Javascript show all objects

JavaScript Display Objects

Displaying a JavaScript object will output [object Object].


const person = <
name: «John»,
age: 30,
city: «New York»

  • Displaying the Object Properties by name
  • Displaying the Object Properties in a Loop
  • Displaying the Object using Object.values()
  • Displaying the Object using JSON.stringify()

Displaying Object Properties

The properties of an object can be displayed as a string:


const person = <
name: «John»,
age: 30,
city: «New York»

document.getElementById(«demo»).innerHTML = + «,» + person.age + «,» +;

Displaying the Object in a Loop

The properties of an object can be collected in a loop:


const person = <
name: «John»,
age: 30,
city: «New York»

let txt = «»;
for (let x in person) txt += person[x] + » «;

You must use person[x] in the loop.

person.x will not work (Because x is a variable).

Using Object.values()

Any JavaScript object can be converted to an array using Object.values() :

const person = <
name: «John»,
age: 30,
city: «New York»

const myArray = Object.values(person);

myArray is now a JavaScript array, ready to be displayed:


const person = <
name: «John»,
age: 30,
city: «New York»

const myArray = Object.values(person);
document.getElementById(«demo»).innerHTML = myArray;

Object.values() is supported in all major browsers since 2016.

Using JSON.stringify()

Any JavaScript object can be stringified (converted to a string) with the JavaScript function JSON.stringify() :

const person = <
name: «John»,
age: 30,
city: «New York»

Читайте также:  заголовок документа (web-страницы)

let myString = JSON.stringify(person);

myString is now a JavaScript string, ready to be displayed:


const person = <
name: «John»,
age: 30,
city: «New York»

let myString = JSON.stringify(person);
document.getElementById(«demo»).innerHTML = myString;

The result will be a string following the JSON notation:

JSON.stringify() is included in JavaScript and supported in all major browsers.

Stringify Dates

JSON.stringify converts dates into strings:


const person = <
name: «John»,
today: new Date()

let myString = JSON.stringify(person);
document.getElementById(«demo»).innerHTML = myString;

Stringify Functions

JSON.stringify will not stringify functions:


let myString = JSON.stringify(person);
document.getElementById(«demo»).innerHTML = myString;

This can be «fixed» if you convert the functions into strings before stringifying.


const person = <
name: «John»,
age: function ()
person.age = person.age.toString();

let myString = JSON.stringify(person);
document.getElementById(«demo»).innerHTML = myString;

Stringify Arrays

It is also possible to stringify JavaScript arrays:


const arr = [«John», «Peter», «Sally», «Jane»];

let myString = JSON.stringify(arr);
document.getElementById(«demo»).innerHTML = myString;

The result will be a string following the JSON notation:

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How to Display JavaScript Objects as HTML Elements

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to display a list of JavaScript objects as a list of HTML elements on a web page.

Let’s say you have a list of JavaScript objects, and you need to output them as HTML elements in the web browser. In this example, we have a list of exercises, represented by a JavaScript object literal.

The JavaScript object literal:

let exerciseList = [  name: "Deadlift", >,  name: "Push-up", >,  name: "Pull-up", >,  name: "Squat", >, ];

The above is a JavaScript object literal array with four objects (exercises). We want to take those objects and display them as a list in the browser, like this:

That’s an unordered list. If you inspect the list above in Chrome DevTools, the HTML markup for the list above will look like this:

ul> li>Deadliftli> li>Pull-upli> li>Push-upli> li>Squatli> ul>

Displaying the JavaScript object literal array as HTML elements

We need to take care of the following four steps:

  1. Create an empty unordered list element with HTML, so we can add our exercise list items inside it.
  2. Find and grab hold of all the exercises from the JavaScript object literal array, by using a for loop.
  3. Wrap each individual exercise object inside list item ( ) tags.
  4. Output the list item HTML elements in the browser inside the unordered list element ( ) that we created in step 1.

1. Create an empty unordered list element

To set up an empty unordered list element in HTML, add the following inside your index.html (or your HTML window if you use something like CodePen):

Now let’s assign a reference to that unordered list to a variable, so we can add it to our unordered list later. Add the following code at the top of your script file:

let exerciseList = document.querySelector(".exercise-list");

2. Loop through exercise objects

Since we’re dealing with individual exercise objects inside an array, we need to loop (iterate) through each exercise before we can do something with them.

Add the following code right below your JS object:

for (let exercise of exerciseList)  console.log(; >

Your entire script file should look like this now:

let exerciseList = document.querySelector(".exercise-list"); let exerciseObjects = [  name: "Deadlift", >,  name: "Push-up", >,  name: "Pull-up", >,  name: "Squat", >, ]; for (exercise of exerciseObjects)  console.log(; >

Now check your browser console, and you should see this:

Showing the JavaScript console in Chrome outputting the exercise list

Now we have access to each individual exercise object.

3. Wrapping each exercise inside an HTML list item element

Now let’s wrap our collected exercise items inside the list item tag:

First, add the following variable right before your for loop begins:

Now inside your loop, add this:

Now if you console.log(exerciseItems) (outside and below your loop) your console will output each exercise item wrapped inside list item elements.

4. Add the exercise items inside the exercise list

Finally, to display our exercise items inside our exercise list element, add this code right below your for loop:

exerciseList.innerHTML = exerciseItems;

If you did everything correctly, your unordered exercise list should now display all exercises items inside your browser window.

Here’s all the code we wrote as a reference:

(function()  let exerciseList = document.querySelector(".exercise-list"); let exerciseObjects = [  name: "Deadlift", >,  name: "Push-up", >,  name: "Pull-up", >,  name: "Squat", >, ]; let exerciseItems = ""; for (exercise of exerciseObjects)  exerciseItems += "<li>" + + "</li>"; > exerciseList.innerHTML = exerciseItems; >)();

Here’s a CodePen with all the working code.

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Перебор массивов и объектов в JS

Сборник методов для перебора элементов массива или массивоподобных объектов.

Цикл for

Перебор массива в цикле for

var data = ["Яблоко", "Апельсин", "Слива"]; for (var key in data)


Перебор массива в цикле for

Перебор объекта в цикле for

var data = ; for (var key in data)


Перебор объекта в цикле for

Цикл forEach

var data = ["Яблоко", "Апельсин", "Слива"]; data.forEach(function(element, key)< console.log(key + ': ' + element); >);


Перебор массива в forEach

Перебор объектов с помощью forEach

var data = ; Object.entries(data).forEach((entry) => < const Javascript show all objects = entry; console.log(key + ': ' + value); >);


Перебор объекта в forEach

JQuery .each()

Метод .each() предназначен для цикличного обхода DOM-элементов, но также работает и массивами и объектами.

var data = ["Яблоко", "Апельсин", "Слива"]; $.each(data, function(key, value)< console.log(key + ': ' + value); >);


Перебор массива в $.each

Перебор объектов с помощью each()

var data = ; $.each(data, function(key, value)< console.log(key + ': ' + value); >);


Перебор объекта в $.each


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