Java samsung galaxy tab

Emulate Samsung Galaxy Tab

Matt provided a great link on how to add emulators for all Samsung devices.

To get the official Samsung Galaxy Tab emulator do the following:

  1. Open the Android SDK and AVD Manager
  2. Click on Available packages
  3. Expand the Third party Add-ons. There you will see Samsung Electronics add-ons.
  4. Once the add-on is installed create a new emulator. Under Target you will see the new Samsung Tab settings, select that.

I can’t find «Third party Add-ons» in the SDK Manager Revision 21.1 _ anyone knows where to get it please? under Tools > Manage Add-on Sites, there are now 2 tabs: Official Add-on and User Defined Sites. Maybe I should add it there but what’s the url to use to have the Samsung Electronics add-on ?

«The Samsung Emulator has the same functionality as the Generic Android Emulator, but varies with the size and appearance of the device.»

The problem with Samsung is that they don’t use a generic android image, they have custom apps and they react in custom ways and do weird things you wouldn’t expect and when you’re trying to fix bugs that’s what you want. You cannot get that. You need access to a physical device to get the right ecosystem to hunt down the bugs and map out which intents work and how they work on that device. And sometimes there are errors that only occur on Samsung devices because some of the core rendering code is different as well. I’ve had errors where all Android devices except Samsung would work flawlessly but the scheme itself could not work on Samsung and had to be scrapped. The only thing Samsung allows is skinning and that won’t properly note the changes in the rendering pipeline or how the samsung ecosystem deals with intents.

You can make the device look similar, that’s worthless. I don’t care what it looks like, I care whether this bug still affects that particular model or whether the tweak to the intents I made rectified the issue and I can’t learn that from a pretty picture as the border to the same device.


Does Samsung Galaxy Tab have Java on it?

Just kidding. Aren’t android apps written in Java? Isn’t that why ORACLE is trying to sue the crap out of Google other than the fact that they make painfully overpriced products and are probably minions from the 3rd circle of Hell?


Android Enthusiast

Just kidding. Aren’t android apps written in Java? Isn’t that why ORACLE is trying to sue the crap out of Google other than the fact that they make painfully overpriced products and are probably minions from the 3rd circle of Hell?


Well-Known Member


Mine will have drool on it.

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Android Expert


Unless the developers for Runescape are in the first or second circle, it might not work.

It certainly doesn’t seem to be part of stock android. Hopefully Samsung will step in.

Tech Addiction

Android Expert


Android Enthusiast

Ya but I just went to Runescape to test this out for the OP and that website does not work on the Tab

Tech Addiction

Android Expert


Android Expert

They might not have all of the libraries on the Tab. The people who used to call Java the universal virus implementation language are still upset that the sky did not fall. . Or it really could be a problem with Runescape.


Android Enthusiast

There is a difference between JavaScript and JavaRuntime. Runtime is what runescape uses while webpages with scrolling pictures (for example) is JavaScript. JavaScript is on a ton of phones and doesn’t use much power to run. But I still really hope that Google comes up with something because there is nothing Jagex can do other than port it to Flash, which won’t happen.





mashlee im with you. I bought this tab for my mom so she can play pogo on it and amazingly the only game that works is PopIt and quality of it is crap. Does anyone know how to get around this? i really need to be abl to play pogo or this tab is usless for her. If i root it, are there any developer Rom that would play it?

And why does PopIt work but not the other 120 games on the site..

Also, keeps going into mobile view even though i have it srt up to Desktop.. Wierd



Oracle would need to ship a Java plugin. Given that Google and Oracle are > currently in legal action about Android I would not expect such a plugin any > time in the near future.

this is what mozilla told me. so there, dont expect to play runescape or pogo anytime soon.


Android Hardware: Developing for the Galaxy Tab content and product recommendations are editorially independent. We may make money when you click on links to our partners. Learn More.

Android Hardware: Developing for the Galaxy Tab | The line-up of Samsung Galaxy Tabs introduce many Android application development opportunities. Learn how to target this diverse set of devices for fun and profit.

The line-up of Samsung Galaxy Tabs, the premiere tablets of the Android marketplace, introduce many development opportunities. With three form factors announced, these slick devices are likely to remain a dominant tablet option for users. Learn how to target this diverse set of devices for fun and profit.

Samsung makes tablets under the “Galaxy Tab” brand name. The first Galaxy Tab, a 7-inch tablet released late fall 2010 with strong sales, was also the first tablet to receive Google’s approval and ship with Google’s proprietary apps like the Android Market, Maps and Gmail. Samsung has now announced two new versions of the Galaxy Tab, available June 8.

