Javascript get параметры url

How to Get URL Parameters

URL parameters or query string parameters are used to send a piece of data from client to server via a URL. They can contain information such as search queries, link referrals, user preferences, etc.

JavaScript has a default class URL used to handle everything about URLs, including the parameters.

You can make a URL instance from any URL string you wish. If you want to access the URL of the current web page a user is browsing, you can use window.location.toLocaleString() . Otherwise, you can use anything like “”.

// using a custom URL string const myUrl1 = new URL(""); // using the current page's URL const myUrl2 = new URL(window.location.toLocaleString());

When you want to access the params of a URL instance like myUrl , you can use myUrl.searchParams.get($PARAM_NAME) . See the example below.

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Javascript url search params get method

const urlParams = new URL(«»).searchParams; const product = urlParams.get(‘product’); console.log(product); // product const color = urlParams.get(‘color’) console.log(color); // black const newUser = urlParams.get(‘newuser’) console.log(newUser); // empty string const size = urlParams.get(‘size’); console.log(size); // s

If you want to check if the given parameter exists or not, use: urlParams.has() :

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Javascript url search params has method

const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(«»); console.log(urlParams.has(‘size’)); // true console.log(urlParams.has(‘paymentmethod’)); // false

Multiple query values

There are times where multiple values are set for a specific parameter. This situation is common when the client wants to send an array. As the arrays are not directly supported in query parameters, the only way is to set multiple values for a single parameter name, like «». To access all the values set for a specific query name, we use the getAll() method

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javascript url search params getAll method


Javascript get параметры url


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Get Query String Values in JavaScript

In a URL, query string values often provide information about the request, like parameters for a search or the ID of an object you’re using. If any of the business or request logic is handled in the frontend, it’s important to know how to retrieve the query string values from the URL. There are a number of ways to achieve this, a few of which we’ll see here.


The URLSearchParams interface is supported by all major browser versions except IE 11. It works by parsing the query string of a URL and providing a way to access the values. For example:

let params = new URLSearchParams('q=node&page=2'); params.get('q'); // 'node' params.get('page'); // '2' 

One of the downsides of this interface is that you must pass it only the query string of a URL. If you’re working with the current browser URL, that’s easy to do since you can just pass . If you’re working with any other URL, you’ll need to parse out and pass the query string separately.

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To parse the query parameters into an object, use URL.searchParams ‘s .entries() method, which returns an Iterator of key/value pairs, and Object.fromEntries to convert it into an object.

let params = new URLSearchParams('q=node&page=2'); let entries = params.entries(); Object.fromEntries(entries); // 

URL Object

The URL API is also supported by all major browser versions except IE 11. It offers a more flexible way to parse URLs, and it also provides a way to access the query string values. For example:

const url = new URL(''); const searchParams = url.searchParams; searchParams.get('q'); // 'node' searchParams.get('page'); // '2' 

url.searchParams is the same type of instance object returned by URLSearchParams .

The url object above also has all parts of the URL broken out into its parts. For example:

url.href; // '' url.origin; // '' url.protocol; // 'https:'; // '' url.hostname; // '' url.port; // '' url.pathname; // '/search'; // '?q=node&page=2' url.hash; // '' 

Pure JavaScript

If for any reason you’re not able to access the APIs above or want to have more control over the parsing, you can use the following code to parse the query string into an object.

function getQueryParams(url) < const paramArr = url.slice(url.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); const params = <>; => < const Javascript get параметры url = param.split('='); paramsJavascript get параметры url = decodeURIComponent(val); >) return params; > 

Note: There are many ways to parse query params in plain JS, some more complicated (and robust) than others. This is just one way, and was adapted from this gist.

We can then use this plain JS function to parse a single query param into a string:

getQueryParams('') // 


Получение значений из параметров GET в JavaScript

Abstract representation of extracting parameter values from a URL.

Зачастую, веб-разработчики сталкиваются с необходимостью получения значений из параметров GET в URL. Допустим, есть адрес вида:¶m2=value2¶m3=value3 

Задача — извлечь значение параметра param3 , которое в данном случае равно value3 .

Решение с использованием встроенного API URLSearchParams

Одним из самых простых и эффективных способов извлечения значений параметров GET является использование встроенного API URLSearchParams . Этот API предоставляет удобные методы для работы с параметрами URL.

Вот пример кода, который решает поставленную задачу:

let url = new URL(""); let params = new URLSearchParams(; let param3 = params.get('param3'); // "value3"

В этом примере создается новый объект URL , а затем извлекаются параметры с помощью свойства search . Затем создается объект URLSearchParams , который может прочитать эти параметры. И в конце получаем значение параметра param3 с помощью метода get .

Альтернативное решение без использования URLSearchParams

В случае, если по каким-либо причинам недоступен URLSearchParams , можно воспользоваться следующим подходом:

let url = ""; let params = url.split('?')[1].split('&'); let param3; for(let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) < let pair = params[i].split('='); if(pair[0] == 'param3') < param3 = pair[1]; >>

Здесь мы разбиваем URL на части, а затем перебираем все пары ключ-значение, ищем нужный ключ и извлекаем его значение.

Оба этих подхода позволяют успешно извлекать значения параметров GET из URL в JavaScript.


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