JQuery Hello World Example

Html header script to load jquery

You can alternatively use CDN-powered links to jQuery library which can be found at: https://code.jquery.com/ Secondly, the best practice is to include all JavaScript files before the end of tag and not between tags. Keep in mind that the order in which you include JavaScript files is sometimes affecting your website.

Use jQuery to load header content

I am trying to create a asp.NET like master page with jQuery. Below is the code I am using but the jQuery does not load HTML from the referenced file and I get a $ is not defined in the Firefox debugger.

My Folder is setup like so:

  • Folder: content
  • Folder: css
  • Folder: fonts
  • Folder: img
  • Folder: js
  • File: index.html

First of all, make sure that the path to jQuery is correct. You can alternatively use CDN-powered links to jQuery library which can be found at: https://code.jquery.com/

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Secondly, the best practice is to include all JavaScript files before the end of tag and not between tags. Keep in mind that the order in which you include JavaScript files is sometimes affecting your website. Therefore, include the JavaScript files that belong to the core of your website on a top-to-bottom path.

Finally, I would recommend you to read Absolute vs Relative Paths/Links article in order to understand how paths to files work.

The path to your jQuery file is probably incorrect. If you replace it with a CDN link (like https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js), that error is not thrown anymore

Javascript — loading a header into an html file with jquery, Don’t know how your code base looks but because it’s AJAX, I would say first off to ensure that you’re running this code on a web server. Secondly, since you’re only loading the header from header.html, you can just specify that in your load function like this: $ («#header»).load («header.html #firstHeader»); Assign the ID of #firstHeader to

$(«header»).load(‘header.html’) not loading

I tried looking for the answer for this simple question. I tried to use the answers that was posted but i still get some errors and my header is not being shown.

And my html body have this div :

 I am getting the error that it cannot load the file "partial/header.html" with a message " Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https , chrome-extension-resource."

I had the same issue and spend hours to find out a solution. And I found the answer there Use JavaScript to Load Header and Footer Templates:

This JavaScript works on a server environment, so this will not be able to load header and footer if you are opening the files from your desktop which means you need to upload your files via FTP and access your HTMLs live.

So I installed nodeJS with the http-server package as described there Local Web Server and started server from the directory with index.html http-server .

Читайте также:  Html header open file

Now I can see my header in the http://localhost:8081/index.html (8081 was shown in the console. Apparently my port 8080 is busy)

Also this should start with / :


I hope it will save the time for another js beginner.

are you sure? I build a new page of «header.html», then copy your code, I can get the page and add it into the div of «header».

Html — how to load header and footer before the content, I am calling header and footer into different pages using jquery.load() method. but on loading the page the footer and header s having a …

How to load header from external file with Jquery Mobile

I have a very simple html index page and a very simple html header page.

I am trying to load the header file into the index files header but I am having issues applying the JQM classes to the header.

I have tried various methods including:

$('#header').load('header.html').trigger('create'); $('#header').load('header.html').trigger('pagecreate'); $('#header').load('header.html'); $('#page').trigger('pagecreate'); $('#header').load('header.html', function () < $.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("getActivePage").enhanceWithin(); >); 

I am having no luck getting this to work properly. Could somebody point me in the right direction, preferably not using .trigger()

Am I loading the script in the right spot? would it be better to load it in the head, inside the header div or at the end of the page?

With regards to


, I believe that has to be more like:

        To prevent any script from being executed on that page above, although I'm not using any in my example, you do this also:

I am not sure if you are still looking for an answer but this worked for me.

$.get('header.html').success(function(html)< $(html).appendTo($('#header')).enhanceWithin(); >); 

Javascript — Loading jQuery into the head, That’s because you add the jQuery script tag at the end of the header, after you app.js. So your html look like . If app.js need jquery, it is loaded …

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CFELEMENTS — Elements of Development

Some time ago I did some research on Javascript and some magical, lesser known features that modern javascript libraries leverage to their great advantage.

It’s not really all that magical when you get right down to it, but it is really cool.

On a partial template that may or may not be included within another template, we don’t want to load jQuery twice. The above script checks if jQuery exists, if not then it appends jQuery to the header.

Lets break it down. I live this part: Javascript works within a framework of code blocks. They are encapsulated within parenthesis (). This serves for nothing else than to isolated it’s workings from the code around it. a second set of parenthesis ()() makes the first set of parenthesis self-executing upon page load. This is completely independent of any type of functionality and is executed inline upon being rendered by the browser. You can have multiple instances. They are executed linearly, synchronously (as far as I understand).

The reason for breaking up the word SCR’+’IPT is because this code is nested within an outer set of tags and will end the outer set prematurely and break the page.

There, now I can always reference this post whenever I need to find this code snippet in the future.


jQuery is a JavaScript framework that runs very fast with a very small size of JavaScript library code. It can easily implement a lot of JavaScript animation effects by operating DOM objects, processing events, and handling Ajax interactions. jQuery can simplify your JavaScript source code to improve your development speed and JavaScript code execution performance. In this article, I will tell you how to add jQuery links in both Html files and javascript files, and how to use jQuery to implement some basic animations with examples.

