = ?'; if ($stmt->prepare($sql)) < $stmt->bind_param('ssi', $_POST['user_name'], $_POST['user_role'], $_POST['person_id']); $done = $stmt->execute(); > > // redirect if $_GET['aperson_id'] not defined if ($done) < header('Location: update_users_confirm.php'); exit; >if (!isset($_GET['person_id'])) < header("Location: manage_users.php"); exit; >// store error message if query fails if (isset($stmt) && !$OK && !$done) < $error = $stmt->error; > ?>         
"; > if($person_id == 0) < ?>


User role: Part timer



Can someone please help me to make the update_user.php page appear in a pop up window which should also display confirmation.php page when its submitted.

You can do it by JavaScript see the solution given below:

Add this script on top of the page in head section

Replace these line on your code

How to create a pop up window using php via echo?, Browse other questions tagged php popup or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Skills that pay the bills for software developers (Ep. 460)

How to handle pop-up windows in php

I’ve searched extensively on the web about how to handle pop-up windows in PHP without finding any useful info. There is a bit for VBA but not really portable to PHP.

After I modify one or more fields and submit the web page to be saved, this pop-up appears with the OK button to click on that completes the saving process.

Is there a way to handle it via a PHP script?

PHP is a server side language. Any popup on your webpage is probably done with Javascript, which is a client side language (well, at least in this context it is). So no, there’s no way to handle this with only PHP.

you can do it with javascript

onclick="centerPopUp('abc.php','windowname1','width=1000, height=1000'); return false;"  

You can use Use jquery, AJAX, javascript to achieve the requited functionality. Pure PHP Will not able to do this stuff.

Popup — how to handle pop-up windows in php, I’ve searched extensively on the web about how to handle pop-up windows in PHP without finding any useful info. There is a bit for VBA but not …


Create a Popup Window in PHP

Create a Popup Window in PHP

  1. Use the echo Function to Display the JavaScript Popup in PHP
  2. Use the HTML Button and the JavaScript onClick Event to Display Popup in PHP

This article introduces ways to create a popup window in PHP with the help of JavaScript.

Use the echo Function to Display the JavaScript Popup in PHP

In a PHP application, JavaScript comes in handy if we need to create a popup window. We can use the JavaScript alert() method to achieve our goal.

The function creates an alert box on the webpage. We can write the JavaScript code in a PHP file inside the tag.

Finally, we can use the echo statement to display the JavaScript function in PHP.

For example, create a PHP file and write the tag. Inside the tag, create a function displayMessage() .

Next, use the alert() method inside the displayMessage() function and write some message in it.

In PHP, write the echo function. Inside the quote of the echo function, write the tag and invoke the displayMessage() function.

As a result, an alert box will pop up when we run the PHP file.

//index.php  script> function displayMessage()  alert("Hi, have a good day"); > /script> 
//index.php  echo '  displayMessage()   '; 


Create a Popup Window in PHP

JavaScript Code: PHP Code: Use the HTML Button and the JavaScript Event to Display Popup in PHP This method will introduce a way to create a popup window in PHP using the JavaScript . I wanna do something similar like in SO — try pressing Image button and u’ll see nice popup window coming up.

Create a Popup Window in PHP

This article introduces ways to create a popup window in PHP with the help of JavaScript.

Use the echo Function to Display the JavaScript Popup in PHP

In a PHP application, JavaScript comes in handy if we need to create a popup window. We can use the JavaScript alert() method to achieve our goal.

The function creates an alert box on the webpage. We can write the JavaScript code in a php file inside the tag.

Finally, we can use the echo statement to display the JavaScript function in PHP.

For example, create a PHP file and write the tag. Inside the tag, create a function displayMessage() .

Next, use the alert() method inside the displayMessage() function and write some message in it.

In PHP, write the echo function. Inside the quote of the echo function, write the tag and invoke the displayMessage() function.

As a result, an alert box will pop up when we run the PHP file.

