Language reference in php

Getting the Browser Default Language in PHP

If you’re doing international (i18n or Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn) work (or just want to make your site available in several languages), you’ll likely need to determine the users default language in your PHP code to determine which language to serve up. Searching the web yields one common code piece frequently; unfortunately as you’ll soon see it may not give you the results you need as it ignores parts of the HTTP spec which may or may not be critical to the accuracy of the results.

HTTP Language Headers

The interchange between browser and server transfers information about the client and its capabilities in headers — user agent, what it will accept, and (what we’re interested in) language. The browser sends language information in a header called HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE , which looks something like this:

Those values state the browser accepts Spanish (es), US English (en-us), and German (de). Obviously, most browsers don’t send so many possibilities, but you get the idea. Most of the code you can find to determine default language simply searches the header for the first 2-letter language code and returns the first it finds. But looking at the example, you’ll note some additional information q=0.3 — what’s that?


As part of the HTTP spec, those are Q-Values, and must be a number between 0 and 1 (if no number appears, you can assume the value as 1). Q-Values provide not only information to what a browser supports, but what it prefers. In the previous example, es has no q-value, so it’s 1.0, while en-us is 0.3 and de is 0.1 so that means this client can handle Spanish, US English, or German — but prefers Spanish if it’s available. If it’s not, the server is free to send any of the other supported choices.

Now you see the problem — if you only search the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header for a match and ignore the q-value, you have no way to determine what language the client prefers — you’ll only get a match for support. Or at worse, if a q-value is 0 (meaning no support at all), you’ll get a language the client specifically tells you not to send. Why simple reg-ex solutions work becomes obvious after examining some actual HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE headers sent by popular browsers:

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In those cases a simple string match works, even if q-values are ignored. But if the actual HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE HTTP header contains multiple languages with differing q-values like «en,de;q=0.9» (a person whose primary language is English, but knows German) simple string searches fail spectacularly. Obviously, we must consider q-values if our results are to be correct.


The solution is simple. Break apart the string into it’s language components (they’re separated by commas), and then pick the one with the highest q-value to use (assume any language lacking q-values have a value of 1.0). In our example, we’ll split the string and get the following array back:

  • es — Spanish, assume q-value = 1.0
  • en-us;q=0.3 — US English, with q-value of 0.3
  • de;q=0.1 — German, with q-value of 0.1

Now with the languages identified,use regular expressions to extract the q-value, if it exists. Once all the q-values are assigned, select the one with the highest q-value, if it exists. If multiple languages have the same q-value, it’s safe to use any of them equally.

The Code

The following is BSD-Licensed PHP code.

######################################################### # Copyright © 2008 Darrin Yeager # # # # Licensed under BSD license. # # # ######################################################### function getDefaultLanguage() < if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])) return parseDefaultLanguage($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]); else return parseDefaultLanguage(NULL); >function parseDefaultLanguage($http_accept, $deflang = "en") < if(isset($http_accept) && strlen($http_accept) >1) < # Split possible languages into array $x = explode(",",$http_accept); foreach ($x as $val) < #check for q-value and create associative array. No q-value means 1 by rule if(preg_match("/(.*);q=(1.\d)/i",$val,$matches)) $lang[$matches[1]] = (float)$matches[2]; else $lang[$val] = 1.0; > #return default language (highest q-value) $qval = 0.0; foreach ($lang as $key => $value) < if ($value >$qval) < $qval = (float)$value; $deflang = $key; >> > return strtolower($deflang); >

Then in your code, just call getDefaultLanguage() and you’ll get a string back with the highest q-value language sent by the browser in the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header.


First, be sure to use UTF-8 as your character encoding. If you’re not using UTF-8 right now, convert all your documents to it — you’ll be glad you did later.

Second, if you’re sending different language-specific content at the same URL, be sure to send the appropriate Vary header. If you don’t, intermediate proxy caches might be confused and serve the wrong language to some people. To do that, just use the following first in your PHP code: header(«Vary: Accept-Language») . But be warned Internet Explorer has some bugs with the Vary header you should be aware of.

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So what?

What’s this good for? In a future article, we’ll demonstrate how to use this method to get instant translations of your web pages into many different languages — automatically.


UPDATE July 2012: Some discussion over software licensing. I’m not a lawyer, but some say public domain isn’t valid everywhere, others have a specific favorite license (the GPL vs BSD debate). I don’t want to engage in any of those debates, so to be simple and clear on this, use any of the following:

  • BSD (3-clause)
  • GNU GPL V2
  • GNU GPL V3
  • GNU Affero GPL V3
  • MIT/X11

UPDATE November 2012 — Nope, that didn’t clear it up. I’m stunned by the hate-mail I’ve received over this piece. I (like many programmers) write code to fix problems I face, and think, hey, if I’ve faced this problem, maybe others have too, so why not post it and help others avoid re-inventing the wheel?

