Libreoffice java 64 bit

Установка Java Runtime Environment и запуск LibreOffice Base

Для работы LibreOffice Base требуется установленный Java Runtime Environment, который не входит в состав системы Astra Linux Special Edition.

При выполнении описанной ниже процедуры можно использовать следующие версии Java:

  1. Версия Axiom JDK Pro разработанная компанией БЕЛЛСОФТ и распространяемая на коммерческой основе и доступна по запросу:
  2. Оригинальная версия Oracle Java с сайта
  3. Версия ГосJava из репозитория наших партнеров Лаборатория 50;

Установка пакетов

Если комплект пакетов LibreOffice не был установлен при инсталляции системы, то установить его:

Начиная с оперативного обновления 7 Astra Linux Special Edition РУСБ.10015-01 (очередное обновление 1.6) БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ № 20210611SE16 актуальная версия пакета libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb находится на диске с обновлением. Для более ранних оперативных обновлений пакет libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb находится на диске со средствами разработки, и в этом случае требуется установить пакет отдельно после подключения репозитория со средствами разработки:

Установка Java Runtime Environment

Axiom JDK Pro

Загрузить пакет bellsoft-java8 с сайта компании БЕЛЛСОФТ (актуальная версия пакета доступна по ссылке, например:

Оригинальная версия Oracle Java

JRE доступен для скачивания на официальном сайте, для этого нужно перейти на и нажать кнопку «Загрузить Java бесплатно», после чего внизу страницы выбрать версию для «Linux x64» (не «Linux x64 RPM») и скачать архив:

Распаковать скачанный архив, выполнив команду:

Далее «Расширенные возможности» — «Добавить»

После чего по аналогии с предыдущим пунктом выбирать путь /opt/jre1.8.0_211, нажать «ОК», и подтвердить согласие на перезапуск.


LibreOffice Base работает:


Frequently asked questions — General

How to install Java (JRE/JDK) so that LibreOffice could use it?

Libreoffice java 64 bit

Some LibreOffice functions require Java ( JRE / JDK ). To use them, a supported version of JRE/JDK must be present and configured on the system.

Using Windows

x86 or x64 architecture?

Do not mistake ‘x64’ and ‘x86’ architectures: when using Windows, you need to make sure that the architecture of installed LibreOffice matches the architecture of installed JRE.

  • If your Windows is 64-bit, LibreOffice Download page by default offers you a 64-bit LibreOffice installer. It is designated as Windows (64-bit)⁠ .
  • If you have 32-bit operating system, you will be offered a 32-bit installer ( Windows (32-bit)⁠ ).

You may check the architecture of installed LibreOffice in menu Help ▸ About LibreOffice , where the version string looks like «Version: (x64)» for 64-bit version, and «Version: (x86)» for 32-bit version.

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LibreOffice can only use JRE with matching architecture: i.e., 64-bit LibreOffice can only use 64-bit JRE, and 32-bit LibreOffice can only use 32-bit JRE.

When you have installed a 64-bit LibreOffice, and 32-bit JRE, LibreOffice would not be able to find and use the JRE, no matter how hard you would try it. Take care that you download from the Java home page ( the right architecture. In this case, LibreOffice (of reasonably fresh version) would try to be helpful in its «JRE Required» error message, telling you that it needs specific architecture (e.g., 64-bit) of JRE.

To find other available downloads, including 64-bit JRE, you need to ignore the Big green «Download Java» button, and find a small See all Java 8 Downloads for Desktop users link below.

Do not use the big button, use the link «See all Java 8 Downloads for Desktop users». (click to enlarge image)

Then, in the manual download page, you have to choose the right version. (If you are in doubt, you can install both.)

Package names

Java installer packages typically have this naming scheme:

  • jre-8u201-windows-i586-iftw.exe or JavaSetup8u261.exe — 32-bit web-installer;
  • jre-8u201-windows-i586.exe — 32-bit standalone installer;
  • jre-8u201-windows-x64.exe — 64-bit standalone installer.

Thus, be aware that ‘standard’ build, with a naming scheme like JavaSetup8u341.exe will NOT work with LibreOffice. This is why you have to use the manual download link.

How to control what JRE version in installed

JREs which are installed into C:\Program Files (x86) (as opposed to C:\Program Files) are 32-bit (unless you manually modified install path during installation), so you may use this information to tell if your JRE is 32-bit or 64-bit.

Launching Java Control Panel («Configure Java» available in Windows Start menu), and clicking «View» button on «Java» tab, opens Java Runtime Environment Settings window with Architecture column allowing to see if installed instances are 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86_64).


It is possible to install both 32-bit and 64-bit Java simultaneously on the system; and they don’t conflict with each other — so if in doubt, just install both.

Using macOS

On macOS 10.10 and newer, please note that you need to install JDK, not JRE. You may find download links choosing JDK version on this page. Note that Apple M1 is an Arm 64 architecture. On macOS 10.09, neither JRE, nor JDK are found. LibreOffice releases available from Apple App Store don’t include Java support at all, because apps distributed in the App Store are not allowed to depend on optional functionality like Java.

Java vendor support

Since v.6.1.6 and 6.2.4, LibreOffice supports a wide variety of third-party JRE vendors in addition to Oracle, e.g. Temurin and Amazon Corretto.

Java version support

  • For LibreOffice prior to v.6.3, minimal supported Java version is 5 (clarification needed about older support history).
  • For LibreOffice v.6.3, minimal supported Java version is 6 (see Release Notes).
  • For LibreOffice v.6.4, minimal supported Java version is 8 (see mailing list archive and commit).



