Learning php mysql javascript with jquery css html5 learning php mysql javascript css html5

Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript, 5th Edition With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 (Learning PHP, MYSQL, Javascript, CSS & HTML5)

Build interactive, data-driven websites with the potent combination of open-source technologies and web standards, even if you have only basic HTML knowledge. With this popular hands-on guide, you’ll tackle dynamic web programming with the help of today’s core technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS and HTML5.

Explore each technology separately, learn how to use them together and pick up valuable web programming practices along the way. At the end of the book, you’ll put everything together to build a fully functional social networking site, using XAMPP or any development stack you choose.

  • Learn PHP in-depth, along with the basics of object-oriented programming
  • Explore MySQL, from database structure to complex queries
  • Use the MySQLi Extension, PHP’s improved MySQL interface
  • Create dynamic PHP web pages that tailor themselves to the user
  • Manage cookies and sessions and maintain a high level of security
  • Master the JavaScript language-and enhance it with jQuery
  • Use Ajax calls for background browser/server communication
  • Acquire CSS2 and CSS3 skills for professionally styling your web pages
  • Implement all of the new HTML5 features, including geolocation, audio, video and the canvas


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Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript, With jQuery CSS & HTML5, Nixon R., 2018

Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript, With jQuery CSS & HTML5, Nixon R., 2018.

The combination of PHP and MySQL is the most convenient approach to dynamic, database-driven web design, holding its own in the face of challenges from integrated frameworks—such as Ruby on Rails—that are harder to learn. Due to its open source roots (unlike the competing Microsoft .NET Framework), it is free to implement and is therefore an extremely popular option for web development.
Any would-be developer on a Unix/Linux or even a Windows/Apache platform will need to master these technologies. And, combined with the partner technologies of JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, and HTML5, you will be able to create websites of the caliber of industry standards like Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail.

Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript, With jQuery CSS & HTML5, Nixon R., 2018

Introduction to Dynamic Web Content.
The World Wide Web is a constantly evolving network that has already traveled far beyond its conception in the early 1990s, when it was created to solve a specific problem. State-of-the-art experiments at CERN (the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, now best known as the operator of the Large Hadron Collider) were producing incredible amounts of data—so much that the data was proving unwieldy to distribute to the participating scientists, who were spread out across the world.

At this time, the internet was already in place, connecting several hundred thousand computers, so Tim Berners-Lee (a CERN fellow) devised a method of navigating between them using a hyperlinking framework, which came to be known as Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP. He also created a markup language called Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML. To bring these together, he wrote the first web browser and web server.

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Робин Никсон: Создаем динамические веб-сайты с помощью PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5

Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript with jQuery, CSS & HTML5

Робин Никсон - Создаем динамические веб-сайты с помощью PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5 обложка книги

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Аннотация к книге «Создаем динамические веб-сайты с помощью PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5»

Новое (5-е) издание признанного бестселлера, описывающее как клиентские, так и серверные аспекты веб-разработки. Эта книга поможет вам освоить динамическое веб-программирование с применением самых современных технологий. Книга наполнена ценными практическими советами, содержит подробный теоретический материал. Для закрепления материала автор рассказывает, как создать полнофункциональный сайт, работающий по принципу социальной сети
Включая рассказ о React.js
— Изучите важнейшие аспекты языка PHP и основы объектно-ориентированного программирования.
— Познакомьтесь с базой данных MySQL.
— Управляйте cookie-файлами и сеансами, обеспечивайте высокий уровень безопасности.
— Пользуйтесь фундаментальными возможностями языка JavaScript.
— Применяйте вызовы AJAX, чтобы значительно повысить динамику вашего сайта.
— Изучите основы CSS для форматирования и оформления ваших страниц.
— Освойте продвинутые возможности HTML5: геолокацию, обработку аудио и видео, отрисовку на холсте
5-е издание.

Иллюстрации к книге Робин Никсон — Создаем динамические веб-сайты с помощью PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5

Рецензии на книгу «Создаем динамические веб-сайты с помощью PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5»

Мы всегда рады честным, конструктивным рецензиям. Лабиринт приветствует дружелюбную дискуссию ценителей и не приветствует перепалки и оскорбления.

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Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5, 4th Edition

Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5, 4th Edition

The fully revised, updated and extended 4th edition of the hugely popular web development book – includes CSS, HTML5, jQuery and the mysqli extension.

Build interactive, data-driven websites with the potent combination of open-source technologies and web standards, even if you only have basic HTML knowledge. With this popular hands-on guide, you’ll tackle dynamic web programming with the help of today’s core technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, and HTML5.
Explore each technology separately, learn how to use them together, and pick up valuable web programming practices along the way. At the end of the book, you’ll put everything together to build a fully functional social networking site, using XAMPP or any development stack of your choice.
-Learn PHP in-depth, along with the basics of object-oriented programming
-Explore MySQL, from database structure to complex queries
-Use the mysqli Extension, PHP’s improved MySQL interface
-Create dynamic PHP web pages that tailor themselves to the user
-Manage cookies and sessions, and maintain a high level of security
-Master the JavaScript language–and enhance it with jQuery
-Use Ajax calls for background browser/server communication
-Acquire CSS2 & CSS3 skills for professionally styling your web pages
-Implement all the new HTML5 features, including geolocation, audio, video, and the canvas


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