JavaScript Alert Box by PHP

Showing alert box using php and javascript

it displays but page gets stuck at (blank page.) i want to display the on page or atleast get redirected to . how to do it.

Showing alert box using php and javascript

if (!(isset($_POST['fullname']) && strlen($_POST['fullname']))) < echo ""; exit; > 

The above code is in the register.php file. I have html form in the index.html . when i post the form without full name . it displays alert but page gets stuck at register.php (blank page.) i want to display the alert on index.html page or atleast get redirected to index.html . how to do it.

Try window.location.href = ‘/index.html inside script

if (! (isset($_POST['fullname']) && strlen($_POST['fullname']))) < echo ""; exit; > 
if (!(isset($_POST['fullname']) && strlen($_POST['fullname']))) < echo ""; exit; > 

Your exit command is stopping execution, that is why it gets stuck at register.php.

If you want to redirect to another page:

Do 1 thing.. Put this if condition in the same page. and submit your form on the same page. it’s better idea. if you don’t need register.php file for different reason. It can be done by

Window alert() Method, The alert box takes the focus away from the current window, and forces the user to read the message. Do not overuse this method. It prevents the user from …

How do I show Bootstrap alert in php?

I have created and login page using bootstrap. I have a php code that checks and authenticate the username and password. I want to use bootstrap alert to show an incorrect username and password message on top of the login input fields. With what I have done currently, the alert message shows as soon as I run the php page. I want the alert message to show on top of the login input field only after the login button has been click. Below is the code:

$query="select * from user where username ='$username' and password='$password'"; $result=mysql_query($query); $count=mysql_num_rows($result); $row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if ($count==1 && isStatus($row)==1)< // store session data $_SESSION['loggedin']=$_POST['username']; header("Location:welcome.php"); >else < echo"
× Warning! Username or Password Incorrect!  GO TO HOME "; require 'include/footer.php'; > function isStatus($row) < if (!empty($row)) < foreach($row as $key=>$value ) < if ( $key=="status" && $value==1) < return 1; >> > return 0; > ?>

You have to check if the form was submitted. You can use if (!empty($_POST)) to check if the form was submitted or not. Hope it helps.

Alert message after submitting form in PHP, alert () stops the execution of the script and the loading of the HTML page at the point in which it was called. You should move this script to the …

PHP: give alert popup then redirect the page

When someone uploads a file size too big, I want to show them a warning popup and redirect them to a previous page (or vice versa).

if(file size is too big)< ob_start(); header("location:index.php"); echo ""; ob_end_flush(); exit; > 

This code above will just redirect me to index.php and doesn’t show any warning popup.

header("Location: index.php?Message=" . urlencode($Message)); 

In other words, index.php will always check if it’s being passed a message in the url. If there is one, display it. Then, just pass the message in the redirect

if you really want to use a modal popup, generate the js.

if (isset($_GET['Message'])) < print ''; > 

Note that this will break if you use quotes in the message unless you escape them


The problem is that header(«location:index.php»); sets the response code to 302 automatically. The browser immediately redirects without looking at the contents of the page.

You need to either do the redirect itself in javascript after the alert is sent, or else have the page you’re redirecting to do the alert.

if($_FILES['file']['size'] > 200000) //any file size, 200 kb in this case < echo ""; > header("Location: index.php"); 

The browser will be redirected to index.php page anyway, no matter the file is successfully uploaded or not. Its just that the popup will appear if the file is of larger size.

Javascript alert in php script, I wanted to do this to ensure users that the process of submission ended successfully. How can i alert something before the page redirect to …

Show alert after log in

I have a website that needs to show a block of welcome text after you have logged in. What would be the best way to accomplish this in php so that it only shows when logging in and not when you have already logged in and are visiting the page?

Here’s a basic session example:

// on page where accepting the login POST session_start(); // initialize session. // store that logged_in is true. You might want to put a username here instead. $_SESSION['logged_in'] = TRUE; // store that they need to see the message still. $_SESSION[ 'show_login' ] = TRUE; 
// on all other pages at the top (before whitespace even) session_start(); // you still have to initialize the session. // other pages where actually outputting welcome text // is the user logged in? if( isset( $_SESSION[ 'show_login' ] ) && $_SESSION[ 'show_login' ] ) < // gotta clean up our flags. $_SESSION[ 'show_login' ] = FALSE; // Then HAPPY DAY! We can say hello. echo "Hey! I know this guy."; >else < // we are actively hostile to those who are not logged in. // you may want to be more cordial. // sometimes it is so obvious that I come from NJ. echo "I've never seen you before in my life. He smells"; >

Utilize $_SESSION and save to there.

