Http build query python

Implementing the PHP methods KSORT and HTTP_BUILD_QUERY in Python on Nested Dicts

I need to re-create the below code in Python to verify the signature included in the header of an API response.

I have 0 knowledge of PHP and I’ve been trying for the last 24 hours to re-create it myself at no avail. The part I’m stuck on is the ksort and the http_build_query methods. What I’m trying to understand is what will the result of these methods look like for a NESTED array such as:

 < "tran_ref": "TST2014900000688", "cart_id": "Sample Payment", "cart_description": "Sample Payment", "cart_currency": "AED", "cart_amount": "1", "customer_details": < "name": "John Smith", "email": "", "phone": "9711111111111", "street1": "404, 11th st, void", "city": "Dubai", "state": "DU", "country": "AE", "ip": "" >, "payment_result": < "response_status": "A", "response_code": "831000", "response_message": "Authorised", "acquirer_message": "ACCEPT", "acquirer_rrn": "014910159369", "transaction_time": "2020-05-28T14:35:38+04:00" >, "payment_info": < "card_type": "Credit", "card_scheme": "Visa", "payment_description": "4111 11## #### 1111" >> 

And if there are readily available methods in python that can accomplish this that would be really helpful. Thanks as always.

1 Answer 1

In response to your question about ksort() and http_build_query() , here are what the results look like when using PHP 7.3 and the following code (based on your given code/data given). First, please note that when I ran ksort() on your example data, it appears that ksort() sorts the initial keys in the data, but the inner keys don’t seem to be sorted.

In order to sort the inner keys as well, I wrote a simple function called sort_again() that appears to sort the inner keys. The results of the plain ksort() versus the sort_again() results are below the following example PHP code.

, "payment_result": < "response_status": "A", "response_code": "831000", "response_message": "Authorised", "acquirer_message": "ACCEPT", "acquirer_rrn": "014910159369", "transaction_time": "2020-05-28T14:35:38+04:00" >, "payment_info": < "card_type": "Credit", "card_scheme": "Visa", "payment_description": "4111 11## #### 1111" >> '; $jsonArray = json_decode($jsonData, $flags=JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY); ksort($jsonArray); echo "ksort() results:\n"; print_r($jsonArray); // ref: function sort_again($arr) < ksort($arr); $result = []; foreach ($arr as $key =>$value) < if (is_array($value)) < $result[$key] = sort_again($value); >else < $result[$key] = $value; >> return $result; > $result = sort_again($jsonArray); echo "sort_again() results:\n"; print_r($result); $querystring = http_build_query($result); echo "http_build_query() results:\n"; echo $querystring; 
ksort() results: Array ( [cart_amount] => 1 [cart_currency] => AED [cart_description] => Sample Payment [cart_id] => Sample Payment [customer_details] => Array ( [name] => John Smith [email] => [phone] => 9711111111111 [street1] => 404, 11th st, void [city] => Dubai [state] => DU [country] => AE [ip] => ) [payment_info] => Array ( [card_type] => Credit [card_scheme] => Visa [payment_description] => 4111 11## #### 1111 ) [payment_result] => Array ( [response_status] => A [response_code] => 831000 [response_message] => Authorised [acquirer_message] => ACCEPT [acquirer_rrn] => 014910159369 [transaction_time] => 2020-05-28T14:35:38+04:00 ) [tran_ref] => TST2014900000688 ) sort_again() results: Array ( [cart_amount] => 1 [cart_currency] => AED [cart_description] => Sample Payment [cart_id] => Sample Payment [customer_details] => Array ( [city] => Dubai [country] => AE [email] => [ip] => [name] => John Smith [phone] => 9711111111111 [state] => DU [street1] => 404, 11th st, void ) [payment_info] => Array ( [card_scheme] => Visa [card_type] => Credit [payment_description] => 4111 11## #### 1111 ) [payment_result] => Array ( [acquirer_message] => ACCEPT [acquirer_rrn] => 014910159369 [response_code] => 831000 [response_message] => Authorised [response_status] => A [transaction_time] => 2020-05-28T14:35:38+04:00 ) [tran_ref] => TST2014900000688 ) http_build_query() results: cart_amount=1&cart_currency=AED&cart_description=Sample+Payment&cart_id=Sample+Payment&customer_details%5Bcity%5D=Dubai&customer_details%5Bcountry%5D=AE& 

(Note: Due to a code formatting issue, the output actually has a line break after the http_build_query() results: part, but I couldn’t seem to get the code block to work correctly when trying to show that in this post.)

