JavaScript Resize Event for a Window

Отслеживаем «onresize» на элементе

Достаточно древняя задача отслеживания события изменения размеров произвольного элемента на странице. Актуально при создании модульно-независимой структуры для корректировки размеров и иных сss-атрибутов нужного элемента на странице, в частности блоков с периодической Аякс-подгрузкой (например: новостных). Типично решается через таймирование и периодический опрос размеров элемента. Новый вариант, — не использующий таймирующий опрос.

Трюк: Внутрь элемента вставляем пустой фрейм с position:absolute и 100%- (ыми) размерами, придаём элементу position:relative; . И отслеживаем frame.onresize :


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Window: resize event

The resize event fires when the document view (window) has been resized.

This event is not cancelable and does not bubble.

In some earlier browsers it was possible to register resize event handlers on any HTML element. It is still possible to set onresize attributes or use addEventListener() to set a handler on any element. However, resize events are only fired on the window object (i.e. returned by document.defaultView ). Only handlers registered on the window object will receive resize events.

While the resize event fires only for the window nowadays, you can get resize notifications for other elements using the ResizeObserver API.

If the resize event is triggered too many times for your application, see Optimizing window.onresize to control the time after which the event fires.


Use the event name in methods like addEventListener() , or set an event handler property.

addEventListener("resize", (event) => >); onresize = (event) => >; 

Event type

Event properties

This interface also inherits properties of its parent, Event . UIEvent.detail Read only Returns a long with details about the event, depending on the event type. UIEvent.sourceCapabilities Experimental Read only Returns an instance of the InputDeviceCapabilities interface, which provides information about the physical device responsible for generating a touch event. UIEvent.view Read only Returns a WindowProxy that contains the view that generated the event. UIEvent.which Deprecated Non-standard Read only Returns the numeric keyCode of the key pressed, or the character code ( charCode ) for an alphanumeric key pressed.


Window size logger


p>Resize the browser window to fire the code>resizecode> event.p> p>Window height: span id="height">span>p> p>Window width: span id="width">span>p> 


const heightOutput = document.querySelector("#height"); const widthOutput = document.querySelector("#width"); function reportWindowSize()  heightOutput.textContent = window.innerHeight; widthOutput.textContent = window.innerWidth; > window.onresize = reportWindowSize; 


addEventListener equivalent

.addEventListener("resize", reportWindowSize); 


Browser compatibility

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onresize Event

The onresize event occurs when the browser window has been resized.

Tip: To get the size of an element, use the clientWidth, clientHeight, innerWidth, innerHeight, outerWidth, outerHeight, offsetWidth and/or offsetHeight properties.

Browser Support


In JavaScript, using the addEventListener() method:

Technical Details

Bubbles: No
Cancelable: No
Event type: UiEvent if generated from a user interface, Event otherwise
HTML tags:
DOM Version: Level 2 Events

More Examples


Using the addEventListener() method to attach the «resize» event on the window object.

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JavaScript onresize

JavaScript onresize

The JavaScript onresize function is a property that can be used in event handling. It triggers whenever there is an event of resizing takes place. This event happens when the window of a particular page is resized. It is used to resize to different sizes. It can also be used with different internet browsers and used as per necessity. It is a part of the Document Object Model (DOM) and can be used very easily.

Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others

The JavaScript onresize function can be used as below:

window.onresize = functionName;

The functionName is a function name or a function expression which will be receiving the FocusEvent object as its only argument. This function will be responsible for handling the argument sent by the FocusEvent object and take care of it.

We will also need the addEventListener() method which can be used as below:

object.addEventListener("resize", myCode);

We use the above syntax for listening to the events.

How onresize Event works in JavaScript?

The working of the onresize function is very easy.


This example helps in resizing an existing window and also keeps a count of it.

Let us resize the browser window.

Window has been 0 times.

document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0].onresize = function() ; var x = 0; function myResizeFunction()

Here in the body we are printing the count of how many times the window is resized. The script that follows contains the onresize function. This function is calling the myResizeFunction(). We have then declared a variable x which will keep a count of the resizing. As mentioned above the onresize function takes the user defined function as a parameter and then performs its function. Here, in this function whenever the window is resized the count is incremented. It signifies that this function is calling onresize whenever the window is being resized. In addition to this we have some more functions for resizing.

JavaScript onresize 1

When the first time program is run, then above output will be displayed. But when the window is resized then the counter will increase. To check it you can just minimize your browser window, the Event will be captured and the count will increase. Below is the output after resizing the page.

JavaScript onresize 2

Examples of JavaScript onresize

Given below are the examples of JavaScript onresize:

Example #1

Let us see an example of resizing windows with using an . Since the code will be running on an there will be needed a setup that can help in actually seeing the resizing effect.


Changing thesize of the browser window to check the working of onresize event.

Window height:

Window width:

In this program we have used two variables for accepting the height and width of the window. We make use of querySelector which helps us to store the height and width. The function letsresize() is making use of different functions.

These functions are as below:

  • clientWidth, clientHeight
  • innerWidth, innerHeight
  • outerWidth, outerHeight
  • offsetWidth, offsetHeight

These functions can help us in setting the height and width of window, client or the server. We have used one of these functions in order to set the size of the text as per the window being resized. After this, we are using the onresize function where we are calling the letsresize function. Below will be the output of the above code. As mentioned earlier you will have to set the prior to running this program.

with using an <iframe data-lazy-src=

Note: Resizing the window is important to see the working

The above program display the width and height of the window at runtime. You can easily change the window size and see the numbers change dynamically. We have used clientWidth, clientHeight for getting the height and width as and when the event is triggered. Once we this these from the resizing functions we are displaying it by calling the function explicitly. The displayWinSize hence helps us in getting the accurate height and width of the window. This is supported by all browsers that we use. You can use these functions and get real-time size of window when they are being used. Below is the output of the above program. We have first run the program when the window was full size.

JavaScript onresize 5


The onresize function is hence a useful function that helps us in getting the window sizes. It is triggered with the help of a user defined function. This function can have an event listener check when the window is being resized. It is useful in getting different window sizes. It is supported by all browsers which are used in our day-to-day life. onresize function helps in getting dynamic window sizes which can be used when a particular event happens.

This is a guide to JavaScript onresize. Here we discuss the introduction, how onresize event work in JavaScript? and examples respectively. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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