Html title more lines

  1. title
  2. Try it
  3. Multiline titles
  4. HTML
  5. Result
  6. Title attribute inheritance
  7. HTML
  8. Result
  9. Accessibility concerns
  10. Specifications
  11. Splitting the Main Title of a Plot into Multiple Lines: A Guide
  12. How to split the Main title of a plot in 2 or more lines?
  13. Title Lines | Cinema 4D Templates
  14. Easy Title Line Dance (Dance & teach / Démo
  15. Title Lines | Cinema 4D Templates
  16. How can I display the HTML «title» attribute in multiple lines in Firefox? [duplicate]
  17. Newline in <td title=»»> [duplicate]
  18. Title alignment in Plotly
  19. Python3
  20. title
  21. Try it
  22. Multiline titles
  23. HTML
  24. JavaScript
  25. Result
  26. Title attribute inheritance
  27. HTML
  28. Result
  29. Accessibility concerns
  30. Specifications
  31. Browser compatibility
  32. See also
  33. Found a content problem with this page?
  34. The challenge 👊
  35. Breaking into smaller problems 🔡
  36. Approach No. 1
  37. elements, one for each line like this.
  38. elements are block level elements and they will take full width of its container and break into a new line. However, that will hurt the site’s SEO score. indicates the most important heading and there should only be one per entire website. If your web browser’s crawler sees more than one h1 heading, it will deduct off some SEO points. Approach No. 2 Maybe we should wrap the entire title within a single but how can we take care of line break along the lines? Well, there’s a HTML just for that represented as . It’s literally called break line and is a self-closing tag. So now we can do something like this. Reliable, efficient delivery /> Powered by Technology The downside is that we can’t really control the height of the gap between the line break but this is sufficient for our needs 🙂 Approach No. 3 Now the line break is taken care of, let’s deal with different stylings per line. What I like to do is create a default style for the h1 heading and create a wrapper element around the 2nd line to apply separate stylings. This begs the question: which wrapper element? I will use . is a generic HTML element that wraps around inline elements whereas is a generic wrapper for anything other than inline elements. Now, it looks like this. Reliable, efficient delivery /> class="bold">Powered by Technology h1 span font-weight: 700; color: hsl(234, 12%, 34%); > This solution isn’t bad that it does what we expect it to do and it’s common to see the use of to achieve similar results elsewhere. But I am not a big fan because span is way too generic hence no semantic meaning associated with it. Approach No. 4 We already know we are going to make the 2nd line of the title bolder, so why don’t we actually utilisize an HTML element that takes care of that? Here comes the tag. (Technically, we could use tag to see the same result but it has a different semantic meaning). Reliable, efficient delivery /> Powered by Technology Источник
  39. indicates the most important heading and there should only be one per entire website. If your web browser’s crawler sees more than one h1 heading, it will deduct off some SEO points.
  40. Approach No. 2
  41. but how can we take care of line break along the lines? Well, there’s a HTML just for that represented as . It’s literally called break line and is a self-closing tag. So now we can do something like this.
  42. Approach No. 3
  43. Approach No. 4


The title global attribute contains text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to.

Try it

The main use of the title attribute is to label elements for assistive technology.

The title attribute may also be used to label controls in data tables.

While title can be used to provide a programmatically associated label for an element, this is not good practice. Use a instead.

Multiline titles

The title attribute may contain several lines. Each U+000A LINE FEED ( LF ) character represents a line break. Some caution must be taken, as this means the following renders across two lines:


p>Newlines in code>titlecode> should be taken into account, like span title="This is a multiline title">examplespan>.p> 


Title attribute inheritance

If an element has no title attribute, then it inherits it from its parent node, which in turn may inherit it from its parent, and so on.

If this attribute is set to the empty string, it means its ancestors’ title s are irrelevant and shouldn’t be used in the tooltip for this element.


div title="CoolTip"> p>Hovering here will show "CoolTip".p> p title="">Hovering here will show nothing.p> div> 


Accessibility concerns

Use of the title attribute is highly problematic for:

  • People using touch-only devices
  • People navigating with keyboards
  • People navigating with assistive technology such as screen readers or magnifiers
  • People experiencing fine motor control impairment
  • People with cognitive concerns

This is due to inconsistent browser support, compounded by the additional assistive technology parsing of the browser-rendered page. If a tooltip effect is desired, it is better to use a more accessible technique that can be accessed with the above browsing methods.