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The first is the 10.1-inch Galaxy Tab, which was handed out, in Special Edition form to all Google I/O 2011 attendees. (The image shows the cool Android silkscreen on the back of the special edition tab.) The second is an 8.9-inch tablet, likely a sweet spot in terms of tablet size.

Google I/O 2011 Special Edition 10.1 inch tablet

The Software

The initial 7-inch Galaxy Tab currently runs Android 2.2. This is not an SDK version optimized for tablets, but as Android 2.2 is currently running on about two thirds of all Android devices, this should present little problem to most developers.

However, getting the most out of the tablet screen requires some consideration. When developing for the Galaxy Tab, you’ll likely want to take advantage of the tablet features found in the compatibility library Google provides. In particular, we would recommend using the Fragments API to better utilize the large, high resolution screen. Another important aspect to know about the 7-inch tablet is that it reports itself as a high-density device, despite the fact that the screen is actually closer to medium density. Finally, access to the front camera is not available through the same APIs as later versions of Android. Samsung has made this fairly simple to access, though. Using the setParameters() method of the Camera class, simply set the parameter named “camera-id” to a value of 2 to access the front camera.

The two newer Galaxy Tab devices are documented to run Android 3.1 (API Level 12) when they launch in June. The Special Edition, however, currently runs Android 3.0. Regardless, the larger devices are relatively standard Honeycomb installations and use a standard resolution with standard settings. We have yet to run across anything unusual when loading our software onto the special edition device. The 8.9-inch tablet is supposed to be just a shrunken version of the 10.1-inch tablet with all the same software and screen resolution. We would anticipate it behaving similarly to its larger sibling.

The Hardware

The Galaxy Tab devices are all tablets, of course. The two newest tablets have relatively standard hardware for Honeycomb tablets. Their screen resolution is 1280×800. They both have front and rear cameras. Their screens rotate in all directions. They generally have a lack of physical buttons on the front, with volume and power buttons on the side. As is typical with Honeycomb tablets, the devices are primarily landscape-mode devices. The screens are medium density and extra-large.

The older Galaxy Tab, the 7-inch one, is a little different. For one, it has a screen resolution of 1024×600. This is large for Android 2.2, yet smaller than a typical Honeycomb tablet. It is identified as being a large screen and high density, despite its technical specs that place it in the medium-density category. Even though it’s an Android 2.2 device, which does not officially support a front-facing camera, it has one (see the Software section above for how to access it programmatically). Unlike Honeycomb tablets, the 7-inch Galaxy Tab is primarily a portrait-mode device–the primary buttons and front facing camera suggest as much. Even so, landscape-mode use of the device is also very popular.

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Setting Up Your Development Environment

One of the first challenges a developer will face when trying to develop for any of these devices on a Windows machine is getting the USB drivers. Drivers that work are available two ways. The correct method is by downloading the USB driver from the Samsung developer website. That requires a login, and several comments have alluded to the download sometimes not being available. The alternate method, and popular amongst some forums, is to download the Samsung Kies software and install it, which also installs the necessary USB drivers. Either way, you still may need to choose manually which driver to use. In our case, we chose the “Samsung Android ADB Interface” and all worked well, despite the Windows warning dialogs. (Disclaimer: We aren’t responsible for any damage done when using this method. Drivers are always a personal decision.)

Emulating the Galaxy Tab

Emulation of the Galaxy Tab using an Android Virtual Device (AVD) is fairly straightforward. For the 7-inch tablet, download the GALAXY Tab add-on from the third party add-ons section of the Android SDK and AVD Manager, as shown below.

Downloading Galaxy Tab add-on

Once this is done, you can create an AVD using this add-on, and all the correct settings will be applied, as shown below.

Emulator settings for Galaxy Tab 7-inch

The newer Galaxy Tabs are even easier to emulate. As they appear to conform to typical Honeycomb specifications, the emulators based on Honeycomb (API Levels 11 & 12) work fine. The device RAM size is 1024MB.

That said, high-resolution AVD settings tend to be fairly slow on most development machines. Google has stated that they are working on the issue. Because of this, testing on the actual devices may be the only frustration-free testing method for the time being. The emulators do work, but we tend to use them only for layout testing for relatively simple UIs.

Final Remarks

Developing for Samsung Galaxy Tab devices is relatively straightforward, but requires slightly more setup and knowledge than the vanilla Android devices you may have worked with before. The original 7-inch tablet has only a few important differences to be aware of, in particular the screen resolution and reported density. Using standard compatibility practices, configuring settings carefully, and taking advantage of the compatibility library will get you a long way towards creating great tablet experiences on the Galaxy Tab devices, while still supporting other Android devices.


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