Java appdata roaming folder

Java java get path to appdata

If this is true: Create a instance to launch the game process: set environment variables for the game: run the game: If this isn’t the true: Maybe it should be, because java can control the environment variables for new processes that it spawns. Is it possible to set an environment variable at runtime from Java? Trying to change the environment variables of the current process via brute-force native command execution, , will not work , because it executes the command in a separate process — environment changes will only apply within that process.

Setting download path to %appdata% and further

In a download (Java) script can you set the location to %appdata% , %home% , ect.? I’ve tried adding this the script in many different ways but all I come up with are errors. Do I need launch a .bat file before hand to set the directory, cd and everything?

You can set the path to an environment variable using System.getenv() (no .bat script required):

File dir = new File(System.getenv("APPDATA"), "DataFolder"); 

To make sure the folder is created:

if (!dir.exists()) < try < dir.mkdirs(); >catch (Exception e) < e.printStackTrace(); >> 

To make a file in the folder and make sure it is created:

File file = new File(dir, "log.txt"); if (!file.exists()) < try < file.createNewFile(); >catch (Exception e) < e.printStackTrace(); >> 

Java — Process Builder cannot find the path specified, If you can guarantee that C:\Users\andrew\AppData\Roaming\ARcraft\exec\MineCraft.exe exists, then it has to be a permissions issue. Maybe you should try running your program as Administrator. User folders usually have restricted permissions – Simon …

Changing AppData path (System Property)

I’m working on a launcher for the Minecraft game, what I would like to do is set the APPDATA (windows) location for the game. The value is not really changed, but it’s modified for the program that executed the code. For example, it’s very easy to achieve this on Mac OS X or Linux systems by changing the ‘home’ folders location using System.setProperty(«user.home», dir); but how do you achieve this with the APPDATA folder on windows?

Modifying this location IS possible using batch scripts like so; APPDATA=%CD%\minecraft .

The program/launcher is programmed using swing, and is not console based.

  1. APPDATA is a windows environment variable
  2. Past answers from search: «java set environment variable»: How to add an environment variable in Java?
    ProcessBuilder environment variable in java
    How do I set environment variables from Java?
    Is it possible to set an environment variable at runtime from Java?
  3. Trying to change the environment variables of the current process via brute-force native command execution, Runtime.getRuntime().exec(«. «) , will not work , because it executes the command in a separate process — environment changes will only apply within that process. Besides, system.getenv() uses cached results, so the current java program most likely won’t see the changes.
  4. More specifically for you:
  5. Your launcher is a swing app
  6. Your game is a a swing app, with a frame to run the game in
  7. I assume these are two separate apps and your launcher appstarts a new process that runs game app.
  8. If this is true:
  9. Create a ProcessBuilder instance to launch the game process:
String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home"); String javaBin = javaHome + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java"; String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder( javaBin, "-cp", classpath, "com.example.MinecraftGame"); 
Map env = pb.environment(); env.put("APPDATA", "%CD%\minecraft"); 
Process process = builder.start(); process.waitFor(); return process.exitValue(); 
  • Maybe it should be, because java can control the environment variables for new processes that it spawns.
  • If you must combine the two apps into one and run the game within the launcher app, then you need to set the environment for the launcher app before it’s started. Use either the command line or a batch script that starts the launcher.
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c SET APPDATA=%CD%\minecraft"); 

You can change APPDATA for any child process you spawn. Use ProcessBuilder. It is possible, though difficult, to change it for the current process (use JNI). See this related question: Is it possible to set an environment variable at runtime from Java?

Appdata — Retrieve application data directory in node.js, getting the current direcory: __dirname. if you want to get another Global variable for example an application directory then: process.env.ENV_VARIABLE. Where ENV_VARIABLE is the name of the variable you wish to access. You can also check nconf it is a «Hierarchical node.js …

Get the application start up path

How to get path where the set up is being installed of Swing application?

I want to access the application start up path. How is this possible in Java Swing?

