Html meta apple mobile web app capable

Supported Meta Tags

Sets whether a web application runs in full-screen mode.


If content is set to yes , the web application runs in full-screen mode; otherwise, it does not. The default behavior is to use Safari to display web content.

You can determine whether a webpage is displayed in full-screen mode using the window.navigator.standalone read-only Boolean JavaScript property.


Support Level


Sets the style of the status bar for a web application.


This meta tag has no effect unless you first specify full-screen mode as described in apple- apple-mobile-web-app-capable .

If content is set to default , the status bar appears normal. If set to black , the status bar has a black background. If set to black-translucent , the status bar is black and translucent. If set to default or black , the web content is displayed below the status bar. If set to black-translucent , the web content is displayed on the entire screen, partially obscured by the status bar. The default value is default .


Support Level


Enables or disables automatic detection of possible phone numbers in a webpage in Safari on iOS.


By default, Safari on iOS detects any string formatted like a phone number and makes it a link that calls the number. Specifying telephone=no disables this feature.

Support Level


Changes the logical window size used when displaying a page on iOS.


initial-scale = 2.3, user-scalable = no">

Use the viewport meta key to improve the presentation of your web content on iOS. Typically, you use the viewport meta tag to set the width and initial scale of the viewport.

For example, if your webpage is narrower than 980 pixels, then you should set the width of the viewport to fit your web content. If you are designing a Safari on iOS-specific web application, you should set the width to the width of the device.

Table 1 describes the properties supported by the viewport meta key and their default values. When providing multiple properties for the viewport meta key, you should use a comma-delimited list of assignment statements. Follow these rules when setting multiple properties:

  • Do not use a semicolon as a delimiter.
  • A space may work as a delimiter, but a comma is preferred.
  • For numeric properties, if the value contains a nonnumeric character but starts with a number, then the number prefix is used as the value. For example, 1.0x is equivalent to 1.0 and 123x456 is equivalent to 123 . If the parameter doesn’t begin with a number, the value is 0 .

When referring to the dimensions of a device, you should use the constants described in Table 2 instead of hard-coding specific numeric values. For example, use device-width instead of 320 for the width, and device-height instead of 480 for the height in portrait orientation.

You do not need to set every viewport property. If only a subset of the properties are set, then Safari on iOS infers the other values. For example, if you set the scale to 1.0 , Safari assumes the width is device-width in portrait and device-height in landscape orientation. Therefore, if you want the width to be 980 pixels and the initial scale to be 1.0 , then set both of these properties.

For example, to set the viewport width to the width of the device, add this to your HTML file:

To set the initial scale to 1.0 , add this to your HTML file:

To set the initial scale and to turn off user scaling, add this to your HTML file:

Use the Safari on iOS console to help debug your webpages as described in the Safari Web Inspector Guide. The console contains tips to help you choose viewport values—for example, it reminds you to use the constants when referring to the device width and height.

Support Level

The width of the viewport in pixels. The default is 980 . The range is from 200 to 10,000 .

You can also set this property to the constants described in Table 2 .

The height of the viewport in pixels. The default is calculated based on the value of the width property and the aspect ratio of the device. The range is from 223 to 10,000 pixels.

You can also set this property to the constants described in Table 2 .

The initial scale of the viewport as a multiplier. The default is calculated to fit the webpage in the visible area. The range is determined by the minimum-scale and maximum-scale properties.

You can set only the initial scale of the viewport—the scale of the viewport the first time the webpage is displayed. Thereafter, the user can zoom in and out unless you set user-scalable to no . Zooming by the user is also limited by the minimum-scale and maximum-scale properties.

Specifies the minimum scale value of the viewport. The default is 0.25 . The range is from > 0 to 10.0 .

Specifies the maximum scale value of the viewport. The default is 5.0 . The range is from > 0 to 10.0 .

Determines whether or not the user can zoom in and out—whether or not the user can change the scale of the viewport. Set to yes to allow scaling and no to disallow scaling. The default is yes .

Setting user-scalable to no also prevents a webpage from scrolling when entering text in an input field.

The width of the device in pixels.

The height of the device pixels.

Copyright © 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2014-07-15


Мета-теги HTML для Apple Safari

Обзор html мата-тегов для браузеров Safari на платформах Mac OS X и iOS.

Apple Touch Icon

Иконка сайта в iOS на экране закладок и домашнем экране.

Иконки разных размеров указываются атрибутом sizes :

Apple Touch Icon Precomposed

Тоже самое что и apple touch icon , но с наложенными эффектами в стиле iOS с закругленными углами и т.д.

Mask Icon

Используется в MacOS при сохранении сайта на рабочий стол. Элементы SVG должны быть черного цвета, цвет задается атрибутом color .


