Java puzzles to eliminate code fear

Головоломки Java для устранения страха перед программированием

Головоломки Java для устранения страха перед программированием

Самый быстрый способ овладеть программированием на Java и стать опасным разработчиком. Мотивация к созданию этого курса пришла из статьи под названием «Почему программисты не могут программировать?» Джеффа Этвуда. В ней говорится о том, насколько плохо многие кандидаты проходят собеседование по программированию.

Удивительно, но большая часть соискателей, даже со степенью магистра и доктора в области компьютерных наук, терпят неудачу во время собеседований, когда их просят выполнить базовые задачи программирования, такие как итерация или вывод чисел от 1 до 10. Или решить обычную проблему fizz buzz. И я испытал это на собственном опыте, когда беседовал с кандидатами на должности разработчиков программного обеспечения. У них может быть впечатляющая академическая подготовка, а также опыт работы в различных технологиях и программных проектах, но, когда им задается интересная проблема программирования, их код разваливается. Дело в том, что вам не нужно высшее образование, чтобы стать хорошим программистом. Просто существует большая разница между людьми, которые умеют программировать, и теми, кто не умеет. По моему опыту, разница связана с овладением фундаментальными строительными блоками программирования. И это в основном программирование на уровне методов и овладение такими темами, как манипуляции со строками, списки, циклы, логика и рекурсия. Это фундаментальные гранулированные компоненты, общие для всех языков программирования. Думайте об этом как об инструментах, которые программист может использовать для решения проблем. И вы действительно должны хорошо знать свои инструменты, чтобы хорошо владеть этим ремеслом!

Вы не можете научиться программированию, читая книги. Дело в том, что вам просто нужно много практики. Если вы хотите быть превосходным программистом, вам нужно много программировать и работать над решением сложных проблем, которые расширяют ваши возможности. Этот курс предлагает систематический и структурированный способ овладеть этой практикой, используя только подмножество языка java, не отвлекаясь на другие области разработки программного обеспечения.


Java Puzzles to Eliminate Code Fear

Java Puzzles to Eliminate Code Fear

tackle any programming problem and once and for all have a command over the coding profession
apply razor sharp logic skills you learned in the course to tackle any coding challenges that come your way
gain massive confidence to rock coding interviews and be a dangerous programmer in the industry

Java Puzzles to Eliminate Code Fear


Have access to internet and the willingness to learn computer programming


LAST UPDATED: November 2020The motivation behind this course came from an article titled “Why Can’t Programmers Program?” by Jeff Atwood. It talks about how poorly many candidates perform in coding interviews.Surprisingly a large fraction of applicants, even those with masters’ degrees and phds in computer science, fail during interviews when asked to carry out basic programming tasks such as iterate over a loop and print numbers from 1 -10 . Or solve the common fizz buzz problem. And I’ve experienced this first hand when I interview candidates for software development positions. They could have an impressive academic background as well as experience in various technologies and software projects, but when posed with an interesting programming problem, their code falls apart. The fact is, you don’t need a college education to become a good programmer. Simply there is a big divide between people who can program and those that can’t. It’s my experience that the difference has to do with mastering the fundamental building blocks of programming. And that’s basically method level coding and the mastery of topics like string manipulation, lists, loops, logic and recursion. These are fundamental granular components shared by all programming languages. Think of these as the tools a programmer can use to solve problems. And you really gotta know your tools well to be proficient at the craft! You can’t learn programming by reading books. The fact is you just need a lot of practice. If you want to be a superb programmer, you have to program a lot and work on solving challenging problems that stretch your capabilities. This course offers a systematic and structured way for you to acquire that practice using only a subset of the java language without getting side tracked in other areas of software development. Every concept comes with a coding challenge. I ask you to try solving the challenge on your own before I go over the solution in detail. This approach has worked time and time again for my students.

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Section 1: Basics of Programming in Java

Lecture 1 Course Structure

Lecture 2 How to Setup your development environment

Lecture 3 Basics of Java Programming & the Main Method

Lecture 4 Dedicated TA Support

Lecture 5 IMPORTANT – Download the Assignments Here!

Lecture 6 Basics of String Manipulation + Assignment

Lecture 7 String Manipulation Continued + Solution

Lecture 8 Conditionals & Program Flow + Assignment & Solution

Lecture 9 Using While Loops + Assignment & Solution

Lecture 10 Using For Loops + Assignment & Solution

Lecture 11 Nested For Loops & Using the Eclipse debugger

Lecture 12 Using Arrays + Assignment & Solution

Lecture 13 Introducing Recursion + Assignment

Lecture 14 Recursion Continued + Solution

Section 2: Programming Puzzles

Lecture 15 Download Assignments Here. IMPORTANT!!

