Html tbody width 100

Table with display: block properties, I would like to create the row widths to 100% but doesn’t work

I’m trying to create a table in CSS that’s a fixed height with y-scrolling properties. The only problem is when i set:


There’s no point in making a table into a block, it will loose all of it’s behavior that makes it a table in the first place, you might as well save yourself from typing 2 extra letters and use a div.

i dont know how else to make a table with a fixed height and scrolling y-properties with multiple columns..

You place a div within a cell and increase the div’s width and height as much as you want. It’s easier when table-layout: fixed Read the comments in the source of my answer.

3 Answers 3

To overflow a table, you need first to kill the table-layout prperties:

then restore it deeper in HTML:

from here, scroll can be used :

table, thead, tbody, tr < display: block; >thead < margin-right:1em; >tr < display: table; table-layout: fixed; width:100%; >tbody < height: 100px; overflow: auto ; /* eventually : scroll;*/ >table, th, td
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some more explanation of the basic code in a similar question How to set tbody height with overflow scroll

this did answer the question very well which was great, but if the thead/th is the same size as the tbody/tr, the sizes are misaligned for some reason.. i’m sure because of the scroll bar

@user1189352 see the question linked or add a magin, table or not scrollbar come with a size:) (snippet edited)

Simple, just create a div inside the TH and TD.

 #cellhead < width: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: center; >#cellbody 

Details are in the source in the comments


html, body < width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; position: relative; >table < /* A fixed table allows you to control it's width by widdening it's cells */ table-layout: fixed; border: 5px dotted black; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; >thead, tbody < border: 3px dashed blue; >th, td < outline: 4px solid red; >/* In order to expand a cell, place a div inside the cell */ .spacer1 < min-width: 100vw; >.spacer2 < min-height: 465px; height: 1000px; >/* Scrolling and overflow can be acheived by wrapping table in a block element with overflow: auto/scroll and body overflow: hidden; */ .box


Html Table With 100% Width, With Vertical Scroll Inside Tbody

HTML table with 100% width, with vertical scroll inside tbody

In order to make element scrollable, we need to change the way it’s displayed on the page i.e. using display: block; to display that as a block level element.

Since we change the display property of tbody , we should change that property for thead element as well to prevent from breaking the table layout.

thead, tbody < display: block; >

tbody height: 100px; /* Just for the demo */
overflow-y: auto; /* Trigger vertical scroll */
overflow-x: hidden; /* Hide the horizontal scroll */

Web browsers display the thead and tbody elements as row-group ( table-header-group and table-row-group ) by default.

Once we change that, the inside tr elements doesn’t fill the entire space of their container.

In order to fix that, we have to calculate the width of tbody columns and apply the corresponding value to the thead columns via JavaScript.

Auto Width Columns

Here is the jQuery version of above logic:

// Change the selector if needed
var $table = $('table'),
$bodyCells = $table.find('tbody tr:first').children(),

// Get the tbody columns width array
colWidth = $ return $(this).width();

// Set the width of thead columns
$table.find('thead tr').children().each(function(i, v) $(v).width(colWidth[i]);

And here is the output (on Windows 7 Chrome 32):

vertical scroll inside tbody


Full Width Table, Relative Width Columns

As the Original Poster needed, we could expand the table to 100% of width of its container, and then using a relative (Percentage) width for each columns of the table.

table width: 100%; /* Optional */

tbody td, thead th width: 20%; /* Optional */

Since the table has a (sort of) fluid layout, we should adjust the width of thead columns when the container resizes.

Hence we should set the columns’ widths once the window is resized:

// Adjust the width of thead cells when *window* resizes
$(window).resize(function() /* Same as before */
>).resize(); // Trigger the resize handler once the script runs

Fluid Table with vertical scroll inside tbody


Browser Support and Alternatives

I’ve tested the two above methods on Windows 7 via the new versions of major Web Browsers (including IE10+) and it worked.

However, it doesn’t work properly on IE9 and below.

That’s because in a table layout, all elements should follow the same structural properties.

By using display: block; for the and elements, we’ve broken the table structure.

Redesign layout via JavaScript

One approach is to redesign the (entire) table layout. Using JavaScript to create a new layout on the fly and handle and/or adjust the widths/heights of the cells dynamically.

