Красивое оформление border css

  1. 43 CSS Borders
  2. Related Articles
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  5. Made with
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  7. Animated Border Image
  8. Author
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  10. Made with
  11. About a code
  12. Partial Gradient Border
  13. Author
  14. Links
  15. Made with
  16. About a code
  17. Gradient Border with Rounded Corners
  18. Author
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  20. Made with
  21. About a code
  22. Background Border
  23. Author
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  25. Made with
  26. About a code
  27. Patterned Borders
  28. Author
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  30. Made with
  31. About a code
  32. Custom Dashed Border
  33. Author
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  35. Made with
  36. About a code
  37. Colorful Border
  38. Author
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  40. Made with
  41. About a code
  42. Gradient Border Effect
  43. Author
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  45. Made with
  46. About a code
  47. Gradient Border + Transparent Background
  48. Author
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  50. Made with
  51. About a code
  52. Border Linear-Gradient + Border-Radius
  53. Author
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  55. Made with
  56. About a code
  57. Corner-only Border
  58. Author
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  60. Made with
  61. About a code
  62. 8bit border-image
  63. Author
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  65. Made with
  66. About a code
  67. 8-bit Pixel Border
  68. Author
  69. Links
  70. Made with
  71. About a code
  72. Avatar Border Effect. 15 Declarations, 1 Element, No Pseudos
  73. Author
  74. Links
  75. Made with
  76. About a code
  77. Use SVG for border-image
  78. Author
  79. Links
  80. Made with
  81. About a code
  82. CSS Gradient Borders
  83. Author
  84. Links
  85. Made with
  86. About a code
  87. Borders & Gradients
  88. Author
  89. Links
  90. Made with
  91. About a code
  92. Multiple Border-Radius Values
  93. Author
  94. Links
  95. Made with
  96. About a code
  97. CSS Candy Stripe Border Using Clip-Path
  98. Author
  99. Links
  100. Made with
  101. About a code
  102. Offset and XOR Frame: Lively
  103. Author
  104. Links
  105. Made with
  106. About a code
  107. Full Screen Vintage Frame with Multiple Borders
  108. Author
  109. Links
  110. Made with
  111. About a code
  112. Gradient Border
  113. Author
  114. Links
  115. Made with
  116. About a code
  117. Pure CSS Circular Border Patterns
  118. Author
  119. Links
  120. Made with
  121. About a code
  122. Fitted Border Image the Easy Way
  123. Author
  124. Links
  125. Made with
  126. About a code
  127. Map-Inspired Border
  128. Author
  129. Links
  130. Made with
  131. About a code
  132. Blurred Border
  133. Author
  134. Links
  135. Made with
  136. About the code
  137. Magic Borders
  138. Author
  139. Links
  140. Made with
  141. About the code
  142. Interactive Button Border
  143. Author
  144. 30+ Ultimate Collection of CSS Border Styles for Web Designers
  145. Title:- over.css Author:- Ian Lunn Made With:- HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT
  146. Title:- CSS Border style transitions Author:- Giana Made With:- HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT
  147. Title:- [PURE CSS] border animation without svg Author:- Rplus Made With:- HTML CSS
  148. Title:- Imperfect Buttons Author:- Tiffany Rayside Made With:- HTML CSS
  149. Title:- Sass button border hover effect mixin Author:- Giana Made With:- HTML CSS
  150. Title:- CSS Border Animation Author:- Nick Made With:- HTML CSS
  151. Title:- CSS border (using an SVG) Author:- Louis Hoebregts Made With:- HTML CSS
  152. Title:- Single element CSS border animation & ripple Author:- Peter Norton Made With:- HTML CSS
  153. Title:- Colorful CSS Buttons Author:- Chris Deacy Made With:- HTML CSS
  154. Title:- Button Hover States Author:- James Power Made With:- HTML CSS
  155. Title:- Animated CSS Gradient Border Author:- Mike Schultz Made With:- HTML CSS
  156. Title:- Sass button border hover effect mixin Author:- Giana Made With:- HTML CSS
  157. Title:- Gradient text border background Button With Animation Author:- Monkey Company Made With:- HTML CSS
  158. Title:- Border animation (circle) Author:- katmai7 Made With:- HTML CSS
  159. Title:- border-animation-css Author:- Swarup Kumar Kuila Made With:- HTML CSS
  160. Title:- SVG Border Animation 1 Author:- Zach Saucier Made With:- HTML CSS
  161. Title:- [PURE CSS] border animation without svg Author:- Rplus Made With:- HTML CSS
  162. Title:- [PURE CSS] border animation without svg Author:- Rplus Made With:- HTML CSS
  163. Title:- Border animation Author:- Inderpreet Singh Made With:- HTML CSS
  164. Title:- Rotating border Author:- Jesse B Made With:- HTML CSS
  165. Title:- Great button animation Author:- Valentin Galmand Made With:- HTML CSS
  166. Title:- ButtonBorder Hover Effects Author:- Sarath AR Made With:- HTML CSS
  167. Title:- CSS-only border animation Author:- Danny Joris Made With:- HTML CSS
  168. Title:- True dotted borders using svg and border-image Author:- lucas lemonnier Made With:- HTML CSS
  169. Title:- All the border-radius’ Author:- Chris Coyier Made With:- HTML CSS
  170. Title:- Profile Card Hover Effect Author:- P Made With:- HTML CSS
  171. Title:- Border transformations Author:- yuanchuan Made With:- HTML CSS
  172. Title:- Fancy border button Author:- Tobias Reich Made With:- HTML CSS
  173. Title:- CSS transform border button hover effects Author:- Les Made With:- HTML CSS
  174. Title:- Border Animation Effect with SVG Author:- GIO Made With:- HTML CSS
  175. Title:- Button Border Slide Mixin Author:- Thomas Vaeth Made With:- HTML CSS
  176. Title:- Input Focus & Placeholder Effects with CSS3 Author:- Emil Devantie Brockdorff Made With:- HTML CSS JAVASCRIPTS
  177. Title:- Rainbow Border Button Author:- Chris Coyier Made With:- HTML CSS
  178. Title:- Corner Border Link Author:- Vian Esterhuizen Made With:- HTML CSS
  179. Title:- Gradient border + border-radius Author:- Shaw Made With:- HTML CSS
  180. Title:- Buttons Author:- Elitsa Dimitrova Made With:- HTML CSS
  181. Title:- SVG Gradient Border – Button Author:- fencepencil Made With:- HTML CSS
  182. Title:- Border composition and animation Author:- paolo cavanna Made With:- HTML CSSfr
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43 CSS Borders

