Javascript get event name

target Event Property

Get the name of the element where the event occurred:


The target property returns the element where the event occured.

The target property is read-only.

The target property returns the element on which the event occurred, opposed to the currentTarget property, which returns the element whose event listener triggered the event.

See Also:


Technical Details

More examples


Get the element that triggered the event:


Get the name of the element that triggered the event:

Browser Support is a DOM Level 2 (2001) feature.

It is fully supported in all browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
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DOM Events allow JavaScript to add event listener or event handlers to HTML elements.

For a tutorial about Events, read our JavaScript Events Tutorial.


In HTML onclick is the event listener, myFunction is the event handler:

In JavaScript click is the event, myFunction is the event handler:

Event Occurs When Belongs To
abort The loading of a media is aborted UiEvent, Event
afterprint A page has started printing Event
animationend A CSS animation has completed AnimationEvent
animationiteration A CSS animation is repeated AnimationEvent
animationstart A CSS animation has started AnimationEvent
beforeprint A page is about to be printed Event
beforeunload Before a document is about to be unloaded UiEvent, Event
blur An element loses focus FocusEvent
canplay The browser can start playing a media (has buffered enough to begin) Event
canplaythrough The browser can play through a media without stopping for buffering Event
change The content of a form element has changed Event
click An element is clicked on MouseEvent
contextmenu An element is right-clicked to open a context menu MouseEvent
copy The content of an element is copied ClipboardEvent
cut The content of an element is cutted ClipboardEvent
dblclick An element is double-clicked MouseEvent
drag An element is being dragged DragEvent
dragend Dragging of an element has ended DragEvent
dragenter A dragged element enters the drop target DragEvent
dragleave A dragged element leaves the drop target DragEvent
dragover A dragged element is over the drop target DragEvent
dragstart Dragging of an element has started DragEvent
drop A dragged element is dropped on the target DragEvent
durationchange The duration of a media is changed Event
ended A media has reach the end («thanks for listening») Event
error An error has occurred while loading a file ProgressEvent, UiEvent, Event
focus An element gets focus FocusEvent
focusin An element is about to get focus FocusEvent
focusout An element is about to lose focus FocusEvent
fullscreenchange An element is displayed in fullscreen mode Event
fullscreenerror An element can not be displayed in fullscreen mode Event
hashchange There has been changes to the anchor part of a URL HashChangeEvent
input An element gets user input InputEvent, Event
invalid An element is invalid Event
keydown A key is down KeyboardEvent
keypress A key is pressed KeyboardEvent
keyup A key is released KeyboardEvent
load An object has loaded UiEvent, Event
loadeddata Media data is loaded Event
loadedmetadata Meta data (like dimensions and duration) are loaded Event
loadstart The browser starts looking for the specified media ProgressEvent
message A message is received through the event source Event
mousedown The mouse button is pressed over an element MouseEvent
mouseenter The pointer is moved onto an element MouseEvent
mouseleave The pointer is moved out of an element MouseEvent
mousemove The pointer is moved over an element MouseEvent
mouseover The pointer is moved onto an element MouseEvent
mouseout The pointer is moved out of an element MouseEvent
mouseup A user releases a mouse button over an element MouseEvent
mousewheel Deprecated. Use the wheel event instead WheelEvent
offline The browser starts working offline Event
online The browser starts working online Event
open A connection with the event source is opened Event
pagehide User navigates away from a webpage PageTransitionEvent
pageshow User navigates to a webpage PageTransitionEvent
paste Some content is pasted in an element ClipboardEvent
pause A media is paused Event
play The media has started or is no longer paused Event
playing The media is playing after beeing paused or buffered Event
popstate The window’s history changes PopStateEvent
progress The browser is downloading media data Event
ratechange The playing speed of a media is changed Event
resize The document view is resized UiEvent, Event
reset A form is reset Event
scroll An scrollbar is being scrolled UiEvent, Event
search Something is written in a search field Event
seeked Skipping to a media position is finished Event
seeking Skipping to a media position is started Event
select User selects some text UiEvent, Event
show A element is shown as a context menu Event
stalled The browser is trying to get unavailable media data Event
storage A Web Storage area is updated StorageEvent
submit A form is submitted Event
suspend The browser is intentionally not getting media data Event
timeupdate The playing position has changed (the user moves to a different point in the media) Event
toggle The user opens or closes the element Event
touchcancel The touch is interrupted TouchEvent
touchend A finger is removed from a touch screen TouchEvent
touchmove A finger is dragged across the screen TouchEvent
touchstart A finger is placed on a touch screen TouchEvent
transitionend A CSS transition has completed TransitionEvent
unload A page has unloaded UiEvent, Event
volumechange The volume of a media is changed (includes muting) Event
waiting A media is paused but is expected to resume (e.g. buffering) Event
wheel The mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element WheelEvent



The Event interface represents an event which takes place in the DOM.

