Java virtual machine launcher fatal exception occurred program will exit

Error : Could not create the Java Virtual Machine

Could not create the Java Virtual Machine
A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit
> Unrecognized option: -Xm3G
Here I am!
[VersionManager] Refreshing versions locally.
[VersionManager] Versions has been refreshed (8 ms)
[Launcher] Launcher exited.
[Launcher] Minecraft closed with exit code: 1
P. S. из консоли
Ссылки на лог Geasy 27 сентября 2018

Люди с такой же проблемой (64)

когда я в TLauncher включаю майнкрафт он пишет : Произошла ошибка при запуске Java-машины данил 454545 14 июля 2015

я запустил майнкрафт через лаунчер . вылезла игра и её эконка компании этой игры . я думал что игра работает ура! . но напрасно . вылез эррор и кучи прекучи текста . что мне делать? я переустанавливал майн и переустонавливал джаву . но всё равно . помогите. андрей546546 вышкило 22 сентября 2014

незапускаетса майнкрафт, и выбивает ерори. помогите пожалуста, мучаюсь уже 4 часа. Shadowcliv 16 июня 2013

Лучшее решение

Джава не может создать виртуальную машину ! Это значит что ей тупо не хватает оперативной памяти. Такая ошибка выскакивает в нескольких случаях рассмотрим первый 1. кто-то где-то в инете сказал что если пройти по пути панель управления \ система \дополнительные свойства системы\виртуальные среды и там создать виртуальную среду _JAVA_OPTIONS со значениями ну например Xms-768M Xmx-1024M. ТО все проблемы сразу решатся всегда нужно высчитывать оперативную память компа ! Если ты пытался повысить виртуальную среду значит понизь ее до минимума, потом постепенно повышай (до комфортной игры). Вариант второй (я бы попросил логи в студию, но придется в слепую) Если на компе у тебя например 2 гига оперативной памяти и при этом стоит несколько запущеных программ , то отключи их все и только тогда запускай миникрафт! Иногда фоновые программы не выделяются в диспечере задач , а тупо сидят в процессах (разнообразные модули обновления) и тоже могут потреблять N-ное количество оперативной памяти . В общем ошибка такая выскакивает именно потому что Jave нехватает памяти освободишь оперативную память java запустится а с ней запустится минекрафт!

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Идея проверена опытом ! Была бякушка такая на буке. Так что не ты первый столкнулся с данной проблемой. Mahan 18 августа 2013


Could Not Create the Java Virtual Machine: 4 Easy Fixes

Don’t hesitate to take a closer look at our quick solutions

Matthew is a freelancer who has produced a variety of articles on various topics related to technology. His main focus is the Windows OS and all the things. read more

After moving away from the corporate work-style, Alex has found rewards in a lifestyle of constant analysis, team coordination and pestering his colleagues. Holding an MCSA Windows Server. read more

  • You should run the software as an administrator as the lack of rights can trigger the error.
  • If you’re still experiencing this problem, it all comes down to reinstalling Java from scratch.

Fix Could not create the Java virtual machine

To fix Windows PC system issues, you will need a dedicated tool Fortect is a tool that does not simply cleans up your PC, but has a repository with several millions of Windows System files stored in their initial version. When your PC encounters a problem, Fortect will fix it for you, by replacing bad files with fresh versions. To fix your current PC issue, here are the steps you need to take:

The Java virtual machine fatal exception error pops up for some users when they try to launch software built on Java. Minecraft users are no strangers to this issue.

The full error message states: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Consequently, the Java program doesn’t run, yet we will share some simple fixes.

Why am I getting Could not create Java Virtual Machine?

The following are some of the possible causes that you should pay attention to:

  • Memory size issues – The Java Virtual Machine error often arises when Java needs a larger global maximum heap memory size. The problem was resolved by users increasing the maximum RAM allotted to Java.
  • Incorrect path settings – In this case, you need to set or modify the path as described below.
  • Corrupted files – Such files may contribute to this error, so note that reinstallation of Java should fix this. This applies the Windows error 2 while loading the Java VM error message as well.
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Do I need to install JVM?

Any machine on which you want to run Java code must have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. This is because Java does not run natively on a computer as C++ or C does; instead, someone must translate Java’s instructions into machine code, which the JVM does.

This error may come in different shades, including Could not create the Java Virtual Machine in Android Studio, Docker, Pentaho, Elasticsearch, Sonarqube, Minecraft, Eclipse, React Native, and IntelliJ, yet rest assured that you’ll find our solutions useful.

How do I fix Could not create the Java Virtual Machine error?

1. Remove JDK (Java Development Kit)

  1. Press Windows + I to open Settings, head to Apps from the navigation pane, and click on Installed apps.installed apps
  2. Locate the Java Development Kit, click on the ellipsis next to it, and choose Uninstall.uninstall JDK
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

That’s it! Our readers pointed out that it was the development kit that conflicted with the process and led to the Could not create the Java Virtual Machine error, and uninstalling the program did the trick.

2. Set up a new system variable for Java

  1. Open Run with the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut, then enter sysdm.cpl in Run and click OK.
    could not create the java virtual machine
  2. Select the Advanced tab on that window, and click the Environment Variables button.
  3. Click the New button under the System variables box.
  4. Enter _JAVA_OPTIONS in the Variable name text box.
  5. Then, enter –Xmx512M in the Variable value text box, which increases RAM allocation to 512 megabytes.
  6. Click the OK button to close the window, then press the OK button on the Environmental window.

Importantly, note that instead of using a double hyphen in the Variable value as stated above, you can use a single hyphen (-Xmx512M) as this is often more effective, and would not spark up other complications.

Read more about this topic

3. Select the Run as administrator option for Java

The Java Virtual Machine error can also be due to insufficient admin rights. Thus, some users might need to assign admin rights to Java. You can try the steps below to apply this solution.

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Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to missing or corrupted system files and repositories of your Windows.
Be sure to use a dedicated tool, such as Fortect, which will scan and replace your broken files with their fresh versions from its repository.

1. Press the Windows key + S keyboard shortcut, and enter Java. Right-click on Java and select Open file location to open Java’s folder in File Explorer.

2. Right-click java.exe and select Properties.

3. Head to the Compatibility tab and select the Run this program as an administrator option.


5. Select the Apply option, and click OK to close the window.


4. Reinstall Java

  1. First, open the Run accessory by pressing the Windows key + R .
  2. Type the command below and hit Enter .
  3. Select Java from the program list and click Uninstall.
  4. Click Yes on any confirmation window that opens.
  5. Restart Windows, open the Java download page in a browser, and download either the 32 or 64-bit offline Windows versions.
  6. Users need 32-bit Java for 32-bit programs and 64-bit Java for 64-bit software. If in doubt, your best bet is to download and install both Java versions.
  7. Thereafter, open the Java setup wizard, and click the Install button.

That’s how users can fix this fatal error and get back to running the required Java software.

Any of the previously mentioned solutions may be successfully applied when getting a Java virtual machine launcher error which arises even if nothing has changed on your computer, and it’s most likely related to Java installation.

Things are no different when it comes to the Could not create the Java virtual machine a fatal exception has occurred error. This problem also seems to appear randomly. Make sure you aren’t using a 32-bit VM and a 64-bit Eclipse.

Minecraft could not create the Java virtual machine is an error that shows up when trying to launch Minecraft. The main reason is that it needs admin access in order to function properly. Also, read our detailed guide on how to install Java on Windows 11.

If you have any other questions or advice for other users to try, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.


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