Html update menu on all pages

Html update menu on all pages

One of the most common annoyances when developing a website is having to make the same change to a menu on all pages of the website. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could make that change once, and have it reflected on all pages of the website? Looking around the web for a solution to this common problem, this article was the best thing I could find. Unfortunately however, the example presented in the article uses CSS class names that are incompatible with the Bootstrap CSS framework. So I decided to write this tutorial where I will be showing via an example how to seamlessly integrate Boostrap CSS and with ddmenu.

NOTE for Chrome Users: This solution works equally well on both Firefox and Chrome when the page is loaded from a server. However, if the page is loaded from your local machine rather than a server, then for some reason Chrome does not display it properly. Thus, as you are working through this totorial, use Firefox rather than Chrome.

Suppose we have a website consisting of 3 HTML pages designed with Bootstrap, and suppose each of those 3 HTML files contains a copy of the same menu bar. Our task is to remove the menu bar code from from all 3 HTML pages, and replace with with a «link» to menu bar that lives in a separate file called menuBar.HTML. In that way, whenever we need to make changes to the menu, we would only update the single file menuBar.HTML and that change would be reflected in all pages of our website.

To make this tutorial easy to follow, I went ahead and created the starting condition of the problem (3 web pages with indivisual identical menus), and the solution to it (3 web pages with a single centralized menu). You are encouraged to download the file Problem.7z and then work through the tutorial to get to the solution. You can then compare your progress with the file Solution.7z. To unzip the files, you can download 7zip.

Unzip the file Problem.7z, and then locate the folder named js . Inside of that folder, place the file ddmenu.js . To download the file, right click on the link below and choose «Save link as» from the context menu.

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Open page1.html , delete all code in the section, and replace it with a link to the file menuBar.html as follows:

Finally, add a reference to the ddmenu.js file, by placing the following line of code after the meta tags at the top of the html file. (Alternatively, you can place this code at the bottom of the file, right before the closing tag if you want your page to load a bit faster.)

Upon confirming that page1.html works properly after these changes, go ahead and apply the same changes to page2.html and page3.html .


One Menu for All Pages

My site is now at 20 HTML pages and will be growing. Is it possible that I store/manage the navigation menu in one central place? I mean by doing so I don’t need to cut and paste the HTML code on every page, and also I don’t have to edit the code on every page when a change is made to the menu.

Let’s walk you through how to get it done. We’ll start from the package downloaded from Drop Down Menu.

  1. Make a copy of the ddmenu.html document, rename the new copy as ddmenu-source.html . Then open the ddmenu-source.html with Notepad, remove the whole head section, and save it. The ddmenu-source.html will look like below after the change:

  2. Open the page ddmenu.html with Notepad, remove all the menu markup

    , and add a link (with id=»ddmenuLink» ) that links to the ddmenu-source.html document: Menu

  • The link should be positioned at the place where you want the menu to appear
  • The link will be set invisible by the script ddmenu.js
  • We intentionally make the menu source in HTML format and be accessible through the link so that all your pages in the menu will be crawled by search bot such as Google, Bing, etc.

We’re done. The menu will be populated on every page if the page includes the three links ( ddmenu.js, ddmenu.css , and ddmenu-source.html ).


Как сделать, чтобы меню навигации было на каждой странице, но не прописывая его каждый раз в новом html?

Как сделать, чтобы меню навигации было на каждой странице, но не прописывая его каждый раз в новом html?


1. Переименуй index.html в index.php
2. Разметку меню (html) вынеси в отдельный файл, например menu.html
3. В файле index.php, в то место где надо выводить меню напиши заклинание:

4. Зайди в свои вопросы, и отметь решением те ответы, которые тебе помогли! Многим людям здесь это важно! Да и просто для просмотра списка с вопросами удобно.

У меня почему-то так не работает, в menu.html надо какую-нибудь дополнительную разметку, например body?





Exploding, ну то что php задумивался как preprossor hypertext я знаю, но он отошел от этого направления, и позиционируеться как язык серверного програмирования.
Я б еще понял использование php в верстке, если б была посадка на wordpress, а так не понимаю.


Hyubert, ))) Я не пойму, вы автор вопроса, под другим акком что-ли? Если нет, то тогда каким боком ваша верстка, касается верстки автора вопроса? И не зависимо от того, автор вы или нет: чем 1 строка грязного-php-кода так негативно повлияет на вашу «божественную верстку»?)))


никаким, но если всем новачкам будут советовать делать неправильно, то говнокода станет в разы больше, а его и так не мало.


Hyubert, ))) Это самый простой способ, который отлично решает вопрос автора! Но, заметьте, даже с такой элементарной манипуляцией у автора уже возникли проблемы. Вы все еще думаете что нужно усложнять решение?))
И я ну хоть убей, не могу вообще понять, как вот это


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Create a Full Page, Fully CSS3 Animated Menu for your Navigation with Full Page Menu



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#Full Page Menu by Pete R. A jQuery plugin that let you Create a full page, Fully Animated Menu with CSS3 for your Navigation Created by Pete R., Founder of Travelistly and BucketListly

Note: The plugin is inspired by

Modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on both desktop and mobile have been tested.

To use this plugin, simply include the latest jQuery library (preferably version 2.0.0 or higher) together with jquery.fullpage-menu.js and fullpage-menu.css into your document’s follow by an HTML markup as follows:

body> .. div class pl-s">sidemenu"> ul class pl-s">fm-first-level"> li>a href pl-s">#menu1">..a>li> .. ul> nav id pl-s">menu1" class pl-s">active"> a target pl-s">_blank" href pl-s">#"> span class pl-s">subtitle">. span> Link Title a> .. nav> .. body>

The first section of the markup is used to create a tab functionality allowing you to have multiple levels navigation inside your menu. Elements under fm-first-level are buttons that will be used to activate the tab. The href attribute of these elements should reflect the ID attribute of the tab content itself.

For example, from above, the (the tab content) element has menu1 as an ID. The first button inside fm-first-level with href that matches the ID will trigger that tab.

Links inside the tag will be used as the target area for users to click on. The span with «subtitle» as a class name will let you add a little description of the link which will be shown together with the link title.

Once you got your menu setup, call the function as follows:

$(".sidemenu").fullpageMenu( openButton: "Menu", // This option allows you to define the content of the open menu button. The default value is "Menu" closeButton: "Close X", // This option allows you to define the content of the close menu button. The default value is "Close X" animationSpeed: 100, // This option lets you control the speed of the animation of each navigation items. The option accepts milliseconds. The default value is 100. autoNumber: true, // This option lets you enable/disable to automatic numbering on menu items. The default value is true. animation: "fadeInLeft" // This option lets you define what type of animation you want. Available options are "fadeInLeft", "fadeInRight", "fadeInUp" and "fadeInDown". >);

Note: For animation option, this plugin also supports Animate.css animation framework by Daniel Eden. Simply put his animation class name there and the plugin should animate the way it should.

With this method, you can open the menu programmatically by calling the openMenu() function like this:

Same goes for this method. You can close the menu programmatically by calling the closeMenu() function like this:

That’s all for this plugin. If you like it, don’t forget to share this with your friends.

If you want to see more of my plugins, visit The Pete Design, or follow me on Twitter and Github.


Create a Full Page, Fully CSS3 Animated Menu for your Navigation with Full Page Menu


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