Splitting the Main Title of a Plot into Multiple Lines: A Guide

To address the issue, you can concatenate your paste vectors in the following manner: Query: How can I display the «title» attribute tooltip in multiple lines, like this? Attempted Solution: I attempted the following: However, it was unsuccessful. Solution 3: As per the Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 W3C Recommendation, all line breaks must have been normalized on input to #xA as described in 2.11 End-of-Line Handling. Therefore, the remaining steps of the algorithm will operate on text normalized in this way.

How to split the Main title of a plot in 2 or more lines?

Can the title of a plot() be split into multiple lines in R?

Furthermore, my title is composed of numerous arguments that have been combined.

What is the method to add a line break in the main between Y and Z?

plot(1) title(main="This is \nTitle") 
plot(1, main=paste("X:",1," ","Y:", 2," ","\nZ:",3)) 
plot(1, main=paste("X:",1," ","Y:", 2," ","\nZ:",3)) 

My issue was the inverse — transitioning from a three-line heading to a single-line one. The solution involves simply concatenating your paste vectors.

plot(1, main=c(paste("X:",1," ","Y:", 2),paste("Z:",3))) 

How to split the Main title of a plot in 2 or more lines?, This is interesting because it implies another answer to the question that was asked: a length 2 vector will be plotted in separate lines. All the other answers insert a «\n» into the string for the line break. I’d recommend editing this answer to address the question asked and point out this new solution! Code sampleplot(1)title(main=»This is \nTitle»)Feedback

Title Lines | Cinema 4D Templates

Link this project file here: title-lines /304734? level of customize – C

Easy Title Line Dance (Dance & teach / Démo

Easy Title , 32C / 4W, Absolute Beginner, choreo: W.L.D. (KOR), music: Title — Meghan Trainor. February 2022. No Tags & 2 Restarts on Wall 3 and 6 after 16 co

Title Lines | Cinema 4D Templates

Link this project file here: title-lines /304734? level of customize — Cha

How can I display the HTML «title» attribute in multiple lines in Firefox? [duplicate]

Is there a way to incorporate a line break in an HTML tooltip? This may have already been asked before as a possible duplicate.

I wish to exhibit the tooltip for title» attribute in multiple lines to achieve the following appearance:

To put it differently, you have the option to input the code labeled as .

The method of adding a carriage return in an HTML tooltip was discussed in the post titled «How can I use a carriage return in a HTML tooltip?» and can be implemented as follows.

Despite claims that it is incompatible with Firefox.

Incorporate additional line breaks into the HTML text.

Alternatively, you can create a tooltip by utilizing CSS and JavaScript.

HTML title tag, displays a title for the page in search-engine results; Here are some tips for creating good titles: Go for a longer, descriptive title (avoid one- or two-word titles) Search engines will display about 50-60 characters of the title, so try not to have titles longer than that; Do not use just a list of words as the title (this may reduce the …

Newline in <td title=»»> [duplicate]

Is there a way to incorporate a carriage return in an HTML tooltip? This question may have already been asked before.

Can the title property of a TD be manipulated to display a newline character in the tooltip?

Compatibility has been extended to Internet Explorer, Firefox v12+, and Chrome 28+.


For improved outcomes, consider using a library such as OverLib instead of attempting to use JavaScript tooltip .

An alternative method to produce a comparable outcome is by utilizing CSS.

Cell content. 
This is the popup.
Another line of popup.

And then use the following in CSS:

td div.popup < display: none; >td:hover div.popup

To enhance the appearance of the popup, consider adding borders and a background. However, keep in mind that it has drawbacks. For instance, the popup is positioned relative to the containing cell rather than the mouse.

The W3C Recommendation for XML 1.1 states.

According to 2.11 End-of-Line Handling, to ensure the text is properly normalized, all line breaks on input must be normalized to #xA. This step is crucial for the algorithm to function correctly.

The following URL directs you to the AVNormalize section of the 2006 XML (version 1.1) recommendation on the W3C website:

The utilization of in Chrome enables the creation of distinct lines within a tooltip.

Split title of a figure in matplotlib, In: split_title_line (‘Primary school completion in the country as % of girls’) Out: Primary school completion in the country as % of girls For your question to split titles in matplotlib or so, you can add this ax.set_title(split_title_line(r’Normalized occupied Neighbors’, max_words=2)) Hope that everyone benefits from this.

Title alignment in Plotly

This article will cover the utilization of the plotly module for both title assignment and alignment.

To arrange headings in a plotly visualization, the method update_layout() will be utilized.

