Javascript parse int to string

6 ways to convert int to string in JavaScript

In this post, we will learn,6 ways to convert int to string in JavaScript.The numbers in programming language sometimes are represented as “12”.Its data type is not a number but a string.

1. Tosting() to convert int to string in JavaScript

The tostring() method takes a number or float as input and converts it into a string. It returns a string representation of the number. It takes an optional base parameter.

The tostring() throw type errors while converting undefined and null to string.


Base: this is an optional parameter that makes converts an input number to another base. It is an int between 2 to 36.

"50" "45.5" "num to string base 2:", "1010" "NaN" "Symbol(234)" TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of null TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined

2. Template Literal to to convert int to string in JavaScript

Template literal uses back-ticks(“) to define a string, which is introduced in ES6. Earlier we used to create a string by using single quotes (‘) or double quotes (“) quotes to define a string.

It throws a type error while converting a symbol type value to a string.

Let us understand with the below example how to convert the value to a string.

Example : Converting a value to string using Template String

intnum = 50; int_to_str = `$` console.log(int_to_str) ; floatnum = 45.50; console.log(`$`) ; num_nan = NaN; console.log(`$`);

3. string () to convert int to string in JavaScript

The string() method allows us to create a primitive string type for the number passed to it as an argument. The string() method handles the NULL and undefined. It does not throw errors when NULL and undefined is passed.

JS Program to convert int to string

intnum = 50; floatnum = 45.50; num_nan = NaN; let b = null; var c ; console.log(String(intnum)); console.log(String(floatnum)); console.log(String(num_nan)); console.log(String(b)); console.log(String(c));
"50" "45.5" "NaN" "null" "undefined"

4. concatinating empty string

This is the naive way to convert a value to a string, number is concatenated with an empty string to convert. It is the fastest way to accomplish as compared to another way.

it throws a typeerror while converting a symbol type value to a string same as template literal.

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Example : Converting a value to string using string() method

float = 45.50; floatnum_to_str = ''+float; num_nan = NaN; nan_tostr = ''+num_nan; console.log(num_to_str); console.log(String(floatnum_to_str)); console.log(String(nan_tostr));

5.JSON.Stringfy() to to convert int to string

JSON.Stringfy() method converts an object or value to a string.

JS Program to convert int to string

intnum = 50; floatnum = 45.50; let b = null; var c ; console.log(JSON.stringify(intnum)); console.log(JSON.stringify(floatnum)); console.log(JSON.stringify(b)); console.log(JSON.stringify(c));

6.Using tofixed() method

The tofixed() method used to convert a number to a string. It rounds the number to specified number of the decimal digits.


Digits: an optional parameter. It specified the number of digits after the decimal place.

Convert value to string tofixed() method

In this example, we are converting a number to a string by not passing any argument to tofixed() and passing a digit

intnum = 50; floatnum = 45.503; console.log(intnum.toFixed()); console.log(floatnum.toFixed()); console.log(floatnum.toFixed(2));


We have explored 6 ways to convert int to string in JavaScript. List of functions we have used

  • Tosting() Method :The tostring() method takes a number or float as input and converts it into a string
  • Using Template Literal :It uses back-ticks(“) to define a string is introduced in ES6.
  • String() Method :The string() method allows us to create a primitive string type for the number passed to it as an argument.
  • By concatinating empty string : number is concatenated with an empty string to convert
  • Using JSON.Stringfy() : convert number to string
  • Using tofixed() method : convert given number to string.


JavaScript Parse Int to String: Best Methods and Techniques

Learn how to convert a parse int to a string in JavaScript using the best methods and techniques. Use toString(), parseInt(), Number.parseInt(), parseFloat() and more. Get started now!

  • Using the toString() Method
  • Using the Empty String Method
  • Using the Number() Function and Unary Operator (+)
  • Using the parseInt() and Number.parseInt() Methods
  • Using the parseFloat() Function
  • Other code examples for converting a parse int to a string in JavaScript
  • Conclusion
  • How do I parse an int to a string?
  • How to parse integer in JavaScript?
  • What is parseInt () in JavaScript?
  • How to convert value into string in JavaScript?

JavaScript is a versatile programming language used for web development, server-side scripting, and game development. It is a highly popular language among developers and is widely used in various fields. One commonly performed task in JavaScript is converting a parse int to a string. This guide will provide information and guidance on how to do so using various methods.

Using the toString() Method

The toString() method is used internally by JavaScript to display an object as text. To convert a parse int to a string, use the toString() method on the integer. Here’s an example:

const num = 10; const str = num.toString(); console.log(typeof str, str); // string "10" 

In the above example, we have declared a variable num and assigned it a value of 10 . We then use the toString() method on num to convert it to a string and assign it to a variable str . We then log the type of str and its value to the console.

