Javascript remove file extension

JavaScript Tricks: Remove File Extensions from Filenames Like a Pro

Learn how to remove file extensions from filenames in JavaScript with these easy-to-follow methods. Get step-by-step guides and code examples now!

  • Introduction
  • Using path.parse() and path.join() methods to remove the extension of the filename in a path.
  • Using the split() method to split the filename by dot and get the extension.
  • Using the substring() method to remove the extension from the filename string.
  • Using the replace() method with a regular expression to remove the extension from the filename string.
  • Using the path.basename() method in Node.js to get the filename without the extension.
  • Using the TrimSuffix method in Go to remove the extension from the filename.
  • Using the parse() method from the path module in Node.js to get the name of a file without the extension.
  • Using the replace() method with regular expressions to remove the extension and convert camelCase to snake.
  • Other helpful code samples for removing file extensions in JavaScript
  • Conclusion
  • How to remove extension from filename javascript?
  • How do I remove the filename extension?
  • How to separate filename and extension in JavaScript?
  • How to get image name without extension in javascript?

Are you looking for ways to remove file extensions from filenames in JavaScript? This article covers various methods to remove file extensions from filenames in JavaScript, including using the path.parse() and path.join() methods, the split() method, the substring() method, the replace() method with regular expressions, the path.basename() method in Node.js, the TrimSuffix method in Go, and the parse() method from the path module in Node.js.


File extensions are essential components of filenames that indicate the type of file. However, sometimes we need to remove file extensions from filenames in JavaScript for various reasons, such as improving the readability of filenames, removing unnecessary information, or extracting the name of the file without the extension.

In this article, we will cover several methods to remove file extensions from filenames in JavaScript, including the pros and cons of each method, and provide step-by-step guidance and code examples to illustrate how each method works.

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Using path.parse() and path.join() methods to remove the extension of the filename in a path.

The path.parse() and path.join() methods are built-in methods in Node.js that can be used to parse and join path strings. These methods can be used together to remove the extension from a filename in a path.

Here’s how to use these methods:

const filePath = '/path/to/file.txt'; const < name, ext >= path.parse(filePath); 
const directory = path.dirname(filePath); const fileNameWithoutExt = path.join(directory, name); 

Now, fileNameWithoutExt will contain the path to the file without the extension.

Using the split() method to split the filename by dot and get the extension.

The split() method is a built-in method in JavaScript that can be used to split a string into an array of substrings based on a specified separator. We can use this method to split the filename by dot and get the extension.

Here’s how to use this method:

const filePath = '/path/to/file.txt'; const filename = filePath.split('/').pop(); 
const extension = filename.split('.').pop(); 

Now, extension will contain the extension of the file.

Using the substring() method to remove the extension from the filename string.

The substring() method is a built-in method in JavaScript that can be used to extract a part of a string based on the starting and ending indexes. We can use this method to remove the extension from the filename string.

Here’s how to use this method:

const fileName = 'file.txt'; const fileNameWithoutExt = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.')); 

Now, fileNameWithoutExt will contain the name of the file without the extension.

Using the replace() method with a regular expression to remove the extension from the filename string.

The replace() method is a built-in method in JavaScript that can be used to replace a specified value with another value in a string. We can use this method with a regular expression to remove the extension from the filename string.

Here’s how to use this method with a regular expression:

const fileName = 'file.txt'; const fileNameWithoutExt = fileName.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ''); 

Now, fileNameWithoutExt will contain the name of the file without the extension.

Using the path.basename() method in Node.js to get the filename without the extension.

The path.basename() method is a built-in method in Node.js that can be used to get the last portion of a path. We can use this method to get the filename without the extension.

Here’s how to use this method:

const filePath = '/path/to/file.txt'; const fileNameWithoutExt = path.basename(filePath, path.extname(filePath)); 

Now, fileNameWithoutExt will contain the name of the file without the extension.

Using the TrimSuffix method in Go to remove the extension from the filename.

The TrimSuffix method is a built-in method in Go that can be used to remove a specified suffix from a string. We can use this method to remove the extension from the filename.

Here’s how to use this method:

import "path/filepath"func main()

Now, filenameWithoutExt will contain the name of the file without the extension.

Using the parse() method from the path module in Node.js to get the name of a file without the extension.

The parse() method is a built-in method in Node.js that can be used to parse a path string into an object with the different components of the path. We can use this method to get the name of a file without the extension.

Here’s how to use this method:

const filePath = '/path/to/file.txt'; const < name >= path.parse(filePath); 

Now, name will contain the name of the file without the extension.

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Using the replace() method with regular expressions to remove the extension and convert camelCase to snake.