  • Allows a string value to be used as the title for the visualization.
  • The «title_x» parameter allows for horizontal alignment of the title and accepts a value ranging from 0 to 1.
  • The «title_y» parameter enables vertical alignment of the title and accepts a value between 0 and 1.

Here are some examples where we can apply the method:


The following codes are included in this document: Codes 1-3 Codes 4-5 Codes 6-7 Codes 8-9 Codes 10-13 Codes 14-17 Code 18 Code 19 Codes 20-33 Code 34 Code 35 Codes 36-49 Code 50 Codes 51-62 Code 63 Codes 64-67 Code 68



The title global attribute contains text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to.

Try it

The main use of the title attribute is to label elements for assistive technology.

The title attribute may also be used to label controls in data tables.

While title can be used to provide a programmatically associated label for an element, this is not good practice. Use a instead.

Multiline titles

The title attribute may contain several lines. Each U+000A LINE FEED ( LF ) character represents a line break. Some caution must be taken, as this means the following renders across two lines:


p> Newlines in code>titlecode> should be taken into account. This span title="This is a multiline title"> example span span> has a title a attribute with a newline. p> hr /> pre id="output">pre> 


We can query the title attribute and display it in the empty element as follows:

const span = document.querySelector("span"); const output = document.querySelector("#output"); output.textContent = span.title; 


Title attribute inheritance

If an element has no title attribute, then it inherits it from its parent node, which in turn may inherit it from its parent, and so on.

If this attribute is set to the empty string, it means its ancestors’ title s are irrelevant and shouldn’t be used in the tooltip for this element.


div title="CoolTip"> p>Hovering here will show "CoolTip".p> p title="">Hovering here will show nothing.p> div> 


Accessibility concerns

Use of the title attribute is highly problematic for:

  • People using touch-only devices
  • People navigating with keyboards
  • People navigating with assistive technology such as screen readers or magnifiers
  • People experiencing fine motor control impairment
  • People with cognitive concerns

This is due to inconsistent browser support, compounded by the additional assistive technology parsing of the browser-rendered page. If a tooltip effect is desired, it is better to use a more accessible technique that can be accessed with the above browsing methods.


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

Found a content problem with this page?

This page was last modified on Jun 13, 2023 by MDN contributors.

Your blueprint for a better internet.


How to create multi-line

Recently I found myself exploring around This is a website where a set of challenges are presented that prompt users to follow challenge’s mockup design files. The users then attempt to replicate pixel perfect copy websites. I decided to take on a challenge called four card feature section targeted for newbies 😎. It seemed pretty easy-cheesy-busy task until I saw the very first thing I wanted to build out: its title!

The challenge 👊

Alt Text

Forget about the gray paragraph and focus on the title. You can see that it spans over two lines instead of traditional one line and the lines have different looks than one another!

Breaking into smaller problems 🔡

Approach No. 1

My naive intuition was to create two

elements, one for each line like this.

 Reliable, efficient delivery Powered by Technology 

It appears as a viable solution because

elements are block level elements and they will take full width of its container and break into a new line. However, that will hurt the site’s SEO score.

indicates the most important heading and there should only be one per entire website. If your web browser’s crawler sees more than one h1 heading, it will deduct off some SEO points.

Approach No. 2

Maybe we should wrap the entire title within a single

but how can we take care of line break along the lines? Well, there’s a HTML just for that represented as
. It’s literally called break line and is a self-closing tag. So now we can do something like this.

 Reliable, efficient delivery  /> Powered by Technology 

The downside is that we can’t really control the height of the gap between the line break but this is sufficient for our needs 🙂

Approach No. 3

Now the line break is taken care of, let’s deal with different stylings per line. What I like to do is create a default style for the h1 heading and create a wrapper element around the 2nd line to apply separate stylings. This begs the question: which wrapper element?
I will use . is a generic HTML element that wraps around inline elements whereas is a generic wrapper for anything other than inline elements. Now, it looks like this.

 Reliable, efficient delivery  />  class="bold">Powered by Technology  
h1 span  font-weight: 700; color: hsl(234, 12%, 34%); > 

This solution isn’t bad that it does what we expect it to do and it’s common to see the use of to achieve similar results elsewhere. But I am not a big fan because span is way too generic hence no semantic meaning associated with it.

Approach No. 4

We already know we are going to make the 2nd line of the title bolder, so why don’t we actually utilisize an HTML element that takes care of that? Here comes the tag. (Technically, we could use tag to see the same result but it has a different semantic meaning).

 Reliable, efficient delivery  /> Powered by Technology  


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