In your login script, add a flag to the user’s session, say $_SESSION[‘justloggedin’] = true; . Then, assuming you’re including a common file on all your pages, simply check if that flag’s present:

if ($_SESSION['justloggedin'] === true)

This way, they log in, they get redirected, and no matter which page they land on, the welcome message will be displayed. After that, each subsequent page will not show the message because you cleared the «show the message» flag as part of showing the message.

PHP: give alert popup then redirect the page, Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. …


How to Display Alert Message Box in PHP?

Alert boxes are used for displaying a warning message to the user. As you know that PHP does not have the feature to popup an alert message box, but you can use the javascript code within the PHP code to display an alert message box. In this way, you can display an alert message box of Javascript in PHP.

JavaScript has three types of pop-up boxes, which are the following:

In this article, you will learn about the alert box, confirmation box, and prompt box with examples.

1. Display alert box in PHP

An alert box is nothing but a pop-up window box on your screen with some message or information which requires user attention.

An alert box is a JavaScript dialog box that is supported by browsers.

PHP is a server-side language and does not support pop-up alert messages. The browser of the client renders an alert.

To pop an alert message via PHP, we need to render JavaScript code in PHP and send it to the browser. JavaScript is a client-side language.

alert(«Type your message here»);

Example: Using the JavaScript alert box

    '; echo ' alert("JavaScript Alert Box by PHP")'; //not showing an alert box. echo ''; ?> 

Javascript Alert Box

Example: Using the PHP function

    alert('$msg');"; > ?> 

Javascript Alert Box

2. Display confirm box in PHP

A confirm box mostly used to take user’s approval to verify or accept a value.

confirm(«Type your message here»);

Example: Using the Javascript confirmation pop-up box

   '; echo ' function openulr(newurl) '; echo '>'; echo ''; > ?> Open new URL  
     Open new URL  

Javascript Confirm Box

3. Display prompt box in PHP

A prompt box is mostly used, when you want the user input, the user needs to fill data into the given field displaying in the pop-up box and has to click either ok or cancel to proceed further.

prompt(«Type your message here»);

Example: Using the Javascript prompt pop-up box

    '; echo 'var inputname = prompt("Please enter your name", "");'; echo 'alert(inputname);'; echo ''; > ?> 

Javascript Prompt Box

  • Learn PHP Language
  • PHP Interview Questions and Answers
  • PHP Training Tutorials for Beginners
  • Display Pdf/Word Document in Browser Using PHP
  • Call PHP Function from JavaScript
  • Call a JavaScript Function from PHP
  • PHP Pagination
  • Alert Box in PHP
  • Php Count Function
  • PHP Filter_var ()
  • PHP array_push Function
  • strpos in PHP
  • PHP in_array Function
  • PHP strtotime() function
  • PHP array_merge() Function
  • explode() in PHP
  • implode() in PHP
  • PHP array_map()


Alert in PHP: Displaying An Alert Message Box in PHP

Displaying an Alert Message Box in PHP

PHP was started, believe it or not, as an open source project that soon gained considerable popularity as developers and software professionals began discovering its immense use. It was in 1994, that its creator, Rasmus Lerdorf released the first edition of PHP — one of today’s most popular programming languages.

Basics to Advanced — Learn It All!

PHP is in essence a server-side, HTML-enabled scripting language. It is most popularly and effectively used to handle databases, dynamic content, session monitoring, and to create full-fledged e-commerce websites.

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server are only a few of the databases it supports.

What is an Alert in PHP?

A warning message is shown to the user using an alert in PHP. While PHP does not have the ability to view a warning message box, you can use the JavaScript code embedded within the PHP code to do so. You can use PHP to view a JavaScript warning message box in this manner.

A warning box or alert in PHP is a pop-up window on your computer that displays a message or information that needs the user’s attention. Browsers support warning boxes, which are JavaScript dialogue boxes.

PHP is a server-side language, so it does not support pop-up warning messages. The client’s browser displays a warning. You need to make JavaScript code in PHP and send it to the browser to send a warning message through PHP. The client-side language is JavaScript.

Basics to Advanced — Learn It All!

Types of Pop-up Boxes

Now, have a look at the different types of pop-up boxes that one can make on alert in PHP:

Alert Box

If you want to make sure that the alert in PHP comes from the user, you can use a warning box. When you click on a «tab,» a warning box appears.




Confirm box

When you want the user to affirm or approve something, you use a confirm alert in PHP.


var r = confirm(«Press a button!»);


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