Html to exe converters

WebSiteZip Packer 1.3 — Free Ebook Complier

Welcome to WebSiteZip Packer — free and easy-to-use application which will help you to turn a single HTML page or a group of pages into a solid executable file (.exe) with an integrated HTML browser. Ideal for e-books, product catalogs, site demos, manuals, and searchable information distribution.

After using our WebSiteZip Packer you can conveniently transport your HTML page or a complete web site as a single file embodying all necessary components (graphics, sounds, linked pages, etc.) and present it successfully independently of the type of HTML browser installed at the destination computer.

These are possible uses of WebSiteZip Packer:

  • Use it to produce and distribute e-books;
  • Let the visitors of your web site download the identical exe-version of the site for offline work;
  • Create convenient offline presentations and catalogs;
  • Create guides and manuals for your software products;
  • Use it for any purpose where you need a solid executable file with an integrated HTML browser instead of piles of separate files and folders which are usual attributes of HTML pages.
[ With WSZ packer you can produce an e-book / html to exe file in just 3 steps:
(1) Select your home page, (2) set your options, then (3) click the build button.
Your e-books are also very easy to distribute because everything is compiled into a single file. ]

you build compact self extracting ebooks with one click;
— one ebook, one source file. All visual, no compilation, no coding, no complications. ;
— no royalties: you’re free to redistribute your ebook / ebrochure over the Internet and on CD;
— you can create unlimited number of ebooks;
— built-in browser (no Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera or Mozilla required);
— full-text search capability;
— you make .exe or wsz ebooks freely distributable, i.e. no royalties;
— you can prohibit print or copy or save;
— Absolute expiry — you can set a date at which point in time the ebook will cease to open.
— Password protect ebook function — you can protect your ebook from prying eyes by giving it a password so that only those that have the key can open the box.
— you can also prevent unauthorized distribution of the ebook/exe file by specifying a warning message.
— you can assign different passwords for different users;
— little, quick and smart: runs on Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP;
— comprehensive manual; easy to learn and easy to start;
— you are not forced to sell your ebook through us;
— does not require Internet Explorer or any other software installed;
— this Html2exe compiler is the fastest way to produce an e-book. The compiler has been optimized to handle thousands of html pages per minute;
— you can specify manually the types of files you want to be included or not included into your resulting solid ebook EXE file.

WSZ Packer the fastest, smartest and easiest way to compile and distribute your HTML e-books on and off the web. You can’t protect your Web site from CTRL-C (copy) or from printing. To distribute a compact ebook from your Web site is a handy way for distributing protected information. You can do this with our EBooksWriter. Programmable trial period/expiry and registration function allows you to offer ‘sample’ downloads of your ebook creation to your customers.

System Requirements: Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP, 32 MB RAM, 2 MB Hard Disk Space.


HTML to EXE Convert Online Free HTML to EXE converter

You can convert HTML files to EXE format in several ways. The most proven option is to download dedicated software that allows you to convert between the HTML and EXE formats. At the bottom you will find a list of software programs that support HTML and EXE files and can also save them in new file formats.

HTML File Type

HTML is a markup language that defines the structure and layout of a web page. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is one of the most commonly used markup languages on the internet. It is used for defining the content and design of a web page.

Full Name Hypertext Markup Language Format
Developer N/A
Category Web Files

EXE File Type

EXE files are Windows Executable Files that can be opened with a number of file extensions. The EXE file extension stores data such as the name of the program and the date it was created.

Full Name Windows Executable Format
Developer Microsoft
Category Executable Files

Software, that convert HTML files

The list contains a list of dedicated software for converting HTML and EXE files. The list may also include programs that support HTML files and allow you to save them with different file extensions.

HTML to EXE Converters


Turn your Websites into Ebooks and Applications with our HTML Compiler

help files and documentation ebooks

Everything comprising the compiled website or ebook can be customized according to your needs.

June New2023: HTML Executable 2023 Beta 1 is here

A major release of HTML Executable 2023 that includes Chromium support (WebView2 and CEF), new UI editor and much much more is ready for testing! Get the public Beta of our ebook compiler for Windows and try it now.


Our versatile ebook compiler gives you tons of features and customization possibilities:

Create ebooks and applications

Offer your websites and presentations as stand-alone desktop applications to your customers and visitors (one EXE).

Your own interface with many skins

Design attractive user interfaces with skin support (more than 100 skins available) and multiple window options.

Protected and secured ebooks

Protect pages and content; restrict user rights (copy, print. ); prevent screenshots and screen grabbers; prevent users from sharing your work.

Use HTML and PDF as source for your ebooks

Mix PDF and HTML documents together. Stand-alone PDF viewer is integrated. Your PDF files are secured and cannot be copied.

Create interactive and customized ebooks

Show messages or splash screens, launch other applications; include web updates for your ebooks; customize everything with integrated scripting support.

Full ebook branding options

Insert your company name, logo in your ebooks and digital publications. Advertise your company, not ours!

Search, Contents, Favorite Tools

Add a table of contents, a search system and a favorite manager easily. Use websites as help in your applications.

Make trial or evaluation versions

Set up expiration options or limitations, send registration keys to customers or use online activation.