//index.php function displayMessage() 
//index.php echo '  '; 

Use the HTML Button and the JavaScript onClick Event to Display Popup in PHP

This method will introduce a way to create a popup window in PHP using the JavaScript onClick . We can assign the onClick event to an HTML button and invoke the alert() method.

We can put all the code in a PHP file, host it on a server, and run it.

For example, Create a php file index.php and write the alert() method with some message inside a JavaScript function displayMessage() . Do not forget to wrap the JavaScript Code inside the tags.

Next, create a button using the or the element. In the element, write the onClick attribute and assign the displayMessage() function to it.

After running the PHP file, a button will be displayed on the webpage that says Display alert box .

When we click on the button, a window will pop up with a message.

//index.php function displayMessage() 

This way, we can create a popup window in PHP using the JavaScript alert() method.

How To Create Popups, var popup = document.getElementById(«myPopup»); popup.classList.toggle(«show»); > . Try it Yourself ». Tip: Tooltips are …

How can I make a php code pop up a new window?

I have a wordpress plugin that allows me to send people to a new url. instead of it going to that URL on that same page and making users leave my website. I want a new window to open when they go to the url

How can I edit this code so that a new window opens ?

  // Plugin deactivation register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'wpjb_aurl_unregister'); function wpjb_aurl_unregister() < // do nothing . >// Adding custom fields to the form add_filter("wpjb_form_init_job", "wpjb_aurl_init_job"); add_filter("wpja_form_init_job", "wpjb_aurl_init_job"); function wpjb_aurl_init_job($form) < // adding new fields to the form $e = $form->create("application_url", "text"); $e->setBuiltin(false); $e->setLabel("Application URL"); $e->addFilter(new Daq_Filter_WP_Url); $e->addValidator(new Daq_Validate_Url); $e->setValue($form->getObject()->meta->application_url->value()); $form->addElement($e, "company"); return $form; > add_action("wpjb_front_pre_render", "wpjb_aurl_pre_render", 10, 2); function wpjb_aurl_pre_render($app, $file) < global $post_type; try < $c1 = is_wpjb() && wpjb_is_routed_to("index.single"); >catch(Exception $e) < $c1 = false; >$c2 = $post_type == "job"; if(!$c1 && !$c2) < return; >$job = $app->controller->view->job; if(!$job->meta->application_url->value()) < return; >$app->controller->view->application_url = $job->meta->application_url- >value(); > ?> 

You can not do it purely with PHP , but you can instead of redirecting to the new url echo javascript that will be fired on loading the page that will open the url in a new window or tab.

Echo " "; 

In your php script probably on the position you have now

$app->controller->view->application_url = $job->meta->application_url->value(); 

Popup form using html/javascript/css, But the problem with this code is that, I cannot change the content popup content from «Please enter your name» to my html form. Umm. Just …

How to create popup window(modal dialog box) in HTML

On my web site a have a page where where user can ask questions. Now I want to add Add Image button that must invoke kinda modal dialog box where user needs to upload the picture from computer. Then window is closed and link to image is placed back to post.

I wanna do something similar like in SO — try pressing Image button and u’ll see nice popup window coming up.

Please suggest what is best way to implement that stuff. I am asking for code snippet rather about technology

Perhaps this could be of some help once you have started Other wise you can use the DOM structure and create each and every element using appendChild and CreateElement and use css to give a good look.

That popup window you can do by using any jQuery Library like colorbox. For image upload thing you will have to alternately look for some Flash Based or Java based uploads.

with jquery create pop up . like this ( ) and then add form to pop up for upload image . then when file uploaded only return absolute address to parent editor . now you can show your image 😉

You will need client side scripting. I reccomend learning Javascript , then Jquery, then Jquery UI. If you know php it should not be too dificult to pickup the basics.

How to make a popup box using html code, The easiest way to add action events to a webpage is by using Javascript, a programming language not to be confused with Java. The code …


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