При добавлении сайта на домашний экран в iOS задает имя иконки.


В Safari iOS для закрепленных сайтов на экране «Домой» включает полноэкранный режим.


Задает стиль панели состояния при полноэкранном режиме.

Может иметь следующее значение:

default Белый фон
black Черный фон
black-translucent Прозрачный фон и белый цвет иконок и шрифтов
apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style - defaultdefault apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style - blackblack apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style - black-translucentblack-translucent


В iOS Safari выводит баннер с приложением в App Store.

Баннер приложения в App Store.

Баннер не отобразится, если устройство не поддерживает приложение или оно недоступно для данной локали, подробнее на


В iOS запрещает распознавать номера телефонов и адреса.


Configuring Web Applications

A web application is designed to look and behave in a way similar to a native application—for example, it is scaled to fit the entire screen on iOS. You can tailor your web application for Safari on iOS even further, by making it appear like a native application when the user adds it to the Home screen. You do this by using settings for iOS that are ignored by other platforms.

For example, you can specify an icon for your web application used to represent it when added to the Home screen on iOS, as described in Specifying a Webpage Icon for Web Clip . You can also minimize the Safari on iOS user interface, as described in Changing the Status Bar Appearance and Hiding Safari User Interface Components , when your web application is launched from the Home screen. These are all optional settings that when added to your web content are ignored by other platforms.

Read Viewport Settings for Web Applications for how to set the viewport for web applications on iOS.

Specifying a Webpage Icon for Web Clip

You may want users to be able to add your web application or webpage link to the Home screen. These links, represented by an icon, are called Web Clips. Follow these simple steps to specify an icon to represent your web application or webpage on iOS.

  • To specify an icon for the entire website (every page on the website), place an icon file in PNG format in the root document folder called apple-touch-icon.png
  • To specify an icon for a single webpage or replace the website icon with a webpage-specific icon, add a link element to the webpage, as in:

If there is no icon that matches the recommended size for the device, the smallest icon larger than the recommended size is used. If there are no icons larger than the recommended size, the largest icon is used.

If no icons are specified using a link element, the website root directory is searched for icons with the apple-touch-icon. prefix. For example, if the appropriate icon size for the device is 58 x 58, the system searches for filenames in the following order:

Note: Safari on iOS 7 doesn’t add effects to icons. Older versions of Safari will not add effects for icon files named with the -precomposed.png suffix. See First Steps: Identifying Your App in iTunes Connect for details.

Specifying a Launch Screen Image

On iOS, similar to native applications, you can specify a launch screen image that is displayed while your web application launches. This is especially useful when your web application is offline. By default, a screenshot of the web application the last time it was launched is used. To set another startup image, add a link element to the webpage, as in:

In the above example, replace launch.png with your startup screen filename. See the “Graphics” chapter of iOS Human Interface Guidelines for current launch screen sizes and recommendations.

Adding a Launch Icon Title

On iOS, you can specify a web application title for the launch icon. By default, the tag is used. To set a different title, add a meta tag to the webpage, as in:

In the above example, replace AppTitle with your title.

Hiding Safari User Interface Components

On iOS, as part of optimizing your web application, have it use the standalone mode to look more like a native application. When you use this standalone mode, Safari is not used to display the web content—specifically, there is no browser URL text field at the top of the screen or button bar at the bottom of the screen. Only a status bar appears at the top of the screen. Read Changing the Status Bar Appearance for how to minimize the status bar.

Set the apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag to yes to turn on standalone mode. For example, the following HTML displays web content using standalone mode.

You can determine whether a webpage is displaying in standalone mode using the window.navigator.standalone read-only Boolean JavaScript property. For more on standalone mode, see apple-mobile-web-app-capable .

Changing the Status Bar Appearance

If your web application displays in standalone mode like that of a native application, you can minimize the status bar that is displayed at the top of the screen on iOS. Do so using the status-bar-style meta tag.

This meta tag has no effect unless you first specify standalone mode as described in Hiding Safari User Interface Components . Then use the status bar style meta tag, apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style , to change the appearance of the status bar depending on your application needs. For example, if you want to use the entire screen, set the status bar style to translucent black.

For example, the following HTML sets the background color of the status bar to black:

For more on status bar appearance, see the “UI Bars” chapter of iOS Human Interface Guidelines .

Linking to Other Native Apps

Your web application can link to other built-in iOS apps by creating a link with a special URL. Available functionality includes calling a phone number, sending an SMS or iMessage, and opening a YouTube video in its native app if it is installed. For example, to link to a phone number, structure an anchor element in the following format:

For a complete look of these capabilities, see Apple URL Scheme Reference.

Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-12-12


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