Javascript display hidden text

How to display HTML element with JavaScript?

In this tutorial, we will learn how to display an HTML element using JavaScript.

HTML elements are the components that make up an HTML format file. These components are in charge of constructing web pages and defining their content. In HTML, an element typically consists of a start tag (tag name), a closing tag (tag name), and any text that is added in between. A collection of end tags, start tags, content, and attributes is what constitutes an element technically.

In some cases, the HTML elements




are both present. Some HTML elements, such the , < hr/>, and
elements, do not need closing. They are referred to as void elements.

Furthermore, we have different methods to achieve our goal in this tutorial.

Using the visibility Property

An element’s visibility can be set or returned using the visibility attribute.

An element may be displayed or hidden by the creator using the visibility attribute. It resembles the show property in many ways. The distinction is that whereas visibility:hidden makes the contents of the element invisible while maintaining the element’s original location and size, display:none completely conceals the element.


Following is the syntax for using the visibility property −

document.getElementById("div").style.visibility = "visible";


In this example, we see that a paragraph div has been created that contains text which gets hidden when the Hide button is clicked. The same text is displayed when Show button is clicked. The visibility property helps to change the visibility of the HTML element. It controls whether the element will be shown or hidden from the visitor.

html> body> p id="div">Click on Hide to remove text & Click on Show to display text/p> button type="button" onclick="displayHide()"> Hide /button> button type="button" onclick="displayShow()"> Show /button> script> function displayHide() document.getElementById("div").style.visibility = "hidden"; > function displayShow() document.getElementById("div").style.visibility = "visible"; > /script> /body> /html>

In the above output, the users can see that on clicking show, the text is visible on the user’s screen. On clicking the Hide button, we see the text is being hidden from the user’s visibility.

Using the display Property

The display type of an element can be set or returned using the Style display attribute in the HTML DOM. Comparable to the visibility attribute, which shows or hides an element, it is similar. While visibility: hidden means that just the contents of the element will be concealed, the element will still be in its original location and size, display: none means that the element will be completely hidden.


Following is the syntax for the display property −

It returns the display property −

It sets the display property − = value;


In this example, we can see a div element #myDIV has been created. On clicking the Show button this div element is shown to the user. On clicking the Hide button this div element is being hidden from the user’s visibility. The display element controls whether the #myDIV element will be shown or hidden from the user’s visibility.

html> head> style> #myDIV width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: lightblue; > /style> /head> body> p>Click the "Show" button to display the div element/p> p>Click the "Hide" button to remove the div element/p> button onclick="myFunction()">Show/button> button onclick="myFunction1()">Hide/button> div id="myDIV"> This is my DIV element. /div> script> function myFunction() document.getElementById("myDIV").style.display = " block"; > function myFunction1() document.getElementById("myDIV").style.display = "none"; > /script> /body> /html>

In this output, we can see that on clicking the Show button the div element is visible and on clicking the Hide button the div element gets hidden.

Using the hidden Property

A boolean value makes up the hidden attribute. It indicates that an element is either not important yet or is no longer relevant when it is present. Elements that have the hidden attribute defined shouldn’t be shown by browsers.

Another application of the hidden property is to prevent a user from viewing an element until a different requirement has been satisfied (like selecting a checkbox, etc.). The element might then be made visible by removing the hidden property using JavaScript.


Below is the syntax for using the Hidden property on JavaScript −

document.getElementById("div_element").hidden = true;


In this example, the div element contains an id and a class which contains some text. On clicking the OK button, we can display the hidden text. The hidden attribute helps to show some hidden text when a Boolean value of true is given to it. When a Boolean value of false is given to it, it will hide the previous text.

html> head> /head> body> div id="welcome" class="panel"> h3>Using Hidden Property/h3> p>Click on the OK button to Display A message/p> button class="button" id="okButton">OK/button> /div> div id="awesome" class="panel" hidden> h3>Have a great day with your loved ones!/h3> /div> script> document.getElementById("okButton") .addEventListener("click", function() document.getElementById("welcome").hidden = true; document.getElementById("awesome").hidden = false; >, false); /script> /body> /html>

In this output, the user can see that the message is being displayed on the user’s screen after clicking the button.


Display hidden text input field javascript

If you simply throw out the second input box, and show #result (make it not hidden), i think this code might work to get what you need accomplished, and simplify things a bit. Solution 1: This answer is really a revamp of your code, but maybe it will do what you need and simplify things.

Display hidden text input field javascript

The reason why your onchange event handler is not being assign to your select element is because the document.getElementsByName(‘customerType’) will return an array and not the exact reference. You should be pointing to your index 0 . See below:

var cCust = document.getElementsByName('customerType'); cCust[0].onchange = cType; function cType() < //var cCust = document.getElementsByName('customerType'); var selectValue = cCust[0].options[cCust[0].selectedIndex].value;alert(selectValue);if (selectValue == "trd")< document.getElementById('tradeCustDetails').style.visibility ="visible"; document.getElementById('retCustDetails').style.visibility="hidden";>else< document.getElementById('tradeCustDetails').style.visibility ="hidden"; >>
Customer Type:
Company Name

Your onchange were not firing. I think you can carry on with the following:

Place order Customer Type:
Company Name

Your issue was with the way you invoked onChange for customerType . I removed it from your script and added it as an attribute to the html as onChange=»cType(this)» . This way every time the value of the dropdown changes, function cType is called with the current context (this) as parameter.

