JavaScript Alert Box by PHP

How to show an alert box in PHP? [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers.

This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.

'; echo 'alert(message successfully sent)'; //not showing an alert box. echo ''; exit; ?> 

Why do you want header(«Location:form.php») at the top? If you want to redirect the user to form.php AFTER the alert, you should just redirect the user in the Javascript as such : echo ‘location.href=»form.php»‘;

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Look what you have written => echo ‘alery(message successfully sent)’; //not showing an alert box. It should be alery not akery.

9 Answers 9

echo ''; 

There is a syntax error (typo):

you forgot double quotes. and use the type tag

echo ''; 

When I just run this as a page

'; echo 'alert("message successfully sent")'; echo ''; exit; 

What version of PHP are you running?

Could you try echoing something else after: $testObject->split_for_sms($Chat);

Maybe it doesn’t get to that part of the code? You could also try these with the other function calls to check where your program stops/is getting to.

Hope you get a bit further with this.


How to Display Alert Message Box in PHP?

Alert boxes are used for displaying a warning message to the user. As you know that PHP does not have the feature to popup an alert message box, but you can use the javascript code within the PHP code to display an alert message box. In this way, you can display an alert message box of Javascript in PHP.

JavaScript has three types of pop-up boxes, which are the following:

In this article, you will learn about the alert box, confirmation box, and prompt box with examples.

1. Display alert box in PHP

An alert box is nothing but a pop-up window box on your screen with some message or information which requires user attention.

An alert box is a JavaScript dialog box that is supported by browsers.

PHP is a server-side language and does not support pop-up alert messages. The browser of the client renders an alert.

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To pop an alert message via PHP, we need to render JavaScript code in PHP and send it to the browser. JavaScript is a client-side language.

alert(«Type your message here»);

Example: Using the JavaScript alert box

    '; echo ' alert("JavaScript Alert Box by PHP")'; //not showing an alert box. echo ''; ?> 

Javascript Alert Box

Example: Using the PHP function

    alert('$msg');"; > ?> 

Javascript Alert Box

2. Display confirm box in PHP

A confirm box mostly used to take user’s approval to verify or accept a value.

confirm(«Type your message here»);

Example: Using the Javascript confirmation pop-up box

   '; echo ' function openulr(newurl) '; echo '>'; echo ''; > ?> Open new URL  
     Open new URL  

Javascript Confirm Box

3. Display prompt box in PHP

A prompt box is mostly used, when you want the user input, the user needs to fill data into the given field displaying in the pop-up box and has to click either ok or cancel to proceed further.

prompt(«Type your message here»);

Example: Using the Javascript prompt pop-up box

    '; echo 'var inputname = prompt("Please enter your name", "");'; echo 'alert(inputname);'; echo ''; > ?> 

Javascript Prompt Box

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Alert Message Using PHP

Alert Message Using PHP

  1. Pop-Up Alert Message Taking Value From PHP Variable and JavaScript
  2. Pop-Up Alert Message Using PHP Function JavaScript
  3. Pop-Up Alert Message Using an Array or an Object
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PHP does not have any built-in function for popping alert messages, but we can pop alert messages in PHP using JavaScript. The alert messages are shown in pop-up boxes in the browser, usually used for popping warning messages.

JavaScript helps PHP to show dynamic alert messages in the pop-up box. This tutorial demonstrates how we can use PHP and JavaScript to pop-up alert messages.

Pop-Up Alert Message Taking Value From PHP Variable and JavaScript

To pop-up alert messages in PHP is to put the variable into the javascript alert() method.

php // Sending Alert message using PHP variable.  $alert = "This is DEMO WARNING"; echo ""; ?> 

The above code will pop up an alert box in the browser showing the value of the $alert variable.

PHP Alert Message

Pop-Up Alert Message Using PHP Function JavaScript

We can create a PHP function for popping the alert messages.

php // Sending alert messages using PHP function  $message1= "This is the PHP function alert 1"; $message2= "This is the PHP function alert 2"; function alert($message)   echo ""; > alert($message1); alert($message2); ?> 

This code will pop up a second alert message once you press the “ok” button on the first alert message.

PHP Function Alert Message

PHP Function Alert Message

Pop-Up Alert Message Using an Array or an Object

We can also use an array or an object instead of a variable to print in an alert box.

php $alert = ["this", "is", "a", "demo", "warning"]; ?>  var JavaScriptAlert = ; alert(JavaScriptAlert); // Your PHP alert!  

json_encode() is a built-in PHP function that converts the array or an object to a simple JSON value.

