HTML5 <video> content negotiation test

HTML How to open the URL in Firefox browser to render HTML 5 content

Tried this but doesn’t seem to work: Solution 1: Are you saying that you want/need the user to visit a site via IE6 to load some old ActiveX stuff, and then from there open a new window with HTML5 content but open it in Firefox? The closest I can come to imagine how to do this (and it’s a longshot), would be to assign the new window an href with a non-http protocol, maybe something like «html5:» or even «firefox:». I have made an HTML5 button styled with CSS3 — this button works (functionally) in I.E, but when I open my page in Firefox (v 16.0.2)

HTML How to open the URL in Firefox browser to render HTML 5 content

I have a requirement to open the URL to HTMLpage in Firefox. The reason being Google Chrome Frame is not allowed to be installed and default browser is IE6, hence trying to open the HTML 5 content in Firefox. The content must be first loaded using IE6 as there are some component which only IE6 can support.

is it possible to open the specific urls in firefox when user clicks the link?

If someone could help with above will be much appreciated.

Tried this but doesn’t seem to work:

Are you saying that you want/need the user to visit a site via IE6 to load some old ActiveX stuff, and then from there open a new window with HTML5 content but open it in Firefox?

The closest I can come to imagine how to do this (and it’s a longshot), would be to assign the new window an href with a non-http protocol, maybe something like «html5:» or even «firefox:». and perhaps IE6 will ask what program to use for that protocol. but even in that case, Firefox won’t know what to do with that protocol either. It may just guess from the mime-type.

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But I don’t think there is a kosher way to force one browser to open a window in another browser (that I know of).

Another thing to consider: I used to have, amongst may other one-off staff sites, one site that was IE only and would boot you out otherwise. It turns out it was just the server checking if it was IE because at that time they were worried Netscape wouldn’t handle the CSS and javascript correctly.

To test if it’s truly IE dependent content (and not just IE enforced), try using a UA switcher plugin for Firefox and spoof your UA string to say it’s IE6. If the page looks great in Firefox, then it’s not truly an IE only page, just some old browser-sniffing.

Using a browser that supports some of the newer functionality within HTML5 is really the only way to use that functionality. So, I see why you are trying to open that link within a more modern browser such as FF. I do not think that you will be able to open a particular link, launching another browser.

However, if you are just trying to display a webpage that degrades gracefully in IE6, then you can start using HTML5 and there’s no need to open said link in FF. Paul Irish says so. Checkout HTML5 Boilerplate.

If you are trying to use a certain functionality only available in HTML5 on your page/link, I would suggest checking to see if you can get the same effect/functionality in JavaScript. Things like Modernizr or polyfills could help.

Firefox html5 video support, Update: In Firefox 30 (should be the default in all supported versions now), the feature is there but it’s disabled by default. This should change in …

Enable Full HTML 5 in Firefox / Linux

media.mediasource.enabled; truemedia.mediasource.format-reader; truemedia.mediasource.format-reader.webm; truemedia.mediasource.mp4.

HTML5 <button> does not work in Firefox but does in I.E

This is a really frustrating problem. I have made an HTML5 button styled with CSS3 — this button works (functionally) in I.E, but when I open my page in Firefox (v 16.0.2) the button does not work (e.g you can’t click on it — it does nothing). What is even weirder is that I put a standard a href link just for testing (on the same page, beside the button), and I can’t even click on that (e.g it does nothing). I have tested this page on two different machines in both I.E 9 and firefox 16.0.2.

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Here is the HTML code for my button:

If my implementation of this button works for anyone else (in both I.E and Firefox), please let me know — otherwise if I have done something wrong, also let me know with an explanation.

EDIT: Here is the complete code for one of the pages. It is dynamically generated by PHP/MySQL.

