Html sitemap generator online

Html sitemap generator online

Suitable when you need to quickly create a sitemap for a small web site (up to 500) pages.

No registration required and you get sitemaps ready immediately.

You can download xml sitemap file or receive it via email and put it on your website after that.

You are on the online generator home page right now, just enter your website URL using the form above and click «START» to proceed!

PRO Sitemaps

Powerful, yet easy to use

  • submit sitemap directly from our servers
  • update sitemap without reuploading it to your website
  • easily manage multiple websites
  • index up to 1,500,000 pages
  • automatically update sitemap
  • create Images, Videos, News sitemaps and RSS feed
  • detect and list broken links on your site
  • . and many other features!

PHP Script

Installable version

We offer a server-side script written in PHP language that you can install on your server and create sitemap for your website.

The script doesn’t have the limit on number of pages included in sitemap, although server resources depend required to create sitemap depend on the website size.

There are add-ons for it to create images, video and news sitemaps.

* Please note that sitemap generator can be used for own personal website only, i.e. it cannot be used to create sitemaps for 3rd party sites or provided as a service.

Your online site map generator is by far the best one out there! Couldn’t be easier to use, always gets it right. Makes it a snap to generate site maps for my small business clients.

Thanks so much for making this great tool available.

Mary Anne Gross

The site map generator is absolutely the best and easiest to use on the planet. I highly recommend it.

Bob Metz
New Tech Graphics, Memphis Tennessee

What a fabulous resource you have given us. Besides the sitemaps generated, your link checked for broken links has saved me many hours.

John W. Chapman,

The site map generator is absolutely the best and easiest to use on the planet. I highly recommend it.

Bob Metz
New Tech Graphics, Memphis Tennessee

Thank you for your contribution to the internet! I have used your free xml site map generator. I have tried many others but this is my personal favourite. It does the job and does it well.

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This is on my definate buy list for next months website budget.

I was getting ready to hire somebody to create a Google XML sitemap for me, but luckily I found your tool before I did. It definitely saved me time and money and I will definitely recommend it to others. It was, fast, quick and easier than I expected.

After trying to figure put Google’s site map generator page I was about to give up as I found it totally incomprehensible.

I then did a Google search and found your site. It’s totally unbelievable that I had a working site map on my site in less than 5 minutes. Fantastic!

This is an amazing tool that every company should take advantage of. We recently put it on our site and noticed the results immediately.

It’s easy and it can really help your website. It’s really a no-brainer.

Simon Feuer
Apex Services

I am using Xml Sitemap for years, the one only reliable sitemap generator, with easy options even a user not having much experience can use it.

Highly recommended tool for website users and seo, thanks keep it up.

The sitemap generator is an excellent tool. I use the tool everytime I update my site content, it makes re-submitting to Google a breeze.

Every webmaster should have in their favourites.

David Silvester,
Share World

Do not hesitate to use this excellent site map generator service.

You will not regret the time or money spent!

Winston Bain

I was getting ready to hire somebody to create a Google XML sitemap for me, but luckily I found your tool before I did. It definitely saved me time and money and I will definitely recommend it to others. It was, fast, quick and easier than I expected.

I love your online site generator. Finding your website ended many hours of struggle to understand sitemaps. It’s so easy to use and the broken links function is extremely helpful.


Thank you for your contribution to the internet! I have used your free xml site map generator. I have tried many others but this is my personal favourite. It does the job and does it well.

This is on my definate buy list for next months website budget.

Your Sitemap Generator is so easy to use, even for an internet novice like me.

I like that it gives me a summary of pages indexed, broken links etc. Fast and very useful.

Mark Warr


XML / HTML Sitemap Generator

To use prepostseo XML / HTML Sitemap Generator, Paste the full http address for your site, only the links within the starting directory will be included in the input box given below and click on create sitemap Button.

Creating Sitemap.

Creating sitemap may take several minutes according to the number of pages of your website.
If you are a free user then your site map will be automatically done after 500 pages.
For Premium Members Our tool will fetch unlimited pages to create a complete sitemap.
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Your sitemap is ready!

1. Download the sitemap file here and upload it into the domain root folder of your site (
2. Check that sitemap is showing for you at , go to your Google Webmaster account and add your sitemap URL.

Online Sitemap Generator

XML sitemap is a formatted xml file on your web server. It includes al links of your website that you want to index in the search engines. By adding this file you speedup webpages index in the search engines. XML sitemaps not only help google bots to crawl your urls, It also show the last modification date of your webpage. You can submit xml site maps to all popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others.

