Java lang object cannot be resolved it is indirectly

Java project in Eclipse: The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

However, I have set the path as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41 in Eclipse Kepler, through Window » Preferences » Java » Installed JREs.

The behaviour still occurs in Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2). The solution here can still resolve the problem.

27 Answers 27

This is an annoying Eclipse Bug which seems to bite now and then. See for a possible solution, otherwise try the following;

  • Close the project and reopen it.
  • Clean the project (It will rebuild the buildpath hence reconfiguring with the JDK libraries) OR
  • Delete and Re-import the project and if necessary do the above steps again.

The better cure is to try NetBeans instead of Eclipse 🙂

Same here. Bizarre Eclipse bug. The As the link says, removing the JRE library from project’s classpath and re-add it fix the problem.

The following steps could help:

  1. Right-click on project » Properties » Java Build Path
  2. Select Libraries tab
  3. Find the JRE System Library and remove it
  4. Click Add Library. button at right side » Add the JRE System Library (Workspace default JRE)

In my case it occurred because i have accidentally removed the JRE while importing the project [my fault]. This gave me a clue to fix the issue.

This happened to me when I imported a Java 1.8 project from Eclipse Luna into Eclipse Kepler.

  1. Right click on project > Build path > configure build path.
  2. Select the Libraries tab, you should see the Java 1.8 jre with an error
  3. Select the java 1.8 jre and click the Remove button
  4. Add Library. > JRE System Library > Next > workspace default > Finish
  5. Click OK to close the properties window
  6. Go to the project menu > Clean. > OK

Et voilà, that worked for me.

Here is how I solved it: In Java-ADT: Windows — Preference — Java — Installed JREs Just add another JRE, pointing to the ‘jre’ folder under your JDK folder. (jre is included in the jdk). Make sure you chose the new jre.

Object class is the base class for all the classes in java, if you are missing this it means you don’t have the jdk libs in your buildpath. I don’t know much about Kepler but you need to make sure it points to a correct jdk for compilation and a correct jre for running your java apps.

However I have set the path as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41 from eclipse Kepler toolbar->windows->preferences->java->installed jre

You are trying to point jdk instead of jre in your preferences. toolbar->windows->preferences->java->installed jre should point to a jre and not jdk.

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Have you installed a different version JRE after , while using previous version of JRE in Eclipse .

  1. Right click on your project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path
  2. Go to ‘Libraries’ tab
  3. Add Library -> JRE System Library -> Next -> Workspace default JRE (or you can Choose Alternate JRE form your System) -> Finish
  1. Right click on your project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path
  2. Go to ‘Libraries’ tab
  3. Remove Previous Version
  4. Add Library -> JRE System Library -> Next -> Workspace default JRE (or you can Choose Alternate JRE from your System) -> Finish

No amount of cleaning, closing/reopening the project&IDE, removing/adding the JRE in build path worked for me.

The solution I found was to remove the project from Eclipse (not from disk), remove the project’s Eclipse files from the disk, and import into Eclipse again. That worked.

It is even faster if you are using Maven:

  1. Close Eclipse (no need to remove the project)
  2. Run mvn clean eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse
  3. Open Eclipse. Your project is still present and the problem should be gone.

This seems to be an Eclipse bug, though restarting Eclipse worked great for me, hope this helps somebody else too.

Edit: the next time I had this problem the solution above did not work — the problem was that the imported project I had — had the wrong java runtime set — which was not present (I had java 8 in my JRE present, but the project imported was set to Java 11, so I had to change the project java version to 8. Alternative would be to add more JRE’s in the Eclipse preferences — if the project really needs a newer JRE to work)

None of the other answers worked for me. But doing this did:

  1. Right click the project in the package explorer.
  2. Source > Clean up.
  3. Next > Finish

When I did this Eclipse added an import into one of my classes. I think this occurred because I saved my project with a missing import, probably rushing to get home after work.

Right click on project —>Show in Navigator In navigator view you can see .classpath file, do delete this file and build the project. This worked for me. PS. If you have integrated you eclipse project with some version control like perfoce/svn , then unlinking the project before you delete the .classpath will be helpful.

Another problem could be that the Android Project Build Target is not set.

  1. Right-click the project
  2. Choose Properties
  3. Click Android
  4. Tick the appropriate Project Build Target
  5. Apply | OK

I was facing this issue with play-java application on eclipse after adding a controller, I removed and reinstalled JRE through build path and then removed and imported my project which solved this issue automatically. Thanks gyro.