How to install Java (JRE/JDK) so that LibreOffice could use it?

Libreoffice java 64 bit

Some LibreOffice functions require Java ( JRE / JDK ). To use them, a supported version of JRE/JDK must be present and configured on the system.

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Using Windows

x86 or x64 architecture?

Do not mistake ‘x64’ and ‘x86’ architectures: when using Windows, you need to make sure that the architecture of installed LibreOffice matches the architecture of installed JRE.

  • If your Windows is 64-bit, LibreOffice Download page by default offers you a 64-bit LibreOffice installer. It is designated as Windows (64-bit)⁠ .
  • If you have 32-bit operating system, you will be offered a 32-bit installer ( Windows (32-bit)⁠ ).

You may check the architecture of installed LibreOffice in menu Help ▸ About LibreOffice , where the version string looks like «Version: (x64)» for 64-bit version, and «Version: (x86)» for 32-bit version.

LibreOffice can only use JRE with matching architecture: i.e., 64-bit LibreOffice can only use 64-bit JRE, and 32-bit LibreOffice can only use 32-bit JRE.

When you have installed a 64-bit LibreOffice, and 32-bit JRE, LibreOffice would not be able to find and use the JRE, no matter how hard you would try it. Take care that you download from the Java home page ( the right architecture. In this case, LibreOffice (of reasonably fresh version) would try to be helpful in its «JRE Required» error message, telling you that it needs specific architecture (e.g., 64-bit) of JRE.

To find other available downloads, including 64-bit JRE, you need to ignore the Big green «Download Java» button, and find a small See all Java 8 Downloads for Desktop users link below.

Do not use the big button, use the link «See all Java 8 Downloads for Desktop users». (click to enlarge image)

Then, in the manual download page, you have to choose the right version. (If you are in doubt, you can install both.)

Package names

Java installer packages typically have this naming scheme:

  • jre-8u201-windows-i586-iftw.exe or JavaSetup8u261.exe — 32-bit web-installer;
  • jre-8u201-windows-i586.exe — 32-bit standalone installer;
  • jre-8u201-windows-x64.exe — 64-bit standalone installer.

Thus, be aware that ‘standard’ build, with a naming scheme like JavaSetup8u341.exe will NOT work with LibreOffice. This is why you have to use the manual download link.

How to control what JRE version in installed

JREs which are installed into C:\Program Files (x86) (as opposed to C:\Program Files) are 32-bit (unless you manually modified install path during installation), so you may use this information to tell if your JRE is 32-bit or 64-bit.

Launching Java Control Panel («Configure Java» available in Windows Start menu), and clicking «View» button on «Java» tab, opens Java Runtime Environment Settings window with Architecture column allowing to see if installed instances are 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86_64).


It is possible to install both 32-bit and 64-bit Java simultaneously on the system; and they don’t conflict with each other — so if in doubt, just install both.

Using macOS

On macOS 10.10 and newer, please note that you need to install JDK, not JRE. You may find download links choosing JDK version on this page. Note that Apple M1 is an Arm 64 architecture. On macOS 10.09, neither JRE, nor JDK are found. LibreOffice releases available from Apple App Store don’t include Java support at all, because apps distributed in the App Store are not allowed to depend on optional functionality like Java.

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Java vendor support

Since v.6.1.6 and 6.2.4, LibreOffice supports a wide variety of third-party JRE vendors in addition to Oracle, e.g. Temurin and Amazon Corretto.

Java version support

  • For LibreOffice prior to v.6.3, minimal supported Java version is 5 (clarification needed about older support history).
  • For LibreOffice v.6.3, minimal supported Java version is 6 (see Release Notes).
  • For LibreOffice v.6.4, minimal supported Java version is 8 (see mailing list archive and commit).



Specifies the support options for Java applications in LibreOffice, including which Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to use. It also specifies whether to use experimental (unstable) features such as macro recording.

Choose LibreOffice — Preferences Tools — Options — LibreOffice — Advanced .

Options Advanced Dialogue Box Image

Some options cannot be reset once edited. Either edit back the changes manually or click Cancel and reopen the Options dialogue box.

Java options

The current list of LibreOffice modules and resources that depends on Java is available in the wiki.

Use a Java runtime environment

Allows you to run Java applications in LibreOffice. When a Java application attempts to access your hard drive, a prompt opens.

Make sure to install a JRE compatible with the LibreOffice architecture: 64-bit JRE for 64-bit LibreOffice and 32-bit JRE for 32-bit LibreOffice.

Java runtime environments (JRE) already installed:

Select the JRE that you want to use. On some systems, you must wait a minute until the list gets populated. On some systems, you must restart LibreOffice to use your changed setting. The path to the JRE is displayed beneath the list box.

You can override the default JRE of the operating system with one of the following alternatives:

  • By setting the environment variable JAVA_HOME ,
  • By adding a JRE to the $PATH variable,
  • By providing the configuration file javasettings_macOS_X86_64.xml javasettings_Windows_X86_64.xml javasettings_Linux_X86_64.xml javasettings_$_$.xml in the folder /presets/config .


Add a path to the root folder of a JRE on your computer. The path is set in the following dialogue box.


Class Path

Optional Features

Enable experimental features

Enables features that are not yet complete or may contain known bugs. The list of these features is different version by version, or even it can be empty.

Enable macro recording

Enables macro recording. The Tools — Macros — Record Macro menu item is available.

Expert Configuration

Opens the Expert Configuration dialogue box for advanced settings and configuration of LibreOffice.

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