  1. The first thing you need to do is to download the jQuery library js file and add it into your Html file.
  2. Open a web browser and go to the jQuery library js file download page http://jquery.com/download/. Find the jQuery library js file download link, right-click it, in the popup menu list click Save Link As menu.
  3. The above action will save the jQuery library js file in a local folder, you can save it to any folder( for example your project lib folder).
  4. Next, you need to add the jQuery link in your Html page file like below source code. Below source code should be added in the head section of the target Html file.
  1. If you add the jQuery link in the Html source code, you must add the below code in every Html file head section. The disadvantage of this method is that if you want to use a new jQuery version you must update all Html files one by one manually, this is not a good method.

If you can not watch the above video, you can see it on the youtube URL https://youtu.be/OvyqoKL97Y0

2.1 Use document.writeln() Function To Add jQuery Link In JavaScript File.

  1. Add below js code in the include-jquery.js file, and then import the include-jquery.js file in test.html.
  2. include-jquery.js
// invoke javascript document object's writeln function to write 'import jquery lib js file string' in html page source code. document.writeln('');
/* Use $ to use jQuery object when the document load ready, then execute the anonymous funcion() */ $(document).ready(function() < // Register click event to all html a tag, the callback function will be triggered when user click a link in the html page. $('a').click(function(event) < // Prevent the link default behaviour, then click it will not open a target url. event.preventDefault(); // Popup an alert dialog. alert('The link will fade out.') // Fade out the link in the html page. $(this).hide("slow"); >); >);

2.2 Add jQuery By Create Script Element In Another JavaScript File.

// When the window load process complete then invoke load jquery lib js file function. window.load = load_jquery_lib_js_file(); function load_jquery_lib_js_file() < // Create a html script element. var script = document.createElement('script'); // Set the html script element's type to 'text/javascript'. script.type = 'text/javascript'; // Set the html script element's src attribute value to google online jquery lib js file. script.src = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js'; // When the jquery script load complete then invoke the handler function for different browsers. script.onreadystatechange = handler; script.onload = handler; // Append the html script element to the end of html page head section. document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); >// This function will be executed after jquery lib file has been loaded successfully. function handler()< // Write an message in browser console. console.log('jquery added :)'); // Create a html script element. var script = document.createElement('script'); // Set the html script element's type to 'text/javascript'. script.type = 'text/javascript'; // Set the html script element's src attribute value to the js file which will use jQuery object( it is use-jquery-when-jquery-is-loaded.js in this example ). script.src = './use-jquery-when-jquery-is-loaded.js'; // Append the html script element to the end of html page head section. document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); >
/* Use $ to use jQuery object when the document load ready, then execute the anonymous funcion() */ $(document).ready(function() < // Register click event to all html a tag, the callback function will be triggered when user click a link in the html page. $('a').click(function(event) < // Prevent the link default behaviour, then click it will not open a target url. event.preventDefault(); // Popup an alert dialog. alert('The link will fade out.') // Fade out the link in the html page. $(this).hide("slow"); >); >);

3. jQuery Example.

  1. This example contains two html files, hellow-world-alert.html and hello-world-add-number.html.

3.1 jQuery Hello World Alert Example.

  1. In the first example, it will display an alert dialog when the page is loaded.
  2. There is also a button with text “Welcome to JQuery world” in the page, when the button is clicked, it will show two alert dialog, the first alert dialog’s text is ‘You click the button’, the second alert dialog’s text is the button original text, then it will set button text to ‘Wish you like JQuery 🙂‘ and change the button’s text and background color.
  3. hello-world-alert.html

3.2 jQuery Hello World Add Number Example.

If you can not watch the above video, you can see it on the youtube URL https://youtu.be/u-x9_IQssaU

  1. This example uses jQuery to set the Html p tag css style. It also bind the mouse move event of the div tag, when your mouse moves in the div tag, the number will increase.
  2. hello-world-add-number.html

Hello World From JQuery!

4.1 Question.

  1. I get some jQuery code from the internet, and it meets my requirements, so I want to add those jQuery codes to my Html page. I tried some methods, but failed, can anyone give me some help? Thanks a lot.

4.2 Answer1.

  1. You can create a new javascript file such as common-function.js and then paste your jQuery code into it.
  2. You can save this file in your js project home-directory/js folder. Then you can follow this article to add both the jQuery library js file and the common-function.js file into your Html page ( refer to sections 1, 2 at the beginning of this article ).
  3. And then you can use the jQuery code that you get from the internet. But you also need to make sure the web element id or name in the jQuery code matches the web element in your Html web page.

5. How To Use jQuery To Include Html File Content.

5.1 Question.

  1. My Html page (index.html) contains several other Html pages using the tag like below.

5.2 Answer1.

  1. You can use jQuery’s load() method to load the Html page content (menu.html, detail.html) into the DOM tree of the index.html page.
  2. Then the jQuery object that is created in the index.html page can access and manipulate the content of the menu.html, detail.html.
  3. Below is the example source code.


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