I’ve done this before with my Kate and Markdown syntax highlighting filter, and the KDE project picked that up so everyone could benefit.

Sadly, in the future I think I’ll refrain from helping other people by posting code. I don’t even write much PHP code anymore, but leave the page here to help others who do.

But as usual, a few ass-hats ruin it for everyone else.

It appears many people are confused over copyright and how it works. I’m no lawyer, but consider what Jeff Atwood says in pick a license, any license as he considers what posting code without any license means:

Because I did not explicitly indicate a license, I declared an implicit copyright without explaining how others could use my code. Since the code is unlicensed, I could theoretically assert copyright at any time and demand that people stop using my code. Experienced developers won’t touch unlicensed code because they have no legal right to use it. That’s ironic, considering the whole reason I posted the code in the first place was so other developers could benefit from that code. I could have easily avoided this unfortunate situation if I had done the right thing and included a software license with my code.

Jeff founded, so even if you don’t know who he is you’ve probably used something he developed.

Why the hate-mail? If you don’t like the code, or think it’s crap, don’t use it. It worked for me, if it doesn’t for you, write something better.

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This page has become quite popular, so it’s obviously a problem facing PHP programmers. I’m glad I could help those people.

I just don’t think I’ll do it again — if this page suddenly goes 410, you’ll know why.

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 The PHP code on the web page: Titled "Getting the Browser Default Language in PHP" can be used under any of the following licenses: BSD (3-clause) GNU GPL V2 GNU GPL V3 GNU Affero GPL V3 MIT/X11 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJQFYlhAAoJEBa2wjrT9ZFs5xEP/0qSc/QHu5EVf+4DqOzT9MZP xwWp3c2JsEogD2HGw0CRxjLyE3ljSE8sHWUwX8G55l5Xm+8ZMKcrZxOj1ikNv6zt LMLkcF1ggTWTVYw/pdY/kAlJkbYWvmCar6ELxuAPXysC7zTMmlzPOJsn23v/ZVpK xJsFB1J3s0Q2GzFj0rhXVljz7JXQX57AdZSuPY0U+N+yKxEOrmgFm2QoKdCQs5nV nqmMPPsePMQqxkWfhoQ9dlrkF5KeW/yvA/9pMFgN6++eCval0pPuE+mJeuKmVWBO 8pNaTP0N4z+MOyn/Pbg2oJZ8yCUtCLWD3KvbE1ngDzTbJpRtRJfZ/CbOhmeW2+Rq ibb/VzGElef0UO4tJD2XTirOFZiXkipuFIFEXEDU+6iVpdzFWtfpJxdd3uJrwL3N 7J55G0xwkMfZhqkPvbEl1jerwfK4VyS57MCUkNQswF3qWYhLcE+TxRhwdM5e0k4F 4BMYzLuER7izbVw0/qLm5qw6WEWYMgOutueR/wQq02jCftZilSQJXJkrKPIKcZFC ev+sL811AoPOl3nD5vqCxAUO114LyHMdqcvYgC45NLnevu/kmU2r+8f3f1/2CQYl PHzEKxiiJz8DbV6sBirWVInjmRgkeuZgsbxV18XGQIC+vs6t6Vi3CX7dKZX7dQz6 sQTzzOuJ13qLf2kNAWF+ =MD+Z -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Recommended Citation:
Yeager, Darrin «Getting the Browser Default Language in PHP» (2023-05-24 16:06),
Copyright 1998–2023. All rights reserved.

Copyright © Frames of Reference LLC 1998–2023


Language reference in php

Unlike in C, PHP references are not treated as pre-dereferenced pointers, but as complete aliases.

The data that they are aliasing («referencing») will not become available for garbage collection until all references to it have been removed.

«Regular» variables are themselves considered references, and are not treated differently from variables assigned using =& for the purposes of garbage collection.

The following examples are provided for clarification.

1) When treated as a variable containing a value, references behave as expected. However, they are in fact objects that *reference* the original data.

var = «foo» ;
$ref1 =& $var ; // new object that references $var
$ref2 =& $ref1 ; // references $var directly, not $ref1.

echo $ref1 ; // >Notice: Undefined variable: ref1
echo $ref2 ; // >foo
echo $var ; // >foo

2) When accessed via reference, the original data will not be removed until *all* references to it have been removed. This includes both references and «regular» variables assigned without the & operator, and there are no distinctions made between the two for the purpose of garbage collection.

echo $var ; // >Notice: Undefined variable: var
echo $ref ; // >foo

3) To remove the original data without removing all references to it, simply set it to null.

echo $var ; // Value is NULL, so nothing prints
echo $ref ; // Value is NULL, so nothing prints

4) Placing data in an array also counts as adding one more reference to it, for the purposes of garbage collection.


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