javascript change image onclick event

JavaScript change image onClick event

In this blog post, we’re going to go over how to change the image on a link when it’s clicked. We’ll be using javascript and HTML.

This tutorial will cover the basics of what you need to know about JavaScript before starting with this topic.

1. What is the onclick event in JavaScript

The onclick property of the HTML DOM Event Object is used to execute code when an element is clicked. The code goes within curly brackets <> and should be placed inside a function. Example:

This will pop up “hello world” when you click this button.

2. How to change an image when you click it?

To begin, look at the code below and identify what changes when you click on a button:

So, the code is extremely simple and easy to understand! As you can see, we use a “button”. Inside of that button, we have placed an onclick event to call our changeImg function.

Essentially all this does is make it so when the button is clicked, it will change the src (i.e., source) attribute which tells the page where to find your image.

This changes what shows up inside of your img tag (which was empty before). Then looks up an element with a certain ID, and sets its src to the file path of the image.

Final Word

In this post, we’ve discussed how to change an image onClick event in JavaScript. We hope that you find these tips helpful and are excited to see what you can make it do! Let us know if there is anything else we can help with as well-we would love to hear from you. Feel free to post a comment below or contact our team directly at your convenience.

About Ashis Biswas

A web developer who has a love for creativity and enjoys experimenting with the various techniques in both web designing and web development. If you would like to be kept up to date with his post, you can follow him.


JavaScript Change Image onclick Event

We are displaying the best method to JavaScript change image onclick event with the example. As well as, given another way to implement ‘change image on button click javascript’.

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Also, We can do change image on mouse hover and mouse click event in the below section. After that, showing an example of change multiple image onclick.

javascript change image onclick event

JavaScript Change Image onclick Event

    h2 < text-align: center; font-size: 30px; >img#getImage < width: 300px; height: auto; border: 4px solid #a1a1a1; >div  

Change image onClick event here.

Here, the whole code of change image with onclick event. So, I am telling you about this code.

Firstly, we created an Html code structure and also, created an image tag and button in the body section.

Under, you can see this button and images code. After that, I have to add the image source path and put an id for getting the source code.

Thus, the Id name is getImage and image source name imageName1.

Afterward, added a script in the below code and apply function. Now, add function in the button tag which is name imagefun with onclick() event.

Now, about in the function getting image src by id using JavaScript document.getElementById().

So then, added an if the condition for change image onclick event. There are define two image source codes and change with onclick event.

Here, showing parts of implement to change multiple images. Firstly, the visible code of image and input button in the below section.


Change image onClick event here.

Under, This is Html code which we added in the body section as you saw.

Secondly, Displaying JavaScript code after the Html code. You can see above an example.

Additionally, we created some implement for design structure to better show image and button on the front end. So, This is a stylesheet in the below code.

Here, these are some methods to get elements using JavaScript.

Replace Image on Button Click JavaScript

Similarly, you can use for change image on button click using javascript. therefore, we have provided an example in the below area.


Change image onClick event here.

So, you can change only one line from the Html code. Likewise, replace the input tag to button this is the main code line.

After that, all codes same as above we define script code. you might add a script tag with function.

Replace Picture onclick CSS

Similarly, you can use CSS in our Html code. I already defined style with onclick() event. Also, change image size and button design.

As well as, showing alignment you can copy this code which we provided above area.

Hence, you can add another CSS design that you want on your page. There have many components to relate your CSS style.

how to change image on mouse click in javascript

How to Change Image on Mouse Click in JavaScript

    h2 < text-align: center; font-size: 30px; >img#getImage < width: 300px; height: auto; border: 4px solid #a1a1a1; >div  

Change image onClick event here.

Here, we add a mouse hover event. When you click and want to change image going to on image through the mouse.

Then, automatically change the image on the mouse click event. So, you can use this code

otherwise, added only this line, and remove old input and button code from your editor.

JavaScript Change Multiple Images onclick

Hence, there are we implement two images to change. Therefore, it means you can add more images to change multiple images of onclick events.

