Kotlin sealed class serialize

How to serialize/deserialize Kotlin sealed class?

I ended up implementing a custom Converter plus a Factory to properly plug it into Genson.

It uses Genson’s metadata convention to represent the object as:

The converter assumes useClassMetadata flag set, so serialization just needs to mark an empty object. For deserialization, it resolves class name from metadata, loads it and obtains objectInstance.

object KotlinObjectConverter : Converter  < override fun serialize(objectData: Any, writer: ObjectWriter, ctx: Context) < with(writer) < // just empty JSON object, class name will be automatically added as metadata beginObject() endObject() >> override fun deserialize(reader: ObjectReader, ctx: Context): Any? = Class.forName(reader.nextObjectMetadata().metadata("class")) .kotlin.objectInstance .also < reader.endObject() >> 

To make sure that this converter is applied only to actual objects, I register it using a factory, that tells Genson when to use it and when to fall back to the default implementation.

object KotlinConverterFactory : Factory> < override fun create(type: Type, genson: Genson): Converter? = if (TypeUtil.getRawClass(type).kotlin.objectInstance != null) KotlinObjectConverter else null > 

The factory can be used to configure Genson via builder:

GensonBuilder() .withConverterFactory(KotlinConverterFactory) .useClassMetadata(true) // required to add metadata during serialization // some other properties .create() 

The code probably could be even nicer with chained converters feature, but I didn’t have time to check it out yet.

Solution 2

You are probably right about the creating a custom serializer.

I have tried to serialize and de-serialize your class using the Jackson library and Kotlin.

These are the Maven dependencies for Jackson:

  com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-core 2.8.8   com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-databind 2.8.8  

You can serialize the sealed class to JSON using this library with no extra custom serializers, but de-serialization requires a custom de-serializer.

Below is the toy code I have used to serialize and de-serialize your sealed class:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule sealed class ViewModel < data class Loaded(val value: String) : ViewModel() object Loading : ViewModel() >// Custom serializer class ViewModelDeserializer : JsonDeserializer() < override fun deserialize(jp: JsonParser?, p1: DeserializationContext?): ViewModel < val node: JsonNode? = jp?.getCodec()?.readTree(jp) val value = node?.get("value") return if (value != null) ViewModel.Loaded(value.asText()) else ViewModel.Loading >> fun main(args: Array) < val m = createCustomMapper() val ser1 = m.writeValueAsString(ViewModel.Loading) println(ser1) val ser2 = m.writeValueAsString(ViewModel.Loaded("test")) println(ser2) val deserialized1 = m.readValue(ser1, ViewModel::class.java) val deserialized2 = m.readValue(ser2, ViewModel::class.java) println(deserialized1) println(deserialized2) >// Using mapper with custom serializer private fun createCustomMapper(): ObjectMapper

If you run this code this is the output:

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Solution 3

I had a similar problem recently (although using Jackson, not Genson.)

Assuming I have the following:

sealed class Parent(val name: String) object ChildOne : Parent("ValOne") object ChildTwo : Parent("ValTwo") 

Then adding a JsonCreator function to the sealed class:

sealed class Parent(val name: String) < private companion object < @JsonCreator @JvmStatic fun findBySimpleClassName(simpleName: String): Parent? < return Parent::class.sealedSubclasses.first < it.simpleName == simpleName >.objectInstance > > > 

Now you can deserialize using ChildOne or ChildTwo as key in your json property.


Sealed Class Serializer

class SealedClassSerializer < T : Any > ( serialName : String , val baseClass : KClass < T > , subclasses : Array < KClass < out T > > , subclassSerializers : Array < KSerializer < out T > > ) : AbstractPolymorphicSerializer < T >

This class provides support for multiplatform polymorphic serialization of sealed classes.

In contrary to PolymorphicSerializer, all known subclasses with serializers must be passed in subclasses and subSerializers constructor parameters. If a subclass is a sealed class itself, all its subclasses are registered as well.

If a sealed hierarchy is marked with @Serializable, an instance of this class is provided automatically. In most of the cases, you won’t need to perform any manual setup:

sealed class SimpleSealed @Serializable
public data class SubSealedA(val s: String) : SimpleSealed()

public data class SubSealedB(val i: Int) : SimpleSealed()

// will perform correct polymorphic serialization and deserialization:
Json.encodeToString(SimpleSealed.serializer(), SubSealedA("foo"))

However, it is possible to register additional subclasses using regular SerializersModule. It is required when one of the subclasses is an abstract class itself:

sealed class ProtocolWithAbstractClass @Serializable
abstract class Message : ProtocolWithAbstractClass() @Serializable
data class StringMessage(val description: String, val message: String) : Message()

data class IntMessage(val description: String, val message: Int) : Message()

data class ErrorMessage(val error: String) : ProtocolWithAbstractClass()

In this case, ErrorMessage would be registered automatically by the plugin, but StringMessage and IntMessage require manual registration, as described in PolymorphicSerializer documentation:

val abstractContext = SerializersModule polymorphic(ProtocolWithAbstractClass::class) subclass(ProtocolWithAbstractClass.Message.IntMessage::class) 
// no need to register ProtocolWithAbstractClass.ErrorMessage


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How to: serializing / deserializing sealed classes #103

How to: serializing / deserializing sealed classes #103


Let’s assume we have a simple (sealed) hierarchy of types

@Serializable sealed class A @Serializable data class B(val a : Int, val b: String) : A() @Serializable data class C(val c : Boolean, val d: Boolean) : B() 

Now we want to serialize instances (example: JSON):

fun toJSON( x : A ) < println( JSON.stringify(x) ) // == "<>" because A's serializer handles a class without fields > fun fromJSON(json: String) < return JSON.parse(json) // runtime error (?) > 

Of course this does not work, but how would I get something like this to work? Especially sharing between JVM and JS?