Collection of hand-picked free HTML and CSS border code examples from Codepen, GitHub and other resources. Update of May 2021 collection. 15 new items.


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Animated Border Image

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Partial Gradient Border


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Partial Gradient Border

Partial gradient border surrounding a circle image, which is done with a CSS conic gradient and a radial gradient mask.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Gradient Border with Rounded Corners


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Gradient Border with Rounded Corners

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Background Border


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Background Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Patterned Borders


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Patterned Borders

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Custom Dashed Border


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Custom Dashed Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Colorful Border


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Colorful Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Gradient Border Effect

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Gradient Border + Transparent Background


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Gradient Border + Transparent Background

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Border Linear-Gradient + Border-Radius


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Border Linear-Gradient + Border-Radius

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Corner-only Border


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Corner-only Border

Corner-only border (allows for corner rounding & gradient border).

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: 8bit border-image


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8bit border-image

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: 8-bit Pixel Border


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8-bit Pixel Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Avatar Border Effect. 15 Declarations, 1 Element, No Pseudos

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Use SVG for border-image

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: CSS Gradient Borders


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CSS Gradient Borders

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Borders & Gradients


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Borders & Gradients

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Multiple Border-Radius Values


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Multiple Border-Radius Values

You probably knew that you can set the border-radius of an element to 4 values, and using shorthand, it goes clock-wise from top, right, bottom, left. But did you know you can actually set up to 8 values if you separate them? Each corner can have 2 values as you can see in this example.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: CSS Candy Stripe Border Using Clip-Path


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CSS Candy Stripe Border Using Clip-Path

Create a responsive candy stripe border using the clip-path property on each of the list items in a ul . Change the height, background color, and stripe color very easily.