Now, given an example for change multiple images using on click event check below code.

As an example, we added another image source with script code. Afterward, displaying multiple images from these codes. You can add more images as you want on your page.


Finally, you saw many methods to JavaScript change image onclick event. Also, if you have any other queries you can ask us. Here this is the main point for change image with onclick event using JavaScript.


JavaScript change image onClick event

In this blog post, we’re going to go over how to change the image on a link when it’s clicked. We’ll be using javascript and HTML.

This tutorial will cover the basics of what you need to know about JavaScript before starting with this topic.

1. What is the onclick event in JavaScript

The onclick property of the HTML DOM Event Object is used to execute code when an element is clicked. The code goes within curly brackets <> and should be placed inside a function. Example:

This will pop up “hello world” when you click this button.

2. How to change an image when you click it?

To begin, look at the code below and identify what changes when you click on a button:

So, the code is extremely simple and easy to understand! As you can see, we use a “button”. Inside of that button, we have placed an onclick event to call our changeImg function.

Essentially all this does is make it so when the button is clicked, it will change the src (i.e., source) attribute which tells the page where to find your image.

This changes what shows up inside of your img tag (which was empty before). Then looks up an element with a certain ID, and sets its src to the file path of the image.

Final Word

In this post, we’ve discussed how to change an image onClick event in JavaScript. We hope that you find these tips helpful and are excited to see what you can make it do! Let us know if there is anything else we can help with as well-we would love to hear from you. Feel free to post a comment below or contact our team directly at your convenience.

About Ashis Biswas

A web developer who has a love for creativity and enjoys experimenting with the various techniques in both web designing and web development. If you would like to be kept up to date with his post, you can follow him.


Html image src onclick

Last updated: Jan 17, 2023
Reading time · 2 min


# Set an onClick listener on an Image in React

To set an onClick listener on an image in React:

  1. Set the onClick prop on the image element.
  2. The function you pass to the prop will get called every time the image is clicked.
const App = () => const handleClick = event => // 👇️ refers to the image element console.log(; console.log('Image clicked'); >; return ( div> img src="" alt="car" onClick=handleClick> /> div> ); >; export default App;

We set the onClick prop on the image element, so every time the element is clicked, the handleClick function gets invoked.

img src="" alt="car" onClick=handleClick> />

If you need to access the image element in your handleClick function, access the target property on the event object.

const handleClick = event => // 👇️ refers to the image element console.log(; console.log('Image clicked'); >;

If the event is not being triggered, make sure your image element doesn’t have the CSS property pointer-events set to none .

# Passing a parameter to the handleClick function

If you want to pass a parameter to the handleClick function, set the onClick prop to an inline arrow function.

const App = () => const handleClick = (event, message) => // 👇️ refers to the image element console.log(; console.log(message); console.log('Image clicked'); >; return ( div> img src="" alt="car" onClick=(event) => handleClick(event, 'hello')> /> div> ); >; export default App;

Notice that we are passing a function to the onClick prop and not the result of calling one.

img src="" alt="car" onClick=(event) => handleClick(event, 'hello')> />

If you invoke the function when passing it to the onClick prop, e.g. onClick= , it would get immediately called when the component mounts.

# Set an onClick listener on a Local Image in React

You can use the same approach to set the onClick prop on a local image.

import MyImage from './thumbnail.webp'; const App = () => const handleClick = event => // 👇️ refers to the image element console.log(; console.log(''); >; return ( div> img src=MyImage> alt="horse" onClick=handleClick> /> div> ); >; export default App;

The example assumes that you have an image named thumbnail.webp in the same folder as the App component.

For example, if you are importing an image from one directory up, you would import as import MyImage from ‘../thumbnail.webp’ .

The image has to be located in the src directory of your project.

img src=MyImage> alt="horse" onClick=handleClick> />

With images from an external URL, you set the src prop of the image to the complete URL.

With local images, you set the src proper of the img tag to the imported image.

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