Easy localization of ebooks

Every text and dialog box can be modified the way you like. Several languages are available.

The ultimate ebook compiler for Microsoft Windows

Compile websites into executable files

HTML Executable is a versatile HTML compiler («html to exe» or «pdf to exe»): it lets you transform entire websites, HTML documents, PDF files and their companion files into real software .exe files. End users run the compiled software as easily as they would run any EXE file. From their perspective, they’re running a custom web browser that displays your HTML and PDF pages, as if these pages were hosted on a remote server.

All source files (HTML, PDF, images, CSS, media, JavaScript code. ) are strongly compressed and protected in order to make compact, secure executable files useful for distribution or archiving, without losing performance.

Thanks to HTML Executable, create attractive ebooks, full-featured HTML applications and software, reliable Rich Internet applications, presentations, digital publications, custom web browsers, CD autoruns, demonstrations, offline documentation and compact archives for easier, efficient and secure distribution of your contents.


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You forgot to download HTML Executable . Click the link below to download it.

HTML Executable 4.9.4

Enlarge HTML Executable Screenshot

Maybe we didn’t notice, but the .exe file is one of any user’s favorite file types. Mainly because it DOES something. We all feel better when we have do deal with a .exe type archive, but how about a .exe website? This is what HTML Executable is here to do.

17 Mb may be a bit too much for a slow Internet connection, but it’s a smooth sailing once it’s done. The Installation package doesn’t create any problems with installing toolbars or additional stuff. It just asks you where to install it and that’s it.

The program acts more like a wizard but it lets you take your time and navigate through an interface to make all kinds of settings on the way. Its goal is to convert HTML or PDF files in .exe ones which you can access via the program itself. It will create a browser window from which you can view the targeted information. During setup, you can choose from a broad range of options regarding the browser, like its skin, its behavior, security and many others.

As far as the interface goes, HTML Executable is really friendly. Not just in a «no labyrinth of menus» kind of way. It will help you and give you tips every step on the way in case you’re not sure what to do. Right from the starting page, before you click for a new project, you’ll find a few helping links on getting started with the program. After targeting your HTML files, it will ask you to choose from three types of publications: a web browser, a built-in HTML publication or a self extracting one. If all these don’t make much sense, you can click «help me choose» and the program will ask you a few simple questions like if your website requires to access remote websites or online resources or if it uses Java script. Based on your answers, the program will make the choice for you.

A possible design flaw involves the final button you need to click. You may find yourself stumbling around the interface looking for it. Here’s a helping hand: it’s a small one in the upper left corner, right next to the save button. Click it and your .exe web page will be ready. Then you can access it either from a windows explorer window or via the program’s interface. You need to keep a close eye on the options offered by HTML Executable or how exactly the web pages are organized. If you don’t pay attention to all these, the final product may not work quite well and you might need to start the process all over again if you miss to save your project.

Converting any HTML or PDF files to a single .exe file can be more useful than you think. It’s done with little effort and the interface is designed to really help you on the way.

The «compile your publication» button is hard to spot. You’d normally expect a big shiny one just waiting to be clicked, but there’s no such thing. An important function like this has been left somewhere in a corner like any other basic one.

If you need to show someone your web site and you want to transport it, forget about the large number of files. HTML executable compresses them all so that you can transport just one, single .exe file.

You can download HTML Executable free here.

Frederick is a software review editor at FindMySoft. From gadgets to software.
You can follow him on Google+, Facebook or Twitter


Can you convert html, css and javascript into a exe?

If you need something to present you a window environment and a webserver emulation, choose ZZEE or ExeOutput, these are decent tools, maybe ZZEE is a bit outdated regarding the PHP version. So for “HTML, CSS and Javascript”, the answer is clearly something like this.

For console apps

If you only need a tool to run in the background or from command line, here’s my pet project called RapidEXE – it’s quite simple to use, somewhat extendable and features PHP 7 out of the box. Also, it’s free and always will be. But since there’s no browser involved, technically this is not solution for HTML/CSS/JS; just something very similar, like using web-related languages to create EXE files.

A real compiler: JSC

If you want (something-like-)javascript to be compiled to a standalone EXE, give a chance to JSC, it’s there in your Windows, you just probably never met before. JSC gives you extremely small executables (because of the .NET already built into Windows itself) and they have full power of .NET so you can do pretty much anything you want. Flipside: apart from the syntax being familiar, not a lot will remind you of Javascript, you have to learn a lot of new practices to get along.

A bonus track: “chrome –app” and RAR

If you can live with a dependency such as Chrome, you can do a nasty but working solution: RAR can create a self-extracting EXE for you and run a command after extraction (!!), so you can pack up a little micro-universe of HTML/CSS/JS files; then you can call Chrome with “–app=something.html” that will give you a plain window with a browser environment and your HTML file in it. I know this is not a compiler; however, it’s a way to create an EXE that is self-contained and gives the user a web-liek experience in an application-like window. Sure, Javascript will be a bit limited because you’re running in a local file, not a proper website, but it’s not that painful. One lovely thing about this technique is that Chrome will remember the position and size of your window so it will pretty much feel like an application.


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