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Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Offset and XOR Frame: Lively


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Offset and XOR Frame: Lively

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Full Screen Vintage Frame with Multiple Borders


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Full Screen Vintage Frame with Multiple Borders

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Gradient Border


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Gradient Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Pure CSS Circular Border Patterns


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Pure CSS Circular Border Patterns

The border patterns are created with clip-path on a pseudo-element.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Fitted Border Image the Easy Way

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Map-Inspired Border


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Map-Inspired Border

Map-inspired border effect using stacked border & box-shadows . Single HTML element with CSS.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Blurred Border


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Blurred Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Magic Borders

Try to have a dynamic and responsive table that has borders only between cells.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About the code

Interactive Button Border

Button with an interactive border gradient.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Gradient Border



30+ Ultimate Collection of CSS Border Styles for Web Designers


Even the most experienced programmers may find debugging CSS to be a difficult task. This article will provide you with time-saving and workflow-enhancing advice on how to debug CSS borders like an expert.

Title:- over.css
Author:- Ian Lunn

Title:- CSS Border style transitions
Author:- Giana

Title:- [PURE CSS] border animation without svg
Author:- Rplus
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Imperfect Buttons
Author:- Tiffany Rayside
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Sass button border hover effect mixin
Author:- Giana
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- CSS Border Animation
Author:- Nick
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- CSS border (using an SVG)
Author:- Louis Hoebregts
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Single element CSS border animation & ripple
Author:- Peter Norton
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Colorful CSS Buttons
Author:- Chris Deacy
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Button Hover States
Author:- James Power
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Animated CSS Gradient Border
Author:- Mike Schultz
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Sass button border hover effect mixin
Author:- Giana
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Gradient text border background Button With Animation
Author:- Monkey Company
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Border animation (circle)
Author:- katmai7
Made With:- HTML CSS

See the Pen border-animation-css by Swarup Kumar Kuila (@uiswarup) on CodePen.

Title:- border-animation-css
Author:- Swarup Kumar Kuila
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- SVG Border Animation 1
Author:- Zach Saucier
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- [PURE CSS] border animation without svg
Author:- Rplus
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- [PURE CSS] border animation without svg
Author:- Rplus
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Border animation
Author:- Inderpreet Singh
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Rotating border
Author:- Jesse B
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Great button animation
Author:- Valentin Galmand
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Button Border Hover Effects
Author:- Sarath AR
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- CSS-only border animation
Author:- Danny Joris
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- True dotted borders using svg and border-image
Author:- lucas lemonnier
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- All the border-radius’
Author:- Chris Coyier
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Profile Card Hover Effect
Author:- P
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Border transformations
Author:- yuanchuan
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Fancy border button
Author:- Tobias Reich
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- CSS transform border button hover effects
Author:- Les
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Border Animation Effect with SVG
Author:- GIO
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Button Border Slide Mixin
Author:- Thomas Vaeth
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Input Focus & Placeholder Effects with CSS3
Author:- Emil Devantie Brockdorff

Title:- Rainbow Border Button
Author:- Chris Coyier
Made With:- HTML CSS

See the Pen Corner Border Link by Vian Esterhuizen (@heyvian) on CodePen.

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Title:- Gradient border + border-radius
Author:- Shaw
Made With:- HTML CSS

See the Pen Buttons by Elitsa Dimitrova (@elitsa_dimitrova) on CodePen.

Title:- Buttons
Author:- Elitsa Dimitrova
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- SVG Gradient Border – Button
Author:- fencepencil
Made With:- HTML CSS

Title:- Border composition and animation
Author:- paolo cavanna
Made With:- HTML CSSfr

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