Javascript get textarea contents

Get HTML value inside a textarea component using plain javascript

I want to get the HTML content of the text that is being entered inside a

6 Answers 6

Textareas don’t have HTML content, they have text content. You can access their current value using the .value property, just like most other form controls.

So, In my understanding you want to get the entire HTML of the text area like

right. so in this case you have to use outerHtml functionality of JavaScript. But in my opinion this is not safe to use.

var element = document.getElementById( 'id' ); alert( element.outerHTML ); //it gives dom element 

if ‘id’ is the id of the textarea element, value property is the content (as text) of the textarea.

My problem is that when I press enter button and then type, the new line is not taken care of when storing it in database. I want to convert each line into

tag and then store it in the db

Do you want to get it on a specific trigger (ex. click) or do you just want to print it in another part of the document. Here’s a basic example :

Let’s say your textarea id is is «texta» and you want to ..print that content to another another div, hidden field or whatever your heart desires. We’ll name that second id «echo»

var textarea = document.getElementById("texta"); document.getElementById('echo')innerHtml = textarea.value; 


Javascript get textarea contents

Last updated: Jan 12, 2023
Reading time · 2 min

Читайте также:  Все медиа запросы css


# Get the Value of a Textarea using JavaScript

Use the value property to get the value of a textarea, e.g. const value = textarea.value .

The value property can be used to read and set the value of a textarea element. If the textarea is empty, an empty string is returned.

Here is the HTML for the examples.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en"> head> title>bobbyhadz.comtitle> meta charset="UTF-8" /> head> body> label for="message">Your message:label> textarea id="message" name="message" rows="5" cols="33">textarea> script src="index.js"> script> body> html>

And here is the related JavaScript code.

const message = document.getElementById('message'); // ✅ GET the value of textarea console.log(message.value); // 👉️ "" // -------------------------------------- // ✅ SET the value of textarea message.value = 'Hello world!'; // -------------------------------------- // ✅ Append to value of textarea message.value += ' Appended text.'; // -------------------------------------- // ✅ get value of textarea on change message.addEventListener('input', function handleChange(event) console.log(; >);

We used the value property to get the value of a textarea element.

const message = document.getElementById('message'); // ✅ GET the value of textarea console.log(message.value); // 👉️ ""


How can I getting textarea value using javascript

I want to make submit event depend textarea value. cause i want to check textarea is vaild. so when I was using javascript function getElementByid, it result was placeholder value. I just want to know how can I fix it.


4 Answers 4

You can use .value . Here’s a demo:

var textarea = document.getElementById('test'); var result = document.getElementById('result'); function updateResult() < result.textContent = textarea.value; >textarea.addEventListener('keyup', updateResult);

A little unclear as to what you need to do but if you just want to validate that the textarea value is something other then the placeholder text, you could add a handler to call on click of the button, something like:

" onclick="return ValidationEvent()"/> 

then have a javascript function that checks the value prior to submitting..

This could be greatly simplified using Jquery.

Try below example. It’s very easy. It doesn’t return placeholder value it returns content that is written in textarea either you write static or dynamic. I just specify how to get simply textarea value instead of placeholder. If you want to set any validation then show me your java script code, so that i can give you better result.

Same great sample as the upvoted answer but I added a replacement of the \n with

sample code takes care of line breaks

Now if you hit enter at the end of each line you’ll see something like:

var textarea = document.getElementById('test'); var result = document.getElementById('result'); function updateResult() < let changedText = replaceAllReturns(textarea.value); result.innerHTML = changedText; >textarea.addEventListener('keyup', updateResult); function replaceAllReturns(inText)< let outText = inText; while(outText.indexOf("\n") >=0)< outText = outText.replace("\n","
"); > return outText; >


Get textarea text with JavaScript or jQuery

Is this iframe on the same domain as the parent page? If not, no need to continue to waste your time as for security reasons you cannot access the DOM of documents which are not stored on your domain.

try text instead of val or html var text = $(‘#frame1’).contents().find(‘#area1’).text(); , else. You need to debug and add watch and try all sorts of things.

7 Answers 7

Reading the ‘s content:

var text1 = document.getElementById('myTextArea').value; // plain JavaScript var text2 = $("#myTextArea").val(); // jQuery 

Writing to the :

document.getElementById('myTextArea').value = 'new value'; // plain JavaScript $("#myTextArea").val('new value'); // jQuery 

Do not use .html() or .innerHTML !

jQuery’s .html() and JavaScript’s .innerHTML should not be used, as they do not pick up changes to the textarea’s text.

When the user types in the textarea, the .html() won’t return the typed value, but the original one — check the demo fiddle above for an example.

To get the value from a textarea with an id you just have to do

If you are having more than one element with the same id in the document then the HTML is invalid.

No. Do not use html() to get the value from a textarea. Use val() , or even better, the value property of the element itself.

@Diego: No, html() is wrong. html() returns the initial value of the textarea, not the current value, so once the value is changed (either by script or by the user), it’s wrong. See

I was using the textarea togheter with tinymce wysiwyg editor. This causes a conflict with my textarea since I was unable to get the text. The text must be retrieved using javascript object from tinymce script. Thankyou everybody!

Get textarea text with JavaScript:


Now what

function go()
var value = $('#area1').val(); $('#VAL_DISPLAY').html(value); 
var info = document.getElementById("area1").value; // JavaScript var info = $("#area1").val(); // jQuery 
var text = $('#frame1').contents().find('#area1').html(); 

No, html() does not work correctly for finding the value of a textarea. See comments on @rahul’s answer.

As Darin Dimitrov said, if it is not an iframe on the same domain, it is not possible. If it is, check that $(«#frame1»).contents() returns all it should, and then check if the textbox is found:

$(«#frame1»).contents().find(«#area1»).length should be 1.

If when your textarea is «empty», an empty string is returned and when it has some text entered that text is returned, then it is working perfect!! When the textarea is empty, an empty string is returned!

Here there is one way. It is not very pretty, but it works:

Outside the iframe you will access the textarea like this:

And inside the iframe (which I assume has jQuery) in the document ready, add this code:

$("#area1").change(function() < window.parent.textAreaInIframe = $(this).val(); >).trigger("change"); 


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