Using the Empty String Method

The simplest way to convert any variable to a string is to add an empty string to that variable. To convert a parse int to a string, add an empty string to the integer. Here’s an example:

const num = 10; const str = num + ""; console.log(typeof str, str); // string "10" 

In the above example, we have declared a variable num and assigned it a value of 10 . We then add an empty string to num using the + operator and assign it to a variable str . We then log the type of str and its value to the console.

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Using the Number() Function and Unary Operator (+)

Other methods to convert a string to a number include using the Number() function or the unary operator (+). To convert a parse int to a string using the Number() function, pass the integer to the function and add an empty string to the result. Here’s an example:

const num = 10; const str = Number(num) + ""; console.log(typeof str, str); // string "10" 

In the above example, we have declared a variable num and assigned it a value of 10 . We then pass num to the Number() function to convert it to a number, add an empty string to the result using the + operator, and assign it to a variable str . We then log the type of str and its value to the console.

To convert a parse int to a string using the unary operator (+), add an empty string to the integer preceded by the unary operator. Here’s an example:

const num = 10; const str = +num + ""; console.log(typeof str, str); // string "10" 

In the above example, we have declared a variable num and assigned it a value of 10 . We then add an empty string to num preceded by the unary operator + and assign it to a variable str . We then log the type of str and its value to the console.

Using the parseInt() and Number.parseInt() Methods

The parseInt() method parses a string argument and returns an integer of the specified radix or base. The Number.parseInt() method is used to parse a string argument and returns an integer of the specified radix or base. To convert a parse int to a string using the parseInt() method, pass the integer to the method and add an empty string to the result. Here’s an example:

const num = 10; const str = parseInt(num) + ""; console.log(typeof str, str); // string "10" 

In the above example, we have declared a variable num and assigned it a value of 10 . We then pass num to the parseInt() method to convert it to a number, add an empty string to the result using the + operator, and assign it to a variable str . We then log the type of str and its value to the console.

Using the parseFloat() Function

The parseFloat() function converts its first argument to a string, parses that string as a decimal number literal, then returns a number or NaN. To convert a parse int to a string using the parseFloat() function, pass the integer to the function and add an empty string to the result. Here’s an example:

const num = 10; const str = parseFloat(num) + ""; console.log(typeof str, str); // string "10" 

In the above example, we have declared a variable num and assigned it a value of 10 . We then pass num to the parseFloat() function to convert it to a number, add an empty string to the result using the + operator, and assign it to a variable str . We then log the type of str and its value to the console.

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Other code examples for converting a parse int to a string in JavaScript

In Javascript , in particular, int to string js code example

var myNumber=120; var myString = myNumber.toString(); //converts number to string "120"

In Javascript , for instance, javascript integer to string code sample

var num = 15; var n = num.toString();

In Javascript , for example, int to string javascript code sample

var number = 12; return numner.toString();

In Javascript , for example, javascript int to string code sample

//Way #1 n = 334 n.toString()//Way #2 (334).toString()

In Javascript , for instance, js int to string

In Javascript as proof, convert int to string javascript code example


Converting a parse int to a string in JavaScript can be done using several methods. You can use the toString() method, empty string method, Number() function and unary operator (+), parseInt(), Number.parseInt(), or parseFloat(). Choose the method that best suits your needs and coding style.

In conclusion, JavaScript is a powerful language that offers a variety of built-in functions and methods to make programming easier. By using these functions and methods, you can easily perform complex tasks with minimal effort. Hopefully, this guide has provided you with the information and guidance you need to convert a parse int to a string in JavaScript.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is the toString() method and how does it work?

The toString() method is a built-in function in JavaScript that is used to convert an object to a string. When used on a parse int, it returns a string representation of the integer.

How does the empty string method work for converting a parse int to a string?

The empty string method is a simple way to convert any variable to a string by adding an empty string to that variable. To convert a parse int to a string, add an empty string to the integer.

What is the Number() function and how can it be used to convert a parse int to a string?

The Number() function is used to convert a string to a number. To convert a parse int to a string using the Number() function, pass the integer to the function and add an empty string to the result.

How does the parseInt() method work for converting a parse int to a string?

The parseInt() method is used to parse a string argument and returns an integer of the specified radix or base. To convert a parse int to a string using the parseInt() method, pass the integer to the method and add an empty string to the result.

What is the parseFloat() function and how does it work for converting a parse int to a string?

The parseFloat() function converts its first argument to a string, parses that string as a decimal number literal, then returns a number or NaN. To convert a parse int to a string using the parseFloat() function, pass the integer to the function and add an empty string to the result.

Which method should I use to convert a parse int to a string in JavaScript?

The method you should use depends on your specific needs and coding style. Consider using the toString() method, empty string method, Number() function and unary operator (+), parseInt(), Number.parseInt(), or parseFloat().


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