HTML Sitemap is your site map designed in html. It includes all links of your website according to its category. HTML Sitemap not only help search engines bots to crawl pages of your website but it also help your website users to find any url according to its niche.

How to use this Tool:

There no rocket science involved in using this tool. All you have to enter that main url of your website. Select other values according to your needs and click on the “Create Sitemap” button. It’s will took few minutes according to the number of webapges in your website and display you the final download link of xml and html sitemaps.

After downloading the sitemap file; upload it to the root folder of your domain. (you can also use any other folder to upload it). Next you have to Go to your Google Webmaster account and add your sitemap URL.

What is Change Frequency?

This value indicates that how frequent content of you specific webpage changed. For example you have a blog post and your site members comment on that post daily. Then Change Frequency of that webpage is “Daily”. Remember that if your website content not changed according to the value of change frequency in your site map then google no longer trust your values.

What is Last Modified?

A lot of pages you have in your website not changed since you developed that company. Last modification date provide information about your webpage and allow bots to avoid re-crawling that page. If you have not mentioned last modification date in your site map it does not harm your website. Google automatically get let modification date from the server response.

What is «Priority»?

This term compare the priority of specific webpage according to the other pages of your website. It’s values ranges from 1.0 to 0.0, where 0.0 identifies the lowest priority webpages in your website and 1.0 defines the highest priority pages in your website.

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Sitemap генератор

Создайте идеальную XML-карту сайта для поисковых систем, используя наш онлайн- сервис!

Sitemap Generator

Создайте оптимальный для СЕО Sitemap, чтобы увеличить покрытие индексируемости вашего сайта и улучшить его видимость в результатах поиска. Мы предлагаем масштабируемые решения для любого веб-сайта, от растущих блогов до крупных магазинов электронной коммерции.

Никакого кодирования или технических навыков не требуется, наш робот автоматически создаст карту сайта в соответствии со всеми техническими требованиями и обеспечит совместимость с любой известной поисковой системой.

Мы предоставляем бесплатный инструмент для создания карты сайта, который сканирует веб-сайт и создает XML-файл, который помогает Google, Яндекс, Bing, Baidu и другим поисковым системам быстрее находить контент сайта и лучше понимать его структуру. В дополнение к стандартному формату файлов XML Sitemaps наше приложение может создавать файлы Sitemap для изображений и мультиязычных сайтов.

Генератор визуальной карты сайта

Организуйте планирование веб-сайтов и сотрудничество со всей командой в одном рабочем пространстве

Visual website plannin

Визуализируйте структуру страниц непосредственно с существующего веб-сайта и автоматически создавайте визуальную карту сайта несколькими щелчками мыши. Оптимизируйте процесс разработки с помощью интуитивно понятного редактора, каркасов и настройки макета.

Визуализация структуры веб-сайта — это лучший способ обнаружить возможности для улучшения архитектуры, UX и SEO, сотрудничать с вашей командой или клиентами в режиме реального времени.

Мы предоставляем бесплатный и простой в использовании интерфейс, который поможет вам эффективно спланировать структуру вашего веб-сайта и создать визуальную карту. Привлекайте коллег по команде и совместно работайте над картами сайта в режиме реального времени.

Откройте для себя больше наших продуктов

Больше, чем просто сервис создания Sitemap

MySitemapGenerator — это набор веб-приложений, которые помогут вам в СЕО, цифровом маркетинге, онлайн-продажах и веб-издательстве.
Наши продукты не зависят от сайта/платформы и работают в облаке, поэтому вы можете начать использовать их всего в несколько кликов.

Удобный и понятный сервис, эффективный инструмент для специалистов

Простой и понятный для каждого, и вместе с тем — максимально функциональный.

Мы постарались сделать интерфейс сервиса максимально простым и понятным для каждого человека. Вместе с тем, функциональность сервиса позволяет управлять работой на профессиональном уровне! Генератор XML Sitemap — один из наших онлайн-инструментов, с которым вы можете создать файл в несколько кликов.

Простая автоматизация рутинных процессов

Создание Sitemaps, RSS и Товарных фидов без технических навыков.

Облачный аутсорсинг в пару кликов – реальность! Автоматизируйте создание файлов Sitemap, RSS или YML для Ваших проектов. Невероятно гибкая настройка режима запуска задач! Мы предоставляем более 20 вариантов настройки процессов генерации и сканирования, а также различные расписания обновлений.

Надежнее и эффективнее локальных серверных решений, модулей или плагинов

MySitemapGenerator работает для сайтов практически на любой платформе, языке программирования или CMS.


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