Javascript delete file from folder

How to delete file from folder using javascript

for example, you should read the list of file names and calculate an ID for each of them, and your delete function would accept IDs and NOT the real filename(s). From JavaScript, you can use an HTTP request to send a list of file IDs to be deleted, based on the checkboxes.

Deleting files in javascript

You can not delete files with javascript for security reasons . Bad guys can delete files of your stytem 🙁 However, you can do so with the combination of server-side language such as PHP, ASP.NET, etc using what is know as Ajax .

Note: Javascript is moving to adding/becoming the server-side language options. Node JS is an example of that.

Update Based On Comment:

You can delete files something like this:

You can use AJAX,and delete files using PHP on server. You can’t manipulate with files in pure javascript.

You need to implement the file deletion function in PHP based on the built-in unlink() function. Be careful here!! for example, you should read the list of file names and calculate an ID for each of them, and your delete function would accept IDs and NOT the real filename(s).

Then, when you send the file list to the browser, it includes the generated IDs as hidden fields or object attributes, etc. From JavaScript, you can use an HTTP request to send a list of file IDs to be deleted, based on the checkboxes. Your PHP script would call your delete function for the IDs.

Javascript — Remove selected files using jQuery, Also maintain a array which holds all the deleted image name or some unique identifier and then handle that is your server side.. – Rajshekar Reddy. Mar 22, 2016 at 6:26. Also you can get the index of which image is removed and then manipulate the input tag value, by removing this indexed file data from the array …

How to delete a file with javascript?

With pure JavaScript, it can’t be done. Using an AJAX call to a server side script that deletes the file would work though.

Javascript cannot delete files, it is prevented as it would lead to HUGE security vulnerabilities. THose links are for ActiveX controls that are handled through JS. Use a server side language.

You can’t delete files over HTTP (well in theory you can, but it’s not implemented.)

The easiest way is to set up a tiny server side script (e.g. in ASP or PHP) and to call that from JavaScript. The server side script needs the proper permissions to do the deletion, but otherwise there is no problem.

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In PHP the start would look like this: (Not expanding solution to a fully secure one because you’re not saying what platform you are on)

you would call the script like this:


Javascript — How to remove one specific selected file, Below is a round about way of completely avoiding needing to modify the FileList . Steps: Add normal file input change event listener Loop through each file from change event, filter for desired validation Push valid files into separate array Use FileReader API to read files locally Submit valid, processed files to server

How to delete files via javascript

With pure JavaScript, it can’t be done. Using an AJAX call to a server side script that deletes the file would work though

btw are you want to hack something. just curious

How to delete a file with javascript?

Javascript — How to delete a specific file from input type, I’m using a input type file multiple to update some pictures. Before upload, the page shows a miniature of each picture. I would like to do a remove link to each picture, and when the user clicks,

Javascript : Delete file from a folder after download

JavaScript, running in a web page, has no access to the user’s filesystem.

Even the download script you are using works by generating a regular link and letting the browser’s download manager handle it.

Can I delete file from temporary internet files in javascript?, IMHO you don’t need to set the header for the whole page but for the image file only! For, downloading the image is performed by a separate HTTP request. On the other hand, since you use javascript for download anyway, using that hack seems appropriate to me. –


Node.js delete File example

In this tutorial, I will show you how to delete file in Node.js with unlink & unlinkSync method using Express for Rest API. This tutorial is from BezKoder:

To delete a file in Node.js, we can use the unlink() function offered by the Node built-in fs module. The method doesn’t block the Node.js event loop because it works asynchronously. Here is an illustration showing how you can apply the technique:

const fs = require('fs'); fs.unlink(directoryPath + fileName, (err) =>  if (err)  throw err; > console.log("Delete File successfully."); >); 

Node.js delete File with unlinkSync

Another way to delete File in Node.js is using unlinkSync() (also provided by the Node built-in fs module). The Node.js event loop is blocked by this method until the action is finished. When you have many jobs running at once, it could harm performance.

const fs = require('fs'); try  fs.unlinkSync('file.txt'); console.log("Delete File successfully."); > catch (error)  console.log(error); > 

Node.js delete File Rest API



Our Node.js Application will provide Rest API for deleting a File by its name:
DELETE /files/[filename] This is the static folder that stores all uploaded files: If you want to implement upload/download file REST APIs like this:

Methods Urls Actions
POST /upload upload a File
GET /files get List of Files (name & url)
GET /files/[filename] download a File
DELETE /files/[filename] delete a File


Project Structure

This is the project directory that we’re gonna build:


  • resources/static/assets/uploads : folder for storing uploaded files.
  • file.controller.js exports Rest API for deleting a File with url.
  • routes/index.js : defines routes for endpoints that is called from HTTP Client, use controller to handle requests.
  • server.js : initializes routes, runs Express app.