 if(isset($_GET['region'])) < $region = htmlentities($_GET['region']); if($region == "northAmerica") < $regionName = "North America"; $title = $regionName . ' | WorldTravel Tourism App'; $mapScript = "js/northAmerica.js"; $mapDivStyle = " style=\"width: 800px; height: 707px; margin-bottom:20px;\""; $pageDimensions = " style=\"width: 960px; height: 1050px;\""; $footerMargin = " style=\"margin-top:1159px;\""; >else if($region == "southAmerica") < $regionName = "South America"; $title = $regionName . " | WorldTravel Tourism App"; $mapScript = "js/southAmerica.js"; $mapDivStyle = " style=\"width: 800px; height: 668px; margin-bottom:20px;\""; $pageDimensions = " style=\"width: 960px; height: 950px;\""; $footerMargin = " style=\"margin-top:1059px;\""; >else if($region == "eurasia") < $regionName = 'Eurasia'; $title = $regionName . " | WorldTravel Tourism App"; $mapScript = "js/eurasia.js"; $mapDivStyle = " style=\"width: 800px; height: 415px; margin-bottom:20px;\""; $pageDimensions = " style=\"width: 960px; height: 900px;\""; $footerMargin = " style=\"margin-top:1009px;\""; >else if($region == "africaMiddleEast") < $regionName = "Africa and the Middle East"; $title = $regionName . " | WorldTravel Tourism App"; $mapScript = "js/africaMiddleEast.js"; $mapDivStyle = " style=\"width: 800px; height: 799px; margin-bottom:20px;\""; $pageDimensions = " style=\"width: 960px; height: 1150px;\""; $footerMargin = " style=\"margin-top:1259px;\""; >else if($region == "oceania") < $regionName = 'Oceania'; $title = $regionName . " | WorldTravel Tourism App"; $mapScript = "js/oceania.js"; $mapDivStyle = " style=\"width: 738px; height: 527px; margin-bottom:20px;\""; $pageDimensions = " style=\"width: 960px; height: 800px;\""; $footerMargin = " style=\"margin-top:859px;\""; >else < $invalidRegion = $region; $title = "Region not found | WorldTravel Tourism App"; >> else < header("Location: index.php"); >?>          
World Globe

WorldTravel Global Tourism Application

> Sorry, the region \"$invalidRegion\" is not valid"); > ?>  
?> " . $regionPopulation . "."); echo("

" . $regionLandArea . " square kilometers.

"); echo("

" . $populationDensity . " people per square kilometer.

"); echo("

" . $regionCountries . ".

"); > ?>


It turns out that z-indexing of one of my elements was the issue. On my page, I had my footer div with a z-index of 20 and a top margin of 500px, and the main content area had a lower z-index value (where the button resided). Because the margin area was «covering» the button, I was not able to click on any link or button in the main content area.

So I’ve fixed the problem, although I am still wondering why FireFox didn’t read the z-indexing and I.E did — I used Google’s html5shiv to enable html5 elements in older versions of I.E).

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Why is firefox can’t play HTML5 Video Element from Localhost?

Im try to play a video by HTML5 with the follow code on localhost :


it work perfectly with Chrome,

but why it not work with firefox

i Host it on IIS7 and this is my web.config

It could be a problem with the way your MIME types are set up in your .htaccess file you may need to add the following to enable .ogv to be displayed properly

Firefox tends not to play .ogg video if the mime type is incorrect!

You want «video/ogg», not «video/ogv».

How to disable HTML5 application cache in Firefox, Since Firefox is prompting the user to store data when using the HTML5 application cache, I want to disable it in Firefox to avoid the prompt …


Включаем поддержку HTML5 в браузере Mozilla Firefox

Новый стандарт языка интернет-разметки, принятый в 2014 году, позволил кардинально улучшить поддержку сетевых мультимедийных технологий. Внедрение в HTML5 новых элементов управления дает пользователям возможность отказаться от использования сторонних плагинов. Иными словами, для просмотра видео на YouTube больше не нужно устанавливать в браузер «дырявый» и поедающий системные ресурсы Flash. Актуальные версии Firefox поддерживают HTML5 «из коробки» и описанные ниже действия требуются только при проблемах с воспроизведением мультимедийного контента в сети.

    Открываем браузер и набираем в адресной строке «about:config». Запускаем введенную команду клавишей Enter на клавиатуре. Перед тем как открыть для редактирования страницу конфигурации, браузер выдаст предупреждение. Нажимаем кнопку, отмеченную двойкой принимая ответственность за возможные последствия.

страница конфигурации Firefox

Открываем страницу конфигурации браузера, соглашаясь с предупреждением о риске

Параметр воспроизведения видео кодеком Theora

Изменяем значение показанного параметра с «false» на «true»

Параметры расширенной поддержки HTML5

Проверяем значения параметров расширенной поддержки HTML5

Страница тестового видео Mozilla

Проверяем воспроизведение HTML5 видео на тестовой странице

5 минут, затраченные на включение поддержки HTML5 в Firefox, дают возможность смотреть практические любое размещенное в сети видео, поскольку эта технология используется везде, начиная с YouTube и заканчивая всевозможными онлайн-кинотеатрами.


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