Java server config file

Java server config file

To use the View/View32 , you need to specify the View class in element. To use the Fldid()/Fname() properly, you need to specify the FML/FML32 field table class in element.

Only is mandatory in Java server configuration file, and at least one TuxedoServerClass should be configured.

Currently, only one element is allowed to be configured in in configuration file. The name property for does not take effect for the present.

The configuration file (e.g. TJSconfig.xml ) will be checked against the Schema file TJSconfig.xsd which is located in $TUXDIR/udataobj/tuxj/TJSconfig.xsd (Unix) or $TUXDIR\udataobj\tuxj/TJSconfig.xsd (Windows). Oracle recommends you refer to TJSconfig.xsd for more information about configuration rules.

Each Tuxedo Java server class that implements services must implement a set of methods, of which input argument parameter is the TPSVCINFO interface. The methods that are advertised as services must be the public method and have the return type set to void .

Tuxedo Java server advertises all of public methods as services into bulletin board. If Services is specified in configuration file, Tuxedo Java server uses the value of name property as the service name, otherwise, the method name is used as the service name.

Suppose the MyTuxedoServerClass1 Java class defines JAVASTRINGSVC , JAVAFML32SVC , and svc3 methods, and the MyTuxedoServerClass2 Java class defines svc4 method, this example initiates the connection to Oracle database with JDBC connection and exports the services: svc1 , svc2 , svc3 , and svc4 .

Note that the method name svc3 and svc4 are exported as the service name because there is no property specified for them in the configuration file.

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