Letter spacing and word spacing in html

6 Ways To Add Spaces In HTML CSS (Simple Examples)

Welcome to a tutorial on how to add spaces in HTML and CSS. Is the text too cluttered on your webpage? Need some breathing space and decluttering magic?

  1. Use   to define a white space,   for 2 spaces, and   for 4 spaces.
  2. Paragraphs

    to spread out text blocks.

  3. to add a line break.
  4. to keep spacing and line-breaks as-it-is.
  5. Add extra padding and/or margin spaces –

  6. Control the spacing between each character, word, and line –

That covers the quick basics. But let us walk through some actual examples in this guide – Read on!

ⓘ I have included a zip file with all the example source code at the start of this tutorial, so you don’t have to copy-paste everything… Or if you just want to dive straight in.


How To Add Spaces In HTML CSS



Firstly, here is the download link to the example code as promised.


If you spot a bug, feel free to comment below. I try to answer short questions too, but it is one person versus the entire world… If you need answers urgently, please check out my list of websites to get help with programming.


Click here to download the source code, I have released it under the MIT license, so feel free to build on top of it or use it in your own project.


All right, let us now get into the ways and examples of adding spaces in HTML and CSS.


Non-breaking   space. 2 non-breaking   spaces. 4 non-breaking   spaces.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer pretium, lacus non tristique imperdiet, neque magna porttitor enim, eget iaculis erat enim et sapien.

Another Paragraph.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer pretium, lacus non tristique imperdiet, neque magna porttitor enim, eget iaculis erat enim et sapien.

This one should be self-explanatory,

creates a paragraph of text and the browser will automatically space out between each paragraph. Although we can also control the distance between each character, word, line, and block – Examples below.



Line one.
Line two.
Line three.

By default, the browser will automatically wrap the text according to the width of the paragraph/container. To specifically add a break, use the line break


Hello world. This is a pre-formatted text block. Be careful with how you use this. It retains all line breaks and spaces.

Hello world. This is a pre-formatted text block. Be careful with how you use this. It retains all line breaks and spaces.

Once again, HTML will strip extra white spaces and ignore line breaks. If you want to retain all the spaces and breaks as-is-is, use a pre-formatted tag instead.




As in the introduction above, we can specify the padding and margin to control the spacing between each paragraph. But instead of leaving you confused on how this actually works, let me introduce the CSS box model:

Yes, nearly every HTML element follows this box model.

  • In the center, we have the contents. This can be the text for

    , video for , image for , etc…

  • The content is surrounded by a layer of padding , followed by the border .
  • Finally, margin is the spacing between each HTML element.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

  • letter-spacing will specify the space in-between each character .
  • word-spacing will specify the space in-between each word .
  • line-height will specify the space in-between each line of text .

That’s all for this project, and here is a small section on some extras and links that may be useful to you.




Thank you for reading, and we have come to the end of this guide. I hope that it has helped you with your project, and if you want to share anything with this guide, please feel free to comment below. Good luck and happy coding!

2 thoughts on “6 Ways To Add Spaces In HTML CSS (Simple Examples)”

Thank you for the nice and concise clarifications .
I was looking for a way to add space below in the website without using footer and without adding html empty elements . I would appreciate your reply. Thanks!

As above, just add margin-bottom or padding-bottom to the last element.

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W.S. Toh is a senior web developer and SEO practitioner with over 20 years of experience. Graduated from the University of London. When not secretly being an evil tech ninja, he enjoys photography and working on DIY projects.

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CSS Text Spacing

In this chapter you will learn about the following properties:

  • text-indent
  • letter-spacing
  • line-height
  • word-spacing
  • white-space

Text Indentation

The text-indent property is used to specify the indentation of the first line of a text:


Letter Spacing

The letter-spacing property is used to specify the space between the characters in a text.

The following example demonstrates how to increase or decrease the space between characters:


Line Height

The line-height property is used to specify the space between lines:


Word Spacing

The word-spacing property is used to specify the space between the words in a text.

The following example demonstrates how to increase or decrease the space between words:


White Space

The white-space property specifies how white-space inside an element is handled.

This example demonstrates how to disable text wrapping inside an element:


The CSS Text Spacing Properties

Property Description
letter-spacing Specifies the space between characters in a text
line-height Specifies the line height
text-indent Specifies the indentation of the first line in a text-block
white-space Specifies how to handle white-space inside an element
word-spacing Specifies the space between words in a text

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Как изменить расстояние между буквами и словами в CSS?

Наверняка у каждого из вас возникали ситуации, когда при верстке вам нужно было разместить в блоке какой-либо текст, но он в него не вмещался, или наоборот, был слишком маленьким по объему, и в блоке оставалось слишком много пустого места.

В таких случаях можно попробовать различные методы выхода из положения. Например, можно поменять размер шрифта, урезать текст или изменить размер блока. Но если ни один из этих вариантов не подходят, то остается только поменять расстояние между буквами и расстояние между словами в CSS.

Как поменять расстояние между буквами CSS?

Чтобы изменить межбуквенный интервал в CSS мы можем использовать свойство letter-spacing. По умолчанию браузеры устанавливают межбуквенный интервал, основываясь на типе выбранного шрифта и его параметров. С помощью данного свойства мы можем задать расстояние между буквами для текста css в конкретном элементе.

Свойство letter-spacing может принимать три значения:

  • Числовое значение – можно задать интервал в любых доступных для css единицах измерения (px, in, pt, em, ex), а так же можно задавать как положительные, так и отрицательные значения.
  • normal – задает расстояние между буквами css для текста по умолчанию (0.25em)
  • inherit – параметры межбуквенного интервала в css будут наследоваться от родительского элемента.

Как мы можем его использовать? Например, у меня четыре одинаковых блока с текстом, в оном блоке текст как раз подобран по размеру, а в остальных трех фрагменты текста значительно меньше, но изменить размеры блоков нельзя.

Межбуквенный интервал css

Для первых трех блоков можно попробовать увеличить расстояние между буквами css, и тем самым сделать его немного объемнее. В файле стилей, для абзацев в классах первых трех элементов пишем следующие свойства:


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