Красиво оформить блок html

  1. How To Style the HTML element with CSS
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Exploring the Element in Practice
  4. Adding and Styling Text in a Container
  5. 43 CSS Borders
  6. Related Articles
  7. Author
  8. Links
  9. Made with
  10. About a code
  11. Animated Border Image
  12. Author
  13. Links
  14. Made with
  15. About a code
  16. Partial Gradient Border
  17. Author
  18. Links
  19. Made with
  20. About a code
  21. Gradient Border with Rounded Corners
  22. Author
  23. Links
  24. Made with
  25. About a code
  26. Background Border
  27. Author
  28. Links
  29. Made with
  30. About a code
  31. Patterned Borders
  32. Author
  33. Links
  34. Made with
  35. About a code
  36. Custom Dashed Border
  37. Author
  38. Links
  39. Made with
  40. About a code
  41. Colorful Border
  42. Author
  43. Links
  44. Made with
  45. About a code
  46. Gradient Border Effect
  47. Author
  48. Links
  49. Made with
  50. About a code
  51. Gradient Border + Transparent Background
  52. Author
  53. Links
  54. Made with
  55. About a code
  56. Border Linear-Gradient + Border-Radius
  57. Author
  58. Links
  59. Made with
  60. About a code
  61. Corner-only Border
  62. Author
  63. Links
  64. Made with
  65. About a code
  66. 8bit border-image
  67. Author
  68. Links
  69. Made with
  70. About a code
  71. 8-bit Pixel Border
  72. Author
  73. Links
  74. Made with
  75. About a code
  76. Avatar Border Effect. 15 Declarations, 1 Element, No Pseudos
  77. Author
  78. Links
  79. Made with
  80. About a code
  81. Use SVG for border-image
  82. Author
  83. Links
  84. Made with
  85. About a code
  86. CSS Gradient Borders
  87. Author
  88. Links
  89. Made with
  90. About a code
  91. Borders & Gradients
  92. Author
  93. Links
  94. Made with
  95. About a code
  96. Multiple Border-Radius Values
  97. Author
  98. Links
  99. Made with
  100. About a code
  101. CSS Candy Stripe Border Using Clip-Path
  102. Author
  103. Links
  104. Made with
  105. About a code
  106. Offset and XOR Frame: Lively
  107. Author
  108. Links
  109. Made with
  110. About a code
  111. Full Screen Vintage Frame with Multiple Borders
  112. Author
  113. Links
  114. Made with
  115. About a code
  116. Gradient Border
  117. Author
  118. Links
  119. Made with
  120. About a code
  121. Pure CSS Circular Border Patterns
  122. Author
  123. Links
  124. Made with
  125. About a code
  126. Fitted Border Image the Easy Way
  127. Author
  128. Links
  129. Made with
  130. About a code
  131. Map-Inspired Border
  132. Author
  133. Links
  134. Made with
  135. About a code
  136. Blurred Border
  137. Author
  138. Links
  139. Made with
  140. About the code
  141. Magic Borders
  142. Author
  143. Links
  144. Made with
  145. About the code
  146. Interactive Button Border
  147. Author

How To Style the HTML element with CSS

This tutorial will introduce you to styling the HTML Content Division element—or element—using CSS. The element can be used to structure the layout of a page and break up a webpage into separate components for individual styling. In this tutorial, you will create and style elements, as well as learn how to add and style other elements inside a container. These skills will prepare you to use elements as layout tools later on in the series when you begin recreating the demonstration website.


element is used by adding opening and closing

tags to an HTML document. On its own, the

element typically has little visual effect on the presentation of a webpage. To specify the size, color, and other properties of a
element, you can assign it style rules using CSS.


To follow this tutorial, make sure you have set up the necessary files and folders as instructed in a previous tutorial in this series How To Set Up You CSS and HTML Practice Project.

Exploring the Element in Practice

Let’s try a hands-on exercise to study how the element works. Erase everything in your styles.css file (if you added content from previous tutorials). Next, add the following CSS rule for the tag selector:

div  background-color: green; height: 100px; width: 100px; > 

Save the styles.css file. Next, return to your index.html file, erase everything that’s there (except for the first line of code: ) and add the following code snippet:

Notice that the element has opening and closing tags but does not require any content. Save the index.html file and reload it in your browser. (For instructions on loading an HTML file, please visit our tutorial step How To View An Offline HTML File In Your Browser).