Setup Node.js Express File Upload project

Open command prompt, change current directory to the root folder of our project.
Install Express, CORS modules with the following command:

Create Controller for file delete

In controller folder, create file.controller.js:

We will export remove() and removeSync() function that:

  • use fs.unlink / fs.unlinkSync function for deleting file by its name
  • return response with message
const fs = require("fs"); const remove = (req, res) =>  const fileName =; const directoryPath = __basedir + "/resources/static/assets/uploads/"; fs.unlink(directoryPath + fileName, (err) =>  if (err)  res.status(500).send( message: "Could not delete the file. " + err, >); > res.status(200).send( message: "File is deleted.", >); >); >; const removeSync = (req, res) =>  const fileName =; const directoryPath = __basedir + "/resources/static/assets/uploads/"; try  fs.unlinkSync(directoryPath + fileName); res.status(200).send( message: "File is deleted.", >); > catch (err)  res.status(500).send( message: "Could not delete the file. " + err, >); > >; module.exports =  remove, removeSync, >; 

Define Route for deleting file

When a client sends HTTP requests, we need to determine how the server will response by setting up the routes.

Here is route with corresponding controller method:

Create index.js file inside routes folder with content like this:

const express = require("express"); const router = express.Router(); const controller = require("../controller/file.controller"); let routes = (app) =>  router.delete("/files/:name", controller.remove); app.use(router); >; module.exports = routes; 

You can see that we use controller from file.controller.js.

Create Express app server

Finally, we create an Express server in server.js:

const cors = require("cors"); const express = require("express"); const app = express(); global.__basedir = __dirname; var corsOptions =  origin: "http://localhost:8081" >; app.use(cors(corsOptions)); const initRoutes = require("./src/routes"); app.use(express.urlencoded( extended: true >)); initRoutes(app); let port = 8080; app.listen(port, () =>  console.log(`Running at localhost:$port>`); >); 
  • import express and cors modules:
    • Express is for building the Rest apis
    • cors provides Express middleware to enable CORS with various options.

    Run & Check

    First we need to create uploads folder with the path resources/static/assets and files.


    On the project root folder, run this command: node server.js .

    Let’s use Postman to make HTTP DELETE request with a file name in url:




    Today we’ve learned how to delete File in Node.js using unlink and unlinkSync method along with Express Rest API.

    If you want to implement upload/download file REST APIs, please visit:
    Node.js File Upload/Download Rest API example

    You can also know way to upload an Excel file and store the content in MySQL database with the post:
    Node.js: Upload/Import Excel file data into Database

    If you want to upload images into database, you can find instructions at:

    Happy Learning! See you again.

    Source Code

    You can find the complete source code for this tutorial on Github.


    NodeJS — How to delete a file using JavaScript

    You can’t delete a file when running JavaScript from the browser, but you can do it when running JavaScript from a server environment like NodeJS.

    When you need to delete a file using NodeJS, You can use the fs.unlink() or fs.unlinkSync() method. This tutorial will show you how to use both methods to delete a file in NodeJS.

    The unlink() and unlinkSync() method is provided by fs module, which is short for the file system. First, you need to import fs module with require() as follows:

    Then you can start using the methods to delete your file. Let’s start with learning unlinkSync() method.

    Delete a file using unlinkSync() method

    The unlinkSync() method will delete a file synchronously, which means JavaScript code execution will stop until the method finished running.

    Suppose you have a JavaScript project folder as follows:

    You can delete the picture.jpg file by using the following JavaScript code:

    Put the code above inside index.js file, then run the file with node index.js command.

    The code above will delete the picture.jpg file and log to the console that the file has been removed.

    The code is surrounded with a try..catch block so that a log will be printed when the file can’t be deleted for any reason (No delete permission, file not found, etc)

    Next, let’s look at the unlink() method.

    The fs.unlink() method will delete a file in your filesystem asynchronously, which means JavaScript code execution will continue without waiting for the method to finish.

    • The path string which contains the path to the file that you want to delete
    • The callback function that will be executed once the function finished running. The error object will be passed to this function by the method.

    For example, the code below will delete a picture.jpg file in the same folder where the script is called from:

    The unlink() method doesn’t need to be wrapped in a try..catch block because whenever the method encounters an error, that error will be caught and passed to the callback function, as shown above.

    And that’s how you can use JavaScript to delete a file. Keep in mind that deleting files is only possible when using JavaScript in a server environment like NodeJS. You can’t delete a file when running JavaScript from the browser.

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