Какие значения может принимать тип данных int python

Python Integers

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn about Python integers and how Python stores integers in the memory.

Integers are whole numbers that include negative numbers, zero, and positive numbers such as -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3.

Python uses the class int to represent all integer numbers. All integers are objects.

How computers store integers

Computers can’t store integers directly. Instead, they only can store binary numbers such as 0 and 1.

To store integers, the computers need to use binary numbers to represent the integers.

For example, to store the number 5, the computers need to represent it using a base-2 number:

5 = 1 x 2 2 + 0 x 2 1 + 1 x 2 0

As you can see, it takes 3 bits to store the number 5 in the memory:

Suppose that you have 8 bits, you can store up to 255 integers from zero to 255:

255= 1x 2 7 + 1 x 2 6 + 1 x 2 5 + 1x 2 4 + 1 x 2 3 + 1 x 2 2 + 1x 2 1 + 1 x 2 0

By using 8 bits, you can store up to 2 8 – 1 = 255 integers.

To store both negative integers, zero, and positive integers, you need to reserve 1 bit for storing the sign, negative (-) and positive (+). Therefore, with 8 bits:

  • The largest integer that the computers can represent is 2 7 = 127.
  • And the computers can store all integers in the range (-127, 127)

Because the number zero doesn’t have a sign, the computers can squeeze out an extra number. Therefore, 8 bits can store all integers from -128 to 127.

Similarly, if you want to use 16 bits, 32 bits, and 64 bits to store integers, the ranges would be:

  • 16-bits ~ [-2 15 , 2 15 – 1] = [ -32,768 , 32,767 ]
  • 32-bits ~ [-2 31 , 2 31 – 1] = [- 2,147,483,648 , 2,147,483,647 ]
  • 64-bits ~ [-2 63 , 2 63 – 1] = [ -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 , 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 ]
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How Python represents integers

Other programming languages such as Java and C# use a fixed number of bits to store integers.

For example, C# has the int type that uses 32-bits and the long type that uses 64 bits to represent integers. Based on the integer types, you can determine the ranges of the integers those types can represent.

Python, however, doesn’t use a fixed number of bit to store integers. Instead, Python uses a variable number of bits to store integers. For example, 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits, 64 bits, 128 bits, and so on.

The maximum integer number that Python can represent depends on the memory available.

Also, integers are objects. Python needs an extra fixed number of bytes as an overhead for each integer.

It’s important to note that the bigger the integer numbers are, the slower the calculations such as + , — , … will be.

Python int type

The following defines a variable that references an integer and uses the type() function to get the class name of the integer:

counter = 10 print(type(counter))Code language: Python (python)
class 'int'>Code language: Python (python)

As you can see clearly from the ouput, an integer is an instance of the class int .

Getting the size of an integer

To get the size of an integer, you use the getsizeof() function of the sys module.

The getsizeof() function returns the number of bytes that Python uses to represent an integer. For example:

from sys import getsizeof counter = 0 size = getsizeof(counter) print(size) # 24 bytesCode language: Python (python)
24Code language: Python (python)

To store the number 0, Python uses 24 bytes. Since storing the number zero, Python needs to use only 1 bit. Note that 1 byte equals 8 bits.

Therefore, you can think that Python uses 24 bytes as an overhead for storing an integer object.

The following returns the size of the integer 100:

from sys import getsizeof counter = 100 size = getsizeof(counter) print(size) # 28 bytesCode language: Python (python)
28Code language: Python (python)

It returns 28 bytes. Since 24 bytes is an overhead, Python uses 4 bytes to represent the number 100.

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The following shows the size of the integer 2 64 :

from sys import getsizeof counter = 2**64 size = getsizeof(counter) print(size) # 36 bytesCode language: Python (python)
36Code language: Python (python)

So to store the integer 2 64 , Python uses 36 bytes.

Python integer operations

Python integers support all standard operations including:

  • Addition +
  • Subtraction –
  • Multiplication *
  • Division /
  • Exponents **

The result of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and exponents of integers is an integer. For example:

a = 10 b = 20 c = a + b print(c) print(type(c)) c = a - b print(c) print(type(c)) c = a * b print(c) print(type(c)) c = a ** b print(c) print(type(c))Code language: Python (python)
30 class 'int'> -10 class 'int'> 200 class 'int'> 100000000000000000000 class 'int'>Code language: Python (python)

However, the division of two integers always returns a floating-point number. For example:

a = 10 b = 5 c = a / b print(c) print(type(c))Code language: Python (python)
2.0 class 'float'>Code language: Python (python)


  • Integers are whole numbers that include negative whole numbers, zero, and positive whole numbers.
  • Computers use binary numbers to represent integers.
  • Python uses a variable number of bits to represent integers. Therefore, the largest integer number that Python can represent depends on the available memory of the computer.
  • In Python, all integers are instances of the class int .
  • Use the getsizeof() function of the sys module to get the number of bytes of an integer.
  • Python integers support all standard operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponent.


Python Integer: Non-Fractional Numbers (With Example Code)

Python Integer

The Python integer is a non-fractional number, like 1, 2, 45, -1, -2, and -100. It’s one of the three types of numbers Python supports natively, the others being floating-point numbers and complex numbers.

Max size of a Python integer

Unlike many other programming languages, integers in Python 3 can have large values. They are unbounded, meaning there is no limit to their size. For example:

>>> num = 98762345098709872345000 >>> num + 1 98762345098709872345001

Of course, there is a limit since your computer does not have unlimited memory. However, for all practical purposes, you don’t have to worry about it.

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Integer types

Unlike Python 2 and many other languages, Python 3 has only one integer type. This is part of Python’s aspiration to be a clean, easy-to-learn language. It’s one less thing we have to worry about. For more details, see PEP-0237.

Converting from and to an integer

String to integer

To convert a string to an integer in Python, use the int() function:

Integer to string

To convert an integer to a string in Python, use the str() function:

Float to integer

To convert a float to an integer, use the int() function:

Python random integer

Many use cases require a random integer. For this, you need to import the module random . Be warned that this offers pseudo-randomness, which is not suitable for cryptography.

>>> import random >>> random.randint(1,10)

The above instruction returns a pseudo-random number from 1 to 10 inclusive, which means including 1 and 10. For full details of the random module, visit the Python documentation.

Is it a Python integer?

We can use the type() function to check if a value is an integer. It will return int for integers. Here’s a simple example of how to use this in an if -statement:

>>> type(2) int >>> if isinstance(2, int): . print('An integer') . An integer

Don’t use if type(2) == int .
Using isinstance() is almost always the better, cleaner way and covers more use cases, like subclasses.

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