Your webpage should display a green box 100 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall as specified by the CSS rule:

Webpage with green <div data-lazy-src=

Note that you have added the class as an attribute to the tag by adding the class attribute and class name to each opening tag. Save the file and reload it in your browser. You should receive something like this:

Adding and Styling Text in a Container

You can put text inside a container by inserting text in between the opening and closing tags. Try adding text inside each of the elements in your index.html file:

div class="div-1">Bluediv> div class="div-2">Reddiv> div class="div-3">Yellowdiv> 

Save the file and reload it in your browser. You should now have text displayed in each of your containers:

Webpage with elements containing text

You can add additional HTML elements to your text inside the elements. For example, try adding the HTML heading tags ( to ) to your text inside the tags in your index.html file:

div class="div-1">h2>Blueh2>div> div class="div-2">h3>Redh3>div> div class="div-3">h4>Yellowh4>div> 

Save the file and reload it in your browser. The text inside the containers should now be styled according to the default properties of the to tags:

Webpage with header text inside containers

Note that the elements have also adjusted their positions slightly. This repositioning is caused by the default margin properties of the through elements. You’ll learn more about margins in the next tutorial on the CSS Box Model, but for now it is fine to ignore them

To style text inside the containers, you can specify text property values in the rulesets for your classes. Try adding the properties and values to your rulesets in your styles.css file as highlighted in the in the following code snippet:

.div-1  background-color: blue; height: 50px; width: 50px; font-size: 10px; color: white; iu > .div-2  background-color: red; height: 100px; width: 100px; font-size: 20px; color: yellow; > .div-3  background-color: yellow; height: 200px; width: 200px; font-size:30px; color: blue; > 

Save your styles.css file and reload the index.html file in your browser. The text inside the containers should now be styled according to the CSS rules in your styles.css file:

Webpage with styled header text inside <div data-lazy-src=

43 CSS Borders

Collection of hand-picked free HTML and CSS border code examples from Codepen, GitHub and other resources. Update of May 2021 collection. 15 new items.


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Animated Border Image

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Partial Gradient Border


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Partial Gradient Border

Partial gradient border surrounding a circle image, which is done with a CSS conic gradient and a radial gradient mask.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Gradient Border with Rounded Corners


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About a code

Gradient Border with Rounded Corners

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Background Border


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About a code

Background Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Patterned Borders


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About a code

Patterned Borders

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Custom Dashed Border


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About a code

Custom Dashed Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Colorful Border


Made with

About a code

Colorful Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Gradient Border Effect

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Gradient Border + Transparent Background


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About a code

Gradient Border + Transparent Background

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Border Linear-Gradient + Border-Radius


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About a code

Border Linear-Gradient + Border-Radius

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Corner-only Border


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About a code

Corner-only Border

Corner-only border (allows for corner rounding & gradient border).

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: 8bit border-image


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8bit border-image

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: 8-bit Pixel Border


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8-bit Pixel Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Avatar Border Effect. 15 Declarations, 1 Element, No Pseudos

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Use SVG for border-image

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: CSS Gradient Borders


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About a code

CSS Gradient Borders

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Borders & Gradients


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Borders & Gradients

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Multiple Border-Radius Values


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Multiple Border-Radius Values

You probably knew that you can set the border-radius of an element to 4 values, and using shorthand, it goes clock-wise from top, right, bottom, left. But did you know you can actually set up to 8 values if you separate them? Each corner can have 2 values as you can see in this example.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: CSS Candy Stripe Border Using Clip-Path


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CSS Candy Stripe Border Using Clip-Path

Create a responsive candy stripe border using the clip-path property on each of the list items in a ul . Change the height, background color, and stripe color very easily.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Offset and XOR Frame: Lively


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Offset and XOR Frame: Lively

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Full Screen Vintage Frame with Multiple Borders


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Full Screen Vintage Frame with Multiple Borders

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Gradient Border


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Gradient Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Pure CSS Circular Border Patterns


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Pure CSS Circular Border Patterns

The border patterns are created with clip-path on a pseudo-element.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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About a code

Fitted Border Image the Easy Way

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Map-Inspired Border


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About a code

Map-Inspired Border

Map-inspired border effect using stacked border & box-shadows . Single HTML element with CSS.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Blurred Border


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Blurred Border

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Magic Borders

Try to have a dynamic and responsive table that has borders only between cells.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About the code

Interactive Button Border

Button with an interactive border gradient.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Gradient Border



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