An event can be triggered by the user action e.g. clicking the mouse button or tapping keyboard, or generated by APIs to represent the progress of an asynchronous task. It can also be triggered programmatically, such as by calling the method of an element, or by defining the event, then sending it to a specified target using EventTarget.dispatchEvent() .

There are many types of events, some of which use other interfaces based on the main Event interface. Event itself contains the properties and methods which are common to all events.

Many DOM elements can be set up to accept (or «listen» for) these events, and execute code in response to process (or «handle») them. Event-handlers are usually connected (or «attached») to various HTML elements (such as , , , etc.) using EventTarget.addEventListener() , and this generally replaces using the old HTML event handler attributes. Further, when properly added, such handlers can also be disconnected if needed using removeEventListener() .

Note: One element can have several such handlers, even for the exact same event—particularly if separate, independent code modules attach them, each for its own independent purposes. (For example, a webpage with an advertising-module and statistics-module both monitoring video-watching.)

When there are many nested elements, each with its own handler(s), event processing can become very complicated—especially where a parent element receives the very same event as its child elements because «spatially» they overlap so the event technically occurs in both, and the processing order of such events depends on the Event bubbling and capture settings of each handler triggered.

Interfaces based on Event

Below is a list of interfaces which are based on the main Event interface, with links to their respective documentation in the MDN API reference.

Note that all event interfaces have names which end in «Event».

  • AnimationEvent
  • AudioProcessingEvent Deprecated
  • BeforeUnloadEvent
  • BlobEvent
  • ClipboardEvent
  • CloseEvent
  • CompositionEvent
  • CustomEvent
  • DeviceMotionEvent
  • DeviceOrientationEvent
  • DragEvent
  • ErrorEvent
  • FetchEvent
  • FocusEvent
  • FontFaceSetLoadEvent
  • FormDataEvent
  • GamepadEvent
  • HashChangeEvent
  • HIDInputReportEvent
  • IDBVersionChangeEvent
  • InputEvent
  • KeyboardEvent
  • MediaStreamEvent Deprecated
  • MessageEvent
  • MouseEvent
  • MutationEvent Deprecated
  • OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
  • PageTransitionEvent
  • PaymentRequestUpdateEvent
  • PointerEvent
  • PopStateEvent
  • ProgressEvent
  • RTCDataChannelEvent
  • RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
  • StorageEvent
  • SubmitEvent
  • SVGEvent Deprecated
  • TimeEvent
  • TouchEvent
  • TrackEvent
  • TransitionEvent
  • UIEvent
  • WebGLContextEvent
  • WheelEvent


Creates an Event object, returning it to the caller.

Instance properties

A boolean value indicating whether or not the event bubbles up through the DOM.

A boolean value indicating whether the event is cancelable.

A boolean indicating whether or not the event can bubble across the boundary between the shadow DOM and the regular DOM.

A reference to the currently registered target for the event. This is the object to which the event is currently slated to be sent. It’s possible this has been changed along the way through retargeting.

Indicates whether or not the call to event.preventDefault() canceled the event.

Indicates which phase of the event flow is being processed. It is one of the following numbers: NONE , CAPTURING_PHASE , AT_TARGET , BUBBLING_PHASE .

Indicates whether or not the event was initiated by the browser (after a user click, for instance) or by a script (using an event creation method, for example).

A reference to the object to which the event was originally dispatched.

The time at which the event was created (in milliseconds). By specification, this value is time since epoch—but in reality, browsers’ definitions vary. In addition, work is underway to change this to be a DOMHighResTimeStamp instead.

The name identifying the type of the event.

Legacy and non-standard properties

A historical alias to Event.stopPropagation() that should be used instead. Setting its value to true before returning from an event handler prevents propagation of the event.

The explicit original target of the event.

The original target of the event, before any retargetings.

A historical property still supported in order to ensure existing sites continue to work. Use Event.preventDefault() and Event.defaultPrevented instead.

A boolean value indicating whether the given event will bubble across through the shadow root into the standard DOM. Use composed instead.

Instance methods

Returns the event’s path (an array of objects on which listeners will be invoked). This does not include nodes in shadow trees if the shadow root was created with its ShadowRoot.mode closed.

Cancels the event (if it is cancelable).

For this particular event, prevent all other listeners from being called. This includes listeners attached to the same element as well as those attached to elements that will be traversed later (during the capture phase, for instance).

Stops the propagation of events further along in the DOM.

Deprecated methods

Initializes the value of an Event created. If the event has already been dispatched, this method does nothing. Use the constructor ( Event() instead).


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • Types of events available: Event reference
  • Comparison of Event Targets ( target vs. currentTarget vs. relatedTarget vs. originalTarget )
  • Creating and triggering custom events

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This page was last modified on Jul 3, 2023 by MDN contributors.

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