For instance, take a look at the following examples:

  • jQuery .floatThead() plugin (a floating/locked/sticky table header plugin)
  • jQuery Scrollable Table plugin. (source code on github)
  • jQuery .FixedHeaderTable() plugin (source code on github)
  • DataTables vertical scrolling example.

Nesting tables

This approach uses two nested tables with a containing div. The first table has only one cell which has a div , and the second table is placed inside that div element.

Check the Vertical scrolling tables at CSS Play.

This works on most of web browsers. We can also do the above logic dynamically via JavaScript.

Table with fixed header on scroll

Since the purpose of adding vertical scroll bar to the is displaying the table header at the top of each row, we could position the thead element to stay fixed at the top of the screen instead.

Here is a Working Demo of this approach performed by Julien.

It has a promising web browser support.

And here a pure CSS implementation by Willem Van Bockstal.

The Pure CSS Solution

Here is the old answer. Of course I’ve added a new method and refined the CSS declarations.

Table with Fixed Width

In this case, the table should have a fixed width (including the sum of columns’ widths and the width of vertical scroll-bar).

Each column should have a specific width and the last column of thead element needs a greater width which equals to the others’ width + the width of vertical scroll-bar.

Therefore, the CSS would be:

table width: 716px; /* 140px * 5 column + 16px scrollbar width */ 
border-spacing: 0;

tbody, thead tr < display: block; >

tbody height: 100px;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;

tbody td, thead th width: 140px;

thead th:last-child width: 156px; /* 140px + 16px scrollbar width */

Table with Fixed Width


Table with 100% Width

In this approach, the table has a width of 100% and for each th and td , the value of width property should be less than 100% / number of cols .

Also, we need to reduce the width of thead as value of the width of vertical scroll-bar.

In order to do that, we need to use CSS3 calc() function, as follows:

table width: 100%; 
border-spacing: 0;

thead, tbody, tr, th, td < display: block; >

thead tr /* fallback */
width: 97%;
/* minus scroll bar width */
width: -webkit-calc(100% - 16px);
width: -moz-calc(100% - 16px);
width: calc(100% - 16px);

tr:after < /* clearing float */
content: ' ';
display: block;
visibility: hidden;
clear: both;

tbody height: 100px;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;

tbody td, thead th width: 19%; /* 19% is less than (100% / 5 cols) = 20% */
float: left;

Here is the Online Demo.

Note: This approach will fail if the content of each column breaks the line, i.e. the content of each cell should be short enough.

In the following, there are two simple example of pure CSS solution which I created at the time I answered this question.

Here is the jsFiddle Demo v2.

Old version: jsFiddle Demo v1

How to set tbody height with overflow scroll

If you want tbody to show a scrollbar, set its display: block; .

Set display: table; for the tr so that it keeps the behavior of a table.

To evenly spread the cells, use table-layout: fixed; .

tbody scroll


table, tr td border: 1px solid red
tbody display: block;
height: 50px;
overflow: auto;
thead, tbody tr display: table;
width: 100%;
table-layout: fixed;/* even columns width , fix width of table too*/
thead width: calc( 100% - 1em )/* scrollbar is average 1em/16px width, remove it from thead width */
table width: 400px;

If tbody doesn’t show a scroll, because content is less than height or max-height , set the scroll any time with: overflow-y: scroll; . DEMO 2

2019 — 04/2021

  • Important note: this approach to making a table scrollable has drawbacks in some cases. (See comments below.) some of the duplicate answers in this thread deserves the same warning by the way

WARNING: this solution disconnects the thead and tbody cell grids; which means that in most practical cases, you will not have the cell alignment you expect from tables. Notice this solution uses a hack to keep them sort-of aligned: thead

So far, there is no perfect solution yet via CSS only. there is a few average ways to choose along so it fits your own table (table-layout:fixed; is .. fixing table and column’s width, but javascript could probably be used to reset those values => exit pure CSS)

How to apply width 100% with scroll able table body

You’ll need to clear a few styles that initially come with tables as well as set a width of 33% since you’re using 3 column headers (100%/3)

table < width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; border: 2px solid black;>
thead, tbody, tr, td, th < display: block; >
tr:after < content: ' '; display: block; visibility: hidden; clear: both;>
thead th < height: 30px; line-height: 30px; text-align: left;>
tbody < height: 100px; overflow-y: auto;>
thead < /* fallback */ width: 97%; /* minus scroll bar width */ width: calc(100% - 17px);>
tbody < border-top: 2px solid black; >
tbody td, thead th < width: 33%; float: left;>
tbody td:last-child, thead th:last-child
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HTML Table, vertical scroll of a table body prevents horizontal scrolling of a wrapper div

Add the following css line to your div that needs horizontal scroll:

-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

I tested on Android and it works. On iOS it’s not working. The above setting should do the trick.

