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PHP Apache Log Parser Library



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Web server access Log Parser

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php composer.phar require kassner/apache-log-parser:dev-master 

Simply instantiate the class :

$parser = new \Kassner\ApacheLogParser\ApacheLogParser();

And then parse the lines of your access log file :

$lines = file('/var/log/apache2/access.log', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); foreach ($lines as $line) < $entry = $parser->parse($line); >

Where $entry object will hold all data parsed.

stdClass Object ( [host] => [logname] => - [user] => www-data [stamp] => 1390794676 [time] => 27/Jan/2014:04:51:16 +0100 [request] => GET /wp-content/uploads/2013/11/whatever.jpg HTTP/1.1 [status] => 200 [responseBytes] => 58678 )

You may customize the log format (by default it matches the Apache common log format)

# default Nginx format : $parser->setFormat('%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %O "%i" \"%i"');

Here is the full list of log format strings supported by Apache, and whether they are supported by the library :

Supported? Format String Property name Description
Y %% percent The percent sign
Y %A localIp Local IP-address
Y %a remoteIp Remote IP-address
Y %B responseBytes Size of response in bytes, excluding HTTP headers.
Y %b responseBytes Size of response in bytes, excluding HTTP headers. In CLF format, i.e. a ‘-‘ rather than a 0 when no bytes are sent.
Y %D responseTime The time taken to serve the request, in microseconds.
Y %f filename Filename
Y %h host Remote host
N %H protocol The request protocol
Y %I receivedBytes Bytes received, including request and headers, cannot be zero. You need to enable mod_logio to use this.
Y %k keepAliveRequests Number of keepalive requests handled on this connection. Interesting if KeepAlive is being used, so that, for example, a ‘1’ means the first keepalive request after the initial one, ‘2’ the second, etc. ; otherwise this is always 0 (Y indicating the initial request). Available in versions 2.2.11 and later.
Y %l logname Remote logname (from identd, if supplied). This will return a dash unless mod_ident is present and IdentityCheck is set On.
Y %m requestMethod The request method
Y %O sentBytes Bytes sent, including headers, cannot be zero. You need to enable mod_logio to use this.
Y %p port The canonical port of the server serving the request
Y %P PID The process ID of the child that serviced the request.
N %q queryString The query string (prepended with a ? if a query string exists, otherwise an empty string)
Y %r request First line of request
N %R handler The handler generating the response (if any).
Y %s originalStatus Status. For requests that got internally redirected, this is the status of the original request — %>s for the last.
Y %>s status status
Y %T timeRequestServed The time taken to serve the request, in seconds.
Y %t time Time the request was received (standard english format)
Y %u user Remote user (from auth; may be bogus if return status (%s) is 401)
Y %U URL The URL path requested, not including any query string.
Y %v serverName The canonical ServerName of the server serving the request.
Y %V canonicalServerName The server name according to the UseCanonicalName setting.
Y %X connectionStatus Connection status when response is completed: X = connection aborted before the response completed. + = connection may be kept alive after the response is sent. — = connection will be closed after the response is sent.
Y %C *Cookie The contents of cookie Foobar in the request sent to the server. Only version 0 cookies are fully supported.
Y %e *Env The contents of the environment variable FOOBAR
Y %i *Header The contents of Foobar: header line(s) in the request sent to the server. Changes made by other modules (e.g. mod_headers) affect this. If you’re interested in what the request header was prior to when most modules would have modified it, use mod_setenvif to copy the header into an internal environment variable and log that value with the %e described above.
N %n *Note The contents of note Foobar from another module.
N %o *Headers The contents of Foobar: header line(s) in the reply.
N %p *Port The canonical port of the server serving the request or the server’s actual port or the client’s actual port. Valid formats are canonical, local, or remote.
N %P *PID The process ID or thread id of the child that serviced the request. Valid formats are pid, tid, and hextid. hextid requires APR 1.2.0 or higher.
N %t *Time The time, in the form given by format, which should be in strftime(3) format. (potentially localized) (This directive was %c in late versions of Apache 1.3, but this conflicted with the historical ssl %c syntax.)
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If a line does not match with the defined format, an \Kassner\ApacheLogParser\FormatException will be thrown.


