Как создать поисковик в python

How to build a search engine

Creating a robust full text search in Python in a few lines of code

This article outlines one of the most important search algorithms used today and demonstrates how to implement it in Python in just a few lines of code.

The ability to search data is something we take for granted. Modern search engines are now so sophisticated that most of our searches ‘just work’. In fact, we often only notice a search on a website or app when it does not perform. Our expectations in this space have never been higher.

The intelligence of search engines has been increasing for a very simple reason, the value that an effective search tool can bring to a business is enormous; a key piece of intellectual property. Often a search bar is the main interface between customers and the business. A good search engine can, therefore, create a competitive advantage by delivering an improved user experience.

MckKinsey estimated that this value, aggregated globally, amounted to $780Bn a year in 2009. This would put the value of each search performed at $0.50[1]. Of course, this value has no doubt increased substantially since 2009…

With this in mind, you would be forgiven that creating a modern search engine would be out of reach of most development teams, requiring huge resources and complex algorithms. However, somewhat surprisingly, a large number of enterprise business search engines are actually powered by very simple and intuitive rules which can be easily implemented using open source software.

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For example, Uber, Udemy Slack and Shopify (along with 3,000 other business and organisations [2]) all use Elasticsearch. This search engine was powered by incredibly simple term-frequency, inverse document frequency (or tf-idf) word scores up until 2016.[3] (For more details on what this is, I have written about tf-idf here and here).

After this point, it switched to the more sophisticated (but still very simple) BM25 which is still used today. This is also the algorithm implemented within Azure Cognitive Search[4].


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