Java update server problem


Hi smart heads
I am running a minecraft server for the kids on a Centos7. I recently updatet Minecraft to 1.17.
I googled a little and found out I needed to outdate my java. When first made the server I installed java-1.8.0-openjdk. I have tried to uninstalling it, I have tried installing java-1.11.0-jdk, but it dosen’t help. When I run java -version I all ways get
openjdk version «1.8.0_292»
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_292-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.292-b10, mixed mode)
How do I install a newer java so I can start my minecraft server?

TrevorH Site Admin Posts: 32860 Joined: 2009/09/24 10:40:56 Location: Brighton, UK

Re: Java update issue

Post by TrevorH » 2021/06/12 14:41:33

What’s the output from the following:

which java
ls -la $(which java)
rpm -qa \*java\) | sort

If the output from the ls -la is a pointer to a symlink then run ls -la against that one too.

The future appears to be RHEL or Debian. I think I’m going Debian.
Info for USB installs on
CentOS 5 and 6 are deadest, do not use them.
Use the FAQ Luke

Re: Java update issue

Post by webnoob » 2021/06/12 19:55:23

[root@minecraft ~]# which java
[root@minecraft ~]# ls -la $(which java)
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 22 11 jun 18:35 /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java
[root@minecraft ~]# rpm -qa \*java\) | sort
[root@minecraft ~]#

Re: Java update issue

Post by webnoob » 2021/06/12 19:57:22

More output
[root@minecraft ~]# ls -la /etc/alternatives/java
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 73 11 jun 18:35 /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-

Re: Java update issue

Post by webnoob » 2021/06/12 20:28:12

Okay I figured out I needed to set java 11 as default, but after doing that I stll can’t start my minecraft server.
This is my output

Error: LinkageError occurred while loading main class net.minecraft.server.Main
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/minecraft/server/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 60.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 55.0


Java Update spins when server not reachable

Priority: P2


Issue Fix Version Assignee Priority Status Resolution Resolved In Build
JDK-2067001 5.0 Rajani Kaja P2 Resolved Fixed tiger
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Java Update gets into an infinite loop attempting to reach the update
server when the client is on a network, but the update server is not

Installing the JRE on a system which is on a local or secure network (not
connected to the internet), Java Update will be unable to reach the
update server and infinite loop.

The update server has crashed — Java Update on all clients on the
internet will go into an infinite loop.

A firewall is blocking Java Update’s attempts to access the update
server and Java Update goes into an infinite loop.

The system has a firewall installed (the Sun standard: Symantec Desktop
Firewall) which is configured to protect privacy.

As a reasonable and approriate measure to protect myself from
untrusted programs running on my PC, outbound connections from
unknown programs are not permitted. When such an attempt is detected,
the firewall brings up an alert dialog (see attached GIF file).

The reasonable and approriate response to an application which
has not asked for permission to access the network, is to select
‘Block’. When blocked, Java Update attempt to again, bringing up
the alert dialog, again. This repeats indefinitely.

When a rule is configured in the firewall to permanently deny access,
Java Update gets into an infinite loop.

In Symantec Desktop Firewall:

— click the ‘Custom Level’ button.

— change the ‘Desktop Firewall’ selection to
‘High: Block everything until you allow it.’

— check the box ‘Enable desktop Firewall Alerts’.

If the firewall already has a rule permitting Java Update to access the
update server, that rule would have to be removed.

The alert dialog appears. Click the ‘Block’ button to block the access.
Java Update immediately tries again, and the alert comes back up. Click
the ‘Block’ button again, and repeat until bored.

— Click the button ‘Configure a rule for the future (Recommended.)’.

— Click the button ‘Always block this network communication.’.

— Click the button ‘Next’ (Choosing the http or proxy port).

— Click the button ‘Next’ (Choosing the http or proxy address).

Java Update is now in an infinite loop. (See attached taskmgr.gif) The
is an icon in the tray with a tooltip saying «Download Java Update 0%

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Java Control Panel Fails to Connect Update Server in Java 9

Priority: P3


Output of `java -version`:

java version «9»
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9+181)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9+181, mixed mode)

Output of `uname -a`:

Darwin Bryces-HD-1-TB.local 15.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.6.0: Sun Jun 4 21:43:07 PDT 2017; root:xnu-3248.70.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

System type: 24-inch Mid-2007 Aluminum iMac (`iMac7,1`) with 2.4-GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T7700, 4 GB 667-MHz DDR2 SDRAM, an ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro graphics card w/ 256 MB VRAM, an uncertain amount of unmounted internal storage (used by other users of the device; maybe 500 GB,) and 1 TB of attached storage (current boot drive)

I cannot check for updates to Java 9 via the Java Control Panel. (Note that this will not become a real issue until an update to Java 9 is actually released, but I tend to check most software on my system to see if it needs updating every day.)

REGRESSION. Last worked in version 8u144

Output of `java -version`:

java version «9»
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9+181)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9+181, mixed mode)

1.) Open ‘System Preferences’ to its ‘Java’ preference pane by either first opening the application and then accessing the preference pane or right-clicking/two-finger clicking on the application’s icon if it resides in your Dock and selecting ‘Java’ from the resulting contextual menu. (Note that one may, sometimes repeatedly, have to trigger this context menu, close it, and then reopen it to get the list of preference panes available for opening System Preferences to when it is not open, depending on system configuration and/or status, though I have not reported this unrelated issue to Apple.)
2.) Wait for the Java preference pane to launch the Java Control Panel.
3.) Navigate to the Java Control Panel’s ‘Updates’ tab.
4.) If you have automatic updates notifications enabled as recommended like I do, the error should manifest itself right away. If not, click the ‘Check for Updates’ button within the Java Control Panel’s ‘Updates’ tab in order to make it do so.

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When performing the above steps, I expect to see either a notification that no updates are available (most runs) or a prompt to download and install any available Java 9 update (when one is available that I have not yet installed.)
Java Control Panel fails to connect to the Java 9 update server.

Java Control Panel does not open the error console upon failing to check for updates as previously described. I do not know where this application stores its logs. Therefore, I have no logs to provide at this time.

This bug can be reproduced always.

———- BEGIN SOURCE ———-
I do not currently have access to the source code of the Java Control Panel at this time, though I imagine that the relevant files are part of a clone of OpenJDK’s source repository. If I did and understood how it worked, I would attempt to provide a minimal test case; alas, I do not.
———- END SOURCE ———-

I have not found any temporary means of working around this bug.


Unable to update from 6u21 to 7

Priority: P1


Unable to Auto Update (both manual update & schedule update) from 6u21 to 7. Results in error: «Server Problem — Java(TM) Update»

Tested the scenario: 6u21-b07 -> 7

Steps to reproduce:
1) Install 6u21 b07 from

2) Set ManualUpdateServletURL and UpdateServletURL to a map file in the registry that has map entry for 6u21 to 7.

3) Launch Java Control Panel and select Update now

After step#3, Java Update available bubble appears in the System tray as expected. However, clicking on «Install» results in a failure:

«Server Problem — Java(TM) Update»
An unexpected server error has occured.
Do you want to try again?

This is always reproducible.

There are two issues here:
— AU descriptor file is corrupted. (
Loading it in the browser results in Parsing Error: not well-formed

— Location of the bundle specified in AU descriptor is incorrect. Bundle is not located in «iftw» directory.

Once these two issues were resolved (see workaround) auto update was successful.


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