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What solved my problem was to

1) Install the jdk under directory with no spaces:

This is a known issue in Windows. I fixed JAVA_HOME as well

2) I java 7 and java 8 on my laptop. So I defined the jvm using eclipse.ini . This is not a mandatory step if you don’t have -vm entry in your eclipse.ini . I updated:


I had the similar problem. It was a maven project with the following snippet of pom.xml.

   org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 3.8.0 9     

I had to change the following.

   org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 3.8.0 11     

If you have already installed JDK 11 and working with java 9 or java 10 as maven compiler, eclipse can not detect. Hence change the release to 11 or the actual installed version of JDK.

I had same problem in eclipse windows that I couldn’t added dependant .class files from the JNI. In order resolve the same, I ported all the code to NetBeans IDE.

Why is it down voted ? See I do tried all the possible solutions, still could not resolve the issue and then I ported code to NetBeans. I answered this because if anybody stuck up, in worst case, s(he) might get help.

You may be right but for me JNI/JNA worked fine (for eclipse — 4.9.0) after deleting existing library and setting up default jre library, close project, open project.

While we are working with tomcat 6 and jdk 1.8 versions, some of the features will not work and this error you are getting is one. you need to change the jdk version to stable version(preferable jdk 1.6 or jdk 1.8_65) in eclipse to resolve this error.

in eclipse step 1: properties -> java build path -> jre system library(remove) step 2: add -> jre system library -> alternate jre -> installed jre -> add -> Standard VM -> (in jre home, place jdk path) -> finish

now clean and check the project

I got this error because I have installed «Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers», I uninstalled this and installed «Eclipse IDE for Java Developers». Problem solved for me.

It’s working for me after unchecking ‘User ‘—releae option’ in eclipse Java-compiler

In eclipse step 1: properties -> java Complier -> uchecking ‘User ‘—releae option’ option -> finish

Java version 13.0.1 Eclipse version : Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers.

However I have set the path as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41 from eclipse Kepler toolbar->windows->preferences->java->installed jre

If you have already added JRE and still showing error. try follow

right click on your project

project->build path-> configure build path -> java build path -> libraries tab -> select JRE system library and click edit button -> If alternative JRE is selected choose workspace default JRE.

this is how my error gone.

Happend to me after I’ve installed some updates in eclipse but forgot to restart afterwards. So maybe restarting eclipse might help.

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However trivial this might be, check your Java installation. For me, rt.jar was missing.

I found this after fiddling for half a day with Eclipse settings and getting nowhere. Desperate, I finally decided to try compiling the project from the command line. I wasn’t expecting to see anything wrong since I thought it’s an Eclipse issue but to my astonishment I saw this:

Error occurred during initialization of VM java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object 

I don’t know what happened to my Java installation and where did rt.jar go. Anyway this comes as a reminder to go through the fail checklist and tick all the boxes no matter how unbelievable they are. It would have saved me a lot of time.


Getting the following build error: «the type cannot be resolved. it is indirectly referenced from required .class files»

Upon calling the constructor from project 2 in project 3, I get the following:

«the type cannot be resolved. it is indirectly referenced from required .class files»

If I add a reference to project 1 from project 3, all is well. Is there a way to NOT have to reference project 3 in this way though? It really doesn’t make sense to reference it.

I’m using Eclipse (Helios) with the most recent JDK etc.

Are we talking about basic java or OSGi (eclipse plugin development or RCP)? With OSGi, each plugin(-project) will be loaded by a separete classloader and this could explain your problems too.

2 Answers 2

This is a «transitive dependency». You need on your classpath all classes that are required by any class you use. So you need to have the classes from project 1 in the classpath somehow — you can package them as a .jar , for example. Or you can go to Build Path > Order and Export of Project 2, and mark Project 1 as exported.

An important thing here is that the project dependencies are a mere development «goodie» — when you execute the program standalone (or deploy it to container), the Eclipse project dependencies are gone. So you must ensure your dependencies are met.

Actually, this is not strictly true with regard to the compile time classpath. it is possible for your dependencies to have dependencies that you do not have to know about. Adding explicit dependencies on every explicit dependency of a jar you use would be an excessive burden. Those dependencies must be available at run time, but not at build time.

I know this to be true because Eclipse will often log an error message similar to the one that the OP mentions if it is trying to calculate or display the set of supertypes of a class but cannot due to not having all supertypes on the classpath it is using to do the calculation. It does this for many working projects without any runtime issue.


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