If you want to know the directory from which your application was started, then

String startDir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); 

Visual c++ — get %APPDATA% path using c++, I want to get the path to the %APPDATA% folder. In win 2000 & xp it’s in: C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data. In vista & win7 it’s in: C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming. I know there is the function SHGetSpecialFolderPath but it retrieves a BOOL and I want to get the path as a …

URI Syntax error when getting AppData path in java

I am trying to get the path for the AppData folder by using this code:

URI myuri = new URI(System.getenv("AppData")+"custom file name etc. "); 

When I run the code I get this error: Illegal character in opaque part at index 2:
C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\custom file name etc.

I think the problem is the the colon right after the C so I thought I should remove it and tried doing this:

String appdata_path = System.getenv("AppData"); appdata_path.replace(":", ""); URI myuri = new URI(appdata_path+"custom file name etc. "); 

But the result remains the same and I get the same error.
What is the correct way to get a path for the AppData folder and use it in a URI ?

You should read up on what a URI actually is. A file name is not a valid URI.

You can convert a file name to a URI with the Path.toUri method:

URI myuri = Paths.get(System.getenv("AppData"), "dir1", "dir2", "config.xml").toUri(); 

Path — How to get current working directory in Java?, The following will print out the current directory from where the command was invoked regardless where the .class or .jar file the .class file is in. public class Test < public static void main (final String [] args) < final String dir = System.getProperty ("user.dir"); System.out.println ("current dir = " + dir); >>


Solved: java get appdata path

get appdata path

In today’s world of software development, applications often need to store and retrieve user-specific data. This data can include application settings, user preferences, or even temporary files. To store this data, applications need a method for finding the appropriate directory, commonly known as the “AppData” path. In this article, we will explore a Java solution to this problem, delving into the step-by-step explanation of the code. Furthermore, we will discuss related libraries and functions that can alleviate or contribute to this issue.

The AppData path is a hidden folder on the user’s computer, where the application can store user-specific data files. The AppData folder is typically found in the user’s home directory. In Windows, it’s located at “%USERPROFILE%AppDataRoaming”, whereas in Linux or macOS, the corresponding directory is usually at “~/.config”. Applications should respect the operating system’s conventions when storing data, ensuring proper functionality across platforms.

Solution to the Problem

In Java, the simplest way to find the AppData path is using the “user.home” system property. Let’s take a look at a concise method for finding the platform-specific AppData path:

public class AppDataPath< public static String getAppDataPath()< String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); String appDataPath; if(System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("windows"))< appDataPath = userHome + "\AppData\Roaming"; >else < appDataPath = userHome + "/.config"; >return appDataPath; > >

Step-by-Step Explanation of the Code

1. We first create a class named `AppDataPath` containing the method `getAppDataPath()`.

2. Inside the `getAppDataPath()` method, we retrieve the user’s home directory using `System.getProperty(“user.home”)`.

3. Next, we determine the operating system by checking the “” system property. If it contains “windows”, we assume a Windows-based system, concatenating the user’s home directory with “\AppData\Roaming”.

4. If the operating system is not Windows, we assume it’s Linux or macOS, combining the user’s home directory with “/.config”.

5. Finally, we return the appDataPath, which points to the appropriate AppData directory for the current operating system.

Java System Properties

Java system properties are essential when developing cross-platform applications. They allow developers to gather information about the environment, such as the operating system, file encoding, or user-related data. The “” and “user.home” system properties used in our solution are just two examples of these powerful tools.

System properties are valuable for several reasons:

  • They enable developers to create applications that adapt to a wide range of system configurations.
  • They simplify access to system information, rather than relying on complex native code integration or external libraries.
  • Java system properties are easily accessible and extensible through the standard Java API, ensuring support for future platforms and configurations.

While our solution focuses on pure Java code, various libraries and functions can further simplify or extend this functionality. For example:

1. Apache Commons Configuration – A popular library that provides an advanced and flexible approach to handle configuration files, properties, and their retrieval. This library can read configuration data from multiple sources, such as XML, JSON, or Java properties files.

2. JNA (Java Native Access) – A Java library that allows developers to call native code (C/C++) directly from Java. JNA can be helpful in situations where Java’s built-in system properties are insufficient, or when specific native features need to be accessed.

In conclusion, handling the AppData path in Java applications is necessary for proper storage of user-specific data. By using Java system properties and related libraries, developers can create a solution tailored to various operating systems, thus enhancing their applications’ cross-platform compatibility.

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Developing with Java professionally for more than 10 years.


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