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PHP library to parse Apache logs



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A PHP library to parse Apache logs.

This library is installable via Composer. Just run:

composer require benmorel/apache-log-parser

This library requires PHP 7.1 or later.

Project status & release process

This library is under development.

The current releases are numbered 0.x.y . When a non-breaking change is introduced (adding new methods, optimizing existing code, etc.), y is incremented.

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When a breaking change is introduced, a new 0.x version cycle is always started.

It is therefore safe to lock your project to a given release cycle, such as 0.1.* .

If you need to upgrade to a newer release cycle, check the release history for a list of changes introduced by each further 0.x.0 version.

This library provides a single class, Parser .

First construct a Parser object with the LogFormat defined in the httpd.conf file of the server that generated the log file:

use BenMorel\ApacheLogParser\Parser; $logFormat pl-s">%h %l %u %t \"%i\" \"%r\" %>s %b \"%i\" \"%i\""; $parser = new Parser($logFormat);

The library converts every format string of your log format to a field name; the list of fields can be accessed through the getFieldNames() method:

var_export( $parser->getFieldNames() );
array ( 0 => 'remoteHostname', 1 => 'remoteLogname', 2 => 'remoteUser', 3 => 'time', 4 => 'requestHeader:Host', 5 => 'firstRequestLine', 6 => 'status', 7 => 'responseSize', 8 => 'requestHeader:Referer', 9 => 'requestHeader:User-Agent', )

You’re then ready to parse a single line of your log file: the parse() method accepts the log line, and a boolean to indicate whether you want the results as a numeric array, whose keys match the ones of the field names array:

$line = ' - - [30/May/2018:15:00:23 +0200] "www.example.com" "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 1234 "-" "Mozilla/5.0'; var_export( $parser->parse($line, false) );
array ( 0 => '', 1 => '-', 2 => '-', 3 => '30/May/2018:15:00:23 +0200', 4 => 'www.example.com', 5 => 'GET / HTTP/1.0', 6 => '200', 7 => '1234', 8 => '-', 9 => 'Mozilla/5.0', )

Or as an associative array, with the field names as keys:

var_export( $parser->parse($line, true) );
array ( 'remoteHostname' => '', 'remoteLogname' => '-', 'remoteUser' => '-', 'time' => '30/May/2018:15:00:23 +0200', 'requestHeader:Host' => 'www.example.com', 'firstRequestLine' => 'GET / HTTP/1.0', 'status' => '200', 'responseSize' => '1234', 'requestHeader:Referer' => '-', 'requestHeader:User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0', )

If a line cannot be parsed, an InvalidArgumentException is thrown. Be sure to wrap your parse() calls in a try-catch block:

try < $parser->parse($line, true) > catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) < // . >

Field names returned by the library

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This table shows how format strings are mapped to field names by the library:

Format string Field name
%a clientIp
%a clientIp:c
%A localIp
%B responseSize
%b responseSize
%C cookie:VARNAME
%D responseTime
%e env:VARNAME
%f filename
%h remoteHostname
%H requestProtocol
%i requestHeader:VARNAME
%k keepaliveRequests
%l remoteLogname
%L requestLogId
%m requestMethod
%n note:VARNAME
%o responseHeader:VARNAME
%p canonicalPort
%p canonicalPort:FORMAT
%P processId
%P processId:FORMAT
%q queryString
%r firstRequestLine
%R handler
%s status
%t time
%t time:FORMAT
%T timeToServe
%T timeToServe:UNIT
%u remoteUser
%U urlPath
%v serverName
%V serverName
%X connectionStatus
%I bytesReceived
%O bytesSent
%S bytesTransferred
%^ti requestTrailerLine:VARNAME
%^to responseTrailerLine:VARNAME

If two or more format strings yield the same field name, the second one will get a :2 suffix, the third one a :3 suffix, etc.

You can expect to parse more than 250,000 records per second (> 50 MiB/s) when reading logs from a file on a modern server with an SSD drive.

Returning records as an associative array comes with a small performance penalty of about 6%.


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