PHP Alert Message

The alert() function is compatible with every major browser.

Sheeraz is a Doctorate fellow in Computer Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, China. He has 7 years of Software Development experience in AI, Web, Database, and Desktop technologies. He writes tutorials in Java, PHP, Python, GoLang, R, etc., to help beginners learn the field of Computer Science.


Alert in PHP: Displaying An Alert Message Box in PHP

Displaying an Alert Message Box in PHP

PHP was started, believe it or not, as an open source project that soon gained considerable popularity as developers and software professionals began discovering its immense use. It was in 1994, that its creator, Rasmus Lerdorf released the first edition of PHP — one of today’s most popular programming languages.

Basics to Advanced — Learn It All!

PHP is in essence a server-side, HTML-enabled scripting language. It is most popularly and effectively used to handle databases, dynamic content, session monitoring, and to create full-fledged e-commerce websites.

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server are only a few of the databases it supports.

What is an Alert in PHP?

A warning message is shown to the user using an alert in PHP. While PHP does not have the ability to view a warning message box, you can use the JavaScript code embedded within the PHP code to do so. You can use PHP to view a JavaScript warning message box in this manner.

A warning box or alert in PHP is a pop-up window on your computer that displays a message or information that needs the user’s attention. Browsers support warning boxes, which are JavaScript dialogue boxes.

PHP is a server-side language, so it does not support pop-up warning messages. The client’s browser displays a warning. You need to make JavaScript code in PHP and send it to the browser to send a warning message through PHP. The client-side language is JavaScript.

Basics to Advanced — Learn It All!

Types of Pop-up Boxes

Now, have a look at the different types of pop-up boxes that one can make on alert in PHP:

Alert Box

If you want to make sure that the alert in PHP comes from the user, you can use a warning box. When you click on a «tab,» a warning box appears.




Confirm box

When you want the user to affirm or approve something, you use a confirm alert in PHP.


var r = confirm(«Press a button!»);


How to Create Popup Window in PHP (Tutorial + Code)

Foolish Developer

In this article you will know how to create Popup Window with php. Earlier I have shared many types of Popup Window tutorials. Some just by html and css. Again by some JavaScript.

Here I will give examples of many types of php Popup Window and share complete step by step tutorial.

Simple Popup Window in PHP

In PHP, you can create a popup box using the JavaScript function “alert()”. This function takes a single parameter, which is the message to be displayed in the popup box. For example, the following code will display the message “Hello, World!” in a popup box:

You can also use PHP to generate the message that will be displayed in the alert box. For example, you can store a message in a variable and then use the variable in the alert function:

 $message = "This is an alert message"; echo "";  

You can also use PHP to create a link or a button that when clicked, will trigger the alert box. For example, you can create a link with an onclick attribute that calls the alert function:

It’s also possible to create a modal window with more styling and functionalities, with this you have multiple options like bootstrap modal, javascript modal, and even create your own modal with CSS and JavaScript.

Automatic Popup Window using PHP

In PHP, you can create an automatic popup box by using JavaScript’s “setTimeout()” function in conjunction with the “alert()” function.

The “setTimeout()” function allows you to execute a piece of code after a specified amount of time. For example, the following code will display the message “Hello, World!” in a popup box after 5 seconds:

You can also use PHP to generate the message that will be displayed in the alert box, similar to the previous example.

It’s also possible to create a modal window with more styling and functionalities. You can use a javascript library like jQuery and Bootstrap to create the modal window. You can set the modal to show automatically after a specific time using the javascript method .modal(‘show’)

Please note that this is a basic example, you should adjust the message, the design, the timing and the functionality to fit your needs.

Now I will share a tutorial to create a PHP popup box with open and close buttons. In PHP, you can create a popup box with open and close buttons by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.

HTML: You can create a container (e.g. div) that will hold the content of the popup box. You also need to create the open and close buttons.

CSS: You can use CSS to style the container and the contents of the popup box, such as positioning, size, background color, etc. You also need to style the open and close buttons.

JavaScript: You can use JavaScript to toggle the visibility of the container and handle the events when the open and close buttons are clicked. For example, you can use the JavaScript functions “getElementById” to select the container and “style.display” to toggle the visibility.

PHP: You can use PHP to create the content of the popup box, such as fetching data from a database or processing form data.

Here is an example of how you can create a simple popup box with open and close buttons using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP:

   <div style="display:none"> <div ><h2>Popup Title</h2> <p>Popup content goes here</p> <button onclick="closePopup()">Close</button> </div> </div> <button onclick="openPopup()">Open Popup</button>   


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