We can use the replace() method with regular expressions to remove the extension and convert camelCase to snake in JavaScript.

Here’s how to use this method with regular expressions:

const fileName = 'file.txt'; const fileNameWithoutExt = fileName.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, '').replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2').toLowerCase(); 

Now, fileNameWithoutExt will contain the name of the file without the extension and in snake case.

Other helpful code samples for removing file extensions in JavaScript

In Javascript as proof, exclude extension from filename javascript code sample

const file = 'test.jpg'; const filename = file.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.');

In Javascript as proof, javascript remove extension from filename code example

// using string methods only filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.')) || filename// using both string & array methods filename.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.') 

In Javascript , for example, js remove extension from filename code sample

let file = "yourFileName.txt"; let filename = file.split('.')[0]


In this article, we covered various methods to remove file extensions from filenames in JavaScript, including using the path.parse() and path.join() methods, the split() method, the substring() method, the replace() method with regular expressions, the path.basename() method in Node.js, the TrimSuffix method in Go, and the parse() method from the path module in Node.js.

Each method has its pros and cons and can be used in different scenarios depending on the requirements. We also provided step-by-step guidance and code examples to illustrate how each method works.

We hope this article was helpful in learning how to remove file extensions from filenames in JavaScript. Try out the different methods and share your experiences with us.


How to Get a File Name Without the Extension in Node.js

To get the name of a file without the extension in Node.js, use the parse() method from the path module to get an object representing the path. The name property of this object will contain the file name without the extension.

const path = require('path'); path.parse('index.html').name; // index path.parse('package.json').name; // package path.parse('image.png').name; // image 

The parse() method

The parse() method returns an object with properties that represent the major parts of the given path. The object it returns has the following properties:

  1. dir – the directory of the path.
  2. root – the topmost directory in the operating system.
  3. base – the last portion of the path.
  4. ext – the extension of the file.
  5. name – the name of the file without the extension.
path.parse('C://Code/my-website/index.html'); /* Returns: < root: 'C:/', dir: 'C://Code/my-website', base: 'index.html', ext: '.html', name: 'index' >*/ 

If the path is not a string, parse() throws a TypeError .

// ❌ TypeError: Received type of number instead of string path.parse(123).name; // ❌ TypeError: Received type of boolean instead of string path.parse(false).name; // ❌ TypeError: Received type of URL instead of string path.parse(new URL('')).name; // ✅ Received correct type of string path.parse('index.html').name; // index

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How To Remove File Extension From A String Using JavaScript?

Remove file extension from a string using JavaScript

Remove file extension from a string using JavaScript is one of the important task when working with data. We will give you some methods in this article: Use split() and slice() method or use []. Let’s see the specific example below.

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File extension

The term “extension” refers to the suffix at the end of a file name describing its sort of file. For instance, the file extension is .TXT in the file name “text.txt”. The file is a text document. Other examples are the.docx file extension, which is used for Microsoft Word documents, and the PSD file extension, which is the default for Photoshop documents.

Examining the file’s extension allows an operating system to determine which application to read, print, or edit a particular file. Because each operating system in the setup has a default mapping between a file extension and a specific program, it can do this function.

Remove file extension from a string using JavaScript

Use split() and slice() method

The split method of a string object is used to split a string into an array of substrings and return the new array.

  • Separator: (Optional) Specifies the character, or regular expression, to use to split the string. If omitted, the entire string is returned (an array with only one item).
  • limit: (Optional) An integer specifying the number of splits, items after the division limit will not be included in the array.

The String slice() method in JavaScript extracts an area of ​​a string and returns a new string.

string.slice( begin slice [, endSlice] );

  • startSlice: The index at which the extraction should begin.
  • endSlice: The index where the program should stop the extraction. Slice extracts to the end of the string if it is omitted.

After knowing about the method to use this way, let’s see the example below to understand more about how to do it.

var file = 'number.txt'; var filename = file.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'); console.log(filename);

First, we separate the filename from the file extension using the split method where the “.” then we use the slice complex method to remove the extension. The program will return an array with a string named file name, so we use the join method to get that value.

Refer to the index position with []

Like the above method, we use the split method to split into two strings, filename and file extension. But in this way, we use [] to point to the string with index 0, and we can get the string filename and print it to the console.

var file = 'number.txt'; var filename = file.split('.')[0]; console.log(filename);

So we obtained the filename string of the file and printed it to the screen. Hope it helps you.


To summarize, there are many ways to remove file extensions from a string using JavaScript. You can absolutely choose any method that works for you. Thanks for reading!
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Programming Languages: C, C++, Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Reactjs


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