Customer Type:
Company Name

Javascript — Document.onChange for Hidden Element, In any case, I thought it would be best to just add an onChange event to the newly created hidden element from the first select box and then write my own JavaScript function which would show/hide the second select box based on the hidden elements value when it changed as a result of selecting the …

How to handle input hidden using v-on:change?

v-model doesn’t work on hidden input because you shouldn’t be using hidden input when you are using Vue. Why store state in the DOM when you can store it in JS directly?

So instead you can create a method and put your logic there and call it after clicking SVG icon(@click)

At last found a solution for myself.

First I increment/decrement the the value so it will change in my span tag. then I call handleQtyChange(++cartItem.qty,cartItem.rowId, $event) function.

Javascript — Hidden input doesn’t trigger React’s, I’m aware of the fact that hidden input do not trigger input nor change events. However, even if I trigger them manually, React’s onChange event is still not being invoked. I trigger both, change and input event here because React’s onChange is in fact the input event. When I setup an event listener on the …

On change event inside hidden input field

This answer is really a revamp of your code, but maybe it will do what you need and simplify things.

If you simply throw out the second input box, and show #result (make it not hidden), i think this code might work to get what you need accomplished, and simplify things a bit.

What this should do is submit a request to the server no more frequently than every 40ms and on success of that request, we update the display value of #result.

I’m now noticing that if this does actually solve the issue, then you’ve gotten away from the onChange issue completely, because the real trigger now is the keyup event.

$(document).ready(function() < /** get the inputs we might need */ var $result = $('#result'); var $input = $('#input'); $'url', $result.val()); var timer; /** function to submit data to the server and update the result input on success */ function submitForm( input, newValue) < $.ajax(< type: "POST", url: "/concatenate/index.php", data: , dataType: "html", success: function (data) < $result.val(newValue); >>); >; /** on key up, fill #result with the url + input */ $input.bind('keyup', function() < var $this = $(this); var inp = $this.val(); var url = $'url'); var newValue = url + inp + '/'; if(timer) < clearTimeout(timer); >timer = setTimeout(function()< submitForm(inp, newValue) ; >, 40); return false; >); >); 

The OnChange event is not fired when the contents of the field is changed programmatically. The OnChange event is only raised when a user enters data into the field.

That’s just the way this works.

How onchange Event work in JavaScript, Syntax: The syntax flow for the JavaScript onchange event is as follows: object.onchange = function () <. Java_Script. >; object for the onchange function is called and then the JavaScript is executed for the manipulation and changing the state of the value or for changing and transforming the events when focus gets …

Input hidden don’t run onChange event

If you are trying to get an onchange listener to fire, you can’t do it by programatically changing the value. Onchange events are dispatched when a control’s value has changed and it loses focus . It is intended to be in response to a user action, not a programatic action.

You can instead call the onchange function straight after changing the value, or dispatch an onchange event to an appropriate location in the document.

Display hidden text input field javascript, Display hidden text input field javascript. I want to display the hidden text field for user to enter if they had chosen particular drop box’s value. here is my snippet code. var cCust = document.getElementsByName (‘customerType’); cCust.onchange = cType; function cType () < var cCust = …


Show hidden text during find

I have a table of data with several columns. One of them is a comment column with varying length of text. Some comment is very short but some of them can be quite long. Now I only display the first 50 characters of the comment and I put the original text into the «title» attribute so that users still able to read the whole value. By truncating the string the table looks okay but now users are not able find (CTRL+F in browsers) anything in the rest of the text that was truncated. So my idea is to make the whole comment hidden in the source code but visible to the browser’s find mechanism. Is it possible somehow? What do you guys suggest? Thanks!

I think you need to try to find a different approach. Often when you encounter problems like this, it means you need to try something else.

4 Answers 4

Set the comment container CSS to overflow:hidden; or overflow:scroll; , and set width and height for the container if necessary. Should show only a portion of text for the users, but can be fully-readable by the browser.

Well, thinking about it. What does the browser do when you use the find feature? It scrolls to the text it found and selects it. How is that possible if the text is not visible? I can think of no way that that could work. The only option I can think of is to implement your own find feature, overriding the browser’s. It would look through posted comments and find the text just like the browser would, except it would be capable of looking through the hidden text and possibly expanding it. As to how exactly to override the browser’s find, perhaps you could bind to Ctrl+F, and in that binding, return false to prevent the browser using its find. I don’t know if that would work, it’s just an idea. As you said, the base problem is that the browser can’t search through hidden text, and I know of no way to make it do so.


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