Now, to the second part of your question, if you are using Python to do a similar action as ksort() , the below code example shows how this might be done using the sort_again() function in a Python context. Also, as far as I know, a similar option for http_build_query() in Python might be something like urllib.parse.urlencode() . I did notice, however, that the resulting query string from this method is a little different than the PHP http_build_query() function. More on this towards the end of this post.

import json import pprint from collections import OrderedDict from urllib.parse import urlencode obj = < "tran_ref": "TST2014900000688", "cart_id": "Sample Payment", "cart_description": "Sample Payment", "cart_currency": "AED", "cart_amount": "1", "customer_details": < "name": "John Smith", "email": "", "phone": "9711111111111", "street1": "404, 11th st, void", "city": "Dubai", "state": "DU", "country": "AE", "ip": "" >, "payment_result": < "response_status": "A", "response_code": "831000", "response_message": "Authorised", "acquirer_message": "ACCEPT", "acquirer_rrn": "014910159369", "transaction_time": "2020-05-28T14:35:38+04:00" >, "payment_info": < "card_type": "Credit", "card_scheme": "Visa", "payment_description": "4111 11## #### 1111" >> def sort_again(obj): sorted_obj = sorted(obj) # Note: if you are using Python 3.7 or higher, you should be able # to use a plain dictionary here instead of using an OrderedDict() # because the dict class can now remember insertion order. # ref: # #ordereddict-objects #d = OrderedDict() d = <> i = 0 for key in sorted_obj: if isinstance(objHttp build query python, dict): d[sorted_obj[i]] = sort_again(objHttp build query python) else: d[sorted_obj[i]] = objHttp build query python i += 1 return d results = sort_again(obj) print("sort_again() results:") pprint.pprint(results) encoded = urlencode(results) print("urlencode() results:") print(encoded) 
sort_again() results: , 'payment_info': , 'payment_result': , 'tran_ref': 'TST2014900000688'> urlencode() results: cart_amount=1&cart_currency=AED&cart_description=Sample+Payment&cart_id=Sample+Payment& 

Now, about the differences between the http_build_query() and urlencode() options, when running the outputted query strings from the PHP and Python examples above through an online tool, here are the decoded query strings:

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PHP version output:


Python version output:


From this output, it looks to me like the differences in the query strings (notably the PHP [] versus Python <> items) might relate to how PHP often uses arrays to work with structured data while Python has the ability to also use things like dictionaries (as opposed to something like just lists). I don’t know if this difference makes a difference for your use case(s), but wanted to point out that the generated output might be a little different even if the PHP function and the Python method used are similar.


If you don’t want to have + signs in the query string output from the Python example, the following change can be made:

Change this line in the Python example above:

from urllib.parse import urlencode

from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode

encoded = urlencode(results, quote_via=quote)

The query string output should then look like this:

cart_amount=1&cart_currency=AED&cart_description=Sample Payment&cart_id=Sample Payment&customer_details=&payment_info=&payment_result=&tran_ref=TST2014900000688 


Http Build Query in python like PHP http_build_query()

A http build query in python that is similar to php’s http_build_query() .

import collections
import urllib

def http_build_query(data):
dct = collections.OrderedDict()
for key, value in data.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, basestring):
dct[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, list):
for index, v in enumerate(value):
dct['[]'.format(key, index)] = v
return urllib.urlencode(dct)

If you found this tip helpful, please consider buying me a coffee.
View this page on GitHub.
Posted Jun 1, 2015 .


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Http build query python


When designing desktop apps, websites, and mobile applications, more than once I have tried using an application like mockingbird or Pencil Project. On one hand, mockingbird, is a web application that can be accessed from any browser and allows you to design multiple pages with different elements. On the other hand, Pencil Project, initially born as a Firefox extension, now has a multiplatform desktop application that allows you to mockup easily.

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The drawback I see on these two applications is that for some reason, I always end up making simple mockups with a simple pen and paper. This way I can organize my ideas faster than using these applications. I guess the main reason for this is that I’m not a designer, so to me it is the same doing a shitty design in paper, than a shitty design with an application. Moreover, usually using a computer app for this task I end up spending more time to do the same…

Anyway, the other day I discovered, and the truth is that I was quite impressed by the UI. It is super-easy and fast to use. You just drag the mouse while clicking and voila, you have an item of the size of your selection. You click on the type of item you want and you are done with the item. Even if you want to change attributes, you just have to double click on it, and select the attributes you want to change.

Actually, it is the first time I feel that I do not waste my time doing mockups with an application of this kind. From what I’ve seen, this application is starting, and it still lacks of some functionalities and needs some polishment, but I suppose that those will be added in the future. Even I think this lack of complexity and lack of tons of box types is what makes you go faster.

I think choosing the right tool for a job is a matter of personal preferences and personal needs, but I would recommend trying and taking a look at the other apps I pointed out at the beginning of the post.

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Feel free to share any other tool you find useful in the comments 😉


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