Having problem with setting scroll in tbody of an html table — the alignments get ruined

If your scroll bar is not restyled in any browser where it is possible, its width is average 1.1rem

You may then style thead minding this width, and set a padding or set thead as a block with a scrollbar wich is perfectly matching it own width via overflow-x:scroll .

option with overflow-x:scroll for thead

var mytable2 = "";
for (var i = 1; i < 51; i++) < if (i % 5 == 1 && i != 1) < mytable2 += ""; > mytable2 += "" + i + "";>mytable2 += "";$('#here2').append(mytable2);
.container th h1 < font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; text-align: center; color: #185875;>
.container td < font-weight: normal; font-size: 1em; text-align: center; padding: 5px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 2px -2px #0E1119; -moz-box-shadow: 0 2px 2px -2px #0E1119; box-shadow: 0 2px 2px -2px #0E1119;>
.container < text-align: left; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; display: table; padding: 0 0 8em 0;>
.container td,.container th < padding-bottom: 2%; padding-top: 2%; padding-left: 2%;>

/* Background-color of the odd rows */
.container tr:nth-child(odd) < background-color: #323C50;>

/* Background-color of the even rows */
.container tr:nth-child(even) < background-color: #2C3446;>
.container th < background-color: #1F2739;>
.container td:first-child < color: #FB667A;>
.container tr:hover < background-color: #464A52; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 6px 6px -6px #0E1119; -moz-box-shadow: 0 6px 6px -6px #0E1119; box-shadow: 0 6px 6px -6px #0E1119;>
.container td:hover < background-color: #FFF842; color: #403E10; font-weight: bold; box-shadow: #7F7C21 -1px 1px, #7F7C21 -2px 2px, #7F7C21 -3px 3px, #7F7C21 -4px 4px, #7F7C21 -5px 5px, #7F7C21 -6px 6px; transform: translate3d(6px, -6px, 0); transition-delay: 0s; transition-duration: 0.4s; transition-property: all; transition-timing-function: line;>
@media (max-width: 800px) < .container td:nth-child(4), .container th:nth-child(4) < display: none; >>
tbody < display:block;height:100px;overflow:auto;>tr







In CSS, how can I make a table expand to fill a container div?

I want to «carve out» spaces on the screen by creating several container DIVs, then fill in the content in each of the DIVs. in one case, I need to fill up with a table. the innermost part of the table are jpeg . I do not want to use fixed pixel sizes anywhere, so that the content will shrink nicely in different size browsers. After repeated trial and errors, and some reading on the internet, I figured out that to let the whole chain container-div—>table—>tbody—>tr—>td—>img fit nicely in size, I must make sure that each of these elements have the following attributes «height:100%; width:100; position:relative» (the img position itself can be absolute ). This works fine with a table of 1 row only. but if I have multiple rows, it looks that the row height is calculated naiively from its parent, which is tbody, because if I have 2 rows, each row is still as high as the tbody. but even after I manually divide the height of TR by 2, it does not exactly fit into the container. So how can I make the table shrink automatically to the surrounding container?

  div < border : 2px solid red; >#bottom-banner < height:40%; >#bottom-banner tbody < position:relative; height:100%; width:100%; >#bottom-banner tr < max-height:100%; width:100%; position:relative; height:100%; > div < border : 2px solid red; >#bottom-banner < height:40%; >#bottom-banner tbody < position:relative; height:100%; width:100%; >#bottom-banner tr < max-height:100%; width:100%; position:relative; height:100%; >#bottom-banner table < position:relative; height:100%; width:100%; >#bottom-banner div < position:relative; height:100%; width:100%; >#bottom-banner img 


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