Lecture 16 Watch Before Moving Forward – IMPORTANT !

Lecture 17 Logic Centric Puzzles + Solutions

Lecture 18 More Logic Centric Puzzles + Solutions

Lecture 19 Concluding Logic Puzzles + Solutions

Lecture 20 Looping Puzzles + Solutions

Lecture 21 Looping Puzzles Continued + Solutions

Lecture 22 Recursion Puzzles

Lecture 23 More Recursion Puzzles

Section 3: Advanced Recursion Coding Challenges

Section 4: Object Oriented Programming in Java

Lecture 24 Class And Object

Lecture 26 Java Behind The Scenes

Lecture 27 Application Runtime

Lecture 28 Class Inheritance

Lecture 29 Interfaces and Abstractions

Lecture 30 Abstract Classes

Section 5: Basic Data Structures You Should Learn

Lecture 31 Abstract Data Types (Newly Added)

Lecture 33 Stacks (HW Solution)

Lecture 35 Get Access to All of my current and future courses!

If you want to sharpen your programming skills by solving a bunch of programming problems to finally have a command over the programming profession, this course is for you!,If you want to become a kick-ass problem solver using java, this course is definitely for you!,If you want to just watch lectures passively while having popcorn without working on the programming puzzles, then this course is NOT for you!

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Course Information:

Udemy | English | 7h 36m | 2.33 GB
Created by: Imtiaz Ahmad

You Can See More Courses in the Developer >> Greetings from


Java Puzzles to Eliminate Code Fear

Java Puzzles to Eliminate Code Fear

The fastest way to actually master Java programming and become a dangerous developer!

LAST UPDATED: November 2020

The motivation behind this course came from an article titled “Why Can’t Programmers Program?” by Jeff Atwood. It talks about how poorly many candidates perform in coding interviews.

Surprisingly a large fraction of applicants, even those with masters’ degrees and phds in computer science, fail during interviews when asked to carry out basic programming tasks such as iterate over a loop and print numbers from 1 -10 . Or solve the common fizz buzz problem. And I’ve experienced this first hand when I interview candidates for software development positions. They could have an impressive academic background as well as experience in various technologies and software projects, but when posed with an interesting programming problem, their code falls apart. The fact is, you don’t need a college education to become a good programmer. Simply there is a big divide between people who can program and those that can’t. It’s my experience that the difference has to do with mastering the fundamental building blocks of programming. And that’s basically method level coding and the mastery of topics like string manipulation, lists, loops, logic and recursion. These are fundamental granular components shared by all programming languages. Think of these as the tools a programmer can use to solve problems. And you really gotta know your tools well to be proficient at the craft!

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You can’t learn programming by reading books. The fact is you just need a lot of practice. If you want to be a superb programmer, you have to program a lot and work on solving challenging problems that stretch your capabilities. This course offers a systematic and structured way for you to acquire that practice using only a subset of the java language without getting side tracked in other areas of software development. Every concept comes with a coding challenge. I ask you to try solving the challenge on your own before I go over the solution in detail. This approach has worked time and time again for my students.

  • tackle any programming problem and once and for all have a command over the coding profession
  • apply razor sharp logic skills you learned in the course to tackle any coding challenges that come your way
  • gain massive confidence to rock coding interviews and be a dangerous programmer in the industry

Basics of Programming in Java
1 Course Structure
2 How to Setup your development environment
3 Basics of Java Programming & the Main Method
4 IMPORTANT – Download the Assignments Here!
5 Basics of String Manipulation + Assignment
6 String Manipulation Continued + Solution
7 Conditionals & Program Flow + Assignment & Solution
8 Using While Loops + Assignment & Solution
9 Using For Loops + Assignment & Solution
10 Nested For Loops & Using the Eclipse debugger
11 Using Arrays + Assignment & Solution
12 Introducing Recursion + Assignment
13 Recursion Continued + Solution

Programming Puzzles
14 Download Assignments Here. IMPORTANT!!
15 Watch Before Moving Forward – IMPORTANT !
16 Logic Centric Puzzles + Solutions
17 More Logic Centric Puzzles + Solutions
18 Concluding Logic Puzzles + Solutions
19 Looping Puzzles + Solutions
20 Looping Puzzles Continued + Solutions
21 Recursion Puzzles
22 More Recursion Puzzles

Advanced Recursion Coding Challenges

Object Oriented Programming in Java
23 Class And Object
24 Program Flow
25 Java Behind The Scenes
26 Application Runtime
27 Class Inheritance
28 Interfaces and Abstractions
29 Abstract Classes

Basic Data Structures You Should Learn
30 Abstract Data Types (Newly Added)
31 Stacks
32 Stacks (HW Solution)
33 Queues
34 Get Access to All of my current and future courses!

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