One solution is of course to build different data types via Composition instead of Inheritance, but I find this option to be something of a code smell in cases like this.

I’m somewhat reminded of Scala’s upickle, which is based on Macro based de-/serializers, with kotlinx.serialization doing something similar via preprocessing by compiler / build tool plugin (AFAIU). With sealed classes being compile time constants, this should definitly work in theory.

Is there a way to do this more elegantly, keeping the sealed class hierarchy intact?

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Sealed classes don’t have any kind of special support now, but usual PolymorphicSerializer should work fine for them.

On JS, I think it is possible to implement custom deserializer for base sealed class, using PolymorphicSerializer ‘s code as a reference; but instead of loading class for name and obtaining serializer do something like

val type = readString (...) // 1st element of array when(type) < "B" -> readSerializableElement(B.serializer(), ...) "C" -> readSerializableElement(C.serializer(),...) // others. >

I think when this feature would be supported by plugin, it would generate code similar to that

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Tried something similar to @sandwwraith but was not successful perhaps I’m doing something foolish

override fun load(input: KInput): Item < val mapOfStrings = (StringSerializer to StringSerializer).map return input.read(mapOfStrings) .let < JSON.parse( CdItemTypes.valueOf(it["type"]!!).itemClass().serializer(), JSON.stringify(mapOfStrings, it) ) > >

«Any type is not supported»

@sandwwraith Can you shed more light on this, I am facing a similar issue, trying to serialize JSON for sealed classes and get the following error:

Expected ‘[, kind: POLYMORPHIC’

I have classes that look like this:

This is a version of PolymorphicSerializer which works in JS and JVM:

import kotlinx.serialization.KInput import kotlinx.serialization.KOutput import kotlinx.serialization.KSerialClassDesc import kotlinx.serialization.KSerialClassKind import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer import kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException import kotlinx.serialization.internal.SerialClassDescImpl import kotlinx.serialization.serializer import kotlin.reflect.KClass fun T : Any> serializationModel(vararg serializables: KClassout T>) = SerializationModel(serializables) class SerializationModelT : Any>(val serializables: Arrayout KClassout T>>) class ModelSerializerT : Any>(private val model: SerializationModelT>) : KSerializer < override val serialClassDesc: KSerialClassDesc get() = PolymorphicClassDesc override fun save(output: KOutput, obj: T) < val saver = obj::class.serializer() as KSerializerT> @Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING") val output = output.writeBegin(serialClassDesc) output.writeIntElementValue(serialClassDesc, 0, model.serializables.indexOf(obj::class)) output.writeSerializableElementValue(serialClassDesc, 1, saver, obj) output.writeEnd(serialClassDesc) > override fun load(input: KInput): T < @Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING") val input = input.readBegin(serialClassDesc) var klassIndex: Int? = null var value: T? = null mainLoop@ while (true) < when (input.readElement(serialClassDesc)) < KInput.READ_ALL -> < klassIndex = input.readIntElementValue(serialClassDesc, 0) val loader = model.serializables[klassIndex].serializer() value = input.readSerializableElementValue(serialClassDesc, 1, loader) break@mainLoop > KInput.READ_DONE -> < break@mainLoop > 0 -> < klassIndex = input.readIntElementValue(serialClassDesc, 0) > 1 -> < klassIndex = requireNotNull(klassIndex) < "Cannot read polymorphic value before its type token" > val loader = model.serializables[klassIndex].serializer() value = input.readSerializableElementValue(serialClassDesc, 1, loader) > else -> throw SerializationException("Invalid index") > > input.readEnd(serialClassDesc) return requireNotNull(value) < "Polymorphic value have not been read" > > > internal object PolymorphicClassDesc : SerialClassDescImpl("kotlin.Any") < override val kind: KSerialClassKind = KSerialClassKind.POLYMORPHIC init < addElement("klass") addElement("value") > >

In your common code you need something like:

sealed class LoginRequestEvent < @Serializable data class ReuseSession(val sessionId: String) : LoginRequestEvent() @Serializable data class CreateSession(val username: String, val password: String) : LoginRequestEvent() > val model = serializationModel( LoginRequestEvent.ReuseSession::class, LoginRequestEvent.CreateSession::class )

You can use them equally in JVM and JS:

val serializer = ModelSerializer(model) // import model from common code val loginRequest = JSON.parseLoginRequestEvent>(serializer, payload) when(loginRequest) < is LoginRequestEvent.ReuseSession -> [...]


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