Java runtime install error

3 Quick Ways to Fix Java Runtime Environment not Found

Try these fixes to resolve Java Runtime Environment not found error

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming. read more

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming. read more

  • A Java Runtime error might appear if you have installed an older JRE software.
  • If you have wondered how to fix Java issues, reinstalling it can help you.
  • To fix the Java Runtime Environment not found error, make sure to have the latest version of Java.
  • Download the JRE version that corresponds with your system type so you won’t deal with other types of Java issues.

To fix Windows PC system issues, you will need a dedicated tool Fortect is a tool that does not simply cleans up your PC, but has a repository with several millions of Windows System files stored in their initial version. When your PC encounters a problem, Fortect will fix it for you, by replacing bad files with fresh versions. To fix your current PC issue, here are the steps you need to take:

The Java Development Kit (JDK), the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) form a trio of Java platform components for developing and running Java apps.

A runtime environment is a piece of software designed to run other software. For example, as the runtime environment for Java, the JRE contains the Java class libraries, the Java class loader, and the JVM.

So if you don’t have JRE installed or you have an older version of the software, you might encounter one of the following messages:

  • Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment – you don’t have the Java SE version installed on your system
  • This application needs version 1.x or higher of the Java Runtime Environment – you should update your Java version to the latest you can find on the official website
  • A Java Runtime Environment(JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available to run this app – like the first error, check if you have installed JRE or JDK and if not, install them
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Today’s guide will explore the most efficient and easy methods to resolve the Java Runtime Environment not found and the other similar errors with Java. Read on for more details.

Why is JRE not installed?

In Windows and macOS, installing the Java Developmental Kit (JDK) in previous releases optionally installed a Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

However, with JDK 11, Oracle removed JRE to be installed optionally. Therefore, with JDK 11 release, the JRE or Server JRE is no longer offered, and only the JDK is provided.

Also, the Java Runtime Environment not found it could be caused by several other reasons, which we have listed below.

  • Java is not installed on your PC.
  • Java installation was not completed due to some errors.
  • The environment variables of Java are not set.
  • You might have more than one Java Runtime installation.
  • A Windows misconfiguration can also trigger this problem.

How do I fix the Java runtime environment not found?

1. Run Windows troubleshooter

  1. Select Start , and click on Settings.
  2. Choose Update & Security , and then click Troubleshoot.
  3. Select the type of troubleshooting you want to run, then select Run the troubleshooter.
  4. Allow the troubleshooter to run and then answer any questions on the screen.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to missing or corrupted system files and repositories of your Windows.
Be sure to use a dedicated tool, such as Fortect, which will scan and replace your broken files with their fresh versions from its repository.

You can try the recovery options if you see a message that no changes or updates are necessary . This is a built-in troubleshooter tool from Windows 10.

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2. Download Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

download JRE

  1. Download JRE from the official website.
  2. Choose if you need a 32bit or a 64bit architecture of JRE based on your PC specifications.
  3. Click on the Agree and download button to start the actual download.

If you don’t know which version of Java is the correct version for your system, you can find out by searching in the Start menu the term System Information.

It would be best if you opened the first option that appears after the search and then checked the value under System Type (32-bit or 64-bit).

Read more about this topic

3. Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

  1. Right-click on the downloaded JRE setup file.
  2. Select Run as administrator and accept the installation prompt.
  3. Click on the Install button to complete the installation.Install JRE
  4. You will receive a message that the installation was successful. Next, click on close the complete the installation and close the window. completed JRE install

We recommend you check if there is a new Java update each time you encounter this issue. Unfortunately, the software will not update automatically, so you must perform this task manually.

How can I fix Java Runtime Environment not found on Windows 11?

The above solutions also work perfectly well for Windows 11 PC. So, to summarize the answers, here’s what you can do to fix the Java Runtime Environment not found on Windows 11.

  • Uninstall all Java versions from your PC and install the latest one from the official website.
  • Configure the Environment Variables for Java on your PC.
  • Reset your PC.
  • Check for viruses or malware.

Where is JRE located?

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Click on Control Panel.unexpected store exception windows 11
  3. Select on Java in programs to open Java settings
  4. Switch to the Java tab.
  5. Click View.
  6. Check the Path column for the version of the JRE you have installed.
  7. You will see a path. For example C:\apps\jdk\jre\bin\javaw.exe
  8. So, the path is C:\apps\jdk\bin

That is it. You should now have the latest version of Java Runtime Environment on your PC and no longer receive the error message.

Please write us in a comment below if these solutions helped you or if there are any other suggestions that we should include in our article.

Still experiencing issues?

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If the above suggestions have not solved your problem, your computer may experience more severe Windows troubles. We suggest choosing an all-in-one solution like Fortect to fix problems efficiently. After installation, just click the View&Fix button and then press Start Repair.


Не устанавливается Java на Windows 7, 8 или 10 — произошла ошибка. Решение.

Не устанавливается Java на Windows 7

Программное обеспечение Java используется как платформа для очень многих программ под Windows и являет признанным стандартом для разработки различных приложений и игр. Оно предоставляет уйму возможностей для программиста, а расплачиваться за это приходится пользователям в виде необходимости обязательной установки библиотек Джава или даже Java Virtual Machine на компьютер или ноутбук. И ладно бы всё проходило «без сучка и задоринки», но очень часто ПО JAVA не устанавливается и выдаётся ошибка установки. Что делать и как его всё-таки успешно инсталлировать в систему Windows? Вот несколько советов.

1. Обычно, при загрузке программного обеспечения с официального сайта, Вы скачиваете специальный веб-установщик, который будет затем сам тянуть нужные библиотеки через подключение к Интернет. Но тут может включить в игру антивирус или фаервол, который может расценить это как вирусную активность и заблокировать доступ в интернет установочному приложению. Поэтому попробуйте скачать полноценный офлайн-установщик отсюда — ссылка, а затем попробовать установить Джава через него. Не удивляйтесь, что он весит около 50 Мегабайт, в то время, как веб-установщик почти в 50 раз меньше. Это нормально.

2. Если у Вас до этого уже стояла более старая версия Java — попробуйте его удалить и поставить заново через Панель управления Windows.

как удалить java runtime enviroment

3. Проверьте свою операционную систему Windows 7, 8 или 10 с помощью хорошей антивирусной программы. Например, DrWeb CureIt или Kaspersky Antivirus. Очень часто вредоносные программы маскируются под системные библиотеки и затем не дают их обновлять.

4. Почистите реестр Виндовс с помощью специальной утилиты. Например, CCleaner.

ccleaner очистка реестра от мусора

Именно ошибки в реестре часто являются причиной того, что ПО Java не устанавливается на компьютер.

5. Попробуйте почистить системные папки:
C:\ProgramFiles\Common Files\Java
Иногда файлы, оставшиеся от старых версий приводят к ошибке установки Джава.

6. Попробуйте обновить компоненты Windows с помощью Центра обновлений. Может случится такое, что ошибка установки Java Runtime Environment возникает даже из-за устаревшей версии Internet Explorer.

7. Скачайте фикс-файл